Wednesday 19th of March 2025

alan kohler vs putin...


The interviews with terrified, distraught people on buses out of Ukraine with nothing but the clothes on their backs, and images of bombed-out homes behind them, are very hard to watch.

We’re watching scenes resonant of some of the worst crimes in history, live, in full colour, that used to be seen only in newsreels of a grim, monochrome past.


BY Alan Kohler



Kohler’s rant in Italics

Bold comments by Gus


THIS above comment by Alan Kohler IS BULLSHIT… ASK any Arabic country, from Libya to Syria and Yemen and this style of “worse crimes in history” have been felt IN FULL COLOUR until yesterday and will be felt tomorrow, except this time the shoe is on the other foot… PUTIN is kicking Westernised arses.

The bombardment of Mariupol and Kharkiv, and now the outskirts of Kyiv, only make sense, beyond psychopathy, as a plan by Vladimir Putin to drive enough people out of Ukraine into neighbouring countries to cause a refugee crisis in Europe.

Hello? The Bombing of Libya displaced lots of people and many have died trying to escape, drowning in the Mediterranean Sea, as recently as last week. Most of the refugees from the US wars in Syria and Iraq are “stored” in Turkey. The Western nations have made financial and political concessions to Turkey to house these that from time time "Turkey threatens" to release them into Europe.

He [Putin] must be hoping that it will force European countries, overwhelmed by the incoming numbers of destitute people, to press Ukraine President Volodomyr [sic] Zelensky and his soldiers to give up.

If so, it won’t work. Zelensky, supported by 90 per cent of Ukraine’s citizens, is clearly not for giving up, and Europe will absorb any number of Ukrainian refugees – the entire population of Ukraine if necessary – rather than go to war against a nuclear-armed madman.

No. Putin isn’t a mad man. It’s a convenient explanation to cover the sins of the Western world which was also about to eradicate many Russians in Ukraine, using the Neo-Nazi battalions and the regular Ukrainian army by invading the Donbass region. The history of this region is complex, but in a historical nutshell, the Donbass region was a RUSSIAN AREA attached to Ukraine by Stalin. AND IT STILL IS MOSTLY POPULATED BY RUSSIANS. This area is about one third of "Ukraine”. Zelensky has continued the punitive actions of his predecessors. 


Putin made four major specific demands — relating to the security of Russia in regard to the West. NATO HAS LIED. THE US HAVE LIED. Zelensky refused to adhere to the Minsk agreement that protected the Donbass region as AUTONOMOUS regions of Ukraine. Further more, as mentioned, Zelensky's army was about to invade Donbass. In regard to Crimea, it was a Russian state until 1954 and was populated by Russians. It was returned to Russia by a popular vote in 2014. If you don’t like it, Alan, use some valium suppositories.

It brings home the real problem of nuclear weapons: those that have them are freer to attack and murder their non-nuclear neighbours with impunity because everyone’s afraid to try to stop them, beyond using sanctions.

Hum. Bullshit! The US has attacked many nations with impunity and deception. That the US has nuclear weapons had nothing to do with their deceit. The list is long and has more wars than hairs in Methuselah’s beard...


President Zelensky is right that what’s happening is a crime against humanity and should be stopped, but who’s going to risk that?

Zelensky is a bullshit artist... 

The crime against humanity in Donbass was prevented by Putin, but we, Westerners with big arses, won’t accept this fact.

A few other questions come to mind. What will Putin do when the bombing and the refugee flood don’t bring capitulation?

Presently, Putin’s armies are mostly awaiting the outcome of negotiations. They have not exerted “full power” by far yet and the number of collateral damage is highly limited by precision bombing of Ukrainian military installation which are now non-existent. The only battles left are guerrilla fist-fights in the streets, which the Russian army is trying to avoid, as the AZOV NAZI battalions are using civilians as shields. It is a mistake to believe that the Russian advance “has stalled”. They have let people who want to escape leave before the next stage of the incursion. Zelensky is a stooge — a clever actor — who should accept the Russian conditions as stated last year, in regard to Russian Security, including Ukraine being a neutral country with no US nuclear warheads on its soil. There are rumours that he is about to concede but can’t because of his masters in Washington. Oh, and there is a good chance he would be "martyred" (murdered) by his own people (Nazis) if he did make a deal with Russia...

Would NATO really go to war with Russia if he attacks one of its members? Would that mean a nuclear World War Three?

Putin does not want to take ANY TERRITORY, INCLUDING POLAND OR WHATEVER. If one or more of NATO countries start to interfere with Russia in Ukraine, the warning has been made clear.

