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time to stop the bloodshed in the names of our ideals...
The agreements reached between Presidents Joe Biden and Vladimir Putin following the Western military defeat in Syria are beginning to be implemented in the Middle East. The next steps should be the withdrawal of US forces from Iraq and Syria, the expulsion of Turkish forces from northwestern Syria, the return of Iran to the concert of nations, the return of the Golan Heights and finally the Russian-Syrian administration of Lebanon. A NEW WORLD ORDER TAKES SHAPE (PART 4)Towards peace in Syria and Lebanon by Thierry Meyssan This article is a follow-up to The consequences of the Geneva Accords - known as "Yalta 2" (June 16, 2021) - for the wider Middle East are about to reach a new stage: foreign forces occupying parts of Syria are about to withdraw. After 12 years of massacres, the war against the Syrian Arab Republic is ending. President Bashar al-Assad went to the Kremlin. Nothing transpired from his meeting with his Russian counterpart. However, it seems that Moscow will supervise both Syria and Lebanon from the Lebanese parliamentary elections in May 2022. If Washington does not keep its word, Syria could be admitted to the Collective Security Treaty Organisation (CSTO), the military alliance around Russia. In such a case, Moscow’s support for Damascus would increase considerably as Syria would move from being a friend to an ally. Any attack on its security would be an attack on Russia’s. ISRAEL In recent weeks, the "rebels" of Deraa (in the south of the country) have laid down their arms. They had already done so with a Russian general, then mobilised again against Damascus at the request of Saudi Arabia. They finally surrendered after Israel withdrew its military support. This is an important event that marks the evolution of the Tel Aviv regime. Since the resignation of Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel is freeing itself from the colonial ideology of Ze’ev Jabotinsky and trying to become a state like any other. The government of Naftali Bennett (despite its rhetoric) and Yair Lapid has agreed to stop supporting armed groups in Syria. However, this does not prevent it from continuing its secret war against Iran on Lebanese and Syrian territory. Especially if Tel Aviv accepts many concessions, it stands firm on the occupation of the Golan Heights, which it has illegally annexed under the UN. Commenting on President Bashar al-Assad’s visit to Moscow, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov told Russia Today in an interview in Arabic that Russia intends to free all of Syria from all foreign forces illegally stationed there: the Israeli, Turkish and US. The Golan Heights are being returned in exchange for an Iranian withdrawal from Syria. Jordan, which has never committed itself against Syria but has let the US and Saudi Arabia use its territory to fight Damascus, seems relieved. The rebels in Deraa, anticipating what would happen next, refused to leave for Idleb (in the north of the country). They preferred to lay down their arms without any compensation. TURKEY The next step must be the withdrawal of US and Turkish troops from the north of the country, the surrender of Kurdish mercenaries and the flight of the jihadists amassed in Idleb. This is where the problem lies: Turkey refuses to leave. For it, Idleb is an area that it has claimed since the "National Oath" of 1920 [1]. Ankara had welcomed the occupation as a step towards restoring Ottoman grandeur. Its withdrawal would mean not only the loss of this territory, but the failure of its neo-Ottoman dream. This is why President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, during his speech at the 76th UN General Assembly, reawakened the threat of his support for Tatar terrorism. In 2015, Turkey and Ukraine had officially created an International Islamic Brigade against the attachment of Crimea to Russia [2]. Three months later, the Turkish army shot down a Russian Sukhoi, causing a serious political crisis. But this episode was short-lived. The anti-Russian terrorist option was abandoned in 2016 and President Erdoğan apologised for the "incident". Disrupting the chessboard, the CIA attempted to have President Erdoğan assassinated. The operation failed and turned into an improvised coup, which also failed. To everyone’s surprise, Ankara then turned to Moscow and signed deal after deal for the Turkish Stream gas pipeline and finally for the purchase of S-400 anti-missile systems. Today Ankara finds itself in a difficult position as it stands against Moscow and Washington at the same time. Its threat to reactivate Tatar terrorism is credible insofar as Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, before becoming president, was an important actor in the wars in Afghanistan and