Saturday 18th of January 2025

"An accident waiting to happen”


We know the expression. "An accident waiting to happen”... We know we are driving fast, we have miscalculated the sharpness of the curve in the road and our car flies off into the ravine. Simple. At a certain point we should have slowed down. When? This is the dilemma of avoiding inevitability. In takeoff and landing of planes, there are windows of procedures well-defined by the characteristic of the machines. Performing manoeuvres outside these windows and we will have an incident/accident/catastrophe. 


Scientifically, there are windows such as statistical brackets within which we can expect a result. Any practical result outside these brackets tells us our experiment is wrong, our observation is wrong or our theory is wrong. In popular beliefs we could even accept the outsider as “an exception that confirms the rules”… It’s popular simplistic wisdom. Popular simplistic wisdom is full of memes…


A "meme" is an element of a culture or system of behaviour passed from one individual to another by imitation or other non-genetic means. "Monkeying woowoo" comes to mind. We look at ourself in the mirror and grimace... "Meme" seems to come from the French word “même” which means similar or equivalent like in “la même chose” (the same thing). We know… There are about 8 billion "memes" called humans on this planet that represent about 98 per cent of the animal biota… 


In English/American the word has been reduced to cultural values exclusively… At this level there are multiple cultural memes with which we influence others. In some areas of expertise we call these memes: artistic styles, fashions and trends — and religious and political beliefs. In most instances, memes are more lightweight and frivolous than deep in thought.


This irks the scientists. Sciences are about understanding with bracketed precision. Yet, the Covid-19 era has busted the sciences by having brackets that are too wide, too flimsy, too broad... Imagine a vaccine gives you say 60 per cent protection against the virus. This seems to be like a shot in the dark. There has not been enough testings. We delude ourselves with elastic stats. So, pedestrian and some popular axioms create disbelief, while mathematics and sciences are converging towards infinity... Popular internet memes prefer the flat earth theory to infinity. Scientists despair.


As we are searching for the theory of everything — as we all should — to reconcile Relativity with Quantum mechanics using equations, this is what we are told about Truth and Beauty in mathematics…:


Mathematical beauty is the aesthetic pleasure typically derived from the abstractness, purity, simplicity, depth or orderliness of mathematics. Mathematicians often express this pleasure by describing mathematics (or, at least, some aspect of mathematics) as beautiful. They might also describe mathematics as an art form (e.g., a position taken by G. H. Hardy[1]) or, at a minimum, as a creative activity. Comparisons are often made with music and poetry.


Bertrand Russell expressed his sense of mathematical beauty in these words:


Mathematics, rightly viewed, possesses not only truth, but supreme beauty — a beauty cold and austere, like that of sculpture, without appeal to any part of our weaker nature, without the gorgeous trappings of painting or music, yet sublimely pure, and capable of a stern perfection such as only the greatest art can show. The true spirit of delight, the exaltation, the sense of being more than Man, which is the touchstone of the highest excellence, is to be found in mathematics as surely as poetry.



Paul Erdős expressed his views on the ineffability of mathematics when he said, "Why are numbers beautiful? It's like asking why is Beethoven's Ninth Symphony beautiful. If you don't see why, someone can't tell you. I know numbers are beautiful. If they aren't beautiful, nothing is".[3]



This is bullshit of course, but elegant bullshit. The increasing entropy of the universe is more brutal. The window can be opened by us, but it can be shut by entropy any time it goes berserk by definition. Most people don’t understand the beginning nor the end of an equation. I don’t anyway, mainly because these concepts are expressed in arcane symbols — and end up meaning nothing to me because of the SYMBOLS.


This is where my “being on the spectrum” could come in. it is helpful to be ignorant, have visions and be angry to be proven right with a funny meme. As an angry ant I do my bit to buckle the general system of relativistic idiocy. Not really. I love sciences, but anyone who tells you sciences are simple is a fool. Sciences are complex, despite our reductionist efforts...


AS DOUGLAS ADAMS once wrote: “The universe is big. Really big.” And yet if our theory of the big bang is right, the universe was once a lot smaller. Indeed, at one point it was non-existent. Around 13.7 billion years ago time and space spontaneously sprang from the void. How did that happen?


Or to put it another way: why does anything exist at all? It’s a big question, perhaps the biggest. The idea that the universe simply appeared out of nothing is difficult enough; trying to conceive of nothingness is perhaps even harder.


It is also a very reasonable question to ask from a scientific perspective. After all, some basic physics suggests that you and the rest of the universe are overwhelmingly unlikely to exist. The second law of thermodynamics, that most existentially resonant of physical laws, says that disorder, or entropy, always tends to increase. Entropy measures the number of ways you can rearrange a system’s components without changing its overall appearance. The molecules in a hot gas, for example, can be arranged in many different ways to create the same overall temperature and pressure, making the gas a high-entropy system. In contrast, you can’t rearrange the molecules of a living thing very much without turning it into a non-living thing, so you are a low-entropy system



Read more:


See the first seven pictures of the James Webb Telescope...


So far this Gussian article seems to be going towards maximum entropy, i.e. complete disorder… But bear with me. To marry quantum mechanics and relativity through a “theory of everything” is very tricky. Even Einstein and Hawkins could not do it. So why try? We’re not trying here. The elegant solution to this problem became known as the string theory. It works mathematically, beautifully — though in a very complex expression. But we’ve got a problem. These strings are so small that they also demand something like 11 universes and an extra 6 dimensions to our 4 known to our own universe. Multiverse does not solve our present coarse place in time and function which is super-short  And the possible combination of these strings seem to approach infinite numbers in the magnitude to 10 to the power of 500. 500 zeros following a 1 is a bit uncouth.


We can hardly count to 20 on our fingers…


But we have computers…


So, the beauty tends to distract us from knowledge. It does not matter... There are plenty of accidents waiting to happen: it's called the future. And we are driving too fast.



Soup kitchen philosopher.





Note: The Gus Leonisky picture at top uses 2.5 gigabyte of JPEG pixel data. In a vectored mathematical world, one could need 10 to the power of 500 to define all the equations for matching the simple picture (here at a LOW resolution).

memes pains...


The chronic growing pains of communicating science online



FROM SCIENCE • 10 Feb 2022 • Vol 375, Issue 6581


Almost a decade ago, we wrote, “Without applied research on how to best communicate science online, we risk creating a future where the dynamics of online communication systems have a stronger impact on public views about science than the specific research that we as scientists are trying to communicate” (1). Since then, the footprint of subscription- based news content has slowly shrunk. Meanwhile, microtargeted information increasingly dominates social media, curated and prioritized algorithmically on the basis of audience demographics, an abundance of digital trace data, and other consumer information. Partly as a result, hyperpolarized public attitudes on issues such as COVID-19 vaccines or climate change emerge and grow in separate echo chambers (2). Scientists have been slow to adapt to a shift in power in the science information ecosystem—changes that are not likely to reverse.

The business-as-usual response to this challenge from many parts of the scientific community—especially in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics fields— has been frustrating to those who conduct research on science communication. Many scientists-turned-communicators continue to see online communication environments mostly as tools for resolving information asymmetries between experts and lay audiences (3). As a result, they blog, tweet, and post podcasts and videos to promote public understanding and excitement about science. To be fair, this has been driven most recently by a demand from policy-makers and from audiences interested in policy and decision-relevant science during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Unfortunately, social science research suggests that rapidly evolving online information ecologies are likely to be minimally responsive to scientists who upload content—however engaging it may seem— to TikTok or YouTube. In highly contested national and global information environments, the scientific community is just one of many voices competing for attention and public buy-in about a range of issues, from COVID-19 to artificial intelligence to genetic engineering, among other topics. This competition for public attention has produced at least three urgent lessons that the scientific community must face as online information environments rapidly displace traditional, mainstream media.

One challenge is for scientists to break free from informational homophily. Since the early days of the internet, the scientific community has had a very spotty track record of harnessing the full potential of online communication tools to reach beyond an audience that already follows science (4) and meaningfully connect with those who disagree with or feel disconnected from science. This includes conservative-minded people on climate change; religious audiences on tissue engineering and embryonic stem cell research; and Black, Indigenous, and people-of-color communities on the current pandemic, for example (5).

This is not to say that the scientific community has not become more sophisticated in understanding how different audiences find and make sense of information from online sources (6). Nonetheless, even some of the scientific community’s more ambitious and resource-intensive efforts to communicate science online, such as science series that have been both streamed online and broadcast on television, were heavily favored by audiences that are likely to be receptive to the messages of scientists already (7). And when faced with empirical data showing that they can do better, scientists often argue that “[i]ntangible measures… may matter most” (8) and give in to the inherently unscientific temptation to turn to personal anecdotes as a defense against inconvenient empirical data that tell them how to do better.

Scientists’ homophilic self-sorting online has another, more subtle siloing effect. Social media platforms have provided a temptation for science journalists, scientists, and other science-affiliated actors to follow and retweet each other in an online environment that looks very different from the rest of society. A survey of 2791 US adult Twitter users by the Pew Research Center in 2018 indicated that those most active on this platform are younger (almost a third of Twitter users are under 30 years old), are more likely to identify as Democrats and have at least a college degree, and have higher incomes than US adults overall (9). Most perniciously, this has allowed scientists to live in their own science-centric bubbles on social media platforms, sheltered from often sizeable cross-sections of citizens that feel disconnected from the scientific community. Meanwhile, scientists share each other’s tweets and—when their instincts get the worst of them—ridicule audiences that they see as “against us” on issues like climate change or evolution (3).

