Sunday 9th of March 2025

social sciences are a contradiction in terms...


COSSA, the Consortium of Social Science Organizations, has long been one of the most important voices speaking up for the various social sciences. It seeks to bring home to both government officials and the public in general a sense of the important contributions that the social sciences have made and can make to our national well being. It emphasizes the many ways that it is in our national interest to ensure the adequate funding of social scientists and social science research going forward.


A highlight of COSSA's yearly activities is Social Science Advocacy Day, in which COSSA arranges for social scientists to meet with their Congressional representatives and their staffs to discuss the situation and needs of the various social sciences, both in their districts or states and nationally. At one time this meant going office to office in House and Senate office buildings, but this year, as in the two prior years, Advocacy Day will be conducted virtually expanding the number of people who take part. If you would like to participate in Advocacy Day or simply to learn more about COSSA the message below will tell you how.

Secretary. Section K










A friend of Gus is an AAAS subscriber and get such weird email messages...



If these social sciences do not frighten you, you are a "social scientist"… Social sciences are statistical errors waiting to happen at best, or cooked up desires of human rights, for the bleeding hearts and lying politicians. Fair enough but don’t call them SCIENCES. They are manipulations of ideals, in which the White race is making allowances for other colours/sexes/races to join in, while being in a controlling masterly and deceptive art form. Social sciences are on par with ugly political decisions and economic mismanagements. Advocacy is PURE POLITICS and has nothing to do with sciences. It should be called something else, like Social Bullshit studies or such, but not sciences. If politics was a real science, then NATO would not have move one inch eastward and the Ukraine war would not have happened. On the other hand, one could call "political sciences” with names like “learning deceit”, Lying to your opponent” or "bullshitting the masses with glee”…


Advocacy? Not an ounce of scientific study here, but a ton of bullshitting with whatever chosen rubbish… including religious beliefs… I know: the social sciences respect the religious lies… It’s a stupid business.


IF YOU ARE LIKE Uncle Gus AND WANT TO KNOW MORE, you can find this about COSSA:


The Consortium of Social Science Associations (COSSA) is a nonprofit advocacy organization working to promote sustainable federal funding for social and behavioral science research and federal policies that positively impact the conduct of research. COSSA serves as a united voice for a broad, diverse network of organizations, institutions, communities, and stakeholders who care about a successful and vibrant social science research enterprise. The COSSA membership includes professional and disciplinary associations, scientific societies, research centers and institutes, and U.S. colleges and universities. COSSA is a 501(c)(6) nonprofit, nonpartisan organization.


Industries: Government Relations Services

Company: size1-10 employees

Headquarters: Washington, District of Columbia


If you’re lucky/unlucky, the website indicated here is redirected to: Online Pharmacy



Specialties: Social Science, Behavioral Science, Research, Communications, Government Relations, and Advocacy


• Primary1430 K St NW
Washington, District of Columbia 20005, US
Get directions 

Employees at Consortium of Social Science Associations (COSSA)

Ben Goodrich

Science Policy | Public Affairs | Advocacy | Youth Affairs

As a policy and communications professional in our nation's capitol and a political scientist by training, I can offer technical expertise in the legislative process and policy research with a dynamic working attitude to boot. Mission is a priority in my work; I am motivated by the prospect of incorporating transformative, progressive, and boundary-pushing ideas to fix policy-based problems. I also understand the acute importance of building relationships through communication, technology, and adaptability in any professional setting - a quality I strive to bring to every aspect of my life.


I have over 2 years of experience [that's a long effing time!] working in policy research, communications and non-profit management in the realms of international affairs, science and technology. Currently, my work with the Consortium of Social Science Associations (COSSA) engages with the policy priorities of the social and behavioral science & research communities where I focus on issues related to the U.S. Public Health Service and national security infrastructure. I also serve as the Director of Communications at Young Professionals in Foreign Policy (YPFP), an organization that cultivates skills and relationships for the next generation of global thought leaders. [globalists?]


Sofi Cavenaile
Top Scholar at The University of Texas at San Antonio

Psychology and pre-law student with a passion for social justice and environmentalism.

She spent three months "working" at TAG...


