Saturday 18th of January 2025

information about disinformation and white-anting the truth...
























We live in the age of deceit. This has been one of the main tenets on this site: expose deceit as much as possible. Politics and religions bathe in the sea of deceit. By whatever discussion and "evidence", we are made to accept some falsehoods when we get off the merry-go-round of information. Thus when we scratch our smooth pink surface, the skin, we discover our liver has cirrhosis (or is a circus according to the spell-check)...


There are some internet sites dedicated to sniffing out untruth. God bless them but I don't believe in god... So, we need to lift the carpet to see the dirt. For example, Grafika appears to be on the ball. But is it? Which are Grafika's partners? Okay, there is Amnesty International. Good. The Knight Foundation? Good enough... A few universities, including Johns Hopkins, etc? Good show... And we have DARPA... Hello? DARPA? May as well have the CIA disinformation centre, it would be more honest...


We know of the way, the Mueller Inquiry dragged its feet over cooling coals because it had no information whatsoever on Putin and Trump love-in, but plenty of disinformation that could be stretched over his entire presidency, Trump — and Putin's for good measure... So we should discredit disinformation, innuendoes, rumours, alleged's, as much as possible, but in general it's difficult because we "don't know the truth". We have to see the documents and this is why JULIAN ASSANGE IS IN PRISON. We are not supposed to know the truth. Politics is like a kitchen where the ingredients are collected from the dirty floor and stirred in a giant pot. 


At least, some people acknowledge that "disinformation needs to be defended", because of various arguments, which Gus suggests include making the truth more valuable. Gold versus fool's gold... making us think...




In defense of ‘misinformation’ by Stephen L. Carter


The effort to hunt down misinformers to keep them from misinforming represents a return to the bad old days that once upon a time liberalism sensibly opposed.


I’m no fan of the current war on “misinformation” — if anything, I’m a conscientious objector — and one of the reasons is the term’s pedigree.


Although the Grammar Curmudgeon in me freely admits that the word is a perfectly fine one, the effort by public and private sector alike to hunt down misinformers to keep them from misinforming the public represents a return to the bad old days that once upon a time liberalism sensibly opposed.



First, as to the word itself.


The Oxford English Dictionary traces “misinformation” in its current sense to the late 16th century. In 1786, while serving as ambassador to France, Thomas Jefferson used the word to deride the claim that the U.S. Congress had at one point sat in Hartford, Connecticut.


In 1817, as every first-year law student knows, the U.S. Supreme Court used the word as part of a shaky effort to define fraud. In the run-up to the Civil War, supporters of the newly formed Republican Party denounced as misinformation the notion that they harbored “hostile aims against the South.”


Depending on context, the word can even take on a haughty drawing-room quality. Sir Hugo Latymer, the protagonist of Noel Coward’s tragic farce “A Song at Twilight,” discovers that his exlover Carlotta believes that she has the legal right to publish his letters to Hugo’s ex-lover Perry. Says the haughty Hugo: “I fear you have been misinformed.” (Writers have been imitating the line ever since.)


True, according to the always excellent Quote Investigator, a popular Mark Twainism about how reading the news makes you misinformed is apocryphal. QI does remind us, however, that there’s a long history of writers and politicians using the term as one of denunciation. Which leads us to the pedigree problem.


Chances are you’ve never heard of the old Federated Press. It was founded in the 1918 as a left leaning competitor to the Associated Press and died 30 years later, deserted by hundreds of clients after being declared by the U.S. Congress a source of “misinformation.” Translation: The Congress didn’t like its point of view.


But the Federated Press was hardly alone. For the Red-hunters of the McCarthy Era, “misinformation” became a common term of derision. As early as 1945, the right-leaning syndicated columnist Paul Mallon complained that “the left wing” was “glibly” spreading “misinformation about American foreign policy” — and, worse, that others “were being gradually influenced by their thinking.”


In a 1953 U.S. Senate hearing on “Communist Infiltration of the Army” — yes, that’s what the hearing was called — Soviet defector Igor Bogolepov (popular among the McCarthyites) assured the eager committee members that a pamphlet about Siberia distributed by the U.S. Army contained “a lot of deliberate misinformation which serves the interest of the communist cause.”


A report issued by the Senate Judiciary Committee three years later begins: “The average American is unaware of the amount of misinformation about the Communist Party, USA, which appears in the public press, in books and in the utterances of public speakers.” Later on, the report provides a list of groups that exist “for the purpose of promulgating communist ideas and misinformation into the bloodstream of public opinion.” Second on the list is the (by then dying) Federated Press.


