Monday 13th of January 2025

wish you were here...


Roger Waters, the former Pink Floyd singer, has once again mixed the worlds of music and politics by displaying a banner in support of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange at a concert in Berlin.

READ MORE: Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters hits out at musicians for crossing Israel ‘picket line’

The neon red text, which read “Resist the attempted silencing of Julian Assange,” was projected onto a black backdrop before his concert on Saturday night. Waters, who is known for making radical political statements on stage, is an admirer of Assange and has previously featured images of the whistleblower in his shows.


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We have to condemn the UK for its hypocrisy on Assange. If Assange was an ordinary person who had jumped bail, they would not have the massive security rigmarole about him. To a great extend, the Pom Malaise of Brexit would become easier to carry by freeing Assange, accepting that his years holed-up in the Ecuador embassy can make up for the years in prison for "jumping bail". Just sign a paper to this effect: justice is as easy as this. This would improve UK's image rather than the Tories changing horses. It would give the Poms a moral sense of being good rather than being utterly ugly, ugly, UGLY...


And yes, we liked Pink floyd's Dark Side of the Moon... Carry on Roger Waters!

an obligation to protect his health and safety...

GLENN GREENWALD: There is clearly a danger that the current Ecuadorian government, which has become much more subservient and compliant with the demands of Western governments, including those in the U.S. and the U.K. and in Spain, is willing to trade away the protections that Ecuador, for seven years, has maintained and owes to Julian Assange because of the likelihood that he will be persecuted, not in Sweden, but in the United States. Remember, the case in Sweden for sexual assault, the investigation has been dropped and closed. It is no longer pending.

What the concern is is the Trump Administration, specifically Mike Pompeo who at the time was the director of the CIA and is now the secretary of state, along with Jeff Sessions, has said that arresting Julian Assange and putting him in prison is a priority because of the leaks of documents that WikiLeaks has published. Because of the journalism that they have done, which just this week the Freedom of the Press Foundation and the Committee to Protect Journalists have said would pose a grave threat to the First Amendment.

So when I interviewed President Correa, he was saying essentially that the way in which Julian Assange has been silenced by blocking his access to the internet, by denying him visitors from the outside world with the exception of his lawyers and a couple of other people, is a violation of his human rights. He’s an Ecuadorian citizen, he has formal asylum from Ecuador, and they own him an obligation to protect his health and safety.

And at the same time, doctors who have examined him say he has very grave threats to his health and can’t get treatment for it because of the situation in the embassy. So no matter what you think of Julian Assange, there are serious threats to press freedom being posed and to questions of asylum and the sovereignty of the Ecuadoran government by what is taking place.


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revisiting some painful news...



With the recent DNC leaks, the previous leaks of Hillary Clinton’s emails from her “homebrew” server last March – plus Julian Assange’s warning that he has in his possession an email that could land HRC in prison, there is no shortage of Arkancide waiting to be directed at Assange and WikiLeaks’ members and supporters.

This is why the untimely death of John Jones, 48, father of two and the lawyer for WikiLeaks, found dead on the train tracks at West Hampstead Thameslink station on April 18, 2016 raised a lot of eyebrows – but only three months later, as his death was not widely reported at the time and only emerged virally in the Independent Media last week. The only two online news outlets which, to that point had carried this sad story were The Sun and a local publication for the London suburbs of Hampstead Gardens, where Jones lived, the Ham & High News.

After an official inquest, Jones’ death was ruled NOT a suicide by the coroner involved in his case Mary Hassell, according to an announcement published on the official WikiLeaks Facebook page on late Monday and elsewhere.

Jones, who was a celebrated Human Rights lawyer was being treated for anxiety and bi-polar disorder. These conditions had become evident, just as he began working on the case to prevent Assange from being extradited to Sweden. He struggled to continue to work as his condition worsened.

Jones had been living at home and had spent the previous day with his family, who’d become concerned about the side effects from his withdrawal from his medication, so he’d voluntarily checked himself into Nightingale, a private mental health hospital. At 5AM the following morning, he signed a risk assessment form, which allowed him to leave the hospital.

At the inquest heard at St Pancras Coroners Court on August 18th, 2016, Coroner Mary Hassell criticized the treatment Jones received while he’d been interned previously, saying, “He was in his room, lying on his bed or on his laptop. That seems fairly awful in therapeutic terms. To me if I were worried about a person that was mentally unwell I would think that environment was the worst possible environment for them.”

It is because Hassell believes that “The state of his mental health at the time [of his death] meant he lacked necessary intent to categorize this as a suicide,” even though she has no doubt he intended to jump in front of the train. CCTV footage proved that he had acted alone, completely ruling out “the action of any other person.”

Hassell will be writing up the Hospital demanding changes she believes must be made to prevent future deaths, including mandatory talk therapy, which Jones had avoided and which Hassell partially blames for his death.

That Jones was happily married with two children and was described by colleagues as a “brilliant and creative lawyer” and that his firm, Doughty Street Chambers issued a statement that said, “John was admired and appreciated for his amazing sense of humor, his professionalism and his deep commitment to justice and the rule of law,” doesn’t sound like he was a man on the brink of committing suicide.

This has led leading some, like Next News Network host Gary Franchi, here to wonder whether or not Jones may have been a victim of mind control. This of course sounds like tinfoil hat stuff but the fact is that brainwave entrainment weapons have existed for decades with the capability of leading an intelligent man who had told his mother that he would never commit suicide for the sake of his children to throw himself in front of a commuter train.

If an investigation of his death is made, it may be the first one that exposes such mind control weapons.


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John’s academic excellence enabled him to preach what he practised: he wrote a textbook with Antonio Cassese, a founding father of international criminal law, who in 1993 had become president of the war crimes court for the former Yugoslavia (the ICTY). The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: A Commentary (2002) examines the institution’s legal basis; International Criminal Practice (1998, third edition 2003), written with his friend and colleague Steven Powles, analyses the operation of the various courts and tribunals. With his wife, the Slovenian lawyer Miša Zgonec-Rožej, John wrote an important article on the rights of suspects for Amal Clooney’s book The Special Tribunal for Lebanon (2014).

In 2005 John joined Doughty Street Chambers, where he specialised in extradition law and served as a part-time immigration judge. He appeared for governments as well as for potential extraditees, and earned praise from judges for the fairness of his approach. Throughout his legal life his scholarship enabled him to intellectualise what he was doing daily in the forensic arena: he produced the valuable Extradition and Mutual Legal Assistance Handbook (2005, second edition 2010).

