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more social justice alla morrison: guilty of being poor and unemployed because there is no jobs...If you thought the almost billion-dollar Robodebt bungle would change the Morrison government’s prejudices towards millions of vulnerable and unemployed Australians, think again.
Social Services Minister Anne Ruston says it’s time for the one and a half million Australians receiving their incomes entirely from the government through JobSeeker payments to show their good faith. How? By registering with their employment services provider as the first stage of a return to the mutual obligation requirements. Ms Ruston puts it in the most benign terms. She says the government is particularly focused on “people who are newly unemployed” because “they have never ever had an interface with the system before”. Ms Ruston told ABC radio it’s good for them to get in touch “because then they can find out what that service provider can do to assist them to make sure they are job ready”. That first contact will certainly provide income for the 65 outsourced employment agencies. It’s a $1.5 billion-a-year industry completely funded by the taxpayers and they get paid for every client they sign up. One of the main roles they perform is compliance police. Job providers can withhold welfare payments if a jobless person fails to meet application benchmarks or fails to show for appointments. The assumption is non-compliance is a sure-fire indication the “client” is a “dole cheat” or a “dole bludger”. Furthermore, in 2018, these job providers were given the final say to make this determination with no avenue of appeal to Centrelink. That was an extremely problematic move in light of the fact that in the 2015-16 financial year, Centrelink rejected nearly half of the two million penalties the providers had dished out. What it exposes is the same skewed thinking that saw Robodebt based on the assumption that everyone who had received a welfare payment was guilty of fraud unless they could prove their innocence. Ms Ruston says penalties won’t be re-introduced until stage three. God only knows when that will be as the unemployment rate is forecast to rise to at least 10 per cent in the next two years. Labor’s Bill Shorten says mutual obligations clearly do not apply to government ministers in the wake of the cruel Robodebt fiasco. Taxpayers will now have to cough up close to $1 billion as illegal debt notices are repaid with interest and likely compensation for harm done. Yet, not one minister has lost their job. The authors of the 2016 Liberal election manifesto outlining “Better Management of the Social Welfare System” were none other than Scott Morrison as treasurer and Mathias Cormann as finance minister. A key element of the foreshadowed $2.05 billion clawback of overpayments was income averaging based on tax office data fed into the computer with flawed algorithms according to the government’s then head of the digital transformation office, Paul Shetler. On Monday Mr Morrison was refusing to say sorry and claimed previous Labor and Liberal governments had used income averaging. Mr Shorten says under Labor it was only ever used as a “red flag,” all “automated interventions” were followed up by human beings in Centrelink. In 2016 when then Social Services Minister Christian Porter expanded the program, the number of notices leapt from 20,000 a year to 20,000 a week. The government then spent $63.5 million on private debt collectors to harass people whose “debts” it had literally only guessed at. Mr Porter on Sunday said the debts had now been reduced to zero but on Monday Mr Morrison said “it doesn’t mean those debts don’t exist. It just means that they cannot be raised solely, on the basis of using income averaging”. Mr Shorten suspects this is a sure sign the government will come again. Although he supports mutual obligation as a way of protecting the integrity of the system, it should not be a way of supplying what Guardian Australia’s Katherine Murphy calls “the magic billions” to the Budget bottom line. Paul Bongiorno AM is a veteran of the Canberra Press Gallery, with 40 years’ experience covering Australian politics
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robodebt poo.....
Michelle Fahy and Elizabeth Minter investigate.
The decision by the National Anti-Corruption Commission not to investigate the six public servants over the Robodebt scandal appears to have been “infected by the bias of Commissioner Justice Paul Brereton and, if so, should now be disregarded”, says Stephen Charles AO KC, a former judge at the Victorian Court of Appeal and a former board member of the Centre of Public Integrity.
Robodebt Royal Commissioner Catherine Holmes recommended in a sealed section of her final report that the public servants be referred to the NACC for civil action or criminal prosecution.
Documents released under Freedom of Information to Jommy Tee (researcher, writer and MWM contributor) reveal significant mismanagement by Commissioner Brereton of a major conflict of interest underlying the NACC’s decision not to investigate the Robodebt referrals,
raising serious concerns about the viability of Justice Brereton remaining as the NACC’s top official.
