Monday 10th of March 2025



Gus does not endorse the article that will follow at the end. But reading some of its paragraphs is enlightening as to what Western voodoo is manipulating our brains. We should guess that Israel is a warring nation (the bible is full of it) and, nearly daily, there are reports of Israeli bombings in Syria to do this and show that… At some stage the Iranians in Syria could have enough and react. This is the aim of Israel so they can punish Iran some more while dragging Russia in the kerfuffle. Putin is aware of the trick and is more than “patient”. Meanwhile anyone in the West blaming the Jews for having started the original sin crap will be slapped with an ANTI-SEMITISM label.


Take Poor Whoopi… Her (chosen) name is GOLDBERG… What an irony commenting on the Jewish people…



Celebrities, bless their hearts, can be like children who babblingly amplify our silliest cultural foibles and force us to confront ourselves in the mirror. As fools to our collective king, they have recently delivered in spades.

So it was with ’90s sensation Whoopi Goldberg, when she insisted it was impossible for the Holocaust to have been the product of racism because both the Nazis and the Jewish people they targeted were white. “The Holocaust wasn’t about race,” according to Goldberg, because the Nazis and the Jews were “two white groups of people”.



For this, she was suspended for two weeks on "The View”.


Whoopi Goldberg has been suspended from ABC's "The View" for two weeks after she came under fire for saying the Holocaust was "not about race." 


"Effective immediately, I am suspending Whoopi Goldberg for two weeks for her wrong and hurtful comments," ABC News president Kim Godwin said Tuesday in a statement. "While Whoopi has apologized, I've asked her to take time to reflect and learn about the impact of her comments. The entire ABC News organization stands in solidarity with our Jewish colleagues, friends, family and communities."




So, do we need to make a distinction between the Jews, the zionists and the white Jewish supremacists? The whole thing starts with “the chosen people” moniker. In regard of “race”, the Jews and the Arabs are from the same line of semites…


The term Semitic in a racial sense was coined by members of the Göttingen School of History in the early 1770s. Other members of the Göttingen School of History coined the separate term Caucasian in the 1780s. These terms were used and developed by numerous other scholars over the next century. In the early 20th century, the racialist classifications of Carleton S. Coon included the Semitic peoples in the Caucasian race, as similar in appearance to the Indo-EuropeanNorthwest Caucasian, and Kartvelian-speaking peoples.[10] Due to the interweaving of language studies and cultural studies, the term also came to be applied to the religions (ancient Semitic and Abrahamic) and ethnicities of various cultures associated by geographic and linguistic distribution.[11]



MEANWHILE: Jews and Arabs are from the same genetic stock...


COLD SPRING HARBOR, NEW YORK--As fighting continues in the Middle East, a new genetic study shows that many Arabs and Jews are closely related. More than 70% of Jewish men and half of the Arab men whose DNA was studied inherited their Y chromosomes from the same paternal ancestors who lived in the region within the last few thousand years.

The results match historical accounts that some Moslem Arabs are descended from Christians and Jews who lived in the southern Levant, a region that includes Israel and the Sinai. They were descendants of a core population that lived in the area since prehistoric times. And in a recent study of 1371 men from around the world, geneticist Michael Hammer of the University of Arizona in Tucson found that the Y chromosome in Middle Eastern Arabs was almost indistinguishable from that of Jews.

Intrigued by the genetic similarities between the two populations, geneticist Ariella Oppenheim of Hebrew University in Jerusalem, who collaborated on the earlier study, focused on Arab and Jewish men. Her team examined the Y chromosomes of 119 Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews and 143 Israeli and Palestinian Arabs. Many of the Jewish subjects were descended from ancestors who presumably originated in the Levant but dispersed throughout the world before returning to Israel in the past few generations; most of the Arab subjects could trace their ancestry to men who had lived in the region for centuries or longer. The Y chromosomes of many of the men had key segments of DNA that were so similar that they clustered into just three of many groups known as haplogroups. Other short segments of DNA called microsatellites were similar enough to reveal that the men must have had common ancestors within the past several thousand years. The study, reported here at a Human Origins and Disease conference, will appear in an upcoming issue of Human Genetics.