He appeared in a number of leading extradition cases, including a supreme court decision about the needs of vulnerable children caught up in the process. He was a member of the team acting for Julian Assange, the WikiLeaks founder confined to the Ecuadorian embassy in London pending the resolution of an extradition application by Sweden, and it was his submissions that persuaded the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention this year to rule (much to the annoyance of the UK government and newspaper editorials) that Assange was being wrongfully detained.

John was appointed QC in 2013, and worked full time at the Hague from the following year as resident director of Doughty Street International. He represented some of the most demonised (and, it must be said, a few of the most demonic) defendants, always putting up the legal arguments they were entitled to make and thus ensuring that justice upon them would be seen to be done. He appeared for Saif al-Islam Gaddafi and the Libyan spymaster Abdullah al-Senussi, mastermind of some of the worst crimes of the Gaddafi era, in appeals to have them tried for crimes against humanity by the ICC, which cannot pass a death sentence, rather than lynch-law Libyan tribunals.

Born in Wimbledon, south-west London, John was the son of Dr Hugh Jones and his wife, Margaret. From the independent sixth-form college Mander Portman Woodward, London, he went to study philosophy, politics and economics at St Edmund Hall, Oxford, and took master’s degrees in law at City University, London, and George Washington University, in the US capital. He was called to the bar at Lincoln’s Inn in 1992.

It was at The Hague, as a legal officer for the ICTY (1995-99) that his special ability was first recognised by Cassese. He engaged John to help draft the ICTY’s rules of evidence and procedure, and then in 1998 dispatched him to Arusha, in northern Tanzania, to do likewise for the ICTR, the court set up to punish the perpetrators of the Rwandan genocide.

John usually acted in death penalty and other deserving cases free of charge. He gave time unstintingly to mentor young lawyers and to assist colleagues with creative arguments in his specialities. His advocacy was fluent and unflappable, his scholarship unimpeachable and his sense of humour always intact. From 2008, he served as a trustee of the Orangutan Protection Foundation.


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Why revisit the death of the human rights barrister John RWD Jones? Good question. This is due to a possible mole/squealer in Cambridge Analytica, Brittany Kaiser, who told UK MPs in April that some Cambridge Analytica employees had had contact with lawyers who had represented Julian Assange:


Damian Collins, the DCMS committee chair, asked Kaiser: “If Alexander Nix wanted to reach out to Julian Assange, couldn’t he do it through you?” Kaiser replied: “That’s what I was wondering when I found that out from the press – he could have asked me to put him in touch with the legal team. But he didn’t.”

Kaiser told MPs that her principal connection to WikiLeaks was via John Jones QC. Jones represented Assange in his extradition case against the Swedish government and became a close, personal friend, visiting him weekly until he was killed by a train in April 2016. The inquest ruled that no-one else was involved in the death of Jones, who had been depressed.

Jones’s legal assistant, Robert Murtfeld, who worked closely with him on the WikiLeaks case subsequently went to work for Cambridge Analytica as director of commercial sales in New York. Information passed to the US and UK committees reveals that Murtfield had arranged Kaiser’s visit to Assange last year.

In a Tweet on Wednesday, Wikileaks said: “WikiLeaks has no knowledge of donations from either party mentioned, did not have a meeting to discuss the US election and was not approached by Murtfeld or anyone connected to him.”


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Why Alexander Nix did not go via Cambridge Analytica's Brittany Kaiser, to have access to Assange, since she had contact with his lawyer? The answer could be very complex or simple. I don't know and can only speculate from my own experiences. Company loyalty from staff is often limited, especially when jealousies with "other" executives are concerned. It appears that Brittany Kaiser is talking bullshit to suit the desire outcome of the investigation. It is likely that Nix did not trust Kaiser, but on all account according to Nix and Wikileaks, they did not meet. It appears also that Kaiser was the one who went to see Assange AFTER THE US PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS.

... visitor logs from the Ecuador embassy obtained by the Guardian and Focus Ecuador appear to show that Brittany Kaiser, a senior executive at Cambridge Analytica until earlier this year, visited Assange on 17 February 2017. Information passed to the DCMS committee in the UK and the Senate judiciary committee in the US states that the meeting was “a retrospective to discuss the US election”.


Conspiracies?... Your call.

nobel prize for julian...

The Australian whistleblower, who is in London's Ecuadorian embassy evading US authorities after publishing classified information on Iraq , balked after Ecuador cut off his Internet and social media access and warned about terminating his asylum for breaking the rules.

The delegates from the Australian High Commission in London have reportedly paid a visit to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange in the Ecuadorian Embassy. The whistleblower has been claiming asylum there for several years, fearing extradition to the US and persecution there for leaking Iraq War log, but this is believed to be the first time he has received officials from his homeland over last 6 years.

One of Assange’s lawyers, Jennifer Robinson, cited by the Australian site, has confirmed that his meeting with Canberra’s government representatives took place. He declined to comment further, stating that her client “is in a very serious situation, detained without charge for seven-and-a-half years” as there’s a risk of extradition.


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Western countries speak of the need for democracy and free speech around the world while restricting citizens’ access to information and silencing the messengers.

Nowadays the media is a form of education for many, especially when it comes to understanding politics. Therefore, people believe what they see and hear even if it’s only half the truth. I have always stated that the media is the fourth branch of government because it moves public opinion and every day we see more proof of that. US society, as well as British society, has made choices about which kinds of speech to permit and which to forbid in an attempt to silence discussion on specific topics.

In 2010 Hillary Clinton cited President Obama during her speech stating that “the more freely information flows, the stronger societies become”. She then went on to say that “information networks are helping people discover new facts and making governments more accountable.”

What she didn’t expect was that information networks such as WikiLeaks would uncover incriminating information that not only compromised her credibility but also that of many others. First Amendment to the US constitution guarantees the rights of free expression and action that are fundamental to democratic government. These rights include freedom of assembly, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, and freedom of speech.

The First Amendment prohibits Congress from restricting the press or the rights of individuals to speak freely. The First Amendment should be able to protect a right to publish information on unlawful government programs especially when the existence of a particular program is a matter of significant public concern. Because of the Espionage Act, there’s no way for third party to “lawfully” acquire classified national security information that they are unauthorized to possess.

Julian Assange and his organization WikiLeaks have provoked controversy over the years with the release of compromising emails that shed light, and confirmed speculation from many, on government officials conspiring against its own citizens.