Chechnya. He gave the support of the Millî Görüş to Gulbuddin Hekmatyar in Afghanistan, and then offered a rear base to the terrorists of Dokou Oumarov for their Emirate of Itchkeria (Chechnya). It is obviously unlikely that Russia will give in to Turkish blackmail this time, since it did not do so in 2015. Moscow is not Brussels, which cowardly paid $5 billion during the migrant blackmail. In any case, even if the Turkish threat does not have to go through, stating it raises the stakes. President Erdoğan does not intend to give in without strong compensation. The withdrawal of US forces from Iraq and Syria will leave the Kurdish mercenaries unprotected just as the withdrawal of US armies from Afghanistan left the local CIA collaborators to their fate. Given the crimes they have committed, especially against Christian Arabs, a panic is beginning to set in. Some of them are already in negotiations with Damascus. The secret meeting of the US and Russian chiefs of staff, Generals Mark A. Milley and Valery Gerasimov, on September 21 in Helsinki, dealt with the Syrian issue. It is not known what the two men decided, but General Miley is a strong supporter of Joe Biden and would not sabotage his commitments. IRAN Iran, which has established itself as an economic power under Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and as a military power under General Qassem Soleimani, is about to be integrated into the concert of nations. While official negotiations on its nuclear status have stalled, secret contacts are increasing. The US has now agreed to put Iranian nuclear research into perspective as long as it is peaceful. In the last year of the war imposed by Iraq on Ruhollah Khomeini’s Iran, Tehran forbade itself to build the atomic bomb, a project that the US and France had developed with Shah Reza Pahlevi. Iran only lifted this ban after President Donald Trump assassinated General Qassem Soleimani. There is no indication that Tehran has since resumed this project. The fact that Washington and London have revealed their nuclear pact with Australia means that these two major powers can no longer accuse Iran of proliferation. The US has also given up on dividing the Muslim world into Sunni and Shia. Solid contacts are being established between the brotherly enemies that Saudi Arabia and Iran had become. The latest was a secret meeting between the heads of the two countries’ secret services on September 23 at Baghdad airport. Tehran should give up some of its military actions and concentrate on the defence of Shiite communities in the world (including Latin America). The Revolutionary Guards could therefore leave Syria and give more room to the Lebanese Hezbollah. THE EUROPEAN UNION On the diplomatic front, the embassies of EU member states in Damascus have almost all reopened (but not the French one). It seems that the EU has financial obligations imposed by an old UN resolution. In any case, Brussels is providing $7 billion to rebuild Syria’s infrastructure. Strangely, the European Commission, which continues to employ 6,000 British civil servants more than a year after the Brexit, is represented in Syria by the British NGO Oxfam (which had supported the White Helmets terrorist group). In any case, the EU officially remains on the position stated by US ambassador Jeffrey Feltman when he headed the UN four years ago: not a penny for the reconstruction of Syria until the "regime" has fallen [3]. The question that remains open is whether or not Lebanon will return to Russian-Syrian administration. The answer will determine Chinese involvement in the region. For the moment, the three Lebanese presidents (of the Republic, the Government and the Parliament) are compatible with the administration of President Bashar al-Assad. However, President Bashar al-Assad, who was unjustly accused of having instigated the assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri and whose troops were booed in Beirut, does not seem to want to play this role. This would be the wisest solution. The announcement of a possible candidacy for the presidency of the Lebanese Parliament of the Director of General Security, General Abbas Ibrahim, is interpreted as the entry into the race of a man aware of the culture of Greater Syria. Until the Sykes-Picot-Sazonov agreements of 1915, which planned the creation of Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and Cyprus, these five states formed the same Ottoman province. CHINA In the event of a Syrian trusteeship over failed Lebanon, China would step in to rebuild the end of the ancient Silk Road. In ancient and early medieval times, the Silk Road linked the then Chinese capital, Xi’an, to the Mediterranean via Palmyra and Damascus. Beijing plans to build both a land and rail route as well as telecommunications infrastructure. This would be a very important victory