Friday 3rd of May 2024

tha war on terra .....

tha war on terra .....

There is universal agreement that the events of September 11, 2001 altered the course of history. However, the response of the bushit administration to that tragedy eventually had a far greater impact than the original events.

Seen in that light, Oct. 14, 2001 was an even more momentous day.

That was the day bushit rejected an offer by the Taliban to hand over Usama bin Laden, the then alleged mastermind of the terror wrought in New York.

Afghanistan’s then deputy prime minister, Haji Abdul Kabir, had announced that if the United States stopped bombing Afghanistan & produced evidence of bin Laden’s involvement in 9/11, "we would be ready to hand him over".

But bushit & his holy band of neo-con warriors kept on bombing & never once gave-up on their mission to bring the real mastermind responsible for waging war on our way of life to justice …..

So today, with Usama bin Laden & his much maligned deputy, Ayman al-Zawahiri, still at large & suddenly redundant, we can joyously celebrate the stunning victory of the coalition of the willing in the “global war on terra”.

Yes my fellow citizens, having spent more than US$500 billion on its global war on terra; having brought death to an estimated 750,000 people, including more than 30,000 of its own citizens; having destroyed the sovereign nation of Iraq & stolen its resources; having debased its own founding ideals & values & having abandoned the very principles that it was allegedly defending, bushit’s interrogators have unmasked the super hairy criminal genius, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, claiming that he was single-handedly responsible for the whole evil affair

Thank God it’s over …. our fears can be banished & we can now concern ourselves with more pedestrian ambitions, such as aspiring for more prosperity.

Saved we’ve been.

Whilst I know it will be hard for some to believe, there can be no denying the reliability of the just released confession of Mohammed. After all, he has been detained & nurtured by Rumsfeld’s hand picked carers at Guantanamo Bay for the past four years.

The transcripts of Mohammed's hearing - part of proceedings that began last Friday at the Amerikan Gulag, Guantanamo Bay - publicly reveal the evil one’s confession to a stunning range of terrorist plots. These include both the 1993 & 2001 assaults on the World Trade Center, as well as the beheading of the Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl. Mohammed boasts he had complete or partial participation in 31 terror plots, some of which were never ultimately carried out.

"I decapitated with my blessed right hand the head of the American Jew, Daniel Pearl, in the city of Karachi, Pakistan," Mohammed is quoted as saying in a transcript of a military hearing at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, notwithstanding the fact that three other “terrarists” had previously been arrested, tried & executed for the 2002 murder.

Among the breathtaking list of crimes that Mohammed has confessed to were:

· the 1993 World Trade Center bombing

· the 9/11 attacks, from A to Z

· the shoe bomber operation to down two American planes

· planning to bomb the Panama Canal &

· planning to assassinate several former Amerikan presidents, including Presidents Carter & Clinton

· a 2002 shooting on an island off Kuwait that killed a US Marine, according to an account released by the Pentagon

· trying to kill Pope John Paul II

· plotting the assassination of Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf

· the 2002 bombing of a Kenya beach resort frequented by Israelis

· the failed missile attack on an Israeli passenger jet, after it took off from Mombasa, Kenya

· the bombing of a nightclub in Bali, Indonesia that killed more than 200

· planned attacks against the Sears Tower in Chicago, the Empire State Building & New York Stock Exchange in New York City; the Panama Canal, Big Ben & Heathrow Airport in London

· the bombing of the USS Cole

No wonder no-one has worried about Usama.

According to bushit’s boys, Mohammed single-handedly took on the entire western world & is personally responsible for most of the death & destruction we have witnessed across the world for aeons.

Anonymous sources from the Outhouse claim that the crimes revealed during Mohammed’s Guantanamo hearing are “just the tip of the iceberg” & that a far more comprehensive list will be released in the near future.

Speculation is rife that the terra mastermind, Mohammed, will ultimately confess to an even more dazzling array of crimes, including:

· the collapse of the former soviet union

· the Stock market crash of 1929

· the sinking of the Maine

· Lisa “Left-Eye” Lopes’ fatal car accident

· the second Star Wars trilogy

· Bruce Springsteen’s career-long failure to get a number one single

· the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction

· the Lindberg kidnapping

· MacDonalds

· Jimmy Hoffa's disappearance

· Paris Hilton

· the sinking of the Lusitania

· bank charges

· the great Chicago fire

· the Sydney Hilton bombing

· the great plague

· the GST

· children overboard

· hurricane Katrina

· the Sydney harbour tunnel

· global poverty

· the Coogee riots

· the star wars defence system

· 4 wheel drives

· Fox News

· the disappearance of Harold Holt

· asbestosis

· cane toads

· the road toll

· big brother


· clean coal

· Hiroshima & Nagasaki

· Santo Santoro’s share portfolio

· the disappearance of Juanita Neilson

· Coles share price


· Elvis

· public transport

· whaling

· the destruction of the environment

· global warming

· peak oil

· free trade

· firing from the grassy knoll

· Harry Potter

· staging the moon landing in Arizona

· formulating New Coke

· designing the Edsel

· the drought

· kicking dogs &

· stealing milk money

It seems that the “Global War On Terra” really should have been the "Global War on a Terrarist" all along.

Lucky for us that there wasn't two of them.

tortured much .....

Given the litany of dirty deeds that the supposed super-terrarist, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, has allegedly committed, we can only wonder if he was tortured much?

This is the fundamental problem with the bushit administration & former Republican-controlled Congress' silly Military Commissions Act of 2006.

Whatever the verdict & no matter the volume of 'transcripts' released to the press, the trials & the verdicts will all be considered illegitimate because the entire system is viewed with suspicion.

It is absurd enough that the bushit administration has stripped human beings – regardless of their alleged offence - of the right to challenge their imprisonment, but the notion that any trial that is held in complete secrecy could ever be viewed as legitimate is absolutely ridiculous.

If these people being held at Guantanamo Bay are so cooperative & willing to freely confess to their every transgression & in Mohammed's case, many that never happened, why the need to keep them out of US courts? With folks this willing to admit their guilt, providing them with a trial in American courts certainly wouldn't clog up the system.

"Did you commit the crimes you stand accused of doing," would ask a judge in any US court.

"Yes Sir & so many more," would be the reply from the supposed terrorist.

"Good," the judge would say. "Guilty as charged. Next!"

Wouldn't hardly cause a legal system log jam, would it? There are around 400 people being held at Guantanamo Bay. It'd only take 30 seconds per-person to admit their guilt...that's about 200 minutes or 3 hours & 20 minutes of time. Doesn't seem like that'd be too much to sacrifice in order to have trials that would be seen as being legitimate.

Maybe the real problem is that in a REAL court torture-generated confessions wouldn't be allowed. And a REAL judge in a REAL court might become suspicious in the event that a defendant started copping to everything under the sun, as Mohammed has.

Indeed, the transcripts released in regards to Khalid Sheikh Mohammed's so-called trial are nothing more than torture-generated confessions that are now being used as propaganda by the Bush administration. Who knows, maybe Mohammed did most of the things that the torture forced him to admit? Undoubtedly he was a bad guy, but one suspects that had the screws been tightened just a bit more...he would have confessed to anything …..

In fact, that’s just what happened.

Whilst it wasn’t reported in “our media”, back in 2002, bushit & his criminal gang arranged for the evil genius’s children to be kidnapped by Pakistani authorities, turned over to them & then flown to the US so that the young boys could be interrogated in an undisclosed location about their father's activities & used to get him to talk.

Waterboarding is one thing, but how many threats against his kids would Khalid have to hear before readily confessing to any number of crimes, no-matter how heinous & no-matter the risk that he might be subjected to the death penalty one hundred times over?

the truth will always out .....

Evidence now available from various sources, including recently declassified US State Department documents, shows that the Taliban regime led by Mullah Mohammad Omar, imposed strict isolation on Osama bin Laden after 1998 to prevent him from carrying out any plots against the United States.

The evidence contradicts the claims by top officials of the Barack Obama administration that Mullah Omar was complicit in Osama bin Laden's involvement in the al Qaeda plot to carry out the terrorist attacks in the United States on Sep. 11, 2001. It also bolsters the credibility of Taliban statements in recent months asserting that it has no interest in al Qaeda's global jihadist aims.

When lies are no longer suportable.

I have always believed in the original media take on the Taliban issue of Osama bin Laden.

That report was that Osama had denied any connection with the perpetrators of 9/11 and his only "crime" was to call them "martyrs".

The Taliban advised the UN (I believe) that they had Osama in their custody and were prepared to hand him over provided he received a fair trial in an independent jurisdiction. The Americans used the sympathy of the world re 9/11 and refused.

As usual the UN capitulated to the US and what is loosely called a "coalition" was formed and an invasion for ulterior motives was arranged. 

I have no proof but, since that time - the yanks have claimed that they have killed him twice.

But then, what the yanks have learned from Hitler is that hatred unites and the more the hatred is concentrated on a single object (like Saddam or Osama) the more the sheep will follow.

It just wouldn't do for hatred to be directed against Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld/Wolfowitz etc - there are too many of them and they had "nothing to do with 9/11" – did they?

I pity Kevin Rudd - I really do. He is trying to correct the Bush administration stupidity and that of the Howard "New Order" which is still creating enormous problems for America and Australia.

I don't intend to be a but, are we really destroying the very principle of democracy.

We have been sold this word as a political and marketing ploy but - does every citizen of Australia truly believe that we live in a democracy?

And if we do, why do we support America? And the Zionist murderers of Palestine?

What has happened to our Mother's teaching of right and wrong? All of the world's current problems could be solved or at least identified, by such a KISS principle.

If we allow vermin to thrive anywhere in the world, then we deserve the diseases that will follow. 

God Bless Australia.  NE OUBLIE.