United States Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, in a speech delivered on April 13 at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, insisted that disclosures about what the CIA and intelligence community are doing is a threat to the safety of Americans. He then went on to address WikiLeaks stating "We can no longer allow Assange and his colleagues the latitude to use free speech values against us." What exactly was Pompeo referring to when he said "against us”.

On the contrary, thanks to WikiLeaks, Americans are now better informed. The continuous actions taken against Assange is by default proof that many are afraid and scared as to what yet remains to be exposed. In suggesting that Americans’ right to free speech depends on whether or not the topic is aligned with the government's agenda and interests, Pompeo, like many lawmakers, have been waiting for the day in which they can openly control what constitutes "real news" as opposed to, what President Trump calls, "fake news".


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Julian Assange makes an old Gus proud to be Australian.

All the other monkeys in charge of governing something in Kanbra are pitifully useless and are as empty as a bunch of leaky buckets... A NOBEL PRIZE FOR JULIAN HAS TO BE.

victim of vichy journalism and deceitful governments...


From John Pilger


Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull can seize this opportunity to defend the life of an Australian citizen and bring Julian Assange home. 

THE PERSECUTION of Julian Assange must end. Or it will end in tragedy. 

The Australian Government and Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull have a historic opportunity to decide which it will be. 

They can remain silent, for which history will be unforgiving. Or they can act in the interests of justice and humanity and bring this remarkable Australian citizen home.

Assange does not ask for special treatment. The Government has clear diplomatic and moral obligations to protect Australian citizens abroad from gross injustice: in Julian's case, from a gross miscarriage of justice and the extreme danger that await him should he walk out of the Ecuadorean embassy in London unprotected. 

We know from the Chelsea Manning case what he can expect if a U.S. extradition warrant is successful — a United Nations Special Rapporteur called it torture.

I know Julian Assange well; I regard him as a close friend, a person of extraordinary resilience and courage. I have watched a tsunami of lies and smear engulf him, endlessly, vindictively, perfidiously — and I know why they smear him.

In 2008, a plan to destroy both WikiLeaks and Assange was laid out in a top secret document, dated 8 March 2008. The authors were the Cyber Counter-intelligence Assessments Branch of the U.S. Defence Department. They described in detail how important it was to destroy the 'feeling of trust' that is WikiLeaks'centre of gravity'.

'They also revealed the secret password Julian had given The Guardian in confidence and which was designed to protect a digital file containing the U.S. embassy cables.' 

This would be achieved, they wrote, with threats of 'exposure [and] criminal prosecution' and an unrelenting assault on reputation. The aim was to silence and criminalise WikiLeaks and its editor and publisher. It was as if they planned a war on a single human being and on the very principle of freedom of speech. 

Their main weapon would be personal smear. Their shock troops would be enlisted in the media — those who are meant to keep the record straight and tell us the truth.

The irony is that no one told these journalists what to do. I call them "Vichy journalists" — after the Vichy Government that served and enabled the German occupation of wartime France. 

Last October, the ABC journalist Sarah Ferguson interviewed Hillary Clinton, over whom she fawned as "the icon for your generation"

This was the same Clinton who threatened to "totally obliterate" Iran and, who, as U.S. Secretary of State in 2011, was one of the instigators of the invasion and destruction of Libya as a modern state, with the loss of 40,000 lives. Like the invasion of Iraq, it was based on lies.

When the Libyan President was murdered publicly and gruesomely with a knife, Clinton was filmed whooping and cheering. Thanks largely to her, Libya became a breeding ground for ISIS and other jihadists. Thanks largely to her, tens of thousands of refugees fled in peril across the Mediterranean — and many drowned.

Leaked emails published by WikiLeaks revealed that Hillary Clinton's foundation – which she shares with her husband – received millions of dollars from Saudi Arabia and Qatar, the main backers of ISIS and terrorism across the Middle East. 

As Secretary of State, Clinton approved the biggest arms sale ever – worth $80 billion – to Saudi Arabia, one of her foundation's principal benefactors. Today, Saudi Arabia is using these weapons to crush starving and stricken people in a genocidal assault on Yemen. 

Sarah Ferguson, a highly paid reporter, raised not a word of this with Hillary Clinton sitting in front of her. 

Instead, she invited Clinton to describe the "damage" Julian Assange did "personally to you". In response, Clinton defamed Assange, an Australian citizen, as "very clearly a tool of Russian intelligence" and "a nihilistic opportunist who does the bidding of a dictator". 

She offered no evidence – nor was asked for any – to back her grave allegations.

At no time was Assange offered the right of reply to this shocking interview, which Australia's publicly-funded state broadcaster had a duty to give him.

As if that wasn't enough, Ferguson's executive producer, Sally Neighbour, followed the interview with a vicious retweet:

'Assange is Putin's bitch. We all know it!'

There are many other examples of Vichy journalism. The Guardian, reputedly once a great liberal newspaper, conducted a vendetta against Julian Assange. Like a spurned lover, The Guardian aimed its personal, petty, inhuman and craven attacks at a man whose work it once published and profited from.  

The former editor of The GuardianAlan Rusbridgercalled the WikiLeaks disclosures, which his newspaper published in 2010, 'one of the greatest journalistic scoops of the last 30 years'. Awards were lavished and celebrated as if Julian Assange did not exist. 

WikiLeaks' revelations became part of The Guardian's marketing plan to raise the paper's cover price. They made money, often big money, while WikiLeaks and Assange struggled to survive.

With not a penny going to WikiLeaks, a hyped Guardian book led to a lucrative Hollywood movie deal. The book's authors, Luke Harding and David Leigh, gratuitously abused Assange as a "damaged personality" and "callous". 

They also revealed the secret password Julian had given The Guardian in confidence and which was designed to protect a digital file containing the U.S. embassy cables. 

With Assange now trapped in the Ecuadorean embassy, Harding, who had enriched himself on the backs of both Julian Assange and Edward Snowden, stood among the police outside the embassy and gloated on his blog that 'Scotland Yard may get the last laugh'.

The question is why.

Julian Assange has committed no crime. He has never been charged with a crime. The Swedish episode was bogus and farcical and he has been vindicated. 

Katrin Axelsson and Lisa Longstaff of Women Against Rape summed it up when they wrote:

The allegations against [Assange] are a smokescreen behind which a number of governments are trying to clamp down on WikiLeaks for having audaciously revealed to the public their secret planning of wars and occupations with their attendant rape, murder and destruction ... The authorities care so little about violence against women that they manipulate rape allegations at will.

