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a hawaiian ukulele for scomo...![]()
What does Scott Morrison stand for? He would say he stands for freedom of religion. But this week he proved incapable of delivering a legal protection for it. He would say he stands for the protection of school kids from discrimination. But this week he showed he was prepared to allow transgender kids to suffer discrimination. He would say he stands for a united government. But this week the government suffered a mutiny when five Liberal MPs crossed the floor of the House of Representatives to vote with Labor and the crossbench. Bridget Archer, Trent Zimmerman, Fiona Martin, Katie Allen and Dave Sharma broke Liberal ranks to prevent schools from having the legal right to discriminate against trans students. And a Liberal senator, Andrew Bragg, said he was prepared to do the same in the upper house if necessary. It was not. The government withdrew its religious freedom bill. Such outbreaks of indiscipline are rare but not in the same league as Tasmanian tiger sightings. Just ask Barnaby Joyce, the record holder in the current Parliament with 28 floor-crossings to his name.
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But all this is academic. The Murdoch media will salvage the PM from an ugly defeat and god Rupert will provide another miracle...
Scott Morrison has been mocked on morning television and social media over footage of him playing the ukulele in a promotion ahead of Sunday’s 60 Minutes profile of the Prime Minister. While the PM was playing Dragon’s classic April Sun in Cuba, it was the ukulele’s association with Hawaii that had viewers scratching their heads. Mr Morrison famously took his family on a holiday to Hawaii in 2019 as much of Australia was experiencing a summer of deadly bushfires. “I think he learnt that in Hawaii, didn’t he?” Today host Ally Langdon said as she introduced the clip on Friday morning. A small type of guitar, the ukulele is most associated with Hawaii, where is was introduced and widely adopted in the 19th century. The Hawaii connection was quickly picked up on social media after Todayposted the clip, which shows Mr Morrison plucking away at the instrument as wife Jenny Morrison and daughters Lily and Abbey sing along. Today presenter and 60 Minutes reporter Karl Stefanovic is also present at the dinner table, laughing at the performance before declaring “bravo Prime Minister!”. “Such low-hanging fruit to remind everyone that he went on holiday when the country was burning and lied about it,” one Twitter user commented. “Scott Morrison is LITERALLY reminding everyone about that infamous Hawaii trip during the bushfires. All he’s missing is a Hawaiian shirt etc,” another wrote. ACTU secretary Sally McManus warned of more performances to come, posting: “We need to brace ourselves for how far he will go the more desperate they get.” And the comments went on along the same theme, including “Scott Morrison probably picked up the ukulele while on holiday in Hawaii … while Australia burned. #scottythefailure.”
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I repeat: But all this is academic. The Murdoch media will salvage the PM from an ugly defeat and god Rupert will provide another miracle... This is why ScoMo is beaming while YOUR democratic thingies are collapsing around him. ScoMo knows he is under the protection of the gods: God Himself (god is a male) and Uncle Rupe, the god of Nuz and entertainment. But, who knows, Uncle Rupe might be too late, like he was with Trump's defeat.
It's up to us, the voters, to sink ScoMo, burn his ukulele and disband his band of idiots. I'm not holding my breath.
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biased mainstream media?...
While many in the media saw the National Press Club speeches of Brittany Higgins and Grace Tame as a “call to action, a warning against complacency in an election year”, Sky News Australia’s Andrew Bolt had his usual contrary take.
On his Wednesday evening program, the Murdoch columnist described the outpouring of anguish and frustration from the two young women as an “orgy of hate that should shame the press club” and an example of our “sick” political culture.
It reminded us of his treatment of another Australian of the Year, Adam Goodes, when he accused the AFL great of being racially divisive for calling out a 13-year-old girl in the crowd who racially vilified him.
Bolt couldn’t see past what he characterised as personal and unfair attacks on the prime minister. He even claimed the audience heard “not one serious practical policy from the two speakers”.
The Herald Sun columnist jumped to the defence of the prime minister, who he had dismissed only a few days earlier as “a man with the fight beaten out of him”.
Tame “went for Morrison’s throat”, Bolt told his Sky viewers, while Higgins threw the PM’s apology “back in his face”.
His stablemate Chris Kenny, an associate editor on the Australian, said it was “part of a campaign” to weaponise sexual harassment and abuse as a party-political issue.
“There is no doubt they deserve admiration for their public advocacy, their calls for better support and justice for victims of sexual assaults,” Kenny said.
“But none of this gives them a free pass from scrutiny or accountability about the highly politicised nature of their media-driven campaigning.”
Tame is of course used to being “commodified” by parts of the media, telling the audience she had been “re-victimised, commodified, objectified, sensationalised, delegitimised, gaslit, thrown under the bus by the biased mainstream media”.
Last drinks?
With an election looming, TV current affairs shows are rolling out their features on the prime minister and his challenger, Albanese.
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"... the biased mainstream media????" "... their media-driven campaigning????" Who's talking? Kenny, Please...
FREE JULIAN ASSANGE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I did not bother make a cartoon, I just used the picture at top, lazily in a hurry... Doing something like the picture below takes time.
This from the Sydney Morning Herald today:
FREE JULIAN ASSANGE NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!