Monday 24th of February 2025

the mueller debacle in cartoons...

the saga continues...









the news


blame poot


uncle rupe's choice


The unremarkable conclusion of the Mueller probe has been a heavy blow for MSNBC host Rachel Maddow, who by some accounts shed tears live on television as she came to terms with her indictment-deficient reality.

The MSNBC host, who has devoted countless hours of airtime to gossiping about the alleged ties between President Donald Trump and the Kremlin, struggled to keep her composure while discussing the end of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation, which wrapped up on Friday without issuing any further indictments.


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no obstruction...

Special counsel Robert Mueller's report on Russian meddling in the 2016 US presidential election did not find that President Donald Trump committed a crime but also did not exonerate him, according to a summary of findings released this morning.

Key points:
  • Mr Mueller found there was no evidence any Trump official knowingly conspired with Russia
  • He said he would leave it to Mr Barr to decide whether a crime was committed
  • Mr Barr said the investigation found there was insufficient evidence Mr Trump attempted to obstruct justice

Mr Mueller also found no evidence that any member of Mr Trump's election campaign conspired with Russia during the election, according to the summary of conclusion sent by US Attorney-General William Barr to congressional leaders and the media.

Mr Mueller, who spent nearly two years investigating allegations that Russia meddled in the 2016 election to help Mr Trump defeat his Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton, concluded his investigation on Friday after nearly two years.

"While this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him," Mr Barr quoted Mr Mueller as writing in his report on the issue of possible obstruction of justice.Read more:

This Morning, on our "left wing" (it’s actually middle-right loony with expertise) ABC news, Joe O’Brien interviewed TWO trump detractors, including John Barron, who both sprouted that Russia interfered in the Presidential elections of 2016, without ANY PROOF, just quoting the same shit or about, the "Russian agents in St Petersburg" and their great efficiency to manage swinging some 75,000 votes in three states, that Trump won... Ohlala… If you’re not rolling on the floor from laughing, you have missed the entire saga which started way before the 2016 elections with the FBI, the CIA and the NSA spying on the “Trump team” — on Obama's secret orders.
Joe O'Brien is the host of ABC News 24's morning news program. Joe's extensive reporting experience covers everything from drought and floods to sport and politics. 

John Barron hosts The Drum and Planet America on ABC TV. He is the author of three books including Vote For Me about the American presidential election process, and is a Research Associate at the United States Studies Centre at the University of Sydney. John has written about US and Australian politics for publications including The Washington Post, and produced and presented documentary features The Party of Reagan and First Stop, Iowa which have screened in the US, China and Australia. As the ABC's Fact Checker, John kept politicians honest during the 2013 and 2016 Federal elections — or at least tried to (Gus: we've exposed him being often wrong about "the left".)
Then the bullshit came through… I guess John Barron is a right wing commentator, one of those who do not like Trump one ounce. John Barron is a Bush family lover, though. 

The other guy was from a website that promote the concept that Trump is in Putin’s pocket. Far from it. Trump isn’t in anyone’s pocket. He is annoying, even to the Rooskies and they knew this before the elections… Trump is there to accelerate the push for the BIG GAME that had become stagnant under Obama despite his little wars and had been messed up by Hillary trying too hard in the wrong places. TRUMP GOT ELECTED BECAUSE HE WAS SUPPORTED BY Rupert Murdoch. NOTHING LESS, and a little bit of NOTHING MORE.
Note that the News with Joe O’Brien online does not show this silly interview… but it shows a Joe O'Brien interview with Richard Painter (a Republican who also hates Trump, by the way) from the USA, instead.

Our cartoons are more accurate than any of these serious reports.

more toons...






poot n tromp












RT offices


more rupe


The short version? Mueller is done. His report unambiguously states there was no collusion or obstruction. He was allowed to follow every lead unfettered in an investigation of breathtaking depth.

It cannot be clearer. The report summary states, “The Special Counsel’s investigation did not find that the Trump campaign or anyone associated with it conspired or coordinated with Russia in its efforts to influence the 2016 US Presidential Election…the report does not recommend any further indictments, nor did the Special Counsel obtain any sealed indictments that have yet to be made public.”

Robert Mueller did not charge any Americans with collusion, coordination, or criminal conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russia. The special counsel also considered whether members of the Trump campaign “coordinated,” a much lower standard defined as an “agreement, tacit or express,” with Russian election interference activities. They did not.