This truth was lost or buried in a media witch-hunt that disgracefully associated Assange with rape and misogyny. The witch-hunt included voices who described themselves as on the left and as feminist. They willfully ignored the evidence of extreme danger should Assange be extradited to the United States. 

According to a document released by Edward Snowden, Assange is on a "Manhunt target list". One leaked official memo says: 'Assange is going to make a nice bride in prison. Screw the terrorist. He'll be eating cat food forever'.

In Alexandra, Virginia – the suburban home of America's war-making elite – a secret grand jury, a throwback to the middle ages, has spent seven years trying to concoct a crime for which Assange can be prosecuted. 

This is not easy; the U.S. Constitution protects publishers, journalists and whistleblowers. Assange's crime is to have broken a silence. 

No investigative journalism in my lifetime can equal the importance of what WikiLeaks has done in calling rapacious power to account. It is as if a one-way moral screen has been pushed back to expose the imperialism of liberal democracies: the commitment to endless warfare and the division and degradation of "unworthy" lives: from Grenfell Tower to Gaza.

When Harold Pinter accepted the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2005, he referred to 'a vast tapestry of lies upon which we feed'. He asked why 'the systematic brutality, the widespread atrocities, the ruthless suppression of independent thought' of the Soviet Union were well known in the West while America's imperial crimes 'never happened ... even while [they] were happening, they never happened'.

In its revelations of fraudulent wars (Afghanistan, Iraq) and the bald-faced lies of governments (the Chagos Islands), WikiLeaks has allowed us to glimpse how the imperial game is played in the 21st Century. 

That is why Assange is in mortal danger.

Seven years ago, in Sydney, I arranged to meet a prominent Liberal Member of the Federal Parliament, Malcolm Turnbull.   

I wanted to ask him to deliver a letter from Gareth Peirce, Assange's lawyer, to the government. We talked about his famous victory – in the 1980s when, as a young barrister, he had fought the British Government's attempts to suppress free speech and prevent the publication of the book, Spycatcher – in its way, a WikiLeaks of the time, for it revealed the crimes of state power.

The Prime Minister of Australia was then Julia Gillard, a Labor Party politician who had declared WikiLeaks "illegal" and wanted to cancel Assange's passport — until she was told she could not do this: that Assange had committed no crime: that WikiLeaks was a publisher, whose work was protected under Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, to which Australia was one of the original signatories. 

In abandoning Assange – an Australian citizen, and colluding in his persecution – Prime Minister Gillard's outrageous behaviour forced the issue of his recognition, under international law, as a political refugee whose life was at risk. Ecuador invoked the 1951 Convention and granted Assange refuge in its embassy in London. 

Gillard has recently been appearing in a gig with Hillary Clinton; they are billed as pioneering feminists. 

If there is anything to remember Gillard by, it's a warmongering, sycophantic, embarrassing speech she made to the U.S. Congress soon after she demanded the illegal cancellation of Julian's passport.

Malcolm Turnbull is now the Prime Minister of Australia. Julian Assange's father has written to Turnbull. It is a moving letter, in which he has appealed to the Prime Minister to bring his son home. He refers to the real possibility of a tragedy.

I have watched Assange's health deteriorate in his years of confinement without sunlight. He has had a relentless cough but is not even allowed safe passage to and from a hospital for an X-ray.

Malcolm Turnbull can remain silent. Or he can seize this opportunity and use his Government's diplomatic influence to defend the life of an Australian citizen, whose courageous public service is recognised by countless people across the world. He can bring Julian Assange home.  


This is an abridged version of an address by John Pilger to a rally in Sydney, Australia, to mark Julian Assange's six years' confinement in the Ecuadorean embassy in London.

You can access more of the films and journalism of John Pilger at or follow him on Twitter @johnpilger.


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Julian Assange makes an old Gus proud to be Australian.

All the other monkeys in charge of governing something in Kanbra are pitifully useless and are as empty as a bunch of leaky cardboard buckets... A NOBEL PRIZE FOR JULIAN HAS TO BE.


Assange is a victim of "Vichy" journalism and deceitful governments. Attacked, for telling the truth, from all sides of the self-righteous liars, the media, the governments and the churchmen (who are saying nothing about this outrageous abuse — yes we know you, the priests who abused children), Assange is entrapped in a Joan-of-Arc syndrome, way beyond the pain of a Dreyfus in a nasty Affair. Read from top...





2,192 days...

June 19 marks six years since the founder of WikiLeaks entered the building of the Ecuadorian Embassy in London. He hasn't stepped foot outside it since.

Julian Assange has been residing at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London since 2012, where he sought refuge while facing sexual assault allegations in Sweden.

981 days have passed since the Metropolitan police removed dedicated 24/7 guards from outside the Ecuadorian Embassy on October 12, 2015.


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Julian Assange makes an old Gus proud to be Australian.

All the other monkeys in charge of governing something in Kanbra are pitifully useless and are as empty as a bunch of leaky cardboard buckets... A NOBEL PRIZE FOR JULIAN HAS TO BE.


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inside the comfortable matrix...

Pink Floyd co-founder Roger Waters has taken aim at decades of neoliberalism in the West. Speaking to RT’s SophieCo, he said government propaganda in the media has left viewers “asleep” and uncomfortable “to see anything real.”

Speaking to Sophie Shevardnadze, Pink Floyd’s former frontman said that those who say he should “stick to music” were “sleepwalking” when it came to conflicts like the Syrian civil war and the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel.

Because they’re asleep. Because they’re the victims of the neoliberalism that Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher brought to the world,” Waters said.

Neoliberalism’s pervasiveness through Western culture and politics, in Waters’ view, has left many people with the inability to see and accept anything critical of the mainstream narrative.

“Part of the way it works is to anaesthetise people and almost make it uncomfortable for people to see anything real.”

For Waters the root of this antipathy, in the US at least, lies in part from its poorly funded public education system. In Waters’ view the reason for this lies in the political establishment’s desire to keep an ignorant and compliant population.

“They want to keep the electorate ignorant, and mindless, and unthinking, and malleable, and pliable, and very open to the use of consumerism and propaganda to keep them under control, to maintain the Orwellian notion of the sheep and whatever.”


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inside the uncomfortable embassy...

