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the first president of the aussie republic...
The Australian Republic president should be a Woman, an Atheist and a Red Head. Or an Aboriginal Woman or Man... Or Julian Assange...
Or Kylie Minogue...
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kylie minogue for president...
Julia Gillard became a secret target for the religious mobs. There was an uneasy malaise amongst the Australian elite that a woman had taken the rein of Australia’s future. Whether her vision was good (which it was) or not for Australia was irrelevant She was a woman and an atheist. By her sheer presence as Prime Minister, Gillard promoted the concept that women had the intellectual capacity to do things more precisely, in the domain of men. Misogynists sprouted everywhere, including in the leftist media.
Many men don’t mind “strong” women — as long as they can use them or control them nonetheless. Ergo our present Prime Minister, ScoMooooo, who is a closet misogynist without knowing he’s one. His attitude towards women is shocking but he does not realise this. Intellectually and politically, Gillard’s integrity was powerful, but she had to contend with idiots, some religious and some women-haters, in “her” own party, the Labor Party. She had had to make annoying compromises — and she had to face the most loony idiotic character ever chosen by an opposition: Tony Abbott. Abbott had been deemed “unelectable”, a buffoon and politically dangerous clown famous for saying no to everything, but the Murdoch machine had made a compact to make sure Abbott would get elected Prime Minister.
This Murdoch machine — the ultra-right-wing media — was doing all it could to manipulate the mind of the men and women to promote little shit Abbott, as a valid alternative with the IPA commandments and the Santamaria Catholic crappy setup at the core of the policies of the Abbott Liberal (CONservative) Party — with LYING wildly also at the CORE tactics used by Abbott. He lied and lied and lied. He may not see this as lies, but he lied.
Gillard had replaced Rudd at the head of the Labor Party. This happened by sheer weird luck that in a moment of frustration, some boffins of the Labor Party wanted to “get rid of Rudd” who was a bit erratic, a bit too Catholic (underlying religious misogyny) and often rude to some people. As well the constant undermining of Rudd in the Murdoch media, especially on issue such as global warming, was frustrating Kevin Rudd who had defeated John Howard for good reason. Their battle had been a pseudo-religious war, the Catholic Rudd versus the Protestant Howard who had goofed in Iraq and should be in prison with George W Bush and Tony Blair (excuse my French, Sir Tony Bullshit)… Howard was a full blown CONservative, a shifty man making promises on global warming at the ninth-hour to capture the undecided voting slop.
Now, after having to face Malcolm Turnbull, Gillard had to deal with the staunch Catholic Abbott on the other side of the political divide that supported nasty Catholic Abbott, despite being that side of politics mostly coming from Anglican background. They had their attack rabid dog, the vile bite of which no one else in that party could match.
Turnbull had been a useless politician who never understood the game of politics. Turnbull believed in his destiny, be Prime Minister whatever, but beyond this he had not a single tool at his disposal to influence the political party he had chosen to achieve this goal. Because of this weakness which he would have seen as fairness, he facilitated the rise of political machinations in the Party — the misnamed Liberal Party, which is mostly run by (and for) a bunch of rich religious CONservative Royalists.
Turnbull was a republican at heart, but he had been snookered by foxy John Howard on this subject, when the populace expected that the nation would have been an Aussie Republic by 2000. Turnbull never improved his political understanding. When he was minister for communication, under little shit Abbott, he mucked up the NBN from a state-of-the-art network into a stupid compromise of this-and-that because it was a slightly (and I mean SLIGHTLY) cheaper option to use the old copper wires (some installed in the 1940s and leaking like broken toilet bowls) of Telstra. The NBN business model became a foolish tangle of various retailers who could sell the same stuff at whatever discount they could get away with, though in the end, you, Joe Public, had no way of knowing if you had had the best outcome, except you would never EVER get more than 100 bps with this loony system. But we’re getting ahead of ourselves.
Gillard had supported the optic cable network to the home, which would have provided a far superior technology, beyond 1000 bps. This was hated (I mean HATED) by Murdoch who had manage to get exclusivity of cable TV by eventually defeating the Optus/Channel 7 with his Foxtel/Telstra alliance. Optic cable to the home would have killed Murdoch’s exclusivity and the Murdoch media went full-stops to kill the NBN, not just the concept of optic cable. But the Australia public wanted the NBN, so the Liberals (CONservatives) had to delay as much as possible the birth of their stupid contraption with more and more useless “business models” than stars in the sky.
Because Gillard could not really be attacked front-on for being an atheist and a woman, in the land of “equal opportunity”, the media used many tricks to do so nonetheless by mentioning her unmarried and her childless status in other ways, such as unashamedly promoting the married religious men with kids — as a “better way” to be in a wholesome “family”. As well, the media (using many cartoonists — left and right) made stupid joke about her butt and her clothes which were not worse than say Abbott’s wife's or the lord Mayor, Clover Moore's butt fashion… or the butt of our present foreign minister… Meanwhile “dignified” old journalists always mentioned Julia's grating voice which is no more grating than that of Kylie Minogue or her sister on a good day. Gillard's eloquence was also cutting. Her exposé of Abbott’s misogyny was brilliant, yet the media carried on to bury Julia daily, until the Labor party, under the influence of the Murdoch machine, brought back Kevin Rudd-the-saviour, who immediately after the deed, was savaged by the… Murdoch machine promoting their liar-in-chief, Tony Abbott, the unelectable… One could see through all this crap, but one cannot defeat such major blitzkrieg assault, from a little common-sense site such as ours here.