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not the end of the sagging saga...

Rule 6 (e) of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure prohibits Attorney General Barr from disclosing to Congress grand jury materials. 

False. The rule authorizes grand jury disclosures in aid of the congressional impeachment power. Thus, special prosecutor Jaworski sought court authorization to disclose a 55-page “Road Map” of evidence assembled before a grand jury relevant to an impeachment investigation of Nixon. Chief Judge John Sirica and the en banc D.C. Circuit approved (one judge dissenting). This Road Map was used in determining whether to prepare Articles of Impeachment against Nixon.

In sum, the Mueller Report will be only the seventh inning stretch of a nine inning game. House Democrats can keep this going if they want, and they probably will.

Bruce Fein was associate deputy attorney general and general counsel of the Federal Communications Commission under President Reagan and counsel to the Joint Congressional Committee on Covert Arms Sales to Iran. He is a partner in the law firm of Fein & DelValle PLLC.


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The Democrats are already frothing at the mouth...









frothing at the mouth like rabid democrats...

Democrats challenge Mueller’s findings on Trump, Russia
The closing of Robert S. Mueller III’s investigation has opened the door to fiercer political fights over the president’s judgment and power.

President Trump said “it wouldn’t bother me at all” if the Mueller report was released but said that decision would be up to Attorney General William P. Barr.

The Fix: Experts question Barr’s rationale for exonerating Trump on obstruction

Read Barr’s letter to Congress



and god created the donald...



and Mueller tried to crucify him...

hiring, firing or leaving...







fake stones in the garden of evidence...

From Kit Knightly

To state my position clearly – I never believed, for a second, that the Mueller investigation would find any evidence of “Russian collusion”. And not simply because there isn’t any. I mean, let’s be honest, the powers that be “find evidence” of things that never happened all the time.

They “found” photos of Lee Harvey Oswald holding a rifle, and they “found” Satam al-Suqami’s passport in the rubble of the World Trade Center. They produced “evidence” the Russians shot down MH17 and poisoned the Skripals. There is “evidence” Assad gassed his own people. There was “evidence” Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction that could be here in 45 minutes. (Mueller himself testified to that).

The Deep State have made it more than clear that objective fact does not matter to them. When the CIA, the FBI or the Pentagon want the evidence, they inventfind it.

No, I was sure they wouldn’t find Russian collusion, because they didn’t really want to.

Firstly, it’s dangerous. However mad many of the leaders of the US deep state are, there are some who recognise that going to war with Russia is a bad idea. Publicly stating that Russia performed a coup in your country could lead to an international incident, a civil war, or even a nuclear holocaust. That’s not good for business.

Secondly, it’s an admission of weakness. The bedrock of Imperial power has always been an unwillingness to admit its own limitations. Finding that Russia had installed Trump would be admitting to a major defeat. They can’t afford to lose that much face.

Thirdly, and most importantly, they can’t take down one of their own. Trump might be crude, unpredictable, politically incorrect and lacking class…but at the end of the day he’s a billionaire son of a millionaire. He has been mixing with the elites all his life. He’s one of them, and sending down a member of the in crowd for corruption (or anything else) sets too dangerous a precedent. Trump has to be exonerated, it’s simply a matter of the system’s immune response protecting itself. (Not to mention he’s been President of the United States for over two years now, you take him to trial and who knows what he might start saying).

No, Trump was never going to be charged, let alone convicted. Mueller’s investigation has ended the way it was always intended to end – with a whimper, not a bang.

Do NOT make the mistake of thinking this makes it a failure.

Think about how our reality has been shaped by this investigation.

One, it has established as a “certain fact” in the mainstream media, that “Russian interference” is a thing that happened, even though to this date there is NOT A SINGLE PIECE of publicly available evidence to support this. The often cited “Russian troll factory”, the Internet Research Agency, is a small viral marketing firm that published anti-Trump ads. The “experts” tracking Russian “influence operations” are small-time paranoiacs with nothing but homemade infographics to back up their theories. The “research fellows” of the Atlantic Council are reduced to pointing to real people – be they retirees from England or internationally renowned concert pianists – and claiming they are “Russian bots”, because they cannot find any real ones.

The idea that Russia “hacked” the election, or launched a “campaign in support of Trump” is not even close to being proven, but if we embrace the Mueller report, then we are tricked into accepting that version of reality.

