Tuesday 4th of March 2025

delusions of the mad people...




















I have a headache… That will teach me for drinking too much? Not really. We had a good time, it was a great party and I will go on the wagon for a few days. Being older, I don’t recover as fast but I’m not addicted to consciousness modifying substances… I just indulge their existence...



I could feel despair nonetheless with my throbbing brains… But not really. I’m hopefully a learned optimist, even if some others people are loony… It will be a slow day… No noises please… But I still can think a little bit:  for example, the intents of some good persons go astray… Take this email for example forwarded by an atheist mate who subscribes. The message comes from the CEO of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS):





We know that science is the key to solving the global challenges we face today, like climate change and the COVID-19 pandemic. But with more and more Americans turning to social media for their news, the spread of harmful misinformation has led some to be skeptical of the scientific community and its motivations. 


Since our founding, countering misinformation has been one of the central tenets of our work at AAAS. Every day, we are striving to empower scientists and science advocates to build relationships and communicate effectively in the communities where they live, work, and worship. 




The bold is in the message. The last word offends me, my friend and should offend ALL SCIENTISTS. Worshipping is the antithesis of sciences. May be I misunderstood the allocation of this word. Is it attached to the communities? But no. The text is definitely about “worshipping scientists”. Exposing this contradictory stupidity has been the message from this website for a long time: Religions (worship) and sciences do not mix. They are philosophically alien, not even opposite. But we are in deep delusional political ether...


Say, welcome to Believing America… You cannot be elected President if you don't "believe" in godots... Only one single dude in Congress would admit to being an atheist (or a non-believer in god[s]). The other members of congress all have some graded beliefs in god and the few who are “non-religiously" attached are either gay, bisexual or named Bernie Sanders. That’s it, folks… Yet:


CNN) Nobody would mistake Bernie Sanders' stump speech for a sermon. When making moral arguments about income inequality or climate change, he's more likely to quote statistics than Scripture.

Though raised Jewish, Sanders says that he is "not particularly religious," nor is he a member of any congregation or synagogue. "I am not actively involved in organized religion," he has told reporters.


But at a CNN town hall in New Hampshire in February, Sanders seemed to contradict himself.


"It's a guiding principle in my life, absolutely," said the Vermont senator and Democratic presidential candidate.

"You know, everyone practices religion in a different way. To me, I would not be here tonight, I would not be running for president of the United States if I did not have very strong religious and spiritual feelings.”


So what gives? Is Bernie Sanders religious or not?




Gus thinks that Bernie HAD to acknowlege something about god, otherwise his chances to be President would plummet from zero to minus sixty-seven...




Apart from the eleven members listed below who could be suspected of being ambivalent about god, the other members (Congress of 2013)— in a total of 535 Members of Congress with 100 serving in the U.S. Senate and 435 serving in the US House of Representatives — are “God Bless America” with their hand on the heart, like a Hitlerian salute. Oh. I forgot to mention the physicist… and of course all the “non-affiliated/unspecified” members belong to the Democratic Party. So one can consider that in the USA, 76.5% of the population believe in a superior being(s) and that ALL the representatives of the Republican Party believe in god. The figures below are for the US population:


Unaffiliated (believers "nones”) 22.8%


Atheist 3.1%


Agnostic 4.0%


Nothing in particular 15.8%


Don't know  0.6%




THE RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION OF EACH MEMBER OF CONGRESS The tables below list the religious affiliation of each of the 533 members sworn into the 113th Congress on Jan. 3, 2013. They exclude two vacated seats – the Illinois House seat previously held by Jesse Jackson Jr. (Baptist) and the South Carolina House seat previously held by Tim Scott (Christian). The data was compiled by CQ Roll Call and the Pew Forum


We have extracted the members of CONGRESS (113rd) with unspecified religious status:


Kyrsten Lea Sinema has been reported to be the only non-theist member of Congress,[195][196] although she herself has rejected such labels.[65]


In 2002, The Arizona Republic published a letter from Sinema criticizing capitalism. "Until the average American realizes that capitalism damages her livelihood while augmenting the livelihoods of the wealthy, the Almighty Dollar will continue to rule", she wrote.[30]



Sinema is the first openly bisexual person and second openly LGBT woman (after Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin) elected to the United States Congress.[71]






Judy May Chu is one of two Unitarian Universalists in Congress [50] but has been listed as “unspecified”. 





