Thursday 6th of March 2025

hawaiian shirt front...

hawaiian shirt front

Twenty-three firefighters were also injured in the state, one seriously, and three trucks were destroyed. Five homes, 28 buildings and 16 vehicles had been destroyed.

Lightning strikes on Kangaroo Island on Friday started up to eight separate fires, authorities said. Marshall also confirmed that the fatal crash itself started a fire that injured a resident.

In Victoria, the Marthavale fire in East Gippsland quadrupled in size overnight, growing so large it created its own weather. Throughout the morning, there were two emergency warnings in place, for Ensay, Reedy Flat, Stirling, Holstons; and Tambo Crossing, Wattle Circle, Stirling.

In NSW, the huge Gospers Mountain blaze and the Green Wattle Creek fire both flared to emergency after easing overnight.

The NSW premier, Gladys Berejiklian, and police told residents to please delay travel and obey directions from authorities. “Today is not the day to start your holiday,” a police spokeswoman said.

On Saturday morning, the federal Labor leader, Anthony Albanese, criticised prime minister Scott Morrison’s holiday to Hawaii. The Labor leader said there had been no transparency around the trip, and “media inquiries were met with misinformation, at best” after Morrison’s office initially told reporters he was not in Hawaii.

Morrison is scheduled to return to Australia by tonight but was spotted at 7am AEDT still in Hawaii.

On Friday, he released a statement that he would return “as soon as possible” after the deaths of two firefighters on Thursday evening.

The acting prime minister, Michael McCormack, told reporters on Thursday that Morrison had originally been scheduled to return to the prime minister’s role on Monday night.

On Saturday, protesters gathered outside Kirribilli House, accusing Morrison of a lack of leadership on the fires and on combating climate change.

The NSW RFS has set up a dedicated donations fund for the families of two firefighters who died on Thursday after their truck overturned near the Green Wattle Creek fireground.


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47 degrees of grey, in cinders...

A state of emergency remains in place as NSW is hit with scorching temperatures and thousands of firefighters are deployed amid "catastrophic" fire conditions across the state.

It is the second time the highest level of bushfire danger warning has been issued since the ratings system was introduced in 2009.


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See also:


1895-1896... in when the fox and his minions are solely responsible for global warming... 

1828... in when the fox and his minions are solely responsible for global warming... 

no deniers, but plenty of denialists there... in when the fox and his minions are solely responsible for global warming... 

how good is waikiki?...

not happy scott!...

Just a fortnight ago, The Australian newspaper ran a feature on the clique of seasoned political operators the PM has gathered around him to provide advice.

It would be fair to assume that such advice would include keeping one’s arse out of political trouble.

If so, every one of those so-called experts failed in their duty by not stepping in to stop the PM from making the eminently stupid decision to take a tropical holiday overseas while substantial parts of Australia continued to burn.


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The headline for this piece could have been a freudian slip?:

Paula Matthewson: The real reason Australians are furious about Scott Morrion’s holiday


the art of polishing turds...


I am very sure that I would prefer to have a drink with any of the candidates on the Democratic stage last night than with Donald Trump.  I’ll likely vote for Trump, but only because abortion is very, very important, and so is religious liberty, and so is stopping the laws the Democrats want to roll out on sexual orientation and gender identity. And so is immigration. I think Boris Johnson is a million times more appealing than Donald Trump, but if I vote Trump, it will be because I look at the Democrats and see Jeremy Corbyn.

And so wrote Rod Dreher to justify his reluctant support from Trump...

Meanwhile, at the Murdoch press, Annika Smethurst navigates “religious beliefs” and politics with big boots and places the “miraculous” victory of Scumdodgemson at the latest Aussie election, to his overt religiousness. Not so fast Annika, would say Gus-the-dill. Murdoch maniac-media that polishes turds into golden shiny diamonds, Clive Parmesan, Scumboofheadson’s ridiculous Yankee caps, plus the great appeal of Shorten’s zingzongs had more to do with Labor’s loss than Scumdollarson’s religion...


If I was a Christian, I would say that god is punishing Scott Morrison with a plague of bushfires — for not believing in global warming and for having mucked-up COP25. But I won’t say this, as many people of all walks of life and beliefs are suffering far more than an Hawaiian-shirted Scottus, whose hurt is only his hypocritical pride and his insufferable self-esteem, for having chosen to be at the wrong place at the wrong time.
Meanwhile, after the crew of silly dummies at the daily Telegraph (see when the fox and his minions are solely responsible for global warming...), the seriously naughty Murdoch elfs of “The Australian” (21/12/19), are at it too, like Judith Sloan claiming the COP25 was a useless gabfest cop-out… because Judith knows best. Sloan is a full-blown doubter/denialist of climate change, but should we have such thing happening as this caper, she is in favour of technological wonders that would bypass the problem in a jiffy. Here she does not mention Clean Coal nor Nuclear Energy — two major furphies on the horizon of right-wingers, but still harps on about carbon capture, which is useless as best, like fat (are we allowed to say fat?) persons retaining their own farts until they explode, and improvement in electricity storage — as if no-one was working on it… Of course, we could not hope for a more sarcastic barb from Sloane in her last sentence about COP26: “After all, Greta Thunberg will need somewhere to hang out next year”…

Amongst the denialists in the Merde-och press, Gerard Henderson, is the sour dull doyen of right-wing anti-climate pulpit preachers. He accuses readers and journalists of the Guardian of being naive green-left preachers themselves "if they believe they can win over deniers” (like himself, firmly entrenched in the trenches of denialism war on blind believers) at Christmas.