Two, there is the very idea of “collusion”. “Collusion” has no meaning under US law. It simply is not a thing, and yet we’ve all been talking about it for years. Letting “collusion” stand as a concept is a big victory for the establishment. It has no meaning, which means it can have any meaning they want it to have. Tulsi Gabbard can have “colluded” with Assad or Modi by defending them on US TV. Jill Stein can commit “collusion” with Russia by attending a meeting. They have invented an imaginary crime, that can be used to tar anti-establishment figures whenever they want.

If we embrace the Mueller report, we hand the corporate media more power to smear any political candidate, independent journalist or an ordinary citizen.

Three, if we accept Mueller, then we accept the concomitant affirmation of the idea that US institutions are trustworthy, that the FBI is inherently honest, that “Gary Cooper types” like Robert Mueller are the beating heart of US democracy. The narrative is running now that an accusation was made, a special counsel investigated and got to the bottom of it.

If we embrace the Mueller report, we lend credibility to a US system that deserves none. We put our trust in a body that has betrayed the public trust a thousand different times, and we accept the lie that the system is working as intended.

Four, Mueller has been a tremendous distraction. Don’t underestimate the value of that. Most of you will be familiar with the Karl Rove quote: “We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality.”, but just as important is the less well-known end to that thought: “And while you’re studying that reality —judiciously, as you will— we’ll act again, creating other new realities.”.

“Russiagate” has consumed hundreds of hours of television, thousands of column inches. It has cost millions and returned nothing but sound and fury. It’s a chew toy, a scratching post. Something to get our claws and teeth into while our owners are busy.

And how busy they have been.

Think about all the issues knocked off the front-pages by “Russiagate” rumours and totally fictitious “smoking guns”. Venezuela inches closer to destruction every day. France is a couple of street clashes away from a second 1789. Trump has slashed infrastructure and welfare budgets, and increased military spending. Again. While every anchor in the country was talking about “the walls closing in”, the US has pulled out of an arms treaty and announced they have already built the weapons that the treaty banned. While the media hammer out the propaganda message that Trump is in Putin’s pocket, the US deep state has been winding the Doomsday clock up to 1 minute before midnight.

Finally, much like the “antisemitism crisis” in the Labour party, “Russian collusion” now exists as a concept that keeps everyone in check. Trump now can’t afford to meet with Putin, not without a chorus of “AHA!” from the punditry. Other political figures, those on the actual fringe (not the fake Trump fringe), have even more to lose. There’s no doubt that “Russian collusion”, or the like, will be used to file down a crowded Democrat primary field. Gabbard, Sanders, maybe even Warren, will doubtless face charges of being “soft on Putin” in one form or other. These McCarthyite smears force the Overton window closed. They control what people feel comfortable saying, even thinking.

All in all, Mueller has been very, very useful to the status quo. He’s a controlled reaction, like in a nuclear power plant, keeping public anger available as an energy to harness, whilst making sure it never boils over into a chaotic meltdown.

There is an understandable feeling of glee throughout the alternative media, emotions are high and “We told you so” always feels good to say. Those of us who have been dismissed as bots, Putin-apologists, useful idiots and “Trumptards” have been officially vindicated.

…but do we want vindication from a corrupt establishment? Should we take any value at all in an admission of “truth” from institutions who been shown to hold the very concept of truth in contempt?

The Mueller distraction has run its course, to the only the end it was ever going to reach. The Liberal cheerleaders who thought that OrangeManBad would be dragged out of the White House in chains might be tearful and angry, and in some ways that feels like a victory, but it’s only on the surface. Maddow and Harding et al might be temporarily humiliated, but their bosses are perfectly fine.

Every step of the way Mueller has been an exercise in narrative control, and every step of the way it has worked. And it is still working now.

They have reinforced convenient myths, stoked controversies from non-stories. Put “evidence” out into the public domain that was nothing more than smoke and mirrors.

They have shown that they have total control over the vast majority of public discourse. They can set the agenda. They can dictate terms. They can invent concepts, scenarios, even entire events, and we’ll happily argue over the details of something that never even happened.

“We’re an Empire now, and we act we create reality”. When we accept the Mueller report we are letting them create reality, we shouldn’t be tempted down that path because it feels like we scored some points for the little guy. If we buy into the hype around the announcement, if we let the myth survive that the US government has any interest in objective truth, then we’re playing their game.