Jared Huffman could be the only person admitting to be a non-believer, in god: in an interview with The Washington Post's Michelle Boorstein published November 9, 2017, Jared Huffman stated "I suppose you could say I don't believe in God."[37]





Ladda Tammy Duckworth is also listed as “unspecified” and her biography does not say about her stand about god...







George William Foster (born October 7, 1955) also listed as “unspecified”, is an American businessman, physicist, and U.S. Representative for Illinois's 11th congressional district, winning the seat in 2012.[1] He was previously the U.S. Representative for Illinois's 14th congressional district from 2008 to 2011. He is a member of the Democratic Party.


his Ph.D. in physics from Harvard University in 1983.[2] The title of his doctoral dissertation is "An experimental limit on proton decay: ."[3]






John F. Tierney is also mentioned as “unspecified”...





Earl Francis Blumenauer[1] is mentioned as “unspecified”...






Suzanne Bonamici is mentioned as “unspecified”… though she was raised Episcopalian and Unitarian, and now attends synagogue with her husband, who is Jewish, and their children.[27]






Mark William Pocan, “openly gay” is mentioned as “unspecified”.










Michael Farrand Bennet, mentioned as “unspecified”, acknowledges his Jewish roots.[108][109][110] He has said that he was "raised with two different heritages, one [that] was Jewish and one [that] was Christian," and that he believes in God.






Tammy Baldwin was baptised Episcopalian but considers herself "unaffiliated" with a religion.[139][140]





And that’s about it... about one non-believer in the congress, a few non committal. All of the others are believers... and I mean BELIEVERS!



What is worrying as well is that some members of Congress are Christian Scientists (mostly in the Republican Party). They are not scientists but spiritualists (teaching Christianity as a “science”)…  


Christian Science is a set of beliefs and practices belonging to the metaphysical family of new religious movements.[n 2] It was developed in 19th-century New England by Mary Baker Eddy, who argued in her 1875 book Science and Health that sickness is an illusion that can be corrected by prayer alone.[n 3] The book became Christian Science's central text, along with the Bible, and by 2001 had sold over nine million copies.[5]


Eddy and 26 followers were granted a charter in 1879 to found the Church of Christ, Scientist, and in 1894 the Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, was built in Boston, Massachusetts.[6] Christian Science became the fastest growing religion in the United States, with nearly 270,000 members there by 1936, a figure that had declined by 1990 to just over 100,000,[7] and by 2009 reportedly to under 50,000.[3] The church is known for its newspaper, the Christian Science Monitor, which won seven Pulitzer Prizes between 1950 and 2002, and for its public Reading Rooms around the world.[n 4]


Christian Science is not to be confused with Scientology or List of Christian thinkers in science.




So where to with this horrible hell-bent US CONGRESS believing lot, mostly anti-Russia and anti-China? 



Ignoring the Muslims, the Sikhs, the Indus or the Devil-druids, Christian religion alone in the US is divided into many little fiefdoms of beliefs and interpretation of the bible, all with their own deluded preacher for salvation. This is an amazingly long list of “Christian churches” looking for god in their own way:



Advent Christian Church

Church of God General Conference

Seventh-Day Adventist

Amana Church Society

American Ethical Union

American Evangelical Christian Churches

American Rescue Workers

Apostolic Christian Church of America

Apostolic Faith Mission of Portland, Oregon

Apostolic Overcoming Holy Church of God

Armenian Church



American Baptist Association

American Baptist Churches U.S.A.

Baptist Bible Fellowship, International

Baptist General Conference

Baptist Missionary Association of America

Bethel Ministerial Association

Central Baptist Association

Conservative Baptist Association of America

Duck River (& Kindred) Assns of Baptists (Baptist Church of Christ)

Free Will Baptist

General Association of Regular Baptist Churches

General Baptist

General Conference of the Evangelical Baptist Church, Inc.

Landmark Baptist

National Baptist Convention of America, Inc.

National Baptist Convention, U.S.A., Inc.

National Missionary Baptist Convention of America

National Primitive Baptist Convention of the U.S.A.

North American Baptist Conference

Primitive Baptist

Progressive National Baptist Convention, Inc.

Reformed Baptist

Separate Baptists in Christ (General Association of Separate Baptists)

Seventh Day Baptist General Conference

Southern Baptist Convention

United Baptist

United Free Will Baptist

Berean Fundamental Church

Bible Fellowship Church

Bible Protestant Church

Bible Way Church, Worldwide



Brethren Church (Ashland)

Brethren in Christ Church

Church of the Brethren

Church of the United Brethren in Christ

Fellowship of Grace Brethren Churches

Old German Baptist Brethren

United Zion Church



Byzantine Catholic Church in America

Liberal Catholic Church, The

Mariavite Old Catholic Church

North American Old Roman Catholic Church

Old Roman Catholic Church (English Rite)

Polish National Catholic Church of America

Roman Catholic Church


Christian and Missionary Alliance

Christian Catholic Church



Christian Church, The (The Stone-Campbell Movement)

Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)

Christian Churches and Churches of Christ

Churches of Christ

Christian Church of North America, General Council

Christian Congregation, Inc.

Christian Union

Church of Christ (Holiness) U.S.A.

Church of Christ, Scientist



Church of God

Church of God, The (Huntsville, Alabama)

Church of God, Inc.,The (Original)

Church of God (Anderson, Indiana)

Church of God (Cleveland, Tennessee)

Church of God (Seventh Day)

Church of God and Saints of Christ

Church of God by Faith, Inc.

Church of God in Christ

Church of God in Christ (International)

Church of God of Prophecy

Church of God, Holiness

Church of Jesus Christ

Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ of` the Apostolic Faith, Inc.

Churches of Christ in Christian Union

Churches of God, General Conference

Churches of Illumination

Churches of the Living God

Community Churches, International Council of

Congregational Bible Churches, Inc.

Congregational Christian Churches (National Association)

Congregational Holiness Church

Conservative Congregational Christian Conference

Divine Science




African Orthodox Church, The

Anglican Orthodox Church

Episcopal Church, The

Reformed Episcopal Church

Other Anglican Bodies in the United States

Evangelical Church, The

Evangelical Congregational Church

Evangelical Covenant Church, The

Evangelical Free Church of America

Foursquare Gospel, International Church of the



Friends (Quaker)

Friends General Conference

Friends United Meeting (Five Years Meeting)

Religious Society of Friends (Conservative)

Grace Gospel Fellowship

Independent Fundamental Churches of America

Jehovah's Witnesses




American Lutheran Church, The

Apostolic Lutheran Church of America

Church of the Lutheran Brethren

Church of the Lutheran Confession

Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

Evangelical Lutheran Synod

Free Lutheran Congregations, The Association of

Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod, The

Lutheran Church in America

Protestant Conference (Lutheran)

Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod




Beachy Amish Mennonite Churches

Church of God in Christ, Mennonite

Conservative Mennonite Conference

Evangelical Mennonite Church

Fellowship of Evangelical Bible Churches

General Conference Mennonite Church

Hutterian Brethren

Mennonite Brethren Churches, General Conference

Mennonite Church

Old Order Amish Church

Old Order (Wisler) Mennonite Church

Reformed Mennonite Church

Unaffiliated Mennonite




African Methodist Episcopal Church

African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church

Christian Methodist Episcopal Church

Congregational Methodist Church

Evangelical Methodist Church

Free Methodist Church of North America

Primitive Methodist Church, U.S.A.

Reformed Methodist Union Episcopal Church

Southern Methodist Church

Union American Methodist Episcopal Church

United Methodist Church, The

Metropolitan Community Churches, Universal Fellowship of

Missionary Church




Moravian Church (Unitas Fratrum)

Unity of the Brethren




Church of Christ (Temple Lot)

Church of Jesus Christ (Bickertonites)

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, The

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Strangite)

Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints




Apostolic Christian Church (Nazarene)

Church of the Nazarene

New Apostolic Church of North America

Open Bible Standard Churches, Inc.



