Monday 10th of March 2025

writing on the wall...

writing on the wall

I don’t do surveys… You know the type of "rate our service levels” for the delivery of a ton of bricks. It’s a bit like “were we good in bed?” question. Or imagine, as an artist, giving a survey to the purchaser of my pseudoneosurrealistical work.

Rate my work accordingly:
1) I had no idea about what was on the canvas
2) it perfectly fills a hole — or hides a crack — in my kitchen wall
3) I loved the colours
4) Was IT a plumber's bum crack or a fault in the fabric of the universe?
5) My kids could have done better but they’ve grown up
6) Reality is in the eye of the beholder
7) I had a lazy grand (I'm dreaming) under the bed and I hope to make a killing when you’re dead
8) I bought it as a gift for someone I hate
9) Interesting (whatever interesting means)
10) Aren't you dead yet?
Extra question:11) Tell us the reason why? 20 words max.

Picture at top: mural in Newtown. unknown artist(s)

compare the pair...

Rate the cartoon below according to the above criteria and compare Gus's Putin with Warren Brown's:




I drew (rendered with brush and ink) the face of Putin in 2001 and I have used the same plug (electronic scan) since then. see: I know the nose is far too long but this was deliberate...



New criteria:



1) Too blancmange.

2) Perfect if you live on the north shore


3) Love the KGB drawing. Gus' spooks look too much like potatoes. OMG, they are potatoes!


4) Is it a beard or armpit hair gone rogue on the fat bloke?


5) Winking Winks is lovely. Gus horse is a bit sarcastic (copied from Mad Magazine).


6) Lambie looks like a sheep with big eyes


7) The Prince and the Princess look too real. 


8) Where is Annabel?


9) Love the Warren Brown twins marrying each other with love


10) Pauline does not look evil enough.



11) Please explain



drugged to the eyeballs ...

Drug use in Australia is at the highest level since 2001, according to a new report issued by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare – and the media and Covid-19 could be to blame.

Over 11 percent of Aussies aged 14 and older use cocaine regularly, most of them male, the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) study found. 

The proportion of people who think it’s OK for adults to use cocaine regularly has grown in the recent decade, the study says.

Accordingly, the number of people who admitted to using cocaine in the course of a year has increased from one percent to 4.2 percent between 2004 and 2019.

Between 2016 and 2019, particularly, the number of respondents who reported using it at least once a month increased by more than 50 percent. The actual number could be even higher as not every drug user is willing to admit it, even anonymously.

Beside cocaine, the report mentions ecstasy, methamphetamines, hallucinogens and heroin as the most popular substances among Australian drug addicts.

In 2019, in the country of 25 million, about 36 percent of the population had illicitly used drugs at some point in their lifetime, and 3.4 million had used one in the last 12 months, the study says.


Read more:




Photograph at top by Gus (unknown street artist, very skilled). Apparently it's "A mural of Senator Richard Di Natale [is] seen in the Sydney suburb of Newtown"... Gus's drug of choice when in hospital is morphine... At home and restaurants (when social distancing is over) I drink quality red neds...


In regard to the survey at top, recently, one of my paintings was judged by art critics in a high-rise strata-club as if painted by a kid (not on drug). I was flattered. I had found my inner child... We all should we are told, whatever this means...


See also: