Saturday 4th of May 2024

great white dope .....


great white dope .....


from the ABC …..

Bush urges patience as Iraq war enters 5th year

By Kim Landers

US President George W Bush says there will be both "good days and bad days" ahead as the Iraq war enters its fifth year.

Mr Bush has marked the fourth anniversary of the war with a brief speech from the White House. "It can be tempting to look at the challenges in Iraq and conclude our best option is to pack up and go home," he said. "That may be satisfying in the short run, but I believe the consequences for American security would be devastating.

The President says the new Baghdad security plan is still in its early stages and success will take months, not days or weeks. The conflict has claimed the lives of more than 3,200 members of the US military, stretching longer and with higher costs than the White House ever predicted.

add another 20 years to the figure in the cartoon

News Analysis
With Korea as Model, U.S. Ponders Long Role in Iraq
Published: June 3, 2007

WASHINGTON, June 2 — For the first time, the Bush administration is beginning publicly to discuss basing American troops in Iraq for years, even decades to come, a subject so fraught with political landmines that officials are tiptoeing around the inevitable questions about what the United States’ long-term mission would be there.

President Bush has long talked about the need to maintain an American military presence in the region, without saying exactly where. Several visitors to the White House say that in private, he has sounded intrigued by what he calls the “Korea model,” a reference to the large American presence in South Korea for the 54 years since the armistice that ended open hostilities between North and South.

But it was not until Wednesday that Mr. Bush’s spokesman, Tony Snow, publicly reached for the Korea example in talking about Iraq — setting off an analogy war between the White House and critics who charged that the administration was again disconnected from the realities of Iraq. He said Korea was one way to think about how America’s mission could evolve into an “over-the-horizon support role,” whenever American troops are no longer patrolling the streets of Baghdad.


Gus: what we suspected and denounced all along is now materializing in front of our noses. The US administration had never ever had the intention of going in swiftly and getting out of Iraq... The US is there to stay... and the Bushit feed us the bullshit a little dose at the time... Imagine when his moronship, and his lackeys. attacked Iraq that he'd said "we'll be in there for another 45 years..." no one would ever ever supported his plan no matter how dangerous Saddam's non-existent WMDs were described... No. But the administration from the onset had plans to build permanent bases in Iraq, housing at least 50,000 US troops and stay there until the oil comes home... We knew that, we raised the issues back then in 2002, but the morons, including Johnnee, kept lying through their teeth about their intent...