Though Russia’s military budget is tiny (1/20th) in comparison to NATO's and the US's, it has been cleverly spent in developing a system of defence and fight-backs that to some extend is “frightening the Yanks”. Had Putin had no nuclear defences, he would have been wiped out by now — Ukraine or no Ukraine incursion. This is the ultimate Anglo-Saxon game: the conquest of the HEARTLAND — China and Russia.

What happens to global inflation and food supplies when two major exporting economies are in ruins?

Since you ask the question, Alan, the answer is complex — and you know this. Russia’s economy is not in ruins. Far from it. It still trades gas to Europe, now in Rubles (from March 31)… Europe cannot stop using Russian gas instantly and the US gas is about 4 times more expensive, plus far more destructive to the environment. Russia trades MORE with China — a country that is aware of the HEARTLAND ultimate game — and with India, as well as many other African countries...

And are the millions of Ukrainian refugees flooding into Europe a dress rehearsal for what’s coming with climate change?

(The answer to that one is “yes”: Sydney-based Institute for Economics and Peace estimates that global warming could produce 1.2 billion refugees by 2050 because of resource scarcity and natural disasters, so 10 million displaced Ukrainians will seem small by comparison).

Yes… But this is 2022. 10 million Ukrainians represents a bit less than a quarter of the population. This includes about 2.4 million Russian speaking people who have sought refuge in Russia. Most Ukrainian refugees in the West have been refused employment. The status of refugees in Russia is that they are being “supported” and well-looked after.

Most of Russia and Ukraine’s wheat exports – 12.5 per cent of global supplies – went to the Middle East and North Africa, led by Egypt and Turkey.

When these countries don’t get their usual shipments of wheat, will food shortages and price rises spark another round of revolts like the Arab Spring of 2011?

Okay. The Arab spring was a SET UP by the UK “intelligence” services to sow discord in the Arab countries, as they were "settling in comfort”. Read the fine print, Alan.

Libya was a very successful country that employed a lot of people — some on slave wages sure but they still managed to send cash to their families, being exploited in Africa by the “remnants of colonialism” (EU, UK, USA) through rampant corruption of their governments. The Russian wheat is still available — at a higher price of course — but the RUSSIANS DO NOT HAVE TO PAY EXTRA FOR FUEL nor FERTILISERS, because they manufacture these. Thus Russia can profit from the price of fuel and wheat — as some countries will buy these despite the sanctions like Europe with the gas.

As well, Russian diamond are excluded from sanctions. Why? Because the Russians could easily develop an alternative conduit via China or other countries that would compete with Brussels’ exclusivity. 


And if so, will we once again see millions of people trying to walk to western Europe through Turkey and Greece, or try to cross the Mediterranean towards Italy and Spain in tiny boats?

The economies of two of the world’s major exporters of food, energy and minerals are being destroyed, their output removed from the world markets.

This is not just supply-chain disruption as in the pandemic, or embargoes like the oil shocks of the 1970s, but the long-term loss of much of the world’s wheat and barley, oil, gas and a variety of important minerals.

It will take years to replace them and for prices to return to what they were.


Blame the Americans who are trying to profit from the tragedies in Ukraine, by IMPOSING SANCTIONS. Read this sentence ten times.


No sanctions EQUALS no economic traumas, apart from a lack of supply from Ukraine, and the remnants of the Covid episode. End of story.

It’s true that Australian wheat farmers are enjoying the windfall of $400 per tonne prices for their wheat without the drought that normally goes with that, but soaring fertiliser and diesel prices are absorbing a lot of it.

Everybody else is just getting higher prices for everything as higher transport costs flow through, and soon there’ll much higher interest rates as central banks dust off their inflation-fighting manuals after decades of fighting the lack of it.

For the moment, though, the war has come down to two competing pressures – the wretched human toll of Russia’s brutality versus the sanctions against it.


THE SANCTIONS have been unnecessary. They won’t change Russian desire to obtain security from the West and arrest the dream of the Anglo-Saxon to conquer the Heartland… The Russian brutality is far less than that of the NAZI Azov battalions. YES — the Western journalists have refused to accept that THERE ARE NAZIS fighters in UKRAINE. They are the ones doing most brutal actions.


The Russians went in to destroy the Ukrainian army first and foremost, while minimising civilian casualties, to prevent this army to swell the 60,000 strong forces of invasion of the Donbass. So far the Russians have lost nearly 1500 soldiers, while the Ukrainian army losses include NEARLY all their hardware, planes, tanks, radars, rockets, transmissions, supplies, and more than 20,000 troops, plus untold injured. 


Zelensky is desperate, but he is out of his depth, despite the Western media LOVING him. He has to make a DEAL...


