Friday 3rd of January 2025

amerikan lawfare .....

amerikan lawfare .....


The case of David Hicks has introduced argument over the language of the law & of military justice into our daily news bulletins & public discussion.

But how many of us really understand the meaning of the ancient legal terms habeas corpus and hearsay?

Can torture be redefined as coercion?

And what do we understand by the language of military justice - military commission & court martial, or terms specific to the Guantanamo Bay inmates, the illegal enemy combatants.

As part of a short series on the language of the David Hicks case, Julian Burnside, QC, barrister, author & human rights campaigner, explains habeas corpus & hearsay.

US stats of the Iraq war so far...

From somewhere
Injured soldiers (Excludes Soldiers Who Required Evacuation by Medical Air Transport with Non-Hostile Injuries and Illnesses as of 2/3/07):     25,539    
Total US Iraq War Casualties Plus Soldiers Evacuated: 52,771    
  3,190 Dead          24,042 Wounded        
Data for weeks ending: Saturday 3/10/2007


Gus: So far about 31 US soldiers have been killed this month by IED (improvised exploding devices). Others may have been shot by snippers.

Of couse the Iraqi are bearing the brunt of the US agression/liberation/democratization/porkies... Whatever one want to call it, it's a Bushit mess...