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The article that will follow has been written by a person who’s daringly called Jung Freud… We know that this is a made up name —well-chosen for its conflicting dynamic — using two “famous” Intellectuals and master of psychoanalysis. One was an anti-semite and the other, Freud, was a Jew…  First about Jung:


The view of Carl Jung as ''neither personally anti-Semitic nor politically astute,'' which Robert S. Boynton ascribes to Deirdre Bair, the author of ''Jung'' (Jan. 11), is a further contribution to a misleading attempt to minimize the importance of Jung's anti-Semitic racism and his contributions to the Third Reich's genocidal policies. I would refer both Bair and Boynton to a book by James E. Goggin and Eileen Brockman Goggin, ''Death of a 'Jewish Science': Psychoanalysis in the Third Reich,'' if they wish to have a more realistic appraisal of Jung's racism and his involvement with Nazi politics.

It is difficult to dismiss the Goggins' careful presentation of Jung's involvement with the Nazi movement; his views on Jewish mental and emotional life are at the very core of Nazi propaganda. He was a consultant to Matthias Göring, Hermann's psychotherapist cousin, and lectured extensively in Germany during the 1930's.

It is pathetic that Jung should be excused from responsibility for his virulent racism and his importance in the Nazi movement.


The other is Freud:

Freud's Jewish identity seems without doubt to have had a massive influence on the form and content of his psychoanalytic discoveries and on the formation of the movement itself. He did not lay out a systematic theory of racism, nor even of anti-Semitism. However, arising from his personal experience as much as, or perhaps more than, from his clinical judgment, he articulated the various sides of the Jewish experience that are related to anti-Semitic phenomena. The Jews are hated partly because they survive; they are forced into difference and this in turn provokes hatred; they are excluded and then seen as holding themselves separate. They are objects of fascination, seen as a kind of yeast for culture in general, but this creates envy; they are allowed only the currency of intellectuality, and then their fantazised "cleverness" is feared. Above all, if psychoanalysis as well as popular culture is to be believed, they are sexualized, with their "castrated" state provoking anxiety as well as desire. Jews like Freud, as well as psychoanalysts, might think that they are on the side of reason and hence of the advancement of human culture, but they very easily become the bearers of 'unreasonable," irrational projections; that is, they become the carriers and recipients of culture's repressed underside.



Israel claims ‘freedom of action’ against Iran

A military option against Tehran remains on the table, indicated PM Naftali Bennett



This is a small part of the article by "Jung-Freud" that could upset a lot of people, but it is trying to make sense as to why The West is trying to DESTROY RUSSIA.  Whether is is correct or not, we have to know the complex synergies that have existed since Catherine the Great, and even before her time… in times immemorial to quote the Freemasons...



Still, however much blacks and homos may be revered in the West, they aren’t the ones with direct control over the most powerful institutions and industries. Jews got the real power. So, while Russia may still be tolerable to the West for its lack of enthusiasm for BLM and Globo-Homo, it would face serious(and I mean SERIOUS) repercussions if it were to openly name the Jewish Power. While Jews agitate Russia with Globo-Homo and seek to replace Russian Holies with BLM, they would completely lose their minds if Russia were to Name the Jew and waged counter-war on World Jewry. If you think the Jewish War on Russia is pretty intense now, you ain’t seen nothing yet. Putin naming the Jew would be tantamount to New Hitlerism in the eyes of the West, even triggering Jews toward pushing for World War III (and with the full support of Western goyim who worship Jewishness). In other words, Jews wouldn’t merely work to encircle and weaken Russia but do EVERYTHING in its arsenal to lay Russia to waste. As the Jewish Demand is the West’s Command, Russia still treads carefully where Jewishness is concerned, not least because Jews hold some very powerful positions within Russia itself — as too many Russians are drunk, dim-witted, and/or slovenly, Russia still relies heavily on non-Russian talents and know-how.


Now, this wasn’t always so. There was a time when France and Russia competed neck-and-neck as the most ‘Anti-Semitic’ nation in Europe, with Poles and Austrians being top-contenders. But after WWII that led to Europe’s demise and dependence on the US that came under Jewish Power that made Holocaustianity the new faith, the West became wholly servile to Jews in every conceivable way. Even if the West can tolerate Russia’s banning of ‘gay pride’ parades and lack of passion for BLM, it would go into total crusade-mode if there was even the slightest hint that Russia is taking on the Jews. So, even as Putin doesn’t suck up to the likes of George Soros and US Jews, he has to make a show of being Jew-friendly, meaning he dares not name-the-Jewish-Power that is behind the anti-Russian campaign. Putin knows that Naming-the-Jew would be the Western equivalent of Mocking-the-Prophet in the Muslim World. One thing for sure, it goes to show that the secularism proved a sham because it merely substituted traditional gods with new ones selected by the Power. And these new gods stink to high heaven. George Floyd and Harvey Milk indeed.