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange’s health is degrading rapidly while he remains cooped up in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, according to his attorney, and his life may be in jeopardy if he does not obtain medical treatment soon.

A member of the WikiLeaks legal team told iTWire Friday that Assange has been cut off from proper medical attention for half a dozen years and is facing the music as a result. "If there is not a resolution to his case — in other words, the UK guaranteeing that he will not be extradited to the US — the reality is Julian's health will deteriorate to the point where his life is in serious danger."

If Assange exits the embassy, British police are prepared to arrest him. While he is in the embassy, however, Assange is officially beyond the reach of UK law enforcement.

"This is a cruel and inhumane stance from a government professing to be a liberal democracy," said Greg Barns, an Australian attorney who works on Assange's legal team.

"What is remarkable is that Julian remains so mentally alert and is able to function physically given the inevitable impact of six years of detention without natural light or access to fresh air on a constant basis," the lawyer said.

It's not entirely clear what medical ailments Assange is suffering from, though studies show that experiencing less sunlight can be linked to major depression.


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don't invade...


'Don't Invade': Pink Floyd's Waters Denounces Trump, Sanders Over Venezuela


In a video that was meant to be played at a pro-Maduro event, the rock star condemned the US-spearheaded sanctions, stressing that they have been used against “every single citizen”, bringing about an overwhelming crunch, potentially a precursor of a national coup d’etat.

Pink Floyd’s former frontman Roger Waters, who has always been socially and politically active, calling for a cultural boycott of Israel or openly referring to Julian Assange as an Australian hero, has now had his say on the Venezuelan crisis. In a selfie video message he vociferously demanded that the US lift sanctions slapped on the Latin American country.

Waters, who said that the video was to be played at the past “Hands Off Venezuela” concert in support of President Nicolas Maduro, expressed a belief that the shipment of humanitarian aid, which the US aimed to deliver to the embattled country, could herald a national coup.

“I have admired you from afar, certainly since 1998, but before that”, he told concert-goers at the event on the country’s border with Colombia, from where the Venezuelan opposition tried to ensure the deliveries of humanitarian aid to the country the other day.

“I have watched you from afar resisting all the attempts of the great imperial powers to destroy your revolution. You resisted in 2002 and you are resisting now…” Waters went on, adding:

“These dreadful sanctions that are being used against you, all of you, every single one of you, I condemn absolutely”.

Demonstrating what appeared to be a Donald Trump puppet that, however, bore a striking resemblance to Boris Johnson, the rock singer, who mentioned that he has friends on Caracas, urged the US to lift the sanctions:

“I have a message … lift the sanctions. If you care about the Venezuelan people, lift the sanctions. Do not invade Venezuela. This is a proud, independent sovereign nation and they can figure it out for themselves. The last thing they need is Elliott Abrams’ and John Bolton’s stamping all over their country with heavy boots… Viva Venezuela”, Waters noted emotionally.


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the evil empire's demise...

The attempt by foreign powers to impose regime change in Venezuela has failed, ex-Pink Floyd frontman Roger Waters has said, adding that final victory over the “evil empire” was on the horizon.

In a short video posted to Twitter, the famed English rock star and activist expressed disgust with those who supported Venezuela’s self-declared interim president Juan Guaido and his attempt to push President Nicolas Maduro out of office. We were right about #RUSSIAGATE we’re right about VENEZUELA,” he wrote in a message accompanying the video clip, likely in reference to Robert Mueller’s special investigation finding no “collusion” between US President Donald Trump and the Kremlin.


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The rest of the world should place massive sanctions on the USA, so it can look at its own navel for a while.

waterloo was all for nothing...

Assange is a thorn in the side of the US elites which explains the effort they made to capture him, ex-Pink Floyd frontman Roger Waters told RT, adding that it’s appalling the UK has become an accomplice “of the American Empire.”

Watching WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange being physically removed from his shelter at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London last week “was absolutely chilling” to legendary musician Roger Waters, who gave RT’s Going Underground his take on Assange’s arrest.

To think that the UK has become such a willing accomplice and satellite of the American Empire that it would do such a thing in contravention with all laws, moral, ethical, and actual legal restrictions is absolutely, stunningly appalling and makes me ashamed to be an Englishman.

Assange’s arrest was made possible after Ecuador last week withdrew his political asylum, which was granted seven years ago, and stripped the renowned whistleblower of his Ecuadorian citizenship. UK authorities will soon decide whether to deport Assange to Sweden, where he faces possible rape charges, or to the US, where he is wanted for conspiring with former army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning to break into a classified government computer.

READ MORE: If we lose WikiLeaks, we lose a whole stratum of freedom — Pilger

The second scenario would be worse, Waters believes. Citizens “barely have rights anymore” after the Patriot Act was adopted, and “everything is at the whim of the commander-in-chief.”

If we let the UK get away with allowing him to be extradited to the United States, we allow the United States government, at their whim, to torture him and to detain him possibly for the rest of his life.

Assange, along with Chelsea Manning, Edward Snowden, and other whistleblowers, “are the heroes who help us gain some of the knowledge that the [powerful] would keep secret if they could,” the Pink Floyd legend added.


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twitter as a big brother branch of imperialism...


Roger Waters has called out “Big Brother” Twitter for suspending a popular account that supports WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. The Unity4J account’s owners were given no reason for the removal.

“Twitter, you are Big Brother, now we know it for sure, we always suspected it,” Waters said in a video posted to Twitter. “You are an arm of the thought police. You are an arm of the forces of oppression. You wish to suppress freedom of speech, journalism, freedom of anything probably.” 

The Unity4J account shares information and support for Assange, and promoted online vigils that rallied support for the jailed WikiLeaks founder, who currently faces possible extradition to the US. The account has over 10,000 followers and has been suspended since Thursday. 

Waters railed against the company for suspending Unity4J which he said supports “the great hero of freedom of the press and freedom of any kind who has been so disgustingly & roundly turned upon by the United States, the United Kingdom & all the other purveyors of imperialism.”

The former Pink Floyd musician said he felt compelled to respond to the suspension as “our world is being eroded by these f-ing arseholes, particularly Big Brother Twitter.” 

He said he would likely be silenced for his statement. “Ooh Roger Waters, he actually believes in freedom of speech, he believes that human beings should be allowed to communicate with each other. Cut him off,” he said. “Go ahead, motherf**kers!”