The documents show that within three days of the NACC commencing operations, Commissioner Brereton had declared a potential conflict in a top-level meeting because one of the referred individuals was “well-known to him.”
Early drafts of the minutes from the meeting show that Brereton was not going to be involved “in the consideration of the material.” By the final draft, however, the wording was significantly watered down to Brereton not being involved in the “decision-making.”
In a letter to Attorney General Mark Dreyfus the following month, Brereton said he would “recuse myself from decision-making concerning [an undisclosed person].”
Brereton uses the word “recusal” numerous times when explaining his management of his conflict of interest, but the evidence shows he did not undertake an actual “recusal”.
The Oxford English Dictionary defines recusal as “the withdrawal of a judge, prosecutor, or juror from a case on the grounds that they are unqualified to perform legal duties because of a possible conflict of interest or lack of impartiality/” In other words, the person steps away entirely from the matter and has no further involvement.
Stephen Charles states: “When a judge in court proceedings recuses himself because of such a conflict, that judge does not – must not – take any further part in the proceedings; otherwise, any decision by the court is likely to be stained by his involvement and set aside for the judge’s bias.”
In an email on 16 August 2023, Commissioner Brereton wrote that notwithstanding his position of conflict, it is “important and appropriate that I be aware of what is happening.”
Furthermore, at a meeting on 19 October 2023, Commissioner Brereton referred to his previously disclosed conflict relating to [an undisclosed person] and then stated that: “he would not be the decision maker for the matters,” but that he would “make comments as the matter was discussed.”
According to Charles: “The documents show that Commissioner Brereton believed that, notwithstanding his position of conflict, it was ‘important and appropriate’ that he be ‘aware of what is happening’.” Brereton also stated that “it is perfectly normal to receive and read evidence and then not take it into account because it is not admissible, etc.”
Charles continues: “It can be assumed from these comments that Commissioner Brereton believed that since he would not be the ultimate decision-maker, he was entitled to be present during discussions of whether the NACC should receive and act on Commissioner Holmes’s matters and also make comments, thus intervening in the discussion.”
“If this is a correct assessment of the Commissioner’s views and the manner in which NACC made its decision not to act on the Robodebt matters, they are contrary to well-established legal principle and simply cannot be justified.”
NACC’s decision was infected by the Commissioner’s bias and should now be disregarded.
In explaining Brereton’s ongoing involvement, the NACC said that the Commissioner had “a legitimate and important interest in the legal, policy, systems and resourcing issues raised by the Robodebt royal commission referrals.”
“The conflict was managed by delegating responsibility for making the decision to an experienced deputy commissioner, who had no conflict,” the NACC said.
Robodebt Royal CommissionOn 7 July 2023, Robodebt Royal Commissioner Catherine Holmes presented her report on Robodebt, which included a sealed chapter that recommended a number of individuals be referred for civil and criminal prosecution.
When announcing its decision on the Robodebt matter, a statement from the NACC on 6 June 2024 revealed that its top official, Commissioner Paul Brereton, had declared a conflict of interest in relation to Robodebt, but the NACC and Brereton refused to provide any details about it.
It is widely accepted that the former head of the Department of Human Services, Kathryn Campbell, who was heavily involved in establishing and implementing the unlawful Robodebt scheme and subject to extensive questioning at the Royal Commission, is one of the six people referred to the NACC.
We have reported on the relationship between Commissioner Brereton and Kathryn Campbell, who served together over many years as senior officers in the Australian Army Reserve, both attaining the rank of major general. Our report included photos of the two together, originally published by independent journalist Shane Dowling.
One reason the NACC gave for not pursuing the matter was because of “the oppression involved in subjecting individuals to repeated investigations.”
The FOI documents confirm that Brereton had a “close association” with one of the six people referred to the NACC, later revealed to be related to his service in the army reserve, and that the person was “well known” to Brereton. These details all point towards the person in question being Kathryn Campbell.
The NACC’s decision on Robodebt is being investigated by NACC inspector Gail Furness.
The documents obtained through FOI show Commissioner Brereton flagged his potential conflict of interest on July 3, three days after the NACC opened for business. Four days later, he formally advised NACC colleagues of his conflict.
By 16 August 2023, Commissioner Brereton has decided he should not be the decision maker in any of the Robodebt matters, but believes it is “appropriate” that he be kept abreast of the investigation.