I called the Mueller report a sideshow, and that’s just what it is. A fixed ring-toss game, with prizes that seem attainable but are always kept just out of reach. Hustlers always let you win the first one, to make the game look fair. Don’t fall for it. Pick up your money and walk away from the table.

It might FEEL like the good guys won, but that’s only because they let us. Next time they might not. The only real way to win is not to play.


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See also:

the game plan...


Former head of the CIA John Brennan admitted on Monday that he may have relied on “bad information” for his relentless attacks on President Trump.

Brennan — who once warned that “our Nation’s future is at stake” — told MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” that he may have been misled on the extent of Trump’s connections to Russia.

“Well, I don’t know if I received bad information but I think I suspected there was more than there actually was,” Brennan said. “I am relieved that it’s been determined there was not a criminal conspiracy with the Russian government over our election.”

The former spy chief was reacting to a summary report by Attorney General William Barr released on Saturday that states there was no collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.

Brennan still maintained that there were inappropriate attempts to communicate with the Kremlin but said he was “not all that surprised that the high bar of criminal conspiracy was not met.”


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What a lot of Brennan bullshit...:  "the high bar of criminal conspiracy was not met." Does this mean there is a low bar in criminal conspiracies?


mueller report seen from the right-wing media...

VICTOR DAVIS HANSON, HOOVER INSTITUTION: Well, I think we have to realize that if Hillary Clinton had just won the election and she had not hired a foreign national to collect dirt on her campaign opponent, we wouldn't be talking today. The entire collusion narrative grew out of the disappointment of trying to explain the inexplicable, why she lost, and then the dossier transmogrified from insurance to help the landslide into a way to abort the Trump presidency.

Second thing, I think they thought collusion was separate from all these process claims and obstruction. And once the collusion narrative, I think most people thought didn't exist, once it failed, how can you really obstruct justice for a crime that didn't exist? If Donald Trump said something about the futility or the waste of the collusion narrative, it would be seen post facto as wise jurisprudence, trying to warn people don't to do something stupid. It's not obstruction to do it.

Finally, everything that begins badly ends badly, Bret. The idea that Rod Rosenstein, who had signed one of the FISA court writs that was misleading and had given the rationale to fire James Comey and been in this tragicomic circus with McCabe right before Mueller was appointed, some kind of palace coup, was going to be disinterested in a way that Jeff Sessions was not as the overseer was crazy.

And then finally, when this team was appointed, the left and the never-Trump right, they went giddy. It was the all-stars, the dream team, the untouchables, the hunter-killer team. The reason they did that is that Robert Mueller didn't exercise just basic caution. He could have just said whatever the law, the protocol is, I want an equal mixture of conservative and liberal lawyers. I want to make sure that nobody on this team has given either to the Trump campaign or to the Clinton campaign. I want to make sure that none of you on government devices, if you were working for the government, has said anything pro-Trump or anti-Trump.

And then finally, he could have said, just don't -- I don't want anybody in my team that's donated to either campaign. Had he done that at the very beginning, it would have been different. Now he has got a reputation of a Captain Ahab or maybe Inspector Javert right out of "Les Miserables."



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between two lovers




telling the world






bigger than ben hur


the art of the deal went as planned...


by Nancy O'Brien Simpson      25.08.2019 21:08


People all over the world are scratching their heads wondering what exactly happened with the big Mueller report and his subsequent sketchy testimony before Congress.  

Two years ago this writer was told about "a deal" between Mueller and Trump by an inside source close to the president.  The deal went like this...

Mueller could do an investigation.  Use all the time and money he wanted.  Get as close to the truth as he dared but when it came down to the wire, Trump and his family would be cleared.  Or, at least not indicted.  Everyone knows that when you have been a businessman at Trump's level you have made mistakes.  It goes with the territory.  And, there is no doubt that Donald Trump made mistakes that could be indictable along the way.  In the deal however, those were to be swept under the carpet.  As were any nefarious meetings of Don Jr. or Eric or any of his children. 

Mueller would need some meat to throw at his gapping media and anti-Trump people.  So Trump agreed he could take down some low-hanging fruit to make it look good and appease the left.  So Papadopoulos, Gates, Manafort, Flynn and Cohen could be thrown under the bus for the cause.

