Tuesday 7th of January 2025

Censorship while Media Missing in Action! (Carlos Medina)

We can all read a fair bit into the huge amount of pressure and censorship obvious at the moment. It's becoming evident all around us! (and I thought I was paranoid...)

Here, in the Western Suburbs of Sydney: from Parramatta to the Blue Mountains, there has been a huge number of political forums, meet the candidates events, stunts, and even a few rallies. But you would not know about it at all because even the local papers are very very cautious.

It's the same with all media: They are treading on eggs, they do not want to upset their paymasters. By far the highest advertising has been by the coalition parties.

Now, that has been getting even worse. The fellows from the 'Rock Against Howard' gigs and CDs tried to get an official launch happening in the Parramatta Mall, right in front of the Town Hall. Well, they were given the same standard delaying answers that all the local community peace groups and small parties are used to: you need insurance (over 10 Mill!), the paperwork, the fees, and NO, you didn't notify us on time (7 days minimum). Even then, no, it's seven working days, almost two weeks!

But it get's even better: they then wanted to find out the content of the songs, the content of any political speeches, when we've tried to show documentaries (eg, Wilderness Society stuff, 'When the world said No', Mike Moore, Johny, time to go!, etc) they want a copy! They want to review the content before any approval is granted or the submission even considered!

Unfortunately, it gets even worse!

Yesterday afternoon, in the city at the Wentworth Hotel there was a Liberal Party Fundraiser: most high contributing law partnerships and financial firms were attending. The caretaker PM was also in attendance, of course.

A snap rally/protest against the PM was called, among peace group networks. During the worse and most appalling weather conditions experienced in Sydney all year the turnout was amazing, a well behaved and organised motley crew:

Andrew Wilkie and quite a few Greens supporters, John Valder and the 'Not Happy, John!' crew, Greenpeace activists with Kyoto Protocol banners, The Socialists Alliance with plenty of costumes (a Big RAT) and drums, about 30 senior North Shore/Manly peace activists with t-shirts that spelled the message 'FED LIES DEMOCRACY DIES' and 'TRUTH COUNTS! HOWARD OUT!' , check it out here.

Plus plenty of by-standers who'd come in their lunch breaks to check out what all this fuss was about.

The police was very well behaved as far as I know. But they did show up in great numbers and provided a large safe radius (almost the whole block) for the arriving cars/guests.

So there you have it. A nice visual news item, good potential to cover the PM and his most senior financial backers,with protesters well in the background. Well, not ONE, not one major media crew was there!

Eventually in the last half hour, a single camera from the ABC and a single ABC radio reporter arrived to take small snapshots and comments right in the well protected entry area of the hotel. The cameraman --when approached by a very courteous lady from the North shore peace group to be explained their protest-- was rude, angry and did not bother to film anything to do with protesters...

Like so many are saying... (first uttered by Merlin Luck , from the Big Brother protest): 'Not Happy, John' -- More like BLOODY ANGRY, JOHN!'

But I will add: