Monday 20th of January 2025

I've seen warehouse disasters as good as this on youtube...


How refreshing to hear Professor Paul Torzillo’s views rather than the usual blabbering from our politicians (“Top medic blasts the politics of pandemic”, January 20). The decision to open up on December 15 was based on information before Omicron was in the community. It has contributed to the staff shortages we see in hospitals and other businesses. It has stopped many small businesses from being able to operate fully and again derailed the economy with staff isolating and those cautious in our community staying home. Have we really learnt nothing since the start of this pandemic? Let’s hear from the health professionals on the frontline who can better determine what we should and shouldn’t be doing. Daniela Catalano, Haberfield


Every time I hear the Prime Minister or the NSW Premier mouthing platitudes about “pushing through”, or “reaching the peak” or “riding the wave”, I wonder if they have any real understanding of what is happening in our medical system. The first responders, the doctors, the nurses, anyone associated with our hospitals, clinics and medical practices, are doing an extraordinary job coping with COVID-19. But where is the empathy, the understanding, the recognition of their efforts? Where are the words of gratitude, of sympathy, or admiration? These people have to be thanked every hour of the day – they are literally holding the nation together. Margaret McDonald, Northbridge


It seems the best that Scott Morrison and Dominic Perrottet can come up with to try to address their incompetent management of the COVID-19 crisis are more glib platitudes. This must be very comforting to the thousands of dedicated hospital staff, many past point of exhaustion, and teachers returning to classrooms next week. With elections looming for both men, I would think that there could not be a healthcare worker or school teacher anywhere in the country who would not feel abandoned by two politicians so clearly out of their depth. Rob Peard, Beacon Hill


I disagree with Professor Torzillo on only one point. Perrottet’s removal of the restrictions mid-December was not inappropriate, it was reckless. A decision of economy over health by an economist that has proven to be disastrous to public health and ironically economically damaging. Mike Keene, Stanwell Park





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Cartoon at top by Cathy Wilcox. I could not do better, though I've seen a lot of warehouse disaster on youtube... see for example: or

covid grim reaper...

A baby is among another grim record for COVID-related deaths in NSW – as the state tops more than 1000 pandemic deaths.

NSW reported another 46 virus deaths on Friday, by far its highest total for a 24-hour period yet.

They included the death of a “young infant” with COVID-19 in hospital in the Hunter-New England district in January.


Chief health officer Kerry Chant offered her condolences to the family, and said the coroner would determine what role the virus had in the baby’s death.

"I have spoken with the family and the family are very keen for their privacy to be protected – you can imagine that this is one of the most difficult times a family could ever go through,” she said.

The fatality was one of seven that occurred from December 29-January 13 but was included in Friday’s record COVID toll. The new deadliest day of the pandemic yet takes the NSW death toll to 1024.


Read more:



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