In exchange for a report that exonerated Trump at least to the degree he was not indicted Trump agreed not to go after Hillary, Comey, Podesta or any of that crowd.  However, his base was chanting, "LOCK HER UP!  LOCK HER UP!" and Trump needed to make it look like that's exactly what he wanted to do and was going to do.  

Enter Jeff Sessions who was the scapegoat.  "Jeff, I want you to hem and haw about Hillary.  Drag your feet.  Stall. And, I am going to call you all kinds of names and make it look like I want you to indict Hillary and Comey but you are just a damn do nothing and I am stuck with you.  Will you do that, Jeff?  I'll make it worth your while."  Something like this was probably said.

Sessions was probably not thrilled but being a loyal soldier he went along with it.  It makes one wonder in situations like this if people are bought off, if they are threatened or if they are blackmailed.  Maybe they just take the hit for the cause.  

Now we have ZeroHedge reporting today that Barr is refusing to act on pursuing anything to do with not only Hillary but also the soft coup played by anti-Trump agents in the FBI.  

"President Obama's FBI, ran by disgraced former director James Comey, knew about - but purposefully ignored - "highly classified" evidence in the Hillary Clinton email investigation before they downgraded their initial assessment of her crime from a felony to a "grossly negligent" mistake. 

As The Hill's John Solomon reports, a Senate staff memo updating an ongoing inquiry by Sens. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) reveals that the FBI decided to back off their pursuit of this damning evidence "even though the agents believed access to the sensitive evidence was "necessary" to complete the investigation," writes Solomon."

Hillary obstructed justice when she "lost" 30,000 emails, bleachbit her servers and her staff literally hammered their devices to destroy evidence that might be incriminating.  But, it goes deeper, the FBI then got a FISA warrant to spy on people in the Trump campaign based on (of all things) that dossier that Michael Steele wrote that said Trump had paid prostitutes to pee on his bed.  They knew the dossier was fake but they presented it to the FISA court anyway because it was the only way to get the warrant.  Who paid for that dossier?  Clinton, the DNC and the group they hired Fusion GPS.    It goes deeper but suffice it to say they were in violation of the law. 

Senators Grassley and Johnson wrote Barr asking him to investigate this and he did not respond.  Again from ZeroHedge, "As a result of the findings in that appendix, Senator Grassley wrote a classified letter to DOJ on October 17, 2018, which remains unanswered. On January 15, 2019, at Mr. Barr's nomination hearing, Senator Grassley asked Mr. Barr if he would answer the letter, if confirmed, to which he attested, 'Yes, Senator.' On April 16, 2019, Senators Grassley, Johnson, and Graham sent a letter to Attorney General Barr reiterating the need for a written response to that letter," reads the note.   

Of course, Barr can't respond or do anything his hands are tied.  The Deal.  

Over the next two years, this writer watched "the deal" play out month after month, year after year. 

The Mueller Report came out and Trump was (miraculously) saved.  None of his family was indicted.  The low-hanging fruit were arrested.  Sessions took the hit as the scapegoat for Trump not being able to "LOCK HER UP".  And, now Barr will not go after Hillary and her people even with senators breathing down his neck.  He won't even answer their inquiries.  

It was a great deal for Hillary and Trump.  He did after all write The Art of the Deal.  

Ms. Simpson was a radio personality in New York.  She was a staff writer for The Liberty Report.  A PBS documentary was done on her activism for human rights.  She is a psychotherapist and political commentator.  

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Gus cannot verify the veracity of this story BUT IT MAKES SENSE...


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more bullshit from "intelligence" report...

Russian President Vladimir Putin likely authorised attempts to influence last year's US election in favour of former President Donald Trump, intelligence officials say.

Moscow spread "misleading or unsubstantiated allegations" about the eventual winner, Joe Biden, according to a US government report.

But it said no foreign government had compromised the final results.

Russia has repeatedly denied allegations of election interference.

The 15-page report, released on Tuesday by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, outlined what it said were "influence operations" pushed by Russia as well as Iran.

It said Russian-linked individuals had spread unsubstantiated claims about President Biden ahead of the 3 November election. It also said a disinformation campaign sought to undermine confidence in the broader election process.

Some people connected to Russian intelligence also pushed anti-Biden narratives to media outlets, senior officials and allies of Mr Trump, the report said.

President Biden defeated Mr Trump and was inaugurated on 20 January.

The report added that, while Russia had sought to boost Mr Trump's chances of victory, Iran had launched a "multi-pronged covert influence campaign" in an effort to weaken his support.