Over the last twenty years, The Advance Group has earned a national reputation as leaders in strategic consulting. We are a diverse team of individuals with a broad mix of creative and strategic abilities. Our effectiveness is driven by our ability to integrate our clients' missions into the framework of our organization. Since 1990, we have represented political candidates, not-for-profits, corporations, advocacy groups, and labor unions to help them accomplish their strategic and organizational goals. The Advance Group has managed national strategic campaigns, including some of the most closely watched political races, and produced internationally recognized events for over two decades. Our staff's extensive experience allows us to offer an array of services customized to fit your project's strategic priorities. On every project, The Advance Group leverages our unique experience into innovative and effective solutions. This wide breadth of services and skills enables us to provide our clients with both customized and comprehensive strategies that ensure success. Whether we are serving as a client spokesperson or behind the scenes consultants, influencing opinion or executing a fundraising strategy, we make it happen.




And this is all about COSSA… It’s basically a tiny unit of propaganda based on promoting the “nice social deceit of civilisation” via influencing opinions… NOTHING SCIENTIFIC ABOUT IT.








human frailty...

I did my very best to hold on to my faith that the Bible was the inspired word of God with no mistakes and that lasted for about two years … I realized that at the time we had over 5,000 manuscripts of the New Testament, and no two of them are exactly alike. The scribes were changing them, sometimes in big ways, but lots of times in little ways. And it finally occurred to me that if I really thought that God had inspired this text … If he went to the trouble of inspiring the text, why didn’t he go to the trouble of preserving the text? Why did he allow scribes to change it?


And so spoke/wrote Bart Denton Ehrman. He became an agnostic atheist American New Testament scholar focusing on textual criticism of the New Testament, the historical Jesus, and the origins and development of early Christianity. He has written and edited 30 books, including three college textbooks. He has also authored six New York Times bestsellers. He is the James A. Gray Distinguished Professor of Religious Studies at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.


Louis Markos wrote “heartfeltly":

I feel great pity for Bart Ehrman. It appears that the kind of fundamentalism in which the Christian believer turned biblical debunker was raised did not prepare him for the challenges he would face in college. He was taught, rightly, that there are no contradictions in the Bible, but he was trained, quite falsely, to interpret the non-contradictory nature of the Bible in modern, scientific, post-Enlightenment terms. That is to say, he was encouraged to test the truth of the Bible against a verification system that has only existed for some 250 years.



Louis Markos is a pseudo-religious “philosophering" impressive guy who has published articles and reviews in journals including Christianity Today, Touchstone, Theology Today, Christian Research Journal, Mythlore, Christian Scholar’s Review, Saint Austin Review, American Arts Quarterly, and The City — an American magazine of evangelical Christianity that was established in 2008… In regard to Mythlore, a fanatic journal about JJ Tolkien — who remained a devout Catholic throughout his life — and of CS Lewis and Charles Williams, Louis Markos seems to be fond of myths as purveyors of “truths”… C S Lewis had rejected Christianity in his early teens and lived as an atheist through his 20s. Lewis turned to theism in 1930 and to Christianity in 1931, partly with the help of his close friend and devout Roman Catholic J.R.R. Tolkien… Charles Williams was an unswerving and devoted member of the Church of England, reputedly with a tolerance of the scepticism of others — and a firm belief in the necessity of a "doubting Thomas" in any apostolic body.


Oh boy!...


Religions are industries that manufacture pin-cushions for voodoo dolls. So, the poor Bart Denton Ehrman who became an agnostic atheist (a strange beast of disbelief) is still studying the bible for its stupidity, surely compostedly explained by Rowan Williams from whom we get "How the Hebrew deity evolved from predatory strongman to a friend to human frailty” which is code for "God was an alpha male” who became an all-loving dude as noted by the aliens of planet Zorg 321, in their famous book “The Bubble”. We, the humans made in godot’s own image, haven’t emerged yet from our cocoon of delusions. 


Meanwhile, some university educated charlatans are trying to replace religions with "social sciences". Cry for me, Zorgians… as Old Gus does not know which one is the worse: religious beliefs or social sciences?... Have I lived too long and have I seen too much crap around?