Orthodox (Eastern)

Albanian Orthodox Archdiocese in America

American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Greek Catholic Church

Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America

Bulgarian Eastern Orthodox Church

Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of North and South America

Orthodox Church of America

Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America

Russian Orthodox Church

Serbian Eastern Orthodox Church in the U.S.A. and Canada

Syrian Orthodox Church of Antioch

The Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the U.S.A.




Assemblies of God, General Council of .

Elim Fellowship

Independent Assemblies of God, International

International Pentecostal Church of Christ

Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, Inc.

Pentecostal Church of God

Pentecostal Free-Will Baptist Church, Inc.

Pentecostal Holiness Church, International

United Pentecostal Church, International

Pillar of Fire

Plymouth Brethren




Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church .

Bible Presbyterian Church

Cumberland Presbyterian Church

Evangelical Presbyterian Church

Orthodox Presbyterian Church

Presbyterian Church in America, The

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America .

Second Cumberland Presbyterian Church in the United States




Christian Reformed Church in North America

Hungarian Reformed Church in America

Netherlands Reformed Congregations

Protestant Reformed Churches in America

Reformed Church in America.

Reformed Church in the United States

Salvation Army

Schwenkfelder Church

Social Brethren




National Spiritual Alliance of the U.S.A.

National Spiritualist Association of Churches

Swedenborgian Church, General Convention of

Triumph the Church and Kingdom of God in Christ (International)

Unitarian Universalist Association

United Church of Christ

United Holy Church of America, Inc.

Unity School of Christianity

Volunteers of America, Inc.

Wesleyan Church, The

Worldwide Church of God







Yes, we know that MANY religions try hard to incorporate some sciences into their beliefs, in order to corner the market. This should be viewed as deranged and hypocritical. 


Worship has been the main spreader of fake information way BEFORE social media was ever invented. While ALL WORSHIPPING is anti the intent of sciences, NOT ALL  social media is anti-sciences. As Bertolt Brecht told us “the aim of science is not to open the door to infinite wisdom, but to set a limit to infinite error.” Do we get this message?


The philosophy of sciences is uncomfortably relative by design, but seeking absolute via worship is insane. Wishing for eternal life, vying for redemption and salvation is stupid and ignorant of reality. This is a little planet in evolution transform amongst a billion planets in a similar situation in which assemblages of elements, those that start producing amino-acids, lead (or do not) to the development of life, a purposeless system of chemicalities that has so far given us, individuals of a species amongst species, a tragic awareness of ultimate self-demise and a fantastic ability to appreciate our moment in the sun. Nothing more. No god. 


But we are made to be afraid… We would be afraid that our existence may be futile in uncertainty, thus many moons ago, some clever doodads have reduced most of us to a servile submission to various superior beings, from Zeus, god, allah, yahweh, Venus and Xena in order to eliminate the confusion of who we are, and at the same time control our desires. 


Preachers are the worst kind of fake news spreaders and purveyor of silly yet powerful misinformation. And of course, their way is the only way...


Take for example this young “megachurch” pastor (we’ve been following his delusions for a long time now, since he was a preacher at age 11) who is like the new representative salesman of Jesus. Ignorance can have a lot of information, be senseless and circular, from the acceptance of a false premise. So his take is “against the Christian Culture” which he sees as a habit rather than a real devotion — while creating his own delusions by writing his own relationship about Jesus which he wants to share with you for a few bobs… It would be silly, if it was not tragically accepted by ignoramuses en megamasses… It is a profitable non-profit business: he wants to implant 3,400 “Megachurches” worldwide to laud the Lord Jesus. No wonder he can afford clean shirts and expensive shoes... Jesus dressed in raggy robes and sandals, we have been told about his humble poverty...


Yet the “freedom of religion” (believing in crap) is sacrosanct while the freedom to express a stupid idea on twitter is a no-no… for fear of bad info-contagion. Whichever is worse?


