Wednesday 22nd of January 2025

behind the grilles of our tanking freedom...

behind the grilles of our tanking freedom...

We the protesting artistic proletariat have achieve what we wuz after… or have we? The authorities kindly placed us behind bars so we cannot hurt ourselves by meeting with other protesting artistic sorts in virus-infected backrooms and bourgeois restaurants. 

The revolution has ended with worldwide sickness. We are left with asking questions to ourself, unless we go on iChat, Skype or Zoom to speak with other non-infected locked-up people. This is the new virtual reality. And the conversation tends to edge on where to find some toilet paper rolls rather than the next people's revolution.

The authorities have won the game. We’re stuffed and somehow happy to be stuffed as we get our job-money for doing nothing. We’re not allowed to do anything much, except eat, drink and go to the bathroom in whatever order, to make a routine change. 

We, artists and cartoonists of the present, past and future are cooped up like a bunch of wing-clipped old egg-less chooks. I feel sorry for the young people who have to endure this really annoying caper. They are like little flowers that are only allowed to bloom in prison — not even in a greenhouse. Their future is bleak as behind Covid-19, there are other nasty bugs — now more resistant to antibiotics — on the drawing boards of warfare biolabs, not even considering global warming which will hit them like a boiling hot towel at the end of a losing boxing match.

Cuddling animals might become precarious, as the dear little things — our kiddies, that we have protected from germs by sanitising their sandboxes, by triple-dosing on the bleach in our home swimming pool and wiped their toys with hospital grade disinfectants — have no resistance to anything with a germ in it.

That’s what we fought two world wars for and invented hammer and sickle communism to be cooped up at home by ourself doing nothing… When we get out of this, the trail of people on their way to the mental asylum is going to be long. 

We’re going to have to revive the dead psychiatrists — though the line of people going to the churches might be as long, expecting another miracle. Trump will be defeated by a failing Biden who will straight-away after inauguration pass the baton to the vice-president, Hillary Victorius… This time Scomo won’t have to fiddle the books with sport-rorts. He will be a shoe-in, like a new Jesus, Jesus of Kanbra. No need to nail him to a cross: it’s the second coming. The apotheosis beyond the crisis. Scomo from marketing would have taken us like Moses took his troops of Palestine-seekers to the promised land…

We'll kiss each other with surgical masks still on, looking like awkward ducks, mind you. La commedia dell’arte will be our new script and we won’t know what the future is...

Actor on the stage of life.

Picture at top by Gus Leonisky. Note the cleverly chosen angle as to hide the letter "C".

The new gods...


I don’t know if I should post this cartoon. Not on the front page anyway...




It’s about the veneration of the simple things in life. Essential things. But it is about more than just a roll of toilet paper. It is about ideas. Ideas that we acquire from around us as we form habits by using these. The system wants you to use its ideas. No other ideas, though you can look at them as you pull on your chain like a dog attached to its kennel. Barking at communism would make a good capitalist cry with happiness...


You are part of the system… We are part of the system. Here would follow a long dissertation about religion once again, and why it’s delusional, but I’m too lazy today and need to do nothing, once more. It could be a nice beautiful day. I will let the weather surprise me...




Oh sucks... Take care.

you are being spied upon for your own good...

An investigation was launched after a fire started at the Heinrich Hertz Institute in Berlin, which is currently working on a smartphone application as part of the fight against Covid-19. A group of the far left has claimed responsibility for the fire. 
On the night of April 14 to 15, a fire broke out at a construction site in the Charlottenburg district of Berlin, causing property damage. An investigation was opened after the dissemination on the internet of a claim (presently not authenticated) from a far left group. 
According to information from the German newspapers Tagesspiegel and Bild, the message explained that the action had been carried out to combat the development of a digital tracking application intended to identify people who were close to a patient from Covid-19. The targeted company is the Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications (also called the Heinrich Hertz Institute) located nearby, whose electrical power cables were damaged by the fire, which caused a power outage in the neighbourhood.


In France, the Indymedia platform has been used, among other things, since 2017 by an unidentified anarchist group to claim arson attacks, the last of which dates back to February. An “antispecism” group also claimed fire at a slaughterhouse in the Ain department in October 2018, on the same site. 

Germany is participating with France and other European countries in the project (PEPP-PT) aimed at developing an application intended to inform, on a voluntary basis, individuals in the event of contact with an infected person. The application should work with Bluetooth to identify people nearby, not on the geolocation database. The European Commission, which is in favour of this technology intended to combat Covid-19, considers that the use of this type of application should be done on a voluntary basis and by anonymizing the data, whereas these applications generate concerns about their confidentiality and respect for privacy.

To find out more about RT France:

Translation by Che Jules Letambour...

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meanwhile at home...

Coronavirus lockdown is taking a heavy toll on Australian couples, as a growing number of people seek to get divorced or receive relationship counselling to save their marriages.

Being stuck inside all day with the same people can cause some of the strongest relationships to fracture, and the added pressure of financial stress can dial up the tension even more.

If you’re finding it hard to get along with your partner, you are not alone.

Lawyer Fiona Reid, who specialises in separation and divorce at Reid Family Lawyers, said divorce inquiries were rising among couples in home isolation due to the coronavirus.

“I haven’t in my career seen something as catastrophic as this for relationships,” Ms Reid told The New Daily. 

“Financial pressure is a common issue in relationships and the added issue of social isolation, when people are working from home and not able to go out to dinner or watch sport, can make cracks become more pronounced.”

In China, divorce applications dramatically spiked in March as married couples emerged from weeks of intense lockdown conditions, media reports from major cities show.

Incidents of domestic violence also multiplied.


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