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very catholic revenge...

On Wednesday, the Russian Embassy in Washington rejected accusations by US intelligence against Russia of alleged election meddling as groundless.

President Joe Biden has pledged that Russian President Vladimir Putin will soon face repercussions for allegedly directing efforts to meddle in the 2020 US presidential election.

“He will pay a price. You'll see shortly”, Biden told ABC News when asked what the consequences would be.

At the same time, Biden singled out “places where it's in our mutual interest to work together”, including issues related to renewing the Strategic Arms Reductions Treaty (START).


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Please, Mr Pope Francis, head of religious obedient masses and descendent of Jesus of Nazareth, son of god on this little planet of hypocrites, can you stop this revengeful Catholic from being nasty? YOU CAN EXCOMMUNICATE THIS BASTARD and can you ask him gently, as well:



biden killed far more people than putin...


US President Joe Biden says he believes Russian President Vladimir Putin to be a killer


Mr Biden said he did not think the Russian leader had a soul, and when asked if he thought Mr Putin was a killer, he told the broadcaster: "I do." 

"I know him relatively well," Mr Biden said, adding that "the most important thing dealing with foreign leaders in my experience … is just know the other guy."

His comments come after a US intelligence report on Tuesday bolstered longstanding allegations that Mr Putin was behind 2020 presidential election interference, an accusation Russia called baseless.

The new report from the Office of the US Director of National Intelligence represented the most detailed assessment yet of the array of foreign threats to last year's election between Mr Trump and Mr Biden.

The declassified report found Mr Putin authorised operations to help Mr Trump in the US presidential election.

It also revealed efforts by Iran to undermine confidence in the vote and harm Mr Trump's reelection prospects, as well as Moscow operations that relied on Mr Trump's allies to smear Mr Biden, the eventual winner.


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Yes and Saddam Hussein still has weapons of mass delusions.... By being part of the war on Iraq, and other shit, Biden is responsible for more REAL deaths than Putin could be accused of...


Please, Mr Pope Francis, head of religious obedient masses and descendent of Jesus of Nazareth, son of god on this little planet of hypocrites, can you stop this revengeful Catholic from being nasty? YOU CAN EXCOMMUNICATE THIS BASTARD and can you ask him gently, as well:



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OD spied on citizen demo krat...


From Glenn Greenwald...


Trump DOJ Obtained Data on Schiff and Swalwell, Two Long-Time Champions of Domestic Spying

The two California Democrats join the long list of politicians who enable spying on ordinary citizens, then angrily object when they themselves are targeted.


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Meanwhile at dump real shit on Mueller:


During the second week of June, 2021, the New York Times published revelations that former Attorney General William Barr had ordered broad surveillance on key members of Congress that were political opponents of disgraced former President Donald Trump.

This included wiretapping the minor children of House Intelligence Committee Chairman, Representative Adam Schiff, one of the most powerful Jewish members of government in the US and a staunch defender of individual rights.

Barr denied this Trump ordered surveillance when questioned by congress in 2020 and may well face criminal charges or at least disbarment for lying about this secret and likely illegal investigation.

At the root of the investigation was an allegation by Donald Trump that Schiff had leaked classified information from an investigation of Trump by former FBI Director Robert Mueller.

The media learned, somehow, that in another lie to congress, William Barr had characterized the Muller report as exonerating Donald Trump of criminality. In fact, however, the report cited 11 instances of criminality by then President Trump that should have led to charges of conspiracy and obstruction of justice.

It doesn’t take a genius to see a pattern here, crimes upon crimes but one might also question why someone as brilliant as William Barr, brilliant by his own admission, not ours, would think he could get away with something so blatant.

That answer is simple, Barr leads a powerful Vatican secret society that has infiltrated and now dominates America’s courts, its service academies, the Pentagon and key law enforcement agencies.

One secret organization, above all, has reared its ugly head in the US, having taken root within the judicial branch of government, pushing the US toward chaos.

That group is Opus Dei. From Church and State:


“Opus Dei is an efficient machine run to achieve worldly power,’ wrote investigative reporter Penny Lernoux in her book, People of God.

