Monday 10th of March 2025



Carole Cadwalladr grew up in Wales and is a reporter and feature writer for the Observer. Gus thinks she tends to write conspiracy theory stuff from the anti-brexit, anti-Putin, anti-May, anti-thisandthat, viewpoint with some mention of "documents which suggest" and this is fair enough.... BUT.


Carole Cadwalladr has been applying her fingertips to her keyboard again. This is usually bad news for anybody offended by giant leaps of logic or insufferable smugness, but it’s also usually inane enough you can just ignore it.

Not in this case. The overall standard of Western Journalism has fallen, and it was never mountainously high to begin with, but this tweet is SO offensive, so hubristic and vain and insulting that it merits special attention. It deserves to be called out. Loudly, and often.

war in a lounge chair

No – Carole – Facebook profile pictures are NOT “what war looks like now”, and sitting behind a keyboard in the home counties, giggling about Russian bots whilst Wimbledon is muted on the TV behind you, doesn’t make you a fucking soldier.

How DARE you write that? Do you have no sense of hubris? Of respect?

It is the most disgusting sentence I have ever read. Words cannot express the smallness of the mind and the gargantuan scale of the ego that shat those words into the world, fully expecting them to be taken seriously.

THIS is what war looks like today…



See more:


more war...

mom and baby killedmom and baby killed

A mother and 1 months old baby, killed when Ukrainian fascist militias shelled Gorlovka in 2014. We arm these Nazi militias, and have actively disrupted and discouraged any peace process in the region.


See also:

war is dead shit...

It appears that the Pentagon's attempt to keep the record of civilian casualties in Raqqa swept under the rug has failed amid growing criticism from international human rights watchdogs, who insist that the US-led coalition's actions in Syria potentially amounted to a war crime.

While the Pentagon claims that it conducted a precision air campaign in Raqqa, the facts on the ground prove otherwise.

Amnesty International's report, released on June 5, exposed that the US-coalition's four-month military operation to oust Daesh (ISIS/ISIL)* from Raqqa left hundreds of civilians dead, injured many more and left most of the city in ruins.

However, when responding to the human rights watchdog's criticism, the US Department of Defense claimed that "no one will ever know" how many civilians were killed.


Read more:


Read from top...

the fake news fighting fake news...

Yes, it was of the greatest importance to pursue and uncover manipulation of the 2016 presidential election, not least by Russian state actors. But the Feds’ primary focus had already shifted to the speed with which digital technology had advanced since Donald Trump’s unexpected victory, and the new methods of electoral disruption that might be deployed in the 2018 congressional midterms – and in subsequent contests.


And so writes Matthew d'Ancona in an opinionated article called With more elections looming, fake news must be tackled now


First things first, one should mention that Matthew d'Ancona is a conservative. Interestingly The Guardian that publishes his articles tries to be seen as a voice for "the left".

Second, Mathew d'Ancona is the chair and creator of a think tank called Bright Blue — an independent "liberal conservative" think tank and pressure group in the United Kingdom. It has been described as "the modernising wing of the Tory party" and as "a deep intellectual gene pool for the Conservative Party's future". Thus one should be cautious.

Third, as soon as one mention "Russian State actors" in regard to the election of Donald Trump, you can be sure that Donald Trump isn't quaking in his boots. So far the Mueller/Comey inquiry has not found a single link after nearly two years of mud fossicking.

The "State actors" that had the much greater role in the election of Trump were: Rupert Murdoch, the evangelicals — and not least a lot of other media CONSERVATIVE think tanks in the USA that implemented many ways to capture the "deplorables". Another factor was that Hillary was on the nose for many people, including Democrats, despite the massive support she had from the "liberal journalists" in the "liberal press" such as the NYT and WP. For the conservative think tanks, the idea was to present Trump as not as bad as she was. Another factor was that after 8 years of Obama, "things had not improved" as promised with "yes we can". Obama appeared as another puppet of the Deep State. Another factor is the election of the US President is one of the least democratic election in the world — with the "Colleges of Voters": Hillary had 3 million more votes than Donald, and yet "she lost". "Donald Trump’s unexpected victory" was not unexpected. With all the conservative effort, including Uncle Rupe's, the First Woman US President was definitively not a shoe in... That Hillary should have won was a delusion in the "liberal left" media.


Conservative think tanks? Conservative media outlets? The US Deep State has many "voices", including the Capital Research Center, the Media Research Center, just to name a few without going the full Breitbart.

Not surprisingly, according to the Media Research Center, surveys over the past 30 years have consistently found that journalists — especially those at the highest ranks of their profession — are much more liberal than rest of America. They are more likely to vote liberal, more likely to describe themselves as liberal, and more likely to agree with the liberal position on policy matters than members of the general public.

Why I have placed this column here is because Mathew refers to the Observer’s Carole Cadwalladr revealed about the abuse of data by the pro-Brexit campaigns.

Carole Cadwalladr shouts and screams like a rabid wolf about Russia (see at top). "Fake News"? Were Nixon and Spiro Agnew elected because of Russian interference? Was George W Bush elected because of Russian interference? Was Obama elected because of Soros' influence?

One has to take all this with a grain of salt:

from MAD Magazine December 1975 issue 179 — Gorgeous is having sex with everything that moves (artist: Angelo Torres, writer: Arnie Kogen):




In Europe:

Britain’s UKIP plans to cooperate with Steve Bannon’s new foundation, called The Movement, that aims to bolster right-wing parties in Europe, according to a report by the Independent. Sputnik discussed the issue with David Coburn, a British MEP with the UK Independence Party.

Sputnik: What do you think of Mr. Bannon’s idea?

David Coburn: Number one we are a libertarian party, UKIP are a libertarian party. I don’t think Mr. Bannon’s right-wing, I think Mr. Bannon’s libertarian, as far as I am given to understand. We have not been approached as yet about this, but Mr. Bannon's a man I admire very much indeed, I think that it’s good that there is somebody who wants to stand up to Mr. Soros who seems to be funding the European Union and all its different campaigns. So it would be good to have somebody, on an international basis, who would stand up to that, the opposition to what I call liberty.

READ MORE: 'Soros Brilliant, But Evil': Bannon to Rival Open Society Foundations in Europe

Sputnik: How high are the chances that it will be successful and what experience can UKIP share?

Read more:

But then:

Attention will turn to a courthouse just south of Washington DC tonight as the first trial of a Trump campaign official gets underway.


Paul Manafort, Donald Trump's former campaign director, is facing two separate trials for a range of financial crimes, as well as conspiracy and perjury charges.

Read more:


Has this anything to do with "Russian State actors"? Not in the least. But the "liberal" media will infer so. Fake news all around.