Monday 10th of March 2025

waking up without guilt in the virtuous middle of a woke festival...

This year has been a bad one for most of us, but woke virtue signalers of every stripe have been having the best of times. To honor them, RT presents The Wokies award chart – and first on stage is the entertainment industry.

It is unsurprising that the entertainment industry, which naturally attracts the intellectually vapid, the emotionally insecure and the rabidly self-absorbed, boasted some of the most egregious and aggressive virtue signaling in the history of the art form in 2020.

Anyone who has ever waded through the intellectual cesspool of our narcissistic culture is all too familiar with the compulsive public expressions of moral superiority and shameless self-righteousness of entertainment industry wokeness.

In 2020, entertainment industry virtue signalers, in a desperate attempt for attention and validation, vomited such copious amounts of their odious, self-serving woke bile into the public sphere that it felt like we were all living in a giant virtue vomitorium.

In honor of the worst year in recent memory, I have put together a list of the 10 worst virtue signalers in entertainment for 2020. Enjoy!

10. New York Times film critics

The NYT’s list of the 25 Greatest Actors of the 21st Century (So Far) and the Best Actors of 2020 studiously ignored talent, skill and reality and instead went all in on virtue signaling by including a cavalcade of minority, foreign and elderly actors as well as ridiculous Tik-Tok performers. The final result is a human resources department’s wet dream and looks more like the waiting room at a casting call for a diversity and inclusion public service announcement than a collection of best actors.

9. Berlin International Film Festival

The home of the famous Golden Bear and Silver Bear Awards announced this year that they were going gender neutral in their acting awards… how very Weimar of them. Next up – Golden and Silver Bears announce their pronouns are they/them and ze/zir.

8. HBO Max

Put a warning label on Gone with the Wind so that people knew they were bad for watching it and evil for liking it. Also put out UNpregnant, a zany, whacky, fun-loving teen abortion movie. So much virtue to signal! 

7. Kristen Bell

Bell had an All-Star caliber virtue signaling year… she quit a voice role because she is white, did the ‘I Take Responsibility’ video – the gold standard of the virtue signaling art form, then said she raises her kids anti-racist and doesn’t care about their sexual choices. The Quadruple Crown of virtue signaling! Ask not for whom the virtue signaling Bell tolls… it tolls for all of us!

6. Richard Brody, film critic at the New Yorker

Brody turned the virtue signaling up to 11 this year by being inappropriately amorous with the pedophile starter kit known as Cuties and by ranking Spike Lee’s abysmal and amateurish Da 5 Bloods as #2 on his ‘Best of the Year’ list. Apparently, Brody doesn’t care if people think he’s a pedophile, but he REALLY doesn’t want people to think he’s racist… now that’s some quality virtue signaling!

5. Late Night Comedy

As evidenced by the insipid woke comedic stylings of Saturday Night Live, Jimmy Fallon’s impotent apology for wearing blackface 20 years ago, Stephen Colbert literally crying about Trump, and the eunuch brigade of Jimmy Kimmel, John Oliver and Trevor Noah going all in on the safest, wokest, establishment-approved comedy imaginable, virtue signaling has spread like a contagion through late night comedy. These flaccid, pandering clowns make Jay Leno seem downright Carlin-esque. Yuck.


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Michael McCaffrey

Michael McCaffrey is a writer and cultural critic who lives in Los Angeles. His work can be read at RT, Counterpunch and at his website He is also the host of the popular cinema podcast Looking California and Feeling Minnesota. Follow him on Twitter @MPMActingCo


poor petals...

Generation Corona

The Pandemic Is Changing Our Children's Lives for the Worse

Children are bearing much of the burden of the corona crisis. They are afraid, listless, bored and helpless - and many are developing psychological scars. What can be done?

Four siblings, three boys and a girl, all teenagers, are sitting at the living room table together with their mother in Weissenhorn, a town near the city of Ulm, with wood burning in the fireplace and two cats prowling around. Two of the boys are wearing caps, the daughter has braces and is tapping something into her smartphone. Having four teenagers under one roof is complicated enough in normal times. But in a pandemic, it’s an even greater challenge.

"My children don't have any room to breathe because of the corona measures,” says their mother Sylvia, who asks that their family name not be used in this article. She is divorced and her oldest son is studying at university in Munich. Sylvia says her children have become lethargic because of the lack of social contact. Having to just hang around is driving them crazy. In the beginning, the siblings played cards or chess together, but not anymore.

"Instead, it’s extreme internet consumption,” she says. "They’re fleeing into their own ideal world. I think it’s a protective reaction.” She says the kids have begun fighting over little things and sometimes get loud and aggressive with each other, almost coming to blows.

Leonard, 19, plays soccer three times a week and coaches a youth team. But he can't do any of that during the lockdown. He’s also the drummer in a death metal band called Haunted Cemetery, but the last time they practiced together was in March. They had concerts planned, and 200 hats and sweatshirts they planned to sell to fans are just lying around. He has a computer and a gaming chair in his room, with empty candy packages lying on the floor.



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World Wars? No big deal. Global recession? Child’s play. According to a group of Gen Z kids interviewed by Reuters, their generation was affected by the Covid-19 pandemic more than any other, and is “scarred” by the experience.

Imagine a world without K-pop. To some, this would seem a utopia, but for super-fan Lee Ga-hyeon, not getting to see her favorite group, BTS, this year, was a tragedy. “BTS is like a vitamin for me, but the coronavirus took it from me which made me really angry,” she told Reuters, describing her BTS posters, lookalike dolls, and bedsheets that adorn her home near Seoul.

Hers was one of 10 stories compiled by Reuters in a feature describing how members of Generation Z are concerned “that their lives may have taken a worse hit from Covid-19 than their predecessors, the Millennials, suffered after the 2008/09 financial crisis.” These young adults, Reuters explained, are at risk of “what economists call ‘scarring’, or long-term harm to earnings, training, career prospects and even mental wellbeing.”


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Lives that had been focused on school, university, sports or even going to K-pop concerts vanished overnight for members of Gen Z as the global pandemic struck.

While a lot was heard about older people at risk from COVID-19, this younger generation - born between the late 1990s and the early 2010s - also saw their worlds turned upside down in 2020.

Reuters profiled 10 young people around the world to learn how their lives had been affected by the coronavirus.


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The challenges COVID-19 poses for youth sports

COVID-19 has raised questions about how to keep young athletes motivated during lockdowns. Experts warn that the longer they are forced to stay inside, the harder it will be to get them back onto the playing field.

"Hello everyone, after a long time of reflection our son has decided to leave the club."  

This is the Whatsapp message that a young football player's parents wrote in a parents' group of a regional league football team recently. That's the highest-level of football in Germany for players under the age of 17. The 14-year-old, who was the best striker on his team, decided to give up the sport. The decision came as a bombshell for both teammates and parents – including his own. 

Professor Hans-Georg Predel of the German Sport University Cologne says the lack of training and play due to COVID-19 restrictions is likely to have been a factor in the youngster's decision. 

"This could also mean an end to his sporting career," he told DW.  


However, according to the professor, who is a researcher in physical activity and high-performance exercise in childhood and adolescence and as well as in biological adaptations in high-performance athletes, behavioral patterns among 10 and 18-year-olds are quite inconsistent. 


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ode to the oldies


not everyone has to be gay, black or trans...

In RT’s The Wokies series, we’ve been handing out the dubious accolade of being the loudest virtue signalers of 2020. It’s time to honor the other side – those few who stood up to the social justice warriors’ onslaught.

With the Covid-19 pandemic and ensuing lockdown restrictions, plus a US presidential election that sucked up everyone’s attention, 2020 provided a plethora of opportunities for celebrities to virtue signal and prove their SJW bona fides.

Luckily, however, the woke beast that is the collective political thought bubble pushed by Hollywood also saw some significant pushback from fellow artists unwilling to keep quiet. Here is a look at the 10 who found the most success calling out the hypocrisy and speaking truth to power. 



7. Nick Cave

Musician and author Nick Cave will never be someone accused of not being willing to tell it like it is, and he did exactly that in a letter this year posted to his website torching cancel culture as “mercy’s antithesis.”

Political correctness has grown to become the unhappiest religion in the world. Its once honourable attempt to reimagine our society in a more equitable way now embodies all the worst aspects that religion has to offer (and none of the beauty) — moral certainty and self-righteousness shorn even of the capacity for redemption,” he wrote.

Cave of course made waves with liberals whose contentment is entirely based on their belief that they are righteously doing battle for the betterment of mankind when they slap some keys on a laptop and attack anyone with differing opinions.

There were few responses to Cave’s actual points though and mainly just accusations based on his being white and straight and, therefore, unable to have an opinion on the matter, proving the singer is right that cancel culture is simply bad religion run amuck.


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