Henderson is a master of humourless grand-serious foolery, who can push stupid views with amazing blandness until the cows come home, without being non-plussed by the vacuousness of his hollow arguments. His kind attack upon Katharine Murphy, the political editor of The Guardian, seems to be coming from above, god Rupert himself, as Gerard pushes all the clichés he can find under a silly season carpet. Murdoch mediocre media hates competition for news — fake or made-up.

But the tall cake for complete lunacy should go to Greg Sheridan who says without an ounce of honest introspection nor any scientific potty-training:

"The First Christmas Day was the moment when eternity announced its presence in time. The immense and the everlasting pierced the thin veil of time.

The Power of eternity was made manifest in the weakness of a newborn infant, the most powerless of any human being. And on that paradox, human history has pivoted.

I will leave Einstein and Niels Bohr out of this Sheridan rubbish. I will believe that Greg is having a bit of silly fun and does not believe one single word he penned here.

The only journalist out of the Murdoch stable that had a bit of courage to expose the con that is denialism, is Peter Van Onselen with a timid “We’re more than a drop in the increasingly polluted ocean” — meaning that we should not be promoting the idea that Australia is too small to do something about climate change.

He may not have job tomorrow. 

Meanwhile Scumbagson, beyond some quick smart ground grovelling, will find another great way to reverse our perception that he is stupid, mean and tight-arsed — and possibly blow the government surplus out of the water to pay for proper firefighting equipment, pay volunteers with official donations, support families, including those who have lost loved ones, and find a deep pocket to pay for the damage so far… We can only hope. But Scumdiggingson might only find thoughts and prayers in his bag of tricks, and think that would be enough for him to walk on water again.

Gus Leonisky
Preaching to rats and bats...

on the road to damascus, in the slowest canter...


PM concedes link between extreme weather and climate change but says Coalition has 'sensible’ targets...



What does "sensible" mean? Yep, you've guessed it, the PM is back in polishing turds mode. Once an advertising man, always an advertising man... though it appears that Scummoochingson has apologised because he's run out of grandmothers to sell...

auction: a bushfire stained hawaiian shirt front...

A flaming torch has been taken to the Liberal party brand over the summer and the scorchmarks are entirely self-inflicted.

Scott Morrison’s stunningly misjudged Hawaiian vacay at the height of the bushfire crisis has provoked intense visual mockery; a memorial Hawaiian shirt is also on sale as a firefighting fundraiser.

The infamous cuts to fire services made by Morrison’s comrade, the premier of New South Wales, have resulted in similarly merchandised mockery. The emergency services minister, David Elliott, has been short on friends since a November insistence parents should be “happy” with illegal police strip-searches of their children. His holiday in France – while fatal fires burn at home – is unlikely to win him any more.


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the best time to see waikiki...

The best time to travel to Hawaii is anytime you have the chance! However, there are some times of the year where detailed planning is required. For instance, some months can be much colder than others. During these months, outdoor events, such as the Pearl Harbor Exhibit, might be less spectacular than indoor or underwater activities.

Other times, of course, require warmer weather while other activities require calm waters. Although your trip to paradise probably will not last forever, the memories you make should. To ensure they do, it is necessary to coordinate your itinerary with the times and the weather. That said, it is also important to remember that Hawaii is made of several different islands, each of which offers different experiences depending on the time of year.

Pearl Harbor

Pearl Harbor is a time-honored must-see for history buffs. The sacred site honors servicemen and women who lost their lives in the surprise attack that launched the United States into World War II.

If you want to avoid crowds, you should visit sometime other than during the summer. Winter holidays also reflect increased traffic. That said, water visibility is best three or four days following any rain, which can make the water silty. April to October is the best time to go, as this represents Hawaii's dry season.

Waikiki Beach

When it is time to get away, you can enjoy Waikiki Beach from April to June and again from September to December. Doing so will allow you to escape other tourists. Additionally, April and May offer relatively cooler temperatures with a broad mix of gem-quality blue skies.

In terms of temperatures, April's lowest temperatures dip into the sixties while rarely exceeding the mid-eighties. Compare this to August's temperatures that can hover in the nineties. You will be able to see how an early spring visit can be a much more enjoyable visit.


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scomo nominated for his bushfire holiday...

Scanning the newly released list of Walkley Award finalists on Thursday, The New Daily readers will notice some familiar names in the running for Australia’s most prestigious journalism honours.

Political journalist Samantha Maiden leads the nominations for ‘Scoop of the Year’ with her December 2019 story, Hawaii Two-O: Scott Morrison’s bushfire holiday. 

It is a story not soon forgotten. Maiden, then TND‘s political editor, broke the story that the Prime Minister was on holiday in Hawaii while Australia endured its worst bushfire season on record.


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