for Presidents Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping as part of the war on Syria was explicitly aimed at preventing this project. It would be surprising if the US, which has forced Israel to cancel all its contracts with Beijing, were to let Russia install China in Syria without a quid pro quo. FRANCE France, once the colonial power of Lebanon and Syria, does not intend to be ousted. Last month, President Emmanuel Macron attended the Baghdad summit, under the watchful eye of the British secret service. France and the United States played a central role in the appointment of Najib Mikati as the new strongman of the Lebanese Sunni community and consequently as the new Prime Minister (this function being reserved for a Sunni). The Westerners favoured the man who is now, according to Forbes, the richest man in the country, as Rafik Hariri had been. To achieve this, they eliminated the Hariri family with the help of Saudi Arabia. The assets of Saad Hariri (the son, who was also Prime Minister) were seized by court order. The operation should soon continue with the seizure of his assets in Lebanon. Najib Mikati, who is no more honest than he is, depends on Washington and Paris insofar as his fortune is dispersed in states under Western tutelage. He is as much a symbol as the Hariri’s of the use of Lebanon as a pirate state in the Western economic system. It does not subscribe to any of the Western rules, but is used for all the West’s secret transactions, especially drugs and telecommunications. In this respect, Lebanon is comparable to Israel, although the self-proclaimed "Jewish state" specialises in secret diamond and arms deals (including software). In both cases, the profits of the rulers do not benefit the population. France’s support for Najib Mikati is aimed at preventing Lebanon from becoming a real nation and no longer an aggregate of communities. Paris will therefore do its utmost to ensure that the next parliament is elected according to the iniquitous rules that have prevailed until now. Lebanon is the only country in the world where the majority of parliamentarians are elected from father to son. To ensure that a democratic rule is not adopted, France intends to deploy its troops and secure the polling stations during the May 2022 elections. Denying the origin of the problems, it prioritises economic over political reforms. President Macron hosted Lebanese Prime Minister Najib Mikati on September 24. As soon as he was appointed, the latter rushed to the Élysée Palace, breaking the sacrosanct rule according to which a new Lebanese Prime Minister should not visit the former colonial power without having first met his main Arab counterparts. Only once the political landscape is stabilised can the exploitation of hydrocarbons in Israel, Lebanon and Syria begin. It is necessary to delimit the maritime borders that were vaguely drawn by the Sykes-Picot agreements, but never precisely fixed.
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reviving terror...
BY Brian Berletic
Suspicions were raised when in late 2020 the US de-listed as a terrorist organization the East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM), sometimes referred to as the Turkestan Islamic Party (TIP).
This was because the US had claimed as its rationale that the ETIM/TIP had not been active for over a decade despite the US itself admitting to striking ETIM/TIP targets in Afghanistan as recently as 2018, just 2 years before the de-listing.
A 2020 Guardian article titled, “US removes shadowy group from terror list blamed by China for attacks,” for example, would note:
In a notice in the Federal Register, which publishes new US laws and rules, the secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, said on Friday he was revoking the designation of the East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM) as a “terrorist organization.”
“ETIM was removed from the list because, for more than a decade, there has been no credible evidence that ETIM continues to exist,” a state department spokesperson said.
The US State Department spokesperson’s claim went unchallenged by The Guardian despite the paper itself having written a 2013 article as recently as 7 years ago from the US de-listing of ETIM/TIP titled, “Islamist group claims responsibility for attack on China’s Tiananmen Square,” which reported:
The Turkistan Islamic Party (TIP) is the first group to claim responsibility for the attack on 28 October, when a four-wheel drive vehicle ploughed through a group of pedestrians near the iconic square in central Beijing, crashed into a stone bridge and caught fire, killing five people and injuring dozens. Chinese authorities quickly identified the driver as Uighur, a Muslim ethnic minority hailing from Xinjiang, a sparsely populated, restive region in the country’s far north-west.