‘Opus Dei pursues the Vatican’s agenda through the presence of its members in secular governments and institutions and through a vast array of academic, medical, and grassroots pursuits. Its constant effort [is] to increase its presence in civil institutions of power. [T]heir work in the public sphere breaches the church-state division that is fundamental to modern democracy,” noted Gordon Urquhart, author of The Pope’s Armada: Unlocking the Secrets of Mysterious and Powerful New Sects in the Church (1995).

‘Opus Dei uses the Catholic Church for its own ends which are money and power …. Its members form a transnational elite. They seek to colonize the summits of power. They work with stealth – ‘holy discretion’ – and practice ‘divine deception,’ Robert Hutchison wrote in the introduction to his book, Their Kingdom Come: Inside the Secret World of Opus Dei.

;Opus Dei is mostly middle- and upper-class businessmen, professionals, military personnel and government officials. Its members control a large number of banks and financial institutions,” according to Martin A. Lee, author and activist who has written books and articles on far-right movements.”


Opus Dei was founded by Jose Maria Escriva, a close friend of Spain’s Fascist Dictator Francisco Franco, to use the power of the Catholic Church to war on the Soviet Union and Russian people. This is the simple truth of it.

It was Opus Dei that pushed its powerful Catholic friends at the highest levels of the Nazi Party in Germany to enter the Spanish Civil war to aid Franco.

According to Father Vladimir Felzmann, a former Opus Dei member, Opus Dei may well have been a guiding force for pushing Germany toward the Holocaust as Escriva saw “powerful Jews” as a threat to Christianity in Europe and only “removal of the Jews” could save Europe from Communism.

Opus Dei became a worldwide political organization under the stewardship of Pope Paul II who saw “liberalism” as a threat to the church and akin to communism.

Under Pope John Paul II, the church developed a worldwide political arm under Opus Dei, now operating as not only an extremist militant religious cult but as a political arm, recruiting Catholics seeking political power around the world and instilling in them extremist views deeply paralleling ISIS and al Qaeda. (Banned in Russia)

Working hand in hand with powerful right-wing extremist funded Federalist Society, Opus Dei targeted law school admissions then moved on toward controlling judicial appointments nationwide at every level. From there, they took control of the FBI and shared control of the powerful DHS with Israeli intelligence.

Their goal was to recruit an army of “holy warriors” like new Supreme Court Justice Amy Barrett, former Attorney General William Barr or former FBI Director Robert Mueller.

If one were to monitor conservative circles in the US today, there are two schools of rhetoric, one that Israel is America’s only real ally and a second, much louder one, that Jews, as a people, as a religion, as an ethnicity, “are a problem” for the United States.

Both views threaten either American sovereignty and the official basis of a free and democratic government. One reflects religious extremism and a failure in constitutionally required separation of church and state while the other is far more sinister.

It reflects a resurgence of fascism in the US akin to that which hasn’t been publicly seen since the massive Hitler rallies before the US entered World War II.

Then, however, there is something more sinister, a creeping rot that has taken root in the US, one that could well make the US even more a threat to world order than the rampage set loose after 9/11 under the neocons or Trump’s unfettered and mercurial tantrums.

There is another school of thought that Opus Dei is the only savior for the Catholic Church against what some clerics view as communist influence over Pope John XXIII that led to a weakening of the Church under the precepts of Vatican II.

What is clear, however, is that Opus Dei runs Washington as a “special interest.” Based on the clearly fascist origins of Opus Dei and its long and checkered history, one thing is also clear, Opus Dei uses its power to shield itself from investigation as a security threat as great or greater than al Qaeda.

From Church and State:


“In the past two decades, the center’s “K Street NW location, just two blocks from the White House, became a bustling gathering place for conservative academics, politicians, journalists, young professionals.”  “The noon Mass became known as a ‘Who’s Who’ scene in conservative circles” including “Judge Robert H. Bork, Sen. Sam Brownback (R-Kan.), economist Larry Kudlow and former House speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.).”

Opus Dei’s influence is enormous in the US judiciary.

‘The center’s board includes Leonard Leo, executive vice president of the Federalist Society, which helped shepherd the Supreme Court nominations of Brett M. Kavanaugh and Neil M. Gorsuch. White House counsel Pat Cipollone is a former board member, as is William P. Barr, who served as attorney general under President George H.W. Bush and is now President Trump’s nominee for the same position.’  Barr, a ‘committed Catholic,’ was highly recommended  by Leonard Leo.