But then, imagine if Putin had a giant pair of balls and bit the bullet, damned the torpedoes, and spilled the beans on the pernicious role of Jewish Power in global politics, culture, and finance. As Russia has built a partnership with China, Iran, and other nations over the years as bulwark against the US and EU, it may be worth it for Putin to take the plunge, especially as vile Jewish Power shows no sign of letting up. Besides, Jewish animus against Russia is less about ancestral angst than current power-lust. Some argue that the likes of Victoria Nuland are fired up by what Russians did to Jews long ago, but that’s bogus. If it’s about revenge, surely Jews know they got even and then some with the Bolshevik Revolution that killed millions of Christian Slavs and destroyed 50,000 churches. If anything, there was worldwide Jewish support for Soviet Union. It was almost as if Jews forgot their ancient hatreds and came to love Russia. And in the 1990s, Jews hardly exhibited anti-Russian sentiments as Russia was their bitch-whore to rape and exploit. Jewish Rage flared up when Putin began to make his moves against the Jewish oligarchs, said “No Thanks” to Globo-Homo, and lent support(however limited) to Iran & Syria.


Pointing to past history to explain current Jewish behavior toward Russia is a kind of sentimentality. Even as one disapproves of the Jewish attitude, there’s an element of sympathy for past Jewish suffering at the hands of Russians(which, by the way, is vastly exaggerated because most Jews lived in the Polish part of the Russian Empire, and many of the thugs involved in pogroms were a hodge-podge of Poles, Ukrainians, Russians, and others). It is a way of implying that Jews are the way they are due to deep scars of historic trauma. But that is foolish. In truth, Jews are animated against Russia because they are supremely arrogant with their tribal power and hegemony. They feel, “If we rule over the great Anglos, lowly Slavs have no reason not to kiss our arse.” Imagine you tamed a great horse and ride upon it but some third-rate donkey stubbornly refused to do as you command. Imagine you tamed a German Shepherd to obey your commands, but some mangy mutt won’t listen. In the Jewish Mind, it’s a great geographical injustice that the lowly Slavs should possess so much territory with vast resources. (It’s like how John Wayne felt about the American Indians. Them red savages were too backward and useless to have all that land, and so, the cowboys were right to take it.) Russians deserve to serve Jews, not be masters of their own land because Slavs suck, or so Jews feel. In this, Jewish view of Slavs isn’t much different from that of Hitler: natural-born Slavic helots must serve the superior race/tribe. So, let’s drop the pretense that the likes of William Kristol, Victoria Nuland, Stinkin’ Blinken, and Adam Schiff are motivated by historical trauma, as if still haunted by epigenetic nightmares of KKKossacks riding into Jewish ghettos and raping Jewish women and stealing liquor. No, their worldview is much like that of Der Fuhrer upon the defeat of France: “The world is our oyster”.

Failing to discuss Jewish Power is like describing a football match without ever mentioning the role of the quarterback on one of the teams. Or it’s like describing a boxing match without mentioning the identity of one of the fighters. Suppose a boxer is up against Rocky Marciano. Discussed are Marciano’s gloves, fists, arms, torso, legs, feet, and etc. BUT, for some reason, all those features aren’t linked to Marciano the person, the athlete. That’d be pretty absurd, wouldn’t it. Marciano’s physical attributes are being used to serve his ego as champion. They don’t exist independently of his personal pride. Same goes for current world affairs because discussion of Russia, US, EU, Canada, UK, NATO, Ukraine, and etc. simply doesn’t get to the essence of the real power acting as mover and shaker of events: Jewish Supremacist Power, or JSP, aka World Jewry.

