Friday 17th of January 2025



Donald Trump is a Gemini—the clever, fast-talking sign governed by Mercury the messenger. Love him or loathe him, you have to give it to the Donald: The man has coined some snappy soundbites. 


Donald Trump’s Leo rising (or ascendant) colors his appearance and demeanor. Leo rising people are often first spotted by their trademark “manes” of hair. They can be blustery, outspoken and ready to roar. With his notoriously swirled and silky hair and his orange-tinted complexion, Trump even resembles the Cowardly Lion from The Wizard of Oz. And kind of like the Lion went to Oz to find courage, Trump also received a surrogate medal of courage (in his case, a veteran gave him his Purple Heart)—although in Trump’s case, there was no act of bravery performed to earn it.


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meanwhile the naked stars...





Has the world gone nuts?... I hope so. Otherwise the reality is too pathetic...


Please note, whatever I think of Trump or Joe will have NO BEARING WHATSOVER on the election results... It's up to the American nuts to choose their leading nut... see also:


democracy... in understanding the military mind...

and four more years of it..

The Mess Created By Trump Will Be with Us for YearsThe U.S. president has damaged the political system so badly that it will be difficult to repair, even if Donald Trump gets voted out of office on Tuesday. The hatred and political discord he has stirred up will paralyze the country for years.

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more in the stars...

From Oscar Cainer in the Daily Telegraph:




Trump is a Gemini... Why we worry?... Donald, if you feel a bit blue, ring the number NOW!...


And thanks to the Daily Telegraph to organise a caption contest, here mischiefed by Gus:


Donald is having a dog of a day...


the referee, the empire and the arbitrator have decided...

Whether one agrees or disagree with the decision of the referee, the empire and the arbitrator, and whether they have been bought out and are corrupt, it is a professional foul to hit them in the gonads. But Trump is a fool and commits fouls without being a professional... He should go and play golf — all by himself so no-one can disagree with him cheating on his score card...


The 25th amendment sounds too good. 


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