The US judiciary has been shaped not only through Leo’s control over Trump’s judicial appointments but also by the Judicial Crisis Network (JCN) directed by Leo and run by Carrie Severino, a former law clerk for supreme court justice Clarence Thomas.

The JCN is a 501(c)(4) organization, meaning its donors are secret. “It has spent millions across the country to influence the elections of judges and attorneys general as well as judicial appointment and confirmation processes.”

‘Leo’s efforts to ensure that Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Samuel Alito were confirmed engaged the dark money spending power of JCN. In 2005 and 2006, Leo and the Federalist Society worked with JCN to coordinate radio and online ads as well as on grassroots efforts to support the confirmation of the right-wing justices.

To block the appointment of Barack Obama’s choice, Merrick Garland, and support the confirmation of Justice Gorsuch, Leo helped coordinate the JCN’s expenditure of $17 million. The campaign was highly effective in allowing Gorsuch, the Federalist Society’s pick, to take the place many thought rightly belonged to Merrick Garland.”


Past what is seen by the press, 100,000 member Opus Dei, has not only infiltrated the courts and halls of government but has openly targeted both investigative and regulatory agencies on behalf of its wealthy and often corrupt members who affiliate themselves with Opus Dei in order to become “laws onto themselves.”

Beyond that, the fraudulent intelligence that led the US into the War on Terror after 9/11 would not have been possible without a melding of Opus Dei “insiders” working with Likudist extremists in Israel and America’s powerful Israel lobby.

Opus Dei also played a strong role in blocking two Trump impeachments, one of which if an open investigation were allowed, would likely expose Opus Dei as directly involved in fomenting fascism within the EU and, in particular, states ringing the Russian Federation.

Yes, they have that much power.

Where Opus Dei has become a threat is clear to very few, as it is dangerous to investigate Opus Dei as its power to strike back, as demonstrated so clearly by the behavior of William Barr, is nearly unlimited.

Long polluted by a greed for power and deeply instilled corruption, Opus Dei’s quest for “conservative values” has it publicly opposing human rights at every turn, reflecting its origins as a full partner in Hitler’s sick policies.



Gordon Duff is a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War that has worked on veterans and POW issues for decades and consulted with governments challenged by security issues. He’s a senior editor and chairman of the board of Veterans Today, especially for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.


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Russia-Obsessed News Networks Silent After Igor Danchenko Appears in Court


News networks that were once preoccupied with coverage of Russia are now running from it. 


As the Russian collusion hoax continues to collapse with the Durham probe, news networks that were once preoccupied with coverage of Russia are now running from it. 


According to NewsBusters, “On Thursday, Special Prosecutor John Durham brought Russian national Igor Danchenko — who was the primary source in the infamous and debunked dossier — into court on charges of lying to the FBI with his information.” 

Reports are nonexistent of Danchenko’s indictment on the networks that devoted themselves to covering Russian collusion during the early years of Trump’s presidency. NewsBusters reports, “The ABC, CBS, NBC evening news programs (January 20, 2017 – July 20, 2019) alone devoted an astonishing 2,634 minutes to it.”


Journalist Glenn Greenwald appeared on FNC’s MediaBuzz with host Howard Kurtz to detail how the news of Danchenko’s indictment demolishes any trace of trustworthiness of the media. 

“News networks that were once preoccupied with coverage of Russia are now running from it…”

“The overall narrative of the Trump presidency that came from the liberal sector of the media is proving to be a fraud and not an innocent one but a deliberate and coordinated one that came from a union between Clinton operatives, the security state services, the FBI and the CIA, and the corporate media. Those are the guilty parties that drowned our politics in this fraud for three or four years,” Greenwald said. 


Greenwald explains that the media is trying to pass this embarrassing mark on their record by using a strategy that pretends “the Steele dossier [was] covered only by cable crazies like Rachel Maddow and people like that, they’re kind of trying to scapegoat her and pretend that the real serious journalistic institutions like The New York Times and the Post that gave Pulitzers or were given Pulitzers for this story were actually serious journalists who didn’t fall for any of this.” 

Greenwald adds that there was “one little sentence buried in the Washington Post article, ‘Oh this calls into question some of our past reporting.’ I guess it’s better than nothing but it’s kind of shocking that that’s all they are going to do in passing — is just to say ‘Yeah, I guess it maybe actually shows that much of what we said was wrong.’” 

The false narrative of the Steele dossier was peddled incessantly by the media who had their goal set on destroying President Trump and his administration


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