Monday 10th of March 2025

have a bad day to you too...


The kids are alright — especially when it comes to infuriating baby boomers the world over. 

Younger millennials have found an ally in their long-waged war against older generations: Gen Z — and the alliance has bred a fantastically internet-friendly catchphrase: “OK, boomer.” 

While the phrase isn’t new, it’s gathered a lot of momentum in the past couple weeks, resulting in an explainer on a site favored by said boomers, The New York Times

Gen Z’ers have appropriated a clip of an older white man declaring that the millennial and Gen Z generations have “Peter Pan syndrome” (basically, that they don't want to grow up) and remixed it for preferred young person social media platform TikTok. They've added commentary to convey their base message: “OK, boomer.”


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Don't worry kiddies... We've been on your side for a long time on this site. We posted this T-shirt to print yourself for oldies with a conscience, about 10 years ago (I can't remember exactly) reposted recently at



and we know better...

Rising Seas Will Erase More Cities by 2050, New Research Shows — NYT

Scientists devised a better way to calculate land elevations, and their findings are dire: Far more cities will be inundated by climate change than previously thought.


no need for awards...

Greta Thunberg has turned down an environmental award and prize money because "the climate movement does not need any more awards".

She said the offer was a "great honour" and thanked the Nordic Council, which said it respected her decision. 

But, she said, "politicians and the people in power" need to listen to the "current, best-available science". 

Ms Thunberg was this year's favourite to win the Nobel Peace Prize, but the award went to Ethiopia's Abiy Ahmed.

In an Instagram post explaining her decision to turn down the prize money of 500,000 Swedish kronor (£40,000; €46,000), Ms Thunberg said: "The Nordic countries have a great reputation around the world when it comes to climate and environmental issues.

"There is no lack of bragging about this. There is no lack of beautiful words." 

But she said Nordic energy consumption told "a whole other story".

She referenced a report from from WWF and the Global Footprint Network, which says Sweden, along with most of the Nordic region, lives as if the world has the resources of four planets.

The gap between what science said was needed to limit a global temperature increase and what was being implemented was "gigantic", said Ms Thunberg. 

"We belong to the countries that have the possibility to do the most. And yet our countries still basically do nothing," she added.


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MAD magazine hit the nail on the head more than 40 years ago:


mad planet


we, old tic-tocs, can't be everywhere...


As far as those using the phrase are concerned, "boomer" refers less to a specifically defined generation and more to older people generally.

In particular, it's a response to what's perceived to be some older people's sense of entitlement, outdated ways of thinking, or condescending attitudes towards younger generations.

The phenomenon kicked off on TikTok

If you're under the age of, say, 20, that's probably the only explanation you're going to need.

But for the rest of you, we might have to introduce you to the potentially baffling world of TikTok before we proceed.

Basically, it's the spiritual successor of Twitter's old video-sharing platform Vine: TikTok users create and watch videos of up to 15 seconds in which they dance, lip-sync or perform sketches.

There are lot of people on there — earlier this year, the app hit 1 billion downloads.


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Read from top.


Wow! 15 seconds attention span!!!! The kids' thumbs must be badly twitching to move on to the next set of frames!... Sorry... This was a condescending attitude towards younger generations from an old kook...

no sitting down?

Resting postures, such as squatting or kneeling, may be healthier because they require more muscle activity than sitting on a chair.

The findings are based on data gathered from a hunter-gatherer population in Tanzania who wore devices that measured physical activity as well as periods of rest.

Anthropologists from the US found despite being sedentary almost 10 hours a day, equivalent to clocking a shift in the office at the desk, the Hadza people appeared to lack the markers of chronic diseases associated with long periods of sitting.

They believe this is down to the “active rest postures” used by the tribe.


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This is fantastic advice. Is it why squatting loos are more smelly than the humble modern crapping pan with easy flush?... As an old person, the flesh is willing but the mind is weak... we're lazy and we dedicate our last notions to saving our knees battered by years of abuse. Squat and you cannot get up. Your joints lock up. Try to fix a leaking pipe under the sink and one oldie needs to roll sideways, use two hands and a contortion of the hip without dislocating a femur, using the toolbox as a prop, in order to get up again... unless we stay there, floored for another ten minutes, contemplating the ceiling.

So the question is to what great old age the Hadza people live? 45? 50 max? I could be wrong but I believe this squatting advice is definitely for young people. Even middle-aged former footballers would find this squatting hard on their worn-out cartilages. Once over 70, 80, 90, one is entitled to a comfy chair, as well as being grumpy, even if you've been cyborg-ed with titanium knees. 


And kneeling is a bit too Catholic... Read from top.