Just imagine how the world can change if the Jewish Power was named (and blamed, and given credit when it’s due). While Jews operate through US power, fact remains the current US policy has no bearing on Most American goyim who have no global ambition, no tribal arrogance, and no reason to hate Russia. Apart from some groups like Polish Americans, Lithuanian Americans, and Finnish-Americans with a historical gripe about Russia, most Americans have no reason to hate Russia or even care about it. Indeed, if not for Jews, most Americans would have no beef with Arabs and Iranians either. It’s telling that Japanese-Americans, who were ‘interned’ during World War II, are less bitter in their feelings toward White America. (If most Japanese-Americans are ‘liberal’ leaning on ‘woke’, it’s because they are suckass conformists who always go with the dominant narrative. No wonder Francis Fukuyama has his head up the Zionist ass and is always badmouthing Russia to be on the good side of his Jewish masters. Stupid yellow dog but then surrounded by white dogs who act the same way.)


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I’ll leave this for you to digest. The original article is far too long and anti-semitic, but we need to know that the human world is not often a nice world…


More to come


Gus Leonisky

Rabid atheistic Jew...


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the libertarian neocons...


From The Ron Paul website


We have been long critical of a "libertarian international" (think of it as "LIBINTERN", like the old COMINTERN)  that has emerged (with lavish funding from the US government, as well as from the various hydra heads of the George Soros world, the shadowy Atlas Network, and elsewhere) to invariably chime in for US "regime change," sanctions, and militarism overseas. These "libertarians" are critical allies of the neocons and the US deep state, which needs validation for its destructive policies from all ideological corners - especially "non-interventionists." 

The foreign policy goals of these soi-dissant "libertarian" advocates for "freedom" overseas coincidentally always align with the foreign policy goals of the US government, as I pointed out in a 2019 speech to the Mises Institute. Isn't that funny? Libertarians for global US empire?

In the latest push to war with Russia by Obama flunkies like Nuland, Blinken, Sullivan, et al, these bought-and-paid-for fake libertarians could again be counted upon to come out all hands on deck for team war. 

And so they did.

Students for Liberty affiliated website, Freedom Today Network, recently published a letter to the Cato Institute signed by more than 100 "friends of liberty" demanding that Cato silence long-time scholars and actual libertarian thought-leaders Ted Galen Carpenter and Doug Bandow for continuing to call for US restraint in conflicts that have little to do with US national security interests, particularly the Russia/Ukraine dispute.

Bandow and Carpenter's writings on Ukraine, Russia, and elsewhere across the globe have always been the same: we are not in charge of the world and we should not attempt to run the world. It's an idea that is shared not only by all actual libertarians, but also by the vast majority of Americans. Those who support continued US foreign adventurism are the real fringe minority.

Nevertheless these "friends of McCarthy""liberty" have accused Ted Carpenter of making "some of the propagandist arguments generated by the Kremlin in its information warfare against the USA and the West."

Digest that for a moment: these people are accusing Ted Carpenter, a foreign policy specialist at Cato for more than 30 years, with a Ph.D. from the University of Texas and 15 serious scholarly books - and literally thousands of articles under his belt - of being an agent for the Russian government! 

Lawyer up, Ted! This is clearly libel designed to destroy your reputation.

Likewise Doug Bandow, who has also written thousands of articles in places like Fortune magazine, National Interest, the Wall Street Journal, and the Washington Times - and who was a special assistant to President Ronald Reagan.

Reagan???? Good God, man, this Russian conspiracy runs DEEP! Someone call up Rachel Maddow! Maybe "Moscow Bandow" and "Red Ted" can bolster her sagging career!

Hey Hillary! Good news!

Signatories - which include reliable has-beens Mart Laar and Leszek Balcerowicz from Estonia and Poland, respectively - have achieved an own-goal with this letter, however. Wrapping themselves up tightly in the mantle of "Western values" and "liberal democracy," they have actually shown their true colors: they are precisely the intolerant authoritarians they accuse the Russian government of being. 

These wannabe Stalins demand that the two Cato scholars toe the party line or be sent off to gulag. How liberal. How open-minded. How tolerant of differing views. According to these "friends of liberty" the Cato Institute must fire or otherwise silence the analysis and opinion of these scholars. 

Deviationism must NOT be tolerated!

Scratch the surface of the signatories of this scurrilous letter, or their organizations, and you will most often see an astro-turfed, fake network of government-paid propagandists for war and empire. Anyone claiming that the recipients of US "regime change" are not massively worse off after being given their "freedom" by US bombs and bayonets needs a one-way trip back to planet reality.

The LIBINERN has its snout deep in the money trough of the US State Department, NATO-funded Atlantic Council, and the cancerous Sorosian global empire. Each of these signatories should feel the wrath of the scholars they have shamefully maligned.