When it came as a choice between the two Catholics, for the Australian people, Rudd and Abbott, the Murdoch media had long made its choice. Abbott, the unelectable little turd, was going to be it. Abbott lied on EVERYTHING. In the religious world, lying is okay because the structure of religious beliefs is a lie.
But Gillard left the political scene with three major legacies, amongst many equalising policies that promoted fairness and happiness in this fair country: mitigating GLOBAL WARMING through a carbon price, the NDIS as a public mechanism to look after the disabled people, and the Royal Commission into “institutional sex abuse”…
This last one proved to be an extraordinary investigation of churches and of other contraptions. The Catholic Church is still licking its suppurating wounds. The Anglicans did not fare well either.
The Liberals (CONservatives) had to work hard to destroy the Gillard “carbon pricing” policy. This destruction was done after intense slay of hand, by making sure extreme right parties such as Pauline Hanson and the Palmer united got an extra vote in the Senate. Now, of the Palmer senators who did the deed, there is only one left and “she knows she had been duped”. We’re talking of Jacqui Lambie who could also be President material if she polished her vernacular. As an intelligent woman, she’s is learning fast the tricks of politics.
On the NDIS, the Liberals (CONservative) did everything they could to make this system as unworkable as possible in order to pay as little as possible. Though it is still a bit wonky, it works better than the previous system of “helping” the disabled people through “charitable enterprises”. The Liberals (CONservatives) are the big donors to “charitable enterprises” in order to avoid taxes and they are the “private schools” elites. As well, in the Labor Party, there are “rightwing” members who support the industrialists, some who support charity, and some who support private schools — especially Catholic private schools.
Thus when the commissioned Gonski report on financing equality in education came out, this created a stir, because obviously the poor public education system was going to get a better deal as it should have had for a long time. But Gillard was panned for not implementing the scheme straight away and panned for doing so within a few months, with a few caveats to please some supporters of private schools in both parties, the elitists on the CONservative side and the Catholics on the Labor side.
Imagine that Gillard had to deal with Joe de Bruyn, a staunch religious man amongst others in the Labor party, a man described by Whitlam as a “Dutchman who didn’t like dykes.” The wit of Whitlam went over the head of many. Some of the younger ones amongst us have to be reminded that the LGBTi Mardi-Gras in Oxford Street always started with “Dykes on Bikes” then… And for the kiddies, I should mention that Holland (where you find Dutch people) is a country of dykes (dams) designed to keep the sea water at bay... As well in the Labor Party, there was Simon-the-Younger and his henchmen who did not like Gillard much.
The big question now is would Gillard accept the Aussie Republic Presidency if the public would unanimously vote for her — against say a little prick like Abbott?
Most likely she would refuse politely and win the day. The misogynists are a hard core of male idiots. Imagine Liberal (CONservative) MPs blasting Grace Tame for her attitude to their god, ScoMo, who rules from heaven. ScoMo is a closet Misogynist. You would not see him two second being ruled by a woman, though he made noises about consulting Jen on “women’s issues”. This stinks of hypocrisy bigger than his denial of Brian Houston’s (non-) invitation to a White House Dinner… ScoMo has no clue about women’s “problems” than the political mess they can create in his lovely re-election prospects. Genuine understanding? like most of ScoMo’s understanding: Zilch…
So Kylie Minogue as President is not a bad idea… Really. She could sing the national anthem like no other.
Look at the idiocy of the CONservatives and of our “consulting” Prime Minister:
“Jenny and I spoke last night and she said to me, ‘you have to think about this as a father. What would you want to happen if it were our girls?’,” Morrison had said.
“Jenny has a way of clarifying things. Always has. And so, I’ve reflected on that overnight and listened to Brittany and what she had to say.”
Tame said it shouldn’t take anyone to have children to have a conscience.
“And actually, on top of that, having children doesn’t guarantee a conscience,” she added.
The images of the meeting quickly went viral on Tuesday and sparked a flurry of memes.
Several Liberal politicians denounced the outgoing Australian of the Year, with senator Hollie Hughes labelling her “immature” and senator James McGrath calling her behaviour “childish”.
“The important issues raised by last year’s Australian of the Year must continue to be addressed by all of us,” he wrote on Facebook.
“It is a pity her behaviour and attacks on our prime minister are so partisan, political and childish. If she didn’t like being Australian of the Year she should hand back the honour.”
“Our" Fucking Prime Minister deserved to be attacked… for his latent misogyny and that’s that… Grace was an adult amongst stupid kids, including ScoMo...
Interstingly, the 2022 Australian of the Year is Dylan Alcott, a 31-year-old athlete, Paralympian, philanthropist, media commentator and advocate, who has received the prestigious award for achievements in both his sport and his disability awareness work.
Julian would make a great Aussie Republic President, relatively, like Nelson Mandela… Our next possible and possibly first candidate to consider as a representative would be an Aboriginal person.
This in our next instalment.