Wednesday 12th of March 2025

trousered .....

from The new York Times …..

Rumsfeld Resigns and President Bush Pledges to Work With Democrats
White House Moves Quickly to Signal Its Flexibility

By Sheryl Gay Stolberg & Jim Rutenberg

President Bush portrayed the election results as a cumulative "thumping" of
Republicans and conceded that he bore some responsibility ……

"a gesture" ....

Well parodied Gus .....

According to George's prime deputy sherriff, Rumsfeld was "gestured" .... just like the little winston has gestured Awstrayla for the past decade.  

Soul searching

I nearly called the above mentioned crummy rude-ish cartoon "soul searching" but even for a president — who has sent US soldiers to their death and many others to a life of maimed misery on a web of well crafted lies, and killed oodles of innocent Iraqi by war and destabilisation of a "brutal" regime to replace it with total chaos, a chaos that breed more terrorists than this president would admit — it might have been beyond the pale.

Anyway, the Dubya Bushit needs to do more than some soul searching... To some extend the Democrats have made a stick for their own back... They have to help the President-they-detest, find a solution that he may and will claim his own if it works and point the finger at them if it does not... We know how these spruikers work...

gestures .....

The Editor,
Sydney Morning Herald.                                            November 10, 2006.

John Howard was absolutely right to characterise the sacking of US Defence Secretary, Donald Rumsfeld, as a “gesture” (‘Iraq war not the only issue, Howard says’, Herald, November 10).

However, considering that the world’s only superpower, along with its coalition allies, including Australia, mounted an illegal war of aggression & occupation against Iraq, which has resulted in the deaths of more than 650,000 of her citizens; the destruction of the world’s oldest culture; the outright theft of her oil resources; the establishment of the world’s largest terrorist training camp & an ongoing conflict where losing is characterised as winning – all funded by the looting of the US treasury to the tune of US$ 500billion – perhaps “empty gesture” would have been more accurate?

a tiny "stunning" shift in media reporting

From the New York Post
Nov 10, 12:17 AM EST

Associated Press Writer

BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) -- [|A stunning new death count] emerged Thursday, as Iraq's health minister estimated 150,000 civilians have been killed in the war - about three times previously accepted estimates.
Moderate Sunni Muslims, meanwhile, threatened to walk away from politics and pick up guns, while the Shiite-dominated government renewed pressure on the United States to unleash the Iraqi army and claimed it could crush violence in six months.
After Democrats swept to majorities in both houses of the U.S. Congress and Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld resigned, Iraqis appeared unsettled and seemed to sense the potential for an even bloodier conflict because future American policy is uncertain. As a result, positions hardened on both sides of the country's deepening sectarian divide.
Gus: When the New York Post (Murdoch owned... well News...etc.) starts to post a bit more of the uneasy truth and a bit less glory about the war in Iraq one knows the porkyists are in a small bit of trouble... "The Australian" and the "Daily Mirror" might follow suit in this country... But then there is still this outrageous dig at the Democrats: "even bloodier conflict because future American policy is uncertain" which is only an opinion, as the truth so far can be seen thus: "even bloodier conflict because the stay-the-course American policy was not working at all"...