Not only does the article indicate the US State Department lied in its claim the terrorist organization has been inactive for over a decade, it also illustrates the very real terrorist threat China faces nationwide from Xinjiang-based terrorist organizations.
The US government and the Western media in general have, for years now depicted security policies carried out by Beijing to counter this threat as “genocide.”
ETIM/TIP “Back from the Dead”
Considering all of this it should come as no surprise then when US-based Newsweek published an article in September of this year titled, “Exclusive: Despite China’s Pressure on Taliban, Uyghur Separatists See Opportunity in Afghanistan,” in which the “non-existent” ETIM/TIP’s spokesperson was interviewed by US media.
The article followed on the heels of the US withdrawal from Afghanistan, a move that clearly opened the door to a transition from America’s overt military footprint in the Central Asian country to a more covert role in backing militant groups to sow chaos not only within Afghanistan’s borders but far beyond them, including into neighboring China.
The Newsweek article would report:
“The United States is a strong country, it has its own strategy, and we see the withdrawal of the American government today from this war in Afghanistan, which is incurring huge economic losses, as a means of confronting China, who are the enemy of all humanity and religions on the face of the Earth,” a spokesperson for the political office of the Turkestan Islamic Party, commonly known as the East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM), told Newsweek.
In what appears to be the first remarks by the secretive group to an international media outlet since being removed from a US list of terrorist organizations last year, the Turkestan Islamic Party spokesperson expressed hoped the US military exit last month would be followed by greater pressure against China.
“We believe that the opposition of the United States to China will not only benefit the Turkestan Islamic Party and the people of Turkestan,” the spokesperson said, “but also all mankind.”
Newsweek would also mention US strikes on ETIM/TIP targets in 2018, noting:
For many years, the US included ETIM on its Terrorist Exclusion List, part of Patriot Act measures established after the 9/11 attacks. The Pentagon even targeted the group with airstrikes in Afghanistan up until at least 2018.
The public is expected to believe the US de-listing ETIM/TIP was based on alleged evidence the organization no longer exists, despite the organization clearly continuing to exist and carry out acts of terrorism, and now also openly aligning itself with US foreign policy vis-à-vis China upon its “reemergence.”
The US has similarly de-listed terrorist organizations it sought to use as armed proxies in conflicts against targeted nations. This includes the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) the US used in its proxy war with not only Libya itself in 2011, but after transferring fighters and weapons from North Africa to the Middle East, against Syria as well from 2011 onward.
The US also de-listed the Mujahedin-e-Khalq (MEK), a terrorist organization used by the US and its allies to conduct terror operations against the government and people of Iran.
It’s No Secret the US Supports Separatism in Xinjiang, China
The Newsweek article spends much of its space attempting to depict the ETIM/TIP as engaged in a heroic battle for independence against an “oppressive” Chinese occupation. The article claims:
“East Turkestan is the land of the Uyghurs,” the Turkestan Islamic Party spokesperson said. “After the Chinese government occupied our homeland by force, they forced us to leave our homeland because of their oppression against us. The whole world knows that East Turkestan has always been the land of the Uyghurs.”
Only until about midway through the article does Newsweek finally admit:
Beyond China and the UN, an array of nations and international organizations including the European Union, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Pakistan, Russia, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates and the United Kingdom consider ETIM to be a terrorist organization.
Indeed, the UN does count ETIM/TIP as a terrorist group and is quoted by Newsweek as noting the organization “poses an immediate threat to the security of China and its people.”
The UN Security Council, on the official UN website in a statement titled, “Eastern Turkistan Islamic Movement,” explicitly notes:
The Eastern Turkistan Islamic Movement (ETIM) is an organization which has used violence to further its aim of setting up an independent so-called “East Turkistan” within China.