In a televised speech last week, Putin said the sanctions would force “deep structural changes in our economy”, but added that Russia would overcome the attempts to organise an “economic blitzkrieg”.

The remarkable new thing about these sanctions is the way the corporate world has joined in, a manifestation of the sudden dominance of ESG (environment social governance) in the business world.

More than 400 companies have now pulled out of Russia, many of them critical to the functioning of the economy, such as aircraft parts, and others just to the contentment of its people, like McDonald’s and Apple.


Russians would be somewhat happy that many Western firms have pulled out of Russia. Some of these are American nuisances. The Russians have the capacity to manufacture as much goods as these companies. RUSSIA HAS STOPPED THE DELIVERY OF superior ROCKET ENGINES TO THE USA in retaliation against sanctions. As well, Putin has demanded to be paid in Rubles, otherwise the gas gets turned off. The Europeans have no choice, because the Russian gas is a major part of European energy needs. 

The question is: How long can Russia withstand this while getting bogged down militarily in Ukraine, before moving to what Tom Friedman in the New York Times calls Plan C.

(Plan A was a quick, easy victory, which didn’t work. Plan B, now in place, is civilian bombardment and millions of refugees).

RUSSIA can withstand this far better than Europe — or even Australia. 

Plan C, says Friedman, would be an attack on Poland to bring in NATO or split it because some members will want to fight Russia while others won’t. When that doesn’t work, Plan D is a nuclear bomb or chemical weapons, or both.

PLAN C and D are fakes — and will only happen if the West attacks Russia. Simple. Tom Friedman is an idiot. The US military is VERY worried about the Russian hypersonic missiles… The US won’t start something without proper “intelligence" on these weapons and locations. THIS ISN’T IRAQ. This is serious. 

In fact, this week US President Biden suggested Putin may skip straight to chemical and biological weapons, and he also cited “evolving intelligence” that Russia is planning cyberattacks against US businesses and institutions.

This is utter bullshit. US PRESIDENT IS UP TO HIS EYEBALLS, through his son Hunter, in regard to the biolabs in Ukraine which were known to exist as far back as 2012. Victoria Nuland acknowledged their existence created by US cash. The money trail is easy to follow. In regard to “cyberattacks”, the US have shown to be the top experts — say against Iran, against China and Russia, etc.

Putin can’t actually win in Ukraine: The people will never accept a Russian puppet, especially now, so victory can only involve the possession of a smoking ruin, with Russian’s own economy also ruined by sanctions and ostracisation.


This is more bullshit. 


Putin isn’t trying to "win" and conquer Ukraine. He does not want to place a Russian puppet, but HE DOES NOT WANT A NATO OR US PUPPET EITHER…. All he wants has been very clear since last year: Security of the Russian state. That is to say no NATO in Ukraine (unfortunately joining NATO is embedded in the Ukrainian constitution). That is to say no US nukes near the Russian border. Autonomy for the donbass republics and a Russian Crimea. That’s it. 

But it’s essential that Ukraine wins convincingly, not with a compromise truce or a stand-off.

Ukraine cannot win this. Zelensky HAS to sign an agreement with Russia on all these points. Then the Russians will retreat and might help Ukraine rebuild — with NATO and the US out of this process...

Whatever happens from here, the economic repercussions of what Putin has done already will be immense, and will last a long time.

Within two years, all this will be mostly forgotten, except for the poor people who got displaced because of a little Jewish Zelensky’s pig-headedness to pander to NATO and the USA… 


By 2032, global warming will bite like hell… if we don’t go nuclear beforehand due to American stupidity. 


I COULD BE WRONG BUT I DON’T THINK SO… Actually, I believe that Alan Kohler would be well aware of the counterpoints expressed here, but these are UNPALATABLE to a Western audience. 


Meanwhile, Macron would be aware of the geopolitical “HEARTLAND” game played by the Anglo-Saxon hegemony. He is not dumb. Macron keeps in touch frequently with Putin directly. Angela Merkel would have also been aware of the US deceitful plans. She walked a very fine line for many years… Now, the new German Chancellor, Olaf whatever, is as useless as an idiot in a slipping freudian psychoanalysis flop…


FREE JULIAN ASSANGE NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Gus Leonisky

An old guy who has seen Western blue murder before….

refugees in UK...

Late last week, UK Shadow Communities Secretary Lisa Nandy warned that the government's Homes for Ukraine scheme will be "completely unworkable" unless Downing Street scraps excessive bureaucracy and takes urgent steps to coordinate the matching process. 


Robina Qureshi, the head of the charity Positive Action in Housing, has lashed out at a UK government scheme aimed at helping Ukrainian refugees who are fleeing their country amid Russia's ongoing special military operation in Ukraine.