Another challenge for the scientific community is ignoring the allure of social media skirmishes. It is debatable whether social media platforms that are designed to monetize outrage and disagreement among users are the most productive channel for convincing skeptical publics that settled science about climate change or vaccines is not up for debate (10). Even worse, when scientists do engage, the fast-moving and often almost real-time back-and-forth on social media can change the way they use and represent evidence. Rules of scientific discourse and the systematic, objective, and transparent evaluation of evidence are fundamentally at odds with the realities of debates in most online spaces (11) Consequently, scientists are at a distinct disadvantage—especially during everything- goes-type social media clashes—as some of the very few participants in public debates whose professional norms and ethics dictate that they prioritize reliable, cumulative evidence over persuasive power (12).

On social media platforms, this can create a temptation for scientists to maximize persuasive appeal and use quotes from prominent scientists or illustrative single-study results as “anecdotal evidence” when trying to correct misleading truth claims. The unscientific nature of using anecdotal data or scientific authority figures is partly driven by 280-character constraints on platforms like Twitter and partly by generations of science communication training programs urging scientists to tell more engaging stories (13). Unfortunately, this arms race over the most effective narratives has its risks. Decades of communication research indicate that anecdotal accounts on social media of breakthrough severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infections or severe adverse reactions to COVID-19 vaccines, regardless of how rare both are, will be imprinted in people’s memories much more effectively than pages of sound statistical data documenting herd immunity (14).

Preprints as a form of anecdotal evidence have exacerbated the problem. This is a version of a scientific paper that has often not been peer-reviewed by a scientific journal. Designed to make science more transparent and maximize the corrective potential of science, preprints have emerged as a major driver of episodic, single-study media coverage of science. Especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, conversations surrounding individual non–peer-reviewed preprints has made it difficult to extract meaningful signals about reliable, cumulative scientific evidence from the noise of sometimes short-lived findings reported in a preprint. At first glance, a hyperlink to a preprint article (typically posted on an online archive) might seem like good-enough evidence to support a scientist’s Tweet calling for people to wear masks, for example. But winning these short-term Twitter battles using questionable “evidence” that itself might turn out to be wrong is likely to do irreparable long-term damage to the public’s perception of science as a reliable way of understanding the world.

Arguably, the greatest challenge that scientists must address as a community stems from a fundamental change in how scientific information gets shared, amplified, and received in online environments. With the emergence of virtually unlimited storage space, rapidly growing computational capacity, and increasingly sophisticated artificial intelligence, the societal balance of power for scientific information has shifted away from legacy media, government agencies, and the scientific community. Now, social media platforms are the central gatekeeper of information and communication about science. The scientific community has been slow to react.

Recent concerns about misinformation are a good illustration of the scientific community’s outdated thinking in this space (15). Especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, scientists misconstrued misinformation as a new problem, in terms of both nature and scope, even though empirical evidence for these assumptions is thin, at best (10). This has distracted scientists from a much bigger and more urgent problem for science: What evidence reaches which parts of the audience is increasingly up to automated algorithms curated by social media platforms rather than scientists, journalists, or users of the platforms themselves.

Algorithms that select and tailor content based on an audience member’s social context, personal preferences, and a host of digital trace data increasingly determine what scientific information an individual is likely to receive in Google searches, Facebook feeds, and Netflix recommendations (10). For audiences that engage less with credible science content, artificial intelligence, if left unchecked, might eventually slow the stream of reliable information about COVID-19 to a trickle, drowning it out by a surplus of online noise.

At present, there is little that science can do to escape this dilemma. The same profit-driven algorithmic tools that bring science-friendly and curious followers to scientists’ Twitter feeds and YouTube channels will increasingly disconnect scientists from the audiences that they need to connect with most urgently. Moving forward, conquering this challenge will require partnerships among the scientific community, social media platforms, and democratic institutions. Scientific logic and access to information are two of the main foundations of enlightened democracies. Distortions to any part of this delicate relationship will inevitably lead to the downfall of the whole system. This also means that it is far too late for Band- Aid solutions. Of course, the scientific community can try to increase scientific literacy among the electorate (11). Training scientists to better communicate their science can continue. And scientists can become more savvy at gaming Facebook’s or Google’s algorithms when communicating science, using tools of digital marketing, for instance, to enhance the reach or effectiveness of their communication.

But these responses address the symptoms rather than the underlying problem. The cause is a tectonic shift in the balance of power in science information ecologies. Social media platforms and their underlying algorithms are designed to outperform the ability of science audiences to sift through rapidly growing information streams and to capitalize on their emotional and cognitive weaknesses in doing so (10). No one should be surprised when this happens. When world chess champion Garry Kasparov lost to Big Blue, a supercomputer solely designed by IBM to beat him, no one called for better training for the next generation of chess players, for developing strategies to outsmart supercomputers at chess, or for blaming Kasparov for not understanding what the machine was up to (10). Everyone realized that this was a new age for chess and for computing with no turning back of the clock. The same understanding is now here for scientists. It’s a new age for informing public debates with facts and evidence, and some realities have changed for good.