The UNSC statement makes two things abundantly clear. First, the UN, and by extension the majority of the international community, does not recognize the term “East Turkestan,” and instead recognizes the territory as Xinjinang and as part of China.
Second, the UNSC is explicitly designating ETIM/TIP as a terrorist organization that has used violence to further its separatist ambitions.
The term “East Turkestan” is used only by separatists in contradiction to international law and the region’s internationally recognized status as Xinjiang, China.
Therefore it is especially telling to see on the US government’s National Endowment for Democracy’s official website its programs in Xinjiang listed on a page titled, “Xinjiang/East Turkestan (China).”
The organizations listed, including the Uyghur Human Rights Project (UHRP) and the World Uyghur Congress (WUC) both explicitly refer to Xinjiang, China as “East Turkestan” which they regard as “occupied” by China.
The UHRP describes itself on its website, claiming (emphasis added):
The Uyghur Human Rights Project promotes the rights of the Uyghurs and other Turkic Muslim peoples in East Turkistan, referred to by the Chinese government as the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region…
WUC’s website claims the organization declares an “opposition movement against Chinese occupation of East Turkistan.”
Both organizations are funded by the US government with the UHRP being based in Washington D.C.
The World Uyghur Congress, funded by the US government, was the organization that initiated the so-called “Uyghur Tribunal.” The Uyghur Tribunal’s official website even admits (emphasis added):
In June 2020 Dolkun Isa, President of the World Uyghur Congress formally requested that Sir Geoffrey Nice QC establish and chair an independent people’s tribunal to investigate ‘ongoing atrocities and possible Genocide’ against the Uyghurs, Kazakhs and other Turkic Muslim Populations.
Thus not only is the US clearly promoting separatism in Xinjiang, China by directly funding organizations promoting separatism, and not only has the US de-listed ETIM/TIP, an active terrorist organization, making it easier for the organization to allocate funding and travel globally, but it also leveraging its considerable control over global media and international institutions to depict China’s response to this concerted campaign of seperatism and terrorism aimed at its territory and people as “genocide.”
In other words, the US in one hand is armed with a sword – “reemerged” ETIM/TIP terrorists keen on joining America’s encirclement and containment of China – and in the other hand, the US holds the shield of “human rights advocacy” to guard against China’s attempts to address this threat.
It is a perpetual irony that the US presumes leadership of a “rules-based international order” it claims underwrites peace and stability worldwide while simultaneously being the greatest threat to both.
Brian Berletic is a Bangkok-based geopolitical researcher and writer, especially for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.
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говоря русский в Сирии...
Back in the days of the Soviet Union, Russian-Syrian relations were quite cordial. Having established diplomatic contacts with Syria in 1944, the USSR became one of the main initiators of the country’s independence from France. Through the efforts of Soviet diplomats, Syria became a sovereign state in 1946. In 1980, representatives of the Syrian Arab Republic (SAR) and the Soviet Union signed a Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation. The USSR supported Syria in matters of foreign policy and was also the main supplier of weapons to the Syrian army. Dozens of films were made by filmmakers of the two countries working together. Tens of thousands of Syrian students were educated in Soviet universities.
After the collapse of the Soviet Union, ties between Russia and Syria weakened considerably. Trade declined sharply, joint cultural projects had to be suspended, and some Syrian students who had studied at Russian universities were forced to return home. Military cooperation also weakened as Russia cut back on defense spending in the 1990s. Syria’s growing alienation from Russia has had a detrimental effect on its development: it has lost its main geopolitical ally in the region.
Since the early 2000s, Russia gradually began to restore its former influence in the international arena. Every year, cooperation between the Russian Federation and Syria in all key areas has grown rapidly and steadily. The entry of Russian troops into the Syrian Arab Republic in 2015 finally reestablished Russia as Syria’s main partner. Russian military specialists made a decisive contribution to the defeat of the terrorist organization DAESH (banned in Russia) by their competent actions.