Let the lawsuits fly!








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poor whoopi...


Whoopi Gets a Whipping


Meanwhile Palestinians invent the “terror rock”




French eighteenth century journalist and propagandist Jacques Mallet du Pan coined the adage that A l’exemple de Saturne, la révolution dévore ses enfants,” frequently translated as “Like Saturn, the Revolution devours its own children.” Saturn was a Greek and Roman god who famously was depicted as eating his own children, though the attribution was more metaphorical than descriptive. A Royalist, Mallet was referring to how the French Revolution morphed into the Terror, which led to many former revolutionaries running afoul of the new normal and winding up on the guillotine. The expression also calls to mind the similar bloodletting that followed on the Russian Revolution and the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire after the First World War.

A friend of mine used the phrase recently, somewhat light heartedly, in reference to the recent defenestration of black celebrity Whoopi Goldberg for her having referred to the so-called holocaust in a way that was not deemed to be adequately reverential by the Jewish power brokers who increasingly have their way in the United States and Europe. Specifically, Goldberg, who is no critic of Jews or Israel and is as willing to submit to proskynesis before Zionist force majeure as anyone in the entertainment industry, said “Let’s be truthful, the Holocaust isn’t about race, it’s not. It’s about man’s inhumanity to man, that’s what it’s about. These are two groups of white people.”

Whoopi was immediately attacked by a host of the usual suspects, including both the US Holocaust Museum and also the always vigilant “Fighting Hate” Anti-Defamation League (ADL), whose CEO Jonathan Greenblatt intoned how “The Holocaust was about the Nazi’s systemic annihilation of the Jewish people — who they deemed to be an inferior race. They dehumanized them and used their racist propaganda to justify slaughtering 6 million Jews. Holocaust distortion is dangerous.” And Greenblatt certainly knows what he is speaking of when he refers to “racist propaganda” as he has dished out plenty of it in defense of Israel’s war crimes and crimes against humanity. He recently told Congress that anyone who accuses Israel of genocide is equivalent to a terrorist and should be denied any US government employment.

Confronted with such a heavy dose of Zionist rage poor Whoopi was forced to recant several times, saying that “So yesterday on our show, I misspoke. I said that the holocaust wasn’t about race and it was instead about man’s inhumanity to man. But it is indeed about race, because Hitler and the Nazis considered the Jews to be an inferior race. Now, words matter and mine are no exception. I regret my comments as I said and I stand corrected. I also stand with the Jewish people, as they know, and as you all know because I’ve always done that.”

Goldberg (not her real name, by the way) was further punished by being suspended for two weeks from her gig on ABC television’s daily dose of midday inanity The View. ABC News’s president Kim Godwin, who is also black, said that “Effective immediately, I am suspending Whoopi Goldberg…for her wrong and hurtful comments. While Whoopi has apologized, I’ve asked her to take time to reflect and learn about the impact of her comments. The entire ABC News organization stands in solidarity with our Jewish colleagues, friends, family and communities.” Greenblatt also wouldn’t let go of the story, recommending that The View hire a Jewish co-host to balance Whoopi.

If proof were needed that we are in an age of “newspeak” and “thought crimes” when it comes to anything Jewish related that might even vaguely be considered non-adorational or evasive, Whoopi would be a prime bit of evidence. We are, quite frankly, unable to exercise freedom of speech when saying or writing anything at all that might even be misinterpreted about Jews and Israel. I previously reported about a similar rebuke experienced by Senator Marco Rubio of Florida, who was on the receiving end of the characteristic acute hypersensitivity of defenders of Israel and/or Jewishness. Little Marco denounced “upscale liberals who control the media” in a tweet and was immediately attacked for “the anti-Semitic trope that Jews control the media,” which of course they do, but an ardently pro-Israel Rubio surely was not suggesting anything like that. So, one must conclude it is not even safe for a conservative Israelphile to mention the “liberal media” for fear of being labeled as guilty of “coded anti-Semitism.”

