Wednesday 22nd of January 2025

abbott the wrecker...


Conservative supporters of Mr Abbott have also told the ABC's Four Corners that he had "unfinished business" and he actively contributed to the volatile climate in today's Liberal Party. 

Former foreign affairs minister Alexander Downer said the party has been wracked by bitterness since Malcolm Turnbull rolled Mr Abbott as prime minister. 

"That in turn can lead to acts of attempted revenge," he said. 

Mr Downer said Mr Turnbull was right to exclude Mr Abbott from the frontbench after the 2015 leadership spill, a move that others say further contributed to the party turmoil. 

"I don't think Tony Abbott's mindset was the mindset of playing in the team led by Malcolm Turnbull, in all honesty," Mr Downer said. 

"So I'm not sure that it was a mistake to exclude him from the Cabinet."

Mr Abbott famously pledged not to wreck, undermine or snipe against Mr Turnbull, but former Liberal Party treasurer Michael Yabsley told Four Corners Mr Abbott has done just that. 

"What Tony has done is really regrettable, lamentable. Tony made something of a statesman-like speech when Malcolm defeated him for the leadership ... He has not delivered on that," he said. 

"On the contrary, he has destabilised. He has really done everything he could to make things as difficult as possible for Malcolm Turnbull."


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Only John Howard still sings the praises of Turdy as a talented politician. I've seen bricks, piles of them, more talented than Tony Abbott.... At least, bricks are more "constructive"...

remember nick?

Nick Greiner, the federal Liberal president, has joined calls for the party to change the rules to make it harder to overthrow a leader, saying the coup culture in Canberra needs to change.

He has criticised Tony Abbott for the role he played in Turnbull’s downfall, saying Abbott spent too much energy in recent years focusing on the Liberal party’s “internal differences” than on fighting the opposition.


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Quite amusing that the Libs, those mostly royalists to the core, have a "president" not a king...

a neo shave and a conservative haircut...

Former Treasurer Scott Morrison is the new neoliberal Prime Minister but the right-wing reactionaries in the Liberal Party will never be appeased, writes Canberra correspondent John Passant.

AFTER DAYS OF VICIOUS INFIGHTING, it seems all the reactionaries in the Liberal Party achieved was to tear down Malcolm Turnbull as Prime Minister and replace him with someone the Dutton forces also despise: former Treasurer Scott Morrison.

So why do it? The main goal of the putsch from the extreme right of the Liberals was to make Member for Dickson Peter Dutton prime minister. They failed miserably. Okay, let’s rephrase that. They failed and the result is misery for them and for the Government. However, we need to remember that they only just failed. Dutton was just three votes from becoming PM.

Scott Morrison became Prime Minister because he is not Peter Dutton. Yet as GetUp warned, he is Dutton dressed up as lamb. If you look at his position on social issues – like same-sex marriage – he is, like Dutton, a conservative.

He is also a big fan of fossil fuels, as his 2017 stunt of bringing a lump of coal into Parliament and singing its praises showed.


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