During the French Mandate in Syria, which lasted from 1920 to 1946, French became the second most important language in the country after Arabic. For a long time, French was taught in Syrian schools along with English. This is largely due to the fact that during the French military presence in Syria, the basic institutions of statehood were formed, and all the key positions in the country were held by the French. Most elements of Syrian government and military traditions are borrowed from France.
As Russia’s influence in Syria grew, the Russian language became increasingly popular in the country. The SAR is gradually recovering from the aftermath of violent civil war, and so the interaction between Russia and Syria is markedly expanding. Today there are a large number of Russian citizens on the territory of the SAR who interact with Syrians. The language barrier considerably hinders the process of rapprochement between the two countries, so in recent years, the Syrian government has embarked on a course of introducing the Russian language to the masses.
In 2017, Syrian Ambassador to Russia Riyad Haddad reported that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad had granted Russian the status of a second national language, thus underscoring the importance of building a bilateral dialogue between Russia and Syria. According to a Syrian diplomat, Bashar al-Assad decided to make Russian the second most important language in the state, in order, first of all, to show respect to Russia for its help in difficult times, thanks to which the official and legitimate government managed to withstand the onslaught of radical Islamists. It is important to note that some Syrian families express their gratitude to Russia by naming their sons Putin after the current Russian president, along with other various Russian names. The ambassador also reported that Bashar al-Assad had ordered the allocation of a plot of land near Damascus for the construction of a Russian school free of charge.
It is interesting to note that 10% of the population of Syria are Christians, many of whom start families with Russian-speaking wives from Russia, and raise their children in a multilingual and multicultural environment. It is in Syria, incidentally, where the most important Christian shrines in the world are located.
As a result of the de-escalation of the Syrian conflict, the country is gradually returning to its pre-war way of life. In 2020, the Russian Center of Science and Culture was opened in Damascus. According to the director of the center, locals have long appealed to Russian representatives to organize Russian language courses. The number of students in Syrian schools who have decided to study Russian as a second foreign language currently stands at over 20,000. This is a particularly high figure for a country with a population of about 17 million people. The center’s director noted that his organization provides all kinds of assistance to the Syrian part in training teaching staff for Syrian schools. According to analysts, in the foreseeable future new Russian scientific and cultural centers will appear in Syria, because cooperation between the two countries in the humanitarian sphere is strengthening every year. Many Syrian entrepreneurs are eager to learn Russian in order to facilitate interaction with their Russian counterparts. There are also an impressive number of Syrians who want to learn more about Russian culture for their general education.
Unfortunately, as of 2021, Syria does not have enough specialists with knowledge of the Russian language to teach it to everyone who wants to learn it. However, the Syrian authorities are taking measures to eliminate the problem. In 2014, Damascus University established a Russian language department that trains Russian language teachers for Syrian schools. Graduates of this department now work in educational institutions, teaching the Russian language to students in Syrian schools. The issue of the small number of educational programs remains rather acute. Russian and Syrian educators are working together to solve this dilemma.
Reports of yet another terrorist attack in Syria are becoming more and more scarce in the media. Consequently, one can presume that the situation in the country is becoming less dire with each passing day. If the situation in the country finally stabilizes, economic and humanitarian relations between Russia and the SAR will become much stronger. If this happens, the demand for learning Russian will increase even more.
In the long term, Syria could become a bulwark for the further assertion of the Russian language in the Middle East. If Syrian specialists in various fields who know Russian interact with their colleagues from other Arab countries, sooner or later there may be a demand to learn Russian in other countries as well. In such a scenario, Russia’s influence in the Middle East region will increase substantially, which will lead to an increase in Russia’s importance in matters relating to global geopolitics.
Petr Konovalov, a political observer, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.
Had the US president, "Bark Bark" Obama, understood this IMPORTANT dynamic, he would not have tried to feed the terrorists in Syria with training and weapons. The Ruskies were not going to abandon Syria, no matter what. At some stage, possibly the correct timing when the West was already congratulating itself about the removal of a loosing Assad army, Putin acted with the dexterity of a surgeon.
biden supports terrorists in syria...