And then there is the woman that some people find funny or entertaining, Sarah Silverman. Silverman has been on a roll complaining about the paucity of “Jewfaces” displayed playing obviously Jewish characters on television or in movies. She has apparently not checked out the Joe “I am a Zionist” Biden cabinet, where she would find plenty of Jewfaces in all the top positions, but be that as it may, she is particularly incensed that a non-Jewish woman Helen Mirren is playing Golda Meir in an upcoming movie. Silverman is enraged that anyone but a Jew should be cast in roles “in which Jewishness is an inherent and substantive component.” For her, apparently, the last straw was the recent casting Roman Catholic Kathryn Hahn to play the obnoxious Jewish comedian Joan Rivers in a TV series. Ironically, Jews have always pushed hard against frequently open doors to create more opportunities for them, but it doesn’t apply to goyim. Hilariously, Silverman and other entertainment business Jews are now complaining about anti-Semitism in the casting by Hollywood studios, an industry that has been dominated and run by Jews since its inception.

In what has happened to Whoopi and Marco, plus the bizarre demands of Silverman, one would not be exaggerating to observe that what we are seeing in America are the first steps leading to the death of the freedom to dissent, the most fundamental liberty of all. To be sure the overwhelming Jewish and Israeli overreaction to comments that are not intended to be negative is in part due to the fact that the tide has finally turned on Israel’s carefully cultivated and protected public image and the “perpetual victims” are thrashing around wildly. Israeli diplomats recently have been so desperate for affirmation of their suffering that they have produced in a United Nations session an alleged Palestinian “terror rock,” presumably the weapon of choice used by protesting Arab teenagers against heavily armed Israeli soldiers.

Against all that, last Monday the highly respected human rights organization Amnesty International issued a 278 page report entitled Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians: Cruel System of Domination and Crime Against Humanity utterly condemning Israeli behavior vis-à-vis the Palestinians. Per Amnesty, Israel has maintained its absolute control over non-consenting Palestinians going all the way back to its establishment of the state in 1948. Israeli reality comfortably meets the international legal definition of apartheid, which is “an institutionalized regime of systematic oppression and domination by one racial group over any other racial group.” Amnesty also called on the international community to pressure Israel to cease its human rights violations. Predictably, members of the Biden Administration and numerous politician gasbags immediately unloaded on the report, with Senator Robert Menendez of New Jersey leading the charge. Menendez is likely the most corrupt and amoral member of the US Congress, which is saying a lot, but is outspoken regarding his love of Israel which has kept him safe and given him the Chair of the powerful Foreign Relations Committee. Menendez is currently also engaged in pressuring Joe Biden not to come to any agreement with Iran over its nuclear program, which strangely enough happens to be the Israeli government position and is contrary to actual US interests.

The hysterical Israeli and US Lobby/media response to the Amnesty Report has also been predictable: that the report is “steeped in anti-Semitism.” The New York Times, America’s self-proclaimed “newspaper of record,” did not even bother to report the story. In any event, we Americans are in deep kimchi when a tiny percentage of our country’s citizenry can dictate limits for what it is possible to say or write regarding disputed historical events and a foreign country. The European Jewish Congress is, for example, currently demanding that the US-based publishing house HarperCollins cease publication of a well-documented book it argues contains an “incendiary claim” that it was actually a local Jewish notary who revealed to the occupying Germans the attic where Anne Frank and her family, as well as other Jews, were hiding in Amsterdam in 1944.

Taken in context, the attacks on what Goldberg and Rubio said are utterly mindless and have produced the usual calls to teach more about the approved narrative of the holocaust to “educate” Americans on the issue. But the more important message is that Jewish power is such in the United States and Europe that it believes it is invincible and that by shouting holocaust and anti-Semitism one can shut down any and all criticism. The trick has been successful up until now due to control over the media and the politicians, but nothing lasts forever, does it?




Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D., is Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest, a 501(c)3 tax deductible educational foundation (Federal ID Number #52-1739023) that seeks a more interests-based U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Website is, address is P.O. Box 2157, Purcellville VA 20134 and its email is [email protected].




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the brilliance of the jews...


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panic view.... Goldberg PANICS As "The View" Gets CANCELLED After NEW Backlash


Whoopi Goldberg PANICS As "The View" Gets CANCELLED After NEW Backlash. The Writers Guild strike sent shockwaves through the entertainment industry, and even the indomitable "View" was not spared. The fallout from this strike affected the show's quality, as the witty banter and thought-provoking discussions we've come to expect started to dwindle. The hosts, who are used to dishing out the latest buzz with their signature flair, were forced to steer clear of any topics remotely connected to the Writers Guild, leaving them with a limited pool of material to work with.As ratings began to dip and loyal viewers grew restless with the show's new direction, sparks flew on the set.