The songs of the Eurovision contest 2021?… Great to see Sweden represented by a full black band and Russia looking like a pale version of Israel two years ago. For a few years, Eurovision has gone global with Australia in 2021 represented by Montaigne (eliminated in the semis)… The exuberance of the music is depressingly void of substance, like the cardboard cake for the wedding of Corporal Jones…


Australia’s entry, 25-year-old musician Montaigne, was knocked out from the competition during the first semi-final at the weekend.

The coronavirus scare comes amid a protest by several dozen Orthodox Christian faithful and clergy members over Cyprus’ entry in Eurovision, which they contend promotes Satan worship.

The protest, held opposite the gates of the offices of state broadcaster RIK, was the second against the song El Diablo staged by Christians who argue the number has no place as the national song of Cyprus in the contest because of what they say is its brazen invitation to embrace the devil.

Both RIK and singer Elena Tsagrinou say critics have misinterpreted the lyrics of El Diablo, and that it’s actually about an abusive relationship between two lovers.

The song passed its first competition hurdle during a Tuesday semifinal and made it into the contest’s final round.

The people protesting saw that as no cause for celebration, insisting that El Diablo was an affront to Cypriots’ Orthodox faith.

“This song doesn’t represent Cyprus. It doesn’t honour it. It insults Cyprus, it desecrates Cyprus and is dangerous, my good Orthodox Christians,” an unnamed clergyman said into a microphone while addressing the demonstrators.

“It’s dangerous to our children, to our families. There is no chance that the devil can do any good to anyone.”



But I am an optimist…





Your local analyst of crap (mine and yours).

Full blown atheist.


FREE JULIAN ASSANGE TODAY ***********************

all gods are false...

Paganism (from classical Latin pāgānus "rural", "rustic", later "civilian") is a term first used pejoratively in the fourth century by early Christians for people in the Roman Empire who practiced polytheism[1] or ethnic religions other than Judaism. In the time of the Roman empire, individuals fell into the pagan class either because they were increasingly rural and provincial relative to the Christian population, or because they were not milites Christi (soldiers of Christ).[2][3] Alternative terms in Christian texts were hellenegentile, and heathen.[1] Ritual sacrifice was an integral part of ancient Graeco-Roman religion[4] and was regarded as an indication of whether a person was pagan or Christian.[4] Paganism has broadly connoted the "religion of the peasantry".[1][5]

During and after the Middle Ages, the term paganism was applied to any non-Christian religion, and the term presumed a belief in false god(s).[6][7]

The origin of the application of the term pagan to polytheism is debated.[8] In the 19th century, paganism was adopted as a self-descriptor by members of various artistic groups inspired by the ancient world. In the 20th century, it came to be applied as a self-descriptor by practitioners of Modern PaganismNeopagan movements and Polytheistic reconstructionists. Modern pagan traditions often incorporate beliefs or practices, such as nature worship, that are different from those in the largest world religions.[9][10]

Contemporary knowledge of old pagan religions and beliefs comes from several sources, including anthropological field research records, the evidence of archaeological artifacts, and the historical accounts of ancient writers regarding cultures known to Classical antiquity.

Most modern pagan religions existing today (Modern or Neopaganism[11][12]) express a world view that is pantheisticpanentheistic, polytheistic or animistic, but some are monotheistic.[13]


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les dessins de la colère (drawings creating wrath)


The assassination of Professor Samuel Paty reminds us dramatically: today we kill for images. Whether it is the figure of the Prophet, or videos depicting the destruction of historical sites like Palmyra or Bamiyan, pictorial representations are more and more often at the heart of conflicts, provoking violent individual reactions or by the anger or the pain of outraged communities.

How did the images acquire such power? Can we, to understand this, be content to oppose an Islam that is traditionally iconoclastic with the democratic freedoms of our secular heritage?

Drawing in particular from the history of art, Bruno Nassim Aboudrar questions the visibility regime of these images. This allows him to flush out a misunderstanding: thus, caricaturing Jesus or Muhammad does not hurt Christians and Muslims in the same way, for reasons which relate not to the intention of their author, but to the visual history of the figures. respective of the two prophets. It also explains the paradoxical indignation of secular Westerners, also wounded by the destruction of images which they attach to a "heritage of humanity", which itself is dependent on a certain vision of " Orient ”.

Without undermining the contributions of geopolitics, sociology or theology, but moving the subject outside the political or religious sphere, this innovative essay questions our emotional reactions to images and reveals how, at the dawn of the 21st century, we could all have become idolaters.


See more:



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Confliction? Conflicted connection. Sciences and religions have nothing to do with each other, yet some loonies have been trying to connect these unconnectable "philosophies". Religions are deceitful by their nature of making you believe in absolute morality and eternity through eschatology and unbelievable beliefs such as the "original sin". Religions bathe in fraudulent trickery with silly rituals, incantations and submission to an idea, while sciences have the relative duty to expose all this garbage — by ignoring it.


We are told that eschatology is the doctrine of the last things. "Originally a Western term", it refers to Jewish, Christian, and Muslim beliefs about the end of history, the resurrection of the dead, the Last Judgment, the messianic era, and the vindication of god’s justice.

If you believe in this, you need to abandon your sciences forthwith and pray harder — or go and visit your psychologist for confliction. Apparently, the term eschatology is used to define similar beliefs in other "religions" — please, why not say myths —  of ancient Mediterranean (Greek and Roman mythology) and Middle Eastern cultures, Eastern civilisations and beliefs of non-literate people. It's silly. Eschatology is silly. 


Some idiots also believe that eschatological archetypes also can be found in various "secular liberation movements". Yes, in the cartoon series — the Avengers franchise and Popeye...


Philosophy is the word we use to define the human venture to understand the world. We use four means: theoretical philosophy (metaphysics and epistemology), practical philosophy (ethics, social and political philosophy, aesthetics), logic, and history of philosophy... 


Here, Gus with his big boots and his big head — since his early days of "philosophical" studies, has rebelled against these annoying (erroneous?) stylistical definitions by doing cartoons since 1951. Why? History is full of confliction between intent and action through misunderstanding of the caper called "life". Philosophy is a naive way to achieve nothing. This has been my long established view. Should I be a philosopher, I would class myself as an existentialist and nihilist. Sorry. Not really sorry.


Humans (Homo sapiens) have shown an enormous lack of respect for what they "believe in" through their "love of wisdom" (philosophy) by bashing each others and trying to destroy the place. True wisdom is slowly coming to us by understanding our evolutionary roots on a small planet, in which pain and contentment — basic animalistic surviving toolkit — are the essential ingredients of associative connections from cellular associations to complex life. This is why we need to eat, reject detritus and understand the state of contentment, without becoming masochistic or sadistic, which is often the dead end of religious beliefs (crucifixion, flagellation, judgement, false humility, etc) through their deceitful manipulations and hypocritical actions. 


So, what really prompted this outburst? 


On 15 June, the AAAS Dialogue on Science, Ethics, and Religion (DoSER) program will celebrate its 25th anniversary with a program of speakers and group discussions, covering topics from artificial intelligence to racism. While DoSER (www.aaas.org/DoSER) has had notable successes in building relationships between religious and scientific communities, the anniversary is a prompt to look forward, not back, said the program leaders.

At the event, called “Forward Together: Where Science, Ethics, and Religion Intersect in a Changing World,” speakers “will talk about the issues that are hot topics in science and technology today that have a broad impact on life around the globe,” said DoSER Director Jennifer Wiseman, “and how faith communities are integral to good uses of science and technology going forward.”


I won't link this, in respect of whom we are...


PLEASE, LET ME SPEW.... 25 years ago some loonies deceived scientists to believe in god? Or are the old catholics trying to take sciences in their bosom to corner the market of bums on seats, in their cake decorated churches? Sciences and religions SHOULD NOT INDULGE EACH OTHER. This was the purpose of the Enlightenment. End of story, not the end of the world, if you see what I mean, though humans have worked hard to precipitate the end of the latter, by believing in it, eschatologically...


Stop this crap. Read from top.