Damascus has repeatedly demanded that all foreign forces not explicitly invited into the country by the Middle Eastern nation’s internationally recognized government vacate Syria immediately.
US forces have reportedly sent another convoy loaded with weapons, munitions and logistical equipment to illegal bases in Syria’s Hasakah province.
Sources on the ground in the town of al-Qahtaniyah, northeast Syria told the Syrian Arab News Agency Friday that a convoy of 56 trucks and tankers, 8 Humvees, and an unspecified number of Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) militia vehicles made their way into the country via the illegal al-Waleed crossing point and proceeded en route to SDF bases in the region.
The deployment comes just one day after US President Joe Biden’s announcement that the White House would renew executive order 13894 of 14 October 2019 on the situation in Syria for another year. The order, first issued by Biden’s predecessor Donald Trump, enables the US to illegally sanction any person or entity it deems to “threaten the peace, security, stability, or territorial integrity of Syria” or commit “serious human rights abuses,” and calls for the creation of a “new Syrian government that is representative [of] and respects the will of the Syrian people.”
The executive order is one of several tools in Washington’s toolbox of crushing sanctions against Syria, which have helped to prevent the government of Bashar al-Assad to rebuild the country from a devastating foreign-backed conflict following Damascus’s string of military victories against an assortment of Western-backed rebel groups and jihadist militants.
Syrian authorities and media regularly report on the back-and-forth shuttling of US troops into and out of the Middle Eastern country, and the plunder of tens of millions of dollars’ worth of oil and food resources from the war-torn nation’s energy- and food-rich northeastern regions every month.
Syria’s energy ministry estimates that Washington and its Kurdish allies control as much as 90 percent of the country’s oil-producing regions. Unlike many of its neighbours, Syria is not a major oil exporter. Nevertheless, before war broke out in 2011, the country produced enough oil and gas to ensure its energy self-sufficiency, and exported some resources in exchange for hard currency. The country was also one of the few nations in the Middle East to secure food self-sufficiency. That too evaporated with the war and US-Kurdish militia's occupation of the country’s northeastern breadbasket. The country’s food and energy deficits have been ameliorated by Russian and Iranian emergency aid, with Moscow delivering hundreds of thousands of tonnes of wheat supplies and Tehran providing fuel via tanker ships which first have to make the treacherous journey from the Persian Gulf and the Indian Ocean to the Eastern Mediterranean.
US troops entered eastern Syria in 2017 under the pretext of fighting Daesh (ISIS).* The terrorist group’s ‘caliphate’ was effectively liquidated by the end of that year, but US forces stayed on, ostensibly to prevent the terrorists from reconstituting.
Washington is currently believed to have about 900 troops, including a Green Beret special forces unit, stationed in the country alongside their Kurdish allies. Their presence assures that Damascus cannot launch an offensive to regain control over its lost territories without the risk of sparking a massive US retaliation.
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IMF collusion?...
According to the Swiss Le Temps, the Lebanon Central Bank had known since 2016 that the country was headed toward bankrupcy [1]. Sensitive information was covered up by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) at the request of Riad Salameh. So, inexorably, the predicted disaster came to pass.
On 9 April 2016, the IMF representative for Lebanon, Spanish national Alvaro Piris, submitted an interim report to Central Bank governor Riad Salameh. This document sounded the alarm bells. However, at Mr. Salameh’s behest, the IMF redacted the 14 most crucial pages.
At the time, the IMF was headed by French-born Lagarde, now president of the European Central Bank [2].
It therefore appears that the bankruptcy of Lebanon could have been avoided, but was allowed to happen because of the collusion between Riad Salameh and the IMF. It is not simply a question of mismanagement and corruption; the bankruptcy of Lebanon came about as the result of a conspiracy involving the leaders of the IMF. Only a handful of insiders were able to bail themselves out.
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