Friday 7th of March 2025

charting racism...


From the New York Times

“Our thing is to throw gasoline on the resistance,” Steve Bannon, former chief strategist to Trump, told Vanity Fair last December. “I love it. When they talk about identity politics, they’re playing into our hands.”

Trump and his allies are capitalizing on a decades-long fight over immigration policy that they believe will galvanize more voters on the right than on the left, generating sufficient enthusiasm among Trump’s supporters to counter an energized Democratic electorate. The unpleasant reality is that a number of recent analyses based on psychological, sociological and political research provide a logical basis for the incendiary Trump-Miller-Bannon strategy.


Trump’s rhetoric — migrants “infest” and “invade our country” — is intended not only to intensify the anti-immigrant views of his supporters, but also to encourage liberals and Democrats to accuse him and his supporters of bigotry. Trump’s tactics are based on the conviction of many of his voters that opposition to immigration is not a form of racism. They deeply resent being called racist for anti-immigrant views they consider patriotic and, indeed, principled.


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racking their brains...

EU leaders, racking their brains on how to share the burden of migrants and refugees, finally reached a vague compromise after almost 10 hours of deliberations. Here are nine main points to help you understand what was decided.

Europe saw around one million migrants arrive to the continent during the 2015 refugee crisis. More than 377,000 reached Europe in 2016 and some 160,000 entered by sea last year. The International Organization for Migration (IOM) estimates 80,000 people will enter by sea in 2018. Here's a breakdown of EU's latest agreement to tackle the migrant crisis.


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One of the solutions THAT IS NOT MENTIONED in this compromise is : Stop making war in the Middle East and Africa... Stop the USA (and Israel) from making war in the Middle East...

mother jones prejudices about a tartar sauce...

Daler Kuzyayev has been one of the breakout stars of this year’s World Cup, with the Zenit midfielder featuring in all four of Russia’s games.That’s pretty impressive for a player who only had six caps entering the tournament.

However, it must be even more astounding for editors at Mother Jones, who apparently believe the player is an ethnic tartar: a type of sauce which often accompanies fish.

The oversight emerged after the author of a contender for the World Cup’s worst take found himself in a Twitter spat on Monday.

On eve of the tournament, Clint Hendler had told his readers how "Russia’s national team is too Russian, which Is one reason it will bomb out of the World Cup.” And, naturally, this prediction has become the butt of much ridicule as the hosts have powered to the quarter-finals.

Indeed, many Russians have pointed out that the author’s whole supposition is wrong anyway, as Russia actually boasts one of the most ethnically diverse squads at the tournament.

Thus, Twitter user “Elle Dee” pointed out to Hendler that the "Russian national team includes two Ossetians (the coach is Ossetian as well), (a) Tatar, (a) Belarusian/Chuvash, (an) Azeri/Russian, three guys with Ukrainian ancestry and even a Brazilian. Those minorities that actually EXIST in Russia are well represented in the national team.” 

But rather than dial back, Hendler doubled down, tweeting: “the article covers that. Did you read it, or just the headline?”

Alas, the accompanying screen-grab of his text merely betrayed his lack of knowledge of Russia, leading “Elle Dee” to remark "by the way it's Tatar, not "tartar". Daler Kuzyayev is a human, not (a) sauce."


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Mother Jones doesn't like Putin. That's a given. Mother Jones doesn't like Trump either.