Monday 10th of March 2025

‘quit playing stupid sanctions games’: moscow blasts new round of US sanctions, vows to respond...

The latest US sanctions against Russia over alleged 2016 election meddling has triggered an angry response in Moscow, which dismissed them as a reflection of a political crisis in Washington. A fresh batch of restrictions was unveiled Monday by the US Treasury Department, which invoked President Donald Trump’s executive order about election interference for the first time. Russian nationals Denis Kuzmin and Igor Nesterov were targeted over “links” to the Internet Research Agency – alleged to be the notorious “troll farm” used for meddling.
Apart from that, the restrictions were imposed on three companies registered in the Seychelles, as well as three aircraft owned by the said businesses and a “pleasure vessel” registered in St. Vincent and the Grenadines.

Russia’s Foreign Ministry did not mince words when firing back.

“What made Washington bureaucrats put them all on the same list, what relation the planes and boats have – as it’s asserted – to the interference into the American election, remains unclear,” the ministry said in a statement.

The diplomats also noted that the US sanctions have targeted certain individuals twice and thrice already, alleging that “the authors of sanctions either lack imagination or they get confused with their multiple lists.”

The never-ending sanctions campaign against Moscow is a sign of the deep political crisis in the US, the ministry stated, as “a part of Washington establishment” uses the anti-Russian trope to reach its “opportunistic goals.” While Moscow calls on the US to quit playing “sanctions games” altogether and engage in meaningful dialogue, it is ready to retaliate.


Read more:

is trump finally admitting russian influence in his victory?

The US treasury will sanction Putin's pet dogs next...


it's a bit more complicated than this...

In the last month Donald Trump has triggered chaos in both Eastern Europe and the Middle East. 

A phone call to Ukraine triggered an impeachment inquiry, and a phone call to Turkey triggered an invasion.

These actions seem unconnected, but deliberately or not, massively benefit Russian President Vladimir Putin.

And they both came at a time Putin was desperate for a win.

Putin in strife

Putin has learnt during his 20 years at the top of Russian politics that finding enemies to attack is the best way to stay popular.

The pinnacle of this strategy was in 2014, when Putin used Russia's military might to invade Ukraine.


Read more of this simplistic article:


First, Russia "did not invade Ukraine". This is shit reporting from an ABC reporter...

Ukraine is a complicated country which at one time supported the Nazis during WW2 against the Russians, then turned around to fight the Nazis in Germany, as the Russians were winning. But Ukraine still had many Nazis organisations, even during its time in the USSR. When the USSR was dismantled by Gorbachev — himself probably under the notion of the West being "nice", by the reassuring words of Ronald Reagan — the Ukraine became a politically divided country with one part still attached to Russia and the other, mostly Nazis, wanting "freedom". The USA obliged (thus Biden present predicament), with presents of $5 billions going mostly to finance a Nazi revolution. Let's be honest here, there are lots of Russians living in Ukraine and they did not like what was happening... Eastern Ukraine is mostly Russian. So is Crimea. Like Scotland voted to either stay or leave the UK, Crimea voted to join Russia in a valid referendum that was near unanimous. Ukraine also decreed that Russian language would be outlawed. This did not endeared the ethnic Russians in Ukraine. This was like Centrelink only having signs in English and not having translators for those who cannot speak English. Easter Ukraine has wanted a separate status to the rest of the country, far more likely than the present turmoil in Catalonia... The Ukrainians have fought dirty and Russia has helped the Donbas area survive. So what. Russia is protecting Russian people in a most minimalist way without war. The West has tried without success to pin the downing of MH17 onto Russia. The previous President, Porochenko, was a Nazi puppet of the West and got replaced by a comedian who is more in tune with the complexity of the relationships. Putin is not a fool and even with his popularity plummeting, he is still more popular than camembert cheese in France...

Putin has plenty on his plate, but he is not alone. He has Medvedev and one of the best ever diplomat, Sergei Lavrov, working with him... Russia is a difficult country, and with the West always trying to destroy Russia's own identity, the stakes are high... Whether buffoon Trump hands free kicks to Putin is irrelevant, to what Putin has already achieved by ignoring the West...


In regard to Syria, the situation was lost for the US as soon as Putin decided to support Assad in 2015. Most of the rebels in Syria, from the "moderate rebels" to Daesh had been a creation of the West and its alliance with Saudi Arabia. The Russians were invited to help Assad survive this extremist "revolution". Unlike the US whose motives and actions were underhanded and hypocritical, Putin did not hesitate helping Assad, with great precision overall. Then with China, Turkey and Iran as well, Putin worked a realistic peace plan for this pat of the world. By letting Turkey "invade" Syria, Donald is only continuing the spoils started way before, and continued by Obama, the major sponsor of terrorism is Syria... 

no yellow vests in ruskialaland...

Specializing in social movements, a subject on which she was to hold a conference in Moscow, Carine Clément, was sent back to France by the Russian authorities.


The FSB believes that she represented a "threat to national security". Carine Clément will not be able to hold her conference in Russia. On November 27, the French sociologist was sent back upon her arrival in Moscow, according to information from the Russian economic newspaper Kommersant, confirmed by the Reuters news agency.


The reason for her return to France? She represents a "threat to national security," according to the FSB, the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation.


Researcher associated with the EHESS and the CNRS, specialising in social movements, she was to hold in Moscow a conference on the movement of yellow vests entitled "Sociology of the world protest: what pushes people to go out in the street?" According to Le Monde, the sociologist's speech would compare French yellow jackets with certain social movements in Russia.


Upon her return to France, Carine Clément posted a message on her Facebook page, on which she usually post publications on yellow vests, as well as on Russian social movements. "I do not understand," she said of her deportation...


Translation by Jules Letambour


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Read from top.


See also:

news of the world: more protests about something...


the troops revolt in anger, as the job of hitting yellow vests loses its cachet while the rich get tax breaks...


a coup...