See also: https://yourdemocracy.net/drupal/node/28844


FREE JULIAN ASSANGE INSTEAD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%!!!!



no to the rfb...


The former high court justice Michael Kirby has warned against the “excessive protection” of religious freedom that could diminish the rights of non-believers and minorities, as a report reveals 70% of Australians say religion is not personally important to them.

In an interview with Guardian Australia before the release of new Rationalist Society research charting the long-term decline of religiosity in Australia, Kirby – an Anglican who agreed to be a patron of the society to support secularism in Australia – also defended Scott Morrison’s personal expressions of his religious faith


The report’s release comes as the attorney general, Michaelia Cash, restarts consultation on the Coalition’s stalled religious freedom legislation and faces a fresh call from the Freedom for Faith lobby group to pass the religious freedom bills.


Kirby says his upbringing in the Sydney diocese of the Anglican church “is not all that different from the Pentecostal tradition of Mr Morrison”.


In April Guardian Australia revealed that Morrison had told a national conference of Christian churches he had been called upon to do God’s work and practised the evangelical tradition of the “laying-on of hands” while working in the role of prime minister.


Kirby said he “understand[s] where Mr Morrison and Pentecostal citizens are coming from” when they speak about doing God’s work – but that is “not incompatible with the notion revealed in the survey, that the vast majority of Australia are not people with strong religious beliefs”.

The Rationalist Society research finds that – despite 60% of Australians indicating an affiliation with a religion in the 2016 census – religiosity is much lower when Australians are asked if they “belong” to a religious organisation or religion is “personally important” to them.

The report canvassed questions about religion in the Australian National University’s Australian election study, surveys of social studies, and values study, finding a majority (62%) of Australians say they don’t belong to a religious organisation.


That includes 24% of Catholics, 44% of Anglicans, 27% of minor Christian denominations, and 45% of non-Christian denominations.

A further 48% of Catholics, 44% of Anglicans, 27% of minor Christian denominations, and 30% of non-Christian denominations report that they are inactive members. Just 15% of Australians say they are active members of a religious organisation.

The report, by Rationalist Society fellow Neil Francis, found seven in 10 Australians (71%) say that religion is not personally important, including around half of Catholics (49%) and non-Christian denominations (48%), nearly two-thirds (64%) of Anglicans, and 39% of minor Christian denominations.

It found that most Australians (between 74% and 82%) oppose religious schools having the legal right to expel students or sack staff on the basis of sexual orientation or relationship status.

Francis said it was misguided to claim that religion had a significant impact on election results. Although Australian election study data is clear that “somewhat fewer Christians gave Labor their first preference at the 2019 election”, the report argued they may instead have been spooked by Labor’s tax policies given greater economic conservatism of religious people.


Kirby said the report “demonstrates that contentions there is a demand in our community for protection for religious freedoms not presently being accorded are not accurate”.

“The Australian population is confirming the impression most people would have that it is not particularly religious and … that Australians are very sceptical of legal protections that would protect religious organisations or their members at the expense of respecting human dignity and basic rights of others,” he said.

Kirby said the right to practise religion must be “accorded in a way that respects others’ rights in the community – including the rights of non-believers and minorities who are sometimes on the receiving end of animosity or prejudice from religious people”.

The former attorney general Christian Porter released a second draft of religious freedom legislation in December 2019, but the package was put on the back burner due to lack of widespread community support – even among Christian groups – and the Covid crisis.

From Friday to Sunday, Freedom for Faith, a legal religious thinktank, is holding a “religious freedom weekend” urging the faithful pray for religious freedom and to contact members of parliament and pass the legislation.


In a letter to MPs, Freedom for Faith said it was “disappointed that two years after an election promise by the Morrison government to provide at least some protection for religious freedom, no bill has yet been introduced into parliament”.

“We understand the impact of the pandemic, but we now ask that the parliament make it a priority,” it said.

The second draft bill – which still hasn’t been introduced to parliament – would prohibit discrimination on the basis of religion in general but provides greater freedom for religious institutions themselves to do so.





Gus Leonisky is a Rabid Atheist...



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See also : Article on Gaddafi to come.