Assange supporters, including Julian’s mother Christine, reacted to the suspension by demanding Twitter and founder Jack Dorsey reinstate the account. Other Assange-supporting accounts have also received suspensions

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in the pink...


This period was less cynical than the Roger Waters era of Pink Floyd, ingeniously incorporating elements of hope and wonder into the band’s signature  innovation and experimentation.  If The Wall’s “Another Brick” spoke profoundly to my 12-year old self seeking intelligent rebellion, The Division Bell’s “High Hopes” speaks with equal profundity to my fifty-two year old self, seeking intelligent piety.

And while Roger Waters continues to mix it up politically, particularly on the Israel-Palestine issue, Gilmour has slid into his role as the elder statesman of the rock world. But the lessons they left from those earlier years—The Wall, Animals, and Dark Side—are still around today, in brilliant remastered glory, for a generation that faces its own Orwellian threats.


Bradley J. Birzer is The American Conservative’s scholar-at-large. He also holds the Russell Amos Kirk Chair in History at Hillsdale College and is the author, most recently, of Russell Kirk: American Conservative.




Gus note: Russell Amos Kirk was a full-on Christian CONservative with anti-Semitic views and other horrors in his arsenal of "ideas". This is why I chose the Conservapedia entry to explain who he was. Conservapedia is a horrid third class pedestrian religious "pedia" with no "encyclo" value in it. One is at a loss to see why the Russell Amos Kirk Chair in History at Hillsdale College, Birzer, loves the music of Pink Floyd... but good for him for doing so...


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nine eleven...

 The former Pink Floyd frontman spoke to RT's Going Underground on the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks and the 1973 US-backed coup in Chile, which led the right-wing dictator Augusto Pinochet to power.

The 9/11 terrorist attacks could have been a wake-up call for the US and the world to reassess priorities, but instead it fueled extremism and helped funnel public resources into the coffers of war profiteers, Waters told presenter Afshin Rattansi.

The US response to the terrorist attacks “empowered extremism on all levels of all factions, not just jihadists from the Middle East and elsewhere,” he added.

All of us have been encouraged to spend more and more energy on destroying each other and the world rather than using our energy to solve the evident problems.


For many people in South America and the rest of the world, the date remains a reminder of how Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet seized power and the victims of his Washington-supported abuses. One of the first victims of the junta was Victor Jara, a socialist activist and popular songwriter. He was tortured and killed by the military at the stadium in Santiago, which is now named after the slain poet.


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defending waters…...


Roger Waters refutes US war propaganda in CNN interview and World Beyond War webinar 


BY Kevin Reed


On Saturday and Monday, English-born musician-composer and activist Roger Waters denounced the role of the US government in the war between Russia and Ukraine and discussed other contemporary political issues in two public appearances.

Waters, currently on a 38-date concert tour in North America entitled “This is Not a Drill,” appeared on Saturday morning in a short interview on CNN with Michael Smerconish and was featured in a 90-minute webinar on Monday hosted by World Beyond War.

The appearances are noteworthy—and newsworthy—because the US media in general is as tightly censored and as submissive to the authorities as that existing under many authoritarian regimes. Opposition to the US-NATO war with Russia and/or the campaign to demonize China is simply not encountered on American television or in the pages of the daily newspapers.

In the course of the CNN interview, Waters took the opportunity to explain why, during his concerts, he includes President Joe Biden as a “war criminal” who is “just getting started” on a list along with every other US president since Ronald Reagan.

In reviewing the facts that prompted the characterization of Biden, Waters showed that Smerconish—who presents himself on his weekly CNN program and in other journalistic pursuits as a “balanced” commentator—is merely another mouthpiece for US propaganda.

Waters began to explain that Biden is “fueling the fire in Ukraine for a start. That is a huge crime.” When the musician observed that it was a “horrific and horrendous war” with Russia, Smerconish interjected, “But you’re blaming the party that got invaded. Come on, you’ve got it reversed.”

“This war,” Waters responded, “is basically about the action and reaction of NATO pushing right up to the Russian border, which they promised they wouldn’t do when [Mikhail] Gorbachev negotiated the withdrawal of the USSR from the whole of Eastern Europe.”

Significantly, when a transcript of the interview was posted online, it became clear that CNN producers had deleted a portion of Waters’ comments. Speaking of Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky, Waters suggested that “somebody either whispered in his [Zelensky’s] ear or he completely changed his mind about making peace in the Donbas and about solidifying the Minsk agreement and making peace with their Russian neighbors” and obviating the need for the war.

Smerconish then asked, “What about our role as liberators?,” to which Waters replied, “You have no role as liberators.” When Smerconish pointed to the US intervention in World War II, Waters observed, “Thank God, the Russians had already won the bloody war almost by then. Don’t forget 23 million Russians died protecting you and me from the Nazi menace.”

This prompted Smerconish to assert that Russia should have “learned their lesson from war” and not “invaded Ukraine.” Waters told the CNN commentator, “I would suggest to you, Michael, that you go away and read a bit more and then try and figure out what the United States would do if the Chinese were putting nuclear armed missiles into Mexico and Canada.”

Smerconish blurted out, “The Chinese are too busy encircling Taiwan, as we speak.” Waters became more animated, “They’re not encircling Taiwan. Taiwan is part of China. And that has been accepted by the whole of the international community since 1948 and, if you don’t know that, you’re not reading enough.”

When Smerconish asked him if their conversation had resolved anything, Waters spoke bluntly: “No ... because you’re believing your side’s propaganda. You can’t have a conversation about human rights, and you can’t have a conversation about Taiwan without actually doing the reading.”

Unabashed, Smerconish doubled down and spouted further anti-Chinese propaganda: “If you are having a conversation about human rights, at the top of the list of offenders are the Chinese.” Waters replied, “The Chinese didn’t invade Iraq and kill a million people in 2003. In fact, as far as I can recall—hang on a minute, who have the Chinese invaded and murdered, slaughtered?”

When Smerconish, answered provocatively, “Their own,” Waters replied bluntly, “Bollocks. That’s absolute nonsense. You should go away and read.”

On Monday afternoon, Waters participated in an extended webinar moderated by Todd Pierce and David Swanson of World Beyond War, a global peace organization. In the online forum, the musician made introductory comments and the balance of the webinar was devoted to his answering questions from the moderators and live viewing audience.

Throughout the 90-minute program, Waters demonstrated his considerable knowledge of historical and contemporary international politics. Among the issues he discussed were the recent Israeli military assault on Gaza, the ongoing US embargo of Cuba and the NATO attack on Syria in 2018, prompted by false claims that the Assad regime had carried out a chemical attack.

Waters also responded to questions about Pink Floyd and his solo musical works. In his answers, he demonstrated that, despite the decades-long artistic and political friction between himself and the others in the group, he was capable of being objective about the contributions of his fellow Pink Floyd band members.

Speaking of his current tour, Waters commented, “I’m getting this weird feeling that, unlike other gigs I’ve done in the past, this gig sort of feels like it might be turning into a movement of some sort. I’m not saying I’m leading a movement, but what I’m saying is, I’m part of the movement and so many people in the audience are part of it or are capable of becoming part of it, that it feels like we are really together and that we are really talking to one another.” This is a significant insight, and points to the global radicalization under way.

One of the benefits of the World Beyond War webinar was that it gave Waters an opportunity to expand on some of the points he broached on CNN.

Waters explained that the concept of his “This is Not a Drill” concert tour originated as a response to “that daft announcement that they make when it’s a drill and when they’re saying ‘You’re about to die in a nuclear war. This is not a drill.’ ... [In this way] They tell you that it IS a drill and that it’s not real.”

He went on to say that the “gangster morons who run the world” were doing more to bring about a nuclear war “at the moment ... than at any time in my lifetime.” Waters then compared the present day to the Cuban missile crisis of 1962 and explained, “at least JFK and Nikita Khrushchev were talking to one another about things.”

In the current crisis, Waters remarked, “Russia has been designated the new primary enemy of the United States of America Empire.” Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken “and the rest of that sorry crew, not to mention the opposition who are even sorrier” are “not speaking to the Russians.”

Waters debunked the lie that “China is trying to take over the world” by asking, if the Chinese had that ambition, “Why aren’t they spending more money on the military? They only account for 3.1 percent of military spending in the world, whereas the United States accounts for 39 percent.”

In an extended comment, the veteran musician pointed out that the US, in fact, is “trying to rule the world,” and “that’s why they have over a thousand military bases; that’s why they’re getting China surrounded; that’s why they’re brandishing the big stick every day; that’s why they’re poking this dangerous bear in the eye with a stick every day; that’s why they won’t negotiate; that’s why they didn’t support the Minsk agreements; that’s why they’re trying to enlarge NATO not just to the Russian border but also into the South China Sea. They want the South China Sea to become part of something that is nominally called the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. What the f**k has the South China Sea got to do with the North Atlantic? That’s a question I’d also like to know. If anybody out there knows the answer to that question, I’d like to know it.”

Not surprisingly, Waters has come under attack by the corporate media in the US, Canada and the UK. The Hill published an article Monday whose headline contains an obvious falsehood, “Pink Floyd’s Waters backs Russia, calls Biden a war criminal.” Anyone who bothers to look into what Waters has been saying since the February invasion of Ukraine by the Putin regime knows that he does not support the Russian actions.

Canada’s Globe and Mail, published in a country whose ruling elite is closely associated with Ukrainian fascist elements, put together an article plucked from Twitter posts by disgruntled fans who do not care for Waters’ politics. The article tells its readers that “Fans slam Roger Waters and tell him to ‘stick to what you’re good at’ as they threaten to sell their tickets to his ‘This is Not a Drill Tour’ after he branded Joe Biden a ‘war criminal’ over Ukraine.” A review of the Twitter activity about Waters demonstrates that those who support his views are in a solid majority. The Globe and Mail piece is classic, anti-communist drivel.

Britain’s The Independent online chimed in, asserting that Waters faces a “backlash after calling Biden a ‘war criminal’ over Ukraine and saying Taiwan is part of China.” Again, the aim of this kind of disinformation is to incite the backlash it claims to be “reporting.” Waters is not likely to be fazed by these stupid and obvious CIA-State Department-inspired tactics.









clowning filosofer……..


vaiciukeviciute capers…..




the wall.....

"The plot against Roger Waters, a spying Russian whale (stop sniggering at the back), the UK criminalising journalists and Kosovo, it’s not a country, don’t let them kid you






clowning filosofer……..


vaiciukeviciute capers…..




flowing waters......


BY Seth Ferris


Recently, I watched Roger Waters’ “This is Not a Drill” – a live worldwide broadcast from Prague.   He had a lot to say in this particular concert, beginning with a statement that he won the pending court case against him where people in Frankfurt, Germany, were accusing him of being an anti-Semite. The court ruled he is not anti-Semitic and invited him back to Frankfurt.

Part of the show includes a satirical performance where he pretends to be a Hitler-like Nazi leader, with flags and a symbol resembling the Swastika but made with hammers. He wears a black costume with a black cape and black boots, and then shoots a fake rifle around the audience. In this excerpt, he stops the show, removes the scary black costume, and reads an answer to the critics. I hope the Nazis don’t come knocking on my door for posting it


The language of the UK Guardian newspaper also writes of his court victory allowing for his May 28, 2023, concert to go on as planned, with some interesting phrasing: “Court rules in favour of former Pink Floyd frontman despite ‘tasteless’ use of Nazi-inspired symbolism.”

As Mr. Waters explains, “My depiction of an unhinged fascist demagogue has been a feature of my shows since Pink Floyd’s The Wall’ in 1980.” What is or is not tasteless should left to the audience to decide.

A flying pig (balloon) is a feature of the show, with slogans on the side. This one says “Steal from the Poor. Give to the Rich.” Songs are inspired by the writings of George Orwell’s “Animal Farm” plus sayings from “1984” are occasionally shown on screen. People are more afraid of the scary black uniforms of make-believe than they are the truth.


In the Prague show, after the Nazi satire number, he stopped the show, and then began disrobing, taking off the scary black cape and the jacket, showing that he is actually harmless and this was only a make-believe performance.

The moment was reminiscent of an episode from the 1970s of Mr. Rogers Neighborhood, on American educational TV, when his guest Margaret Hamilton brought her scary black costume as the Wicked Witch of the West from the Wizard of Oz. Margaret tried on the costume, explaining that she is still a nice lady, the role as the witch was only make-believe, only a story. (Roger Waters basically did the same thing).

He had also been criticized for his inclusion of the name Anne Frank as a memorial to her unjust murder in WW2 as a Dutch teenage in a Nazi Death Camp, which had often been spoken of in Mr. Waters’ house as a child. In response to this attack, he read a response along with one minute of silence in honor of her and other victims of crimes against humanity.

If you ignore the misguided propaganda of the mainstream media, and remember a bit of history, you should realize that the attacks against Mr. Waters are unwarranted. As shown in the Prague concert, he is actually a nice guy (within limits), totally against fascism, injustice and bigotry in all form, which he has at least attempted to make clear throughout his professional career.


Crime of being Palestinian

Along with the mention of Anne Frank, this show also pays tribute to the late Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh. As reported in the Arab News, the journalist’s name appeared in large letters on the concert’s screens with words saying that her crime was “being Palestinian” and her punishment was “death.”


Roger makes it clear that Israel is an Apartheid State, on the same level as what was South Africa and should be receiving the same treatment, plus, soccer matches should be cancelled and other means taken to draw attention to the sealing of land cultural and human genocide. Apartheid called for the segregation of different racial groups in South Africa – the same is happening in Israel today.


Turncoat Jews

So… if one is pro-Palestinian … How does that make them “anti-Semite”? Even Jews can stand for Palestinian rights and not be anti-Semite; or as some like to describe them, Jews who stand for equal human rights are equivalent to turncoats — self-hating Jews.   Medical journals even publish articles on this diagnosis, such as one titled “Pathologizing dissent: identity politics, Zionism and the ‘self-hating Jew.”

It is hard to grasp how someone can contradict their very identity, religion and cultural values.  However, in terms of Palestinians, it is easy for those who hold the moral high ground who seem to proclaim that no Palestinian deserves human rights.

Any Jew who thinks otherwise — so goes the mindset — is not really a Jew, or must be confused and not know where he stands on the issue. That includes lots of Jews that I know, including myself.

Such arguments are the same illogical arguments they use against Roger Waters. And now 90% of people into music take that as part of an excuse to pass him off and ignore him.  It is sad that even former fans of Mr. Waters have lost their minds amidst this psyops-level mind control.


Disinformation Campaign 

This entire disinformation campaign against Roger Waters reminds me of Charlie Chaplin in his final speech from the film “The Great Dictator”:

“The way of life can be free and beautiful but, we have lost our way. Greed has poisoned men’s souls, has barricaded the world with hate, and has goose-stepped us into misery and bloodshed … we think too much and feel too little.”

Chaplin’s claim to fame was being a comedian, but he was Jewish as well. For that reason, he was loved and hated as well by a large segment of society, and highly suspect.

“The Great Dictator” originally premiered on March 7, 1941.  In this Oscar-nominated satire of Nazi Germany, dictator Adenoid Hynkel has a double: a poor Jewish barber who one day is mistaken for Hynkel.  It would be nice if there were such doubles in our current time, especially in regards to Ukraine and comedians.

It is sad how Israeli, Zionist and some MSM propaganda teaches Jews to believe Palestinians are a “fake people,” and, together with the “Land without a People for a People without a Land” slogan, has been especially misleading.

Many former fans of Mr. Waters and his music have chosen hate due to this confusing of what it means to be a “Jew” vs. what it means to be a “Zionist.” It is easier to take the path of believing he is a rabid antisemitic.

They insist, if you stand on the side of human rights for Palestinians, you are an antisemite – they stick their virtual fingers in their virtual ears and absolutely refuse to listen to anything anyone says to the contrary.  Even though a court determined otherwise, it is a 100% permanent cancellation—cut and dry.

Double Standards

In answer to the criticism that Waters is a “Putin apologist,” he has recently added an image of Putin visible next to Trump in his exhibition of war criminals.  This is fine in Germany, which also finds joking about politicians running for office in Turkey to be okay as well.

Some Ukrainians also approve of imitations of “inspired” Nazi symbols and doctrine. In Germany, it is illegal, for obvious reasons, to display Nazi memorabilia and symbols such as the Swastika, although not in terms of foreign policy. It is also not just “US values that are under siege,” but much touted European values, which questions the core values that the EU was founded upon.

In “This is Not a Drill,” Waters performs a new number called “The Bar” throughout the show, where he invites people to discuss things, including differences of opinion, regardless of what side of politics one is on. One topic of discussion should be the military conflict in Ukraine.

Modern-day mainstream media seems to have forgotten the ongoing civil war that has been persisting in Ukraine since 2014.

It should also be pointed out that, before his death, Stephen Cohen questioned in his book “War with Russia” whether NATO expansion has made anyone safer; plus he stated that “Russia has not forgotten promises made by the West about how NATO would not be expanded.”

“The Bar” is now open for discussion

But now the bar is closing and, in conclusion, Roger Waters is keeping up the focus on the plight of Palestinians and other oppressed people, and much more than all the UN resolutions and the Camp David Accords together.

But I want to emphasis that music and musicians are often better at dealing with complex issues, even more so than are the career political elites and spin doctors—all of them together.

Charlie Chaplin’s quote from the Little Dictator, especially the part about “thinking too much and feeling too little” should serve as a constant reminder that true wisdom and fulfillment come from finding a balance between reason and emotion, thought and feeling.

In conclusion, “We think too much and feel too little.”









FREE JULIAN ASSANGE NOW.....................


“I’m furious,” says Roger Waters. And he shows it. The musician should be in Buenos Aires – where he will perform on Tuesday the 21st and Wednesday the 22nd, in River Plate, but no. He could be in Montevideo, but not there either. 

Last Friday, Página/12 made the situation known, when the same musician reported that they had canceled his reservation at the Faena Hotel, and that a subsequent reservation at the Alvear (both in Buenos Aires) had fallen through a few hours after being accepted.

But the situation escalated, as he explains in this exclusive interview. “The city of Montevideo has been closed to me, I have nowhere to stop. I have to fly there directly on the day of the show, Friday the 17th. And I had a dinner date on the 16th with José Mujica, the former president of Uruguay. … He’s a friend of mine. And I can’t go, I can’t have my dinner with Mujica because the Israel lobby and whatever they call themselves have canceled me .”

The bassist and singer refers to the email that the Sofitel Hotel in Montevideo received (see below), in which Roby Schindler, president of the Central Israelite Committee of Uruguay, wrote: “Maybe you don’t know, and I don’t blame you for that, that Roger Waters is a misogynist, xenophobe and anti-Semite, who takes advantage of his fame as an artist to lie and vomit his hatred towards Israel and all Jews,” and affirms that, “By receiving him, you will be, even if you don’t want it, a propagator of the hatred that this man exudes and will be contributing to increasing Judeophobia.”








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