Sunday 2nd of March 2025

like having ants in our brain...


The federal government has commissioned an inquiry into mental illness and its impact on the economy, saying it wants to know whether Australia’s mental health funding is delivering the best possible outcomes.

The government has asked the Productivity Commission to investigate the issue in an 18-month inquiry to begin later this month.

Labor has welcomed the review but says it should not be used by the prime minister, Scott Morrison, to delay reforms needed now.

It has also questioned why it has been announced now, when Prof Allan Fels, the former National Mental Health Commission chairman, called for it almost 18 months ago.

The Coalition government says mental health challenges can have a devastating personal impact on Australians, affecting people’s employment and productivity, income, living standards, physical wellbeing and social connectedness.

It says mental health also affects businesses, the hospital system and social services, and therefore has a large effect on Australia’s economy.

The treasurer, Josh Frydenberg, and the health minister, Greg Hunt, have asked the Productivity Commission to provide recommendations on the best ways to improve the social and economic participation of Australians struggling with their mental health.


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Here we should commend the two ministers for appearing to do sumthin' about this problem... but there is a lingering annoying subtext that these CONservative idiots cannot let at the door of their own capitalist fanfare: mental health for them is about PRODUCTIVITY. Having the "Productivity Commission" investigate this health issue is in par with having Craig Kelly investigating democracy by going to Azerbaijan and bringing back a glowing report...

We have not shied away from the problem of mental health either. in quite a few articles on this site, we have investigated and brought some positive solutions that slowly are making it into the mainstream of psychology. Gus is not an expert, mind you, but a practical student of life, hopefully. You can see some of the relevant guff at say places like this one:

Of course a lot of pharmaceutical enterprises swear by their products like Prozac, etc...

Often it's a simple command (complicated to achieve due to our habit-forming device in our brain) — a switch of purpose, where negativity is turned into a creative action, as little as this action is. The simple terms of life is action/reward. The management of this duality is complicated by doing things that could hurt our self and other people. The next step is to avoid hurting ourself and other people (and the little planet we live on). It's clear enough and strangely not as difficult as it seems, when we DECIDE to do it.

And finally, god has nothing to do with this mechanical psychology.


instead of an inquiry, take a nap...

And the new research suggests that people who have a specific mutation of the BDNF gene are vulnerable to the frequent, unhelpful circling of negative memories during sleep. For them, it could be helpful to go to sleep early and get up very early to minimise the amount of REM sleep. For the same reason, Durrant would also recommend an afternoon nap.

“I don't think we’re going to solve this even in my lifetime,” says Spencer of all the potential clinical applications of sleep and wake therapy. But what’s clear is that certain kinds of decision-making improve following sleep, partly because of the way sleep regulates all those swirling feelings.


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See also: meditation