In 1957, the chief counsel of a Senate subcommittee assured the members that “misinformation” distributed by “some of our State Department officials” had “proved to be helpful to the communist cause and detrimental to the cause of the United States.”


The habit lingered into the 1960s, when — lest we forget — President John F. Kennedy and his New Frontiersman were adamant about the need to combat the communist threat. “International communism is expending great efforts to spread misinformation about the United States among ill-informed peoples around the world,” warned the Los Angeles Times in a 1961 editorial. The following year, Attorney General Robert Kennedy gave a major address in which he argued that America’s ideological setbacks abroad were the result of — you guessed it — communist “misinformation.”


I’m not suggesting that “misinformation” is always an unhelpful word. My point is that for anyone who takes history seriously, the sight of powerful politicians and business leaders joining in a campaign to chase misinformation from public debate conjures vicious images of ideological overreaching that devastated lives and livelihoods.


I’ve written in this space before about the federal government’s deliberate destruction of the career of my great-uncle Alphaeus Hunton, based largely on his role as a trustee for the Civil Rights Congress, a group labeled by the Senate as — you guessed it — a purveyor of “misinformation.”


So forgive me if, in this burgeoning war on misinformation, I remain a resister. America has been down this road before, and the results were ugly.


I’m old-fashioned enough to believe that your freedom to shout what I consider false is the best protection for my freedom to shout what I consider true. I won’t deny a certain pleasurable frisson as the right cowers before what was once its own weapon of choice. And I quite recognize that falsehoods, if widely believed, can lead to bad outcomes. Nevertheless, I’m terrified at the notion that the left would want to return to an era when those in power are applauded for deciding which views constitute misinformation.


So if the alternatives are a boisterous, unruly public debate, where people sometimes believe falsehoods; and a well-ordered public debate where the ability to make one’s point is effectively subject to the whims of officially assigned truth-sayers; the choice is easy: I’ll take the unruly and boisterous every time.


Stephen L. Carter is a Bloomberg Opinion columnist. He is a professor of law at Yale University and was a clerk to U.S. Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall. His novels include “The Emperor of Ocean Park,” and his latest nonfiction book is “Invisible: The Forgotten Story"


FREE JULIAN ASSANGE NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

political positioning...

The Culture of Disbelief [by Stephen L. Carter] has been the subject of an enormous amount of media attention from the first moment it was published.  Hugely successful in hardcover, the Anchor paperback is sure to find a large audience as the ever-increasing, enduring debate about the relationship of church and state in America continues. In The Culture of Disbelief, Stephen Carter explains how we can preserve the vital separation of  church and state while embracing rather than  trivializing the faith of millions of citizens or  treating religious believers with disdain. What makes Carter's work so intriguing is that he uses liberal means to arrive at what are often considered conservative ends. Explaining how preserving a special  role for religious communities can strengthen our democracy, The Culture of Disbelief recovers the long tradition of liberal religious witness (for example, the antislavery, antisegregation, and Vietnam-era antiwar movements). Carter argues that the problem with the 1992 Republican convention was not the fact of open religious advocacy, but the political positions being advocated.




Meanwhile at Graphika:


Deconstructing Guo Wengui's Online 'Whistleblower Movement'
  • Chinese businessman Guo Wengui is at the center of a vast network of interrelated media entities which have disseminated online disinformation and promoted real-world harassment campaigns. 
  • Graphika has identified thousands of mostly-authentic social media accounts associated with this network which are active across platforms including Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, Gab, Telegram, Parler, and Discord.
  • In the last year, this network has promoted harassment campaigns against anti-CCP Chinese dissidents, activists, and other perceived enemies in six countries. These campaigns have been linked to multiple violent incidents.
  • Foreign-born participants in Guo’s online and offline operations have been promised political asylum in the United States in exchange for participation.
  • Graphika has noted multiple instances of what appear to be coordinated authentic behavior, with real supporters posting with the singular purpose of amplifying Guo-related content.
  • The network acts as a prolific producer and amplifier of mis- and disinformation, including claims of voter fraud in the U.S., false information about Covid-19, and QAnon narratives.
  • Accounts in the network have used centrally-coordinated tactics to evade enforcement actions by social media platforms.




Read more:



We obviously do not indulge in this sort of disinformation in the West, do we? Or if we do, it is for the better good, is it not?... I did not do the cartoon below in jest...