"The government made a fanfare of its Homes for Ukraine community sponsorship programme. [British Housing and Communities Secretary] Michael Gove told parliament on 14 March that there was no limit on the numbers coming in. Yet none of the families we are supporting have yet got a visa to travel under the community sponsorship scheme and are still waiting", Qureshi told PA Media on Sunday.


She said that her charity had been dealing with 483 Ukrainian families, young people, and unaccompanied minors who needed a sponsor to house them, in line with the Homes for Ukraine scheme. According to Qureshi, the forms involved in this government programme are "tortuous and confusing – with no guideline".


The Positive Action in Housing head asserted that Ukrainian refugees are turning to "wholly unsafe methods" of entering the UK, "meeting people in Facebook groups, on social media". Qureshi stated that the British government is "responsible for giving people false hope and putting them further in the way of danger".

Shadow Secretary Says Homes for Ukraine Plan May Prove 'Unworkable' 

She spoke after Labour MP and Shadow Communities Secretary Lisa Nandy told The Observer that the government should do away with excessive bureaucracy and take more steps to coordinate the matching process so that the Homes for Ukraine scheme can work.


"There is no formal central system of matching the people on the register to those in need, which is pretty extraordinary. When you add in the excessive layers of bureaucracy – the lengthy forms and the documents you need to prove your identity and residency – the barriers make this scheme completely unworkable. Unless urgent steps are taken to address this, we will see very small numbers of people taking up this offer and a lot of the public's generosity squandered", Nandy asserted.


This was preceded by The Telegraph reporting that the Homes for Ukraine scheme had descended into chaos as Britons launch bidding wars on social media boasting about their homes. According to the newspaper, users on Facebook are competing against each other, bragging about the size of their houses, bedrooms, as well as leisure facilities located nearby.


Ukrainian refugees are said to have received 300 posts each with Brits offering them a place to stay in their houses. The Telegraph claimed that at least 147,000 people have registered for the Homes for Ukraine scheme, citing sources as saying that this amounted to more than 400,000 rooms.

Homes for Ukraine Scheme 

Under the Homes for Ukraine programme, residents of Britain have to offer accommodation for Ukrainian refuges for at least six months. The scheme stipulates that the government will provide "a substantial level of funding to local authorities to enable them to provide much wider support to families to rebuild their lives and fully integrate into" UK communities and people will have access to public services, work, and benefits.


Authorities are offering an optional "thank you" payment of £350 ($460) per month to people who can accommodate one or more households, in sync with the programme. It is limited to one payment per residential address.


The scheme was unveiled after the chiefs of the UK's MI5 and MI6 reportedly warned Home Secretary Priti Patel against easing visa requirements for Ukrainian refugees, purportedly due to the risk they could include Daesh* militants and mafia-linked criminals.

The Daily Mail quoted unnamed senior intelligence sources as saying that "no one disputes that this is a humanitarian tragedy, and that 99.9 percent of the refugees [from Ukraine] are genuine". The sources, however, cautioned that the British government "cannot just allow a complete open-door policy", adding, "Ukraine is a melting pot at the moment, and we have already been presented with fake passports".

Europe's 'Fastest Growing Refugee Crisis

UN estimates show that more than 3.2 million refugees have fled Ukraine since the beginning of the Russian special military operation in the country on 24 February. Neighbouring Poland has so far received the most refugees, with others travelling to Hungary, Slovakia, Moldova, Romania, and the UK.


UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi argued that the current wave of those fleeing Ukraine is the "fastest growing refugee crisis in Europe since World War II".


Russia launched its special military operation in Ukraine in order to demilitarise and de-Nazify the country, following a request for help from the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics, which saw weeks of intensifying shelling by the Ukrainian Army. The goal of the operation is to destroy Ukraine's military infrastructure with high-precision weapons, which do not target civilians, according to the Russian Defence Ministry.



*Daesh (ISIS/ISIL/Islamic State) is a terrorist group banned in Russia and many other countries.





REAd from top.




red cross refugees...

Volodomyr Zelensky’s government lashed out against the office of the International Red Cross which was slated to open in Rostov-on-Don (Russia) to deal with the influx of Ukrainian refugees fleeing to Russia.

Unsurprisingly, the Ukrainian government has already rejected any humanitarian corridor leading to Russia and threatens any real Ukrainian escaping to Russia to be tried for treason. He closed the Mariupol humanitarian corridor last week, preferring to see his population entrapped by the banderites (“neo-Nazis” according to Kremlin terminology).

The Zelensky government, like the Banderites, discriminates between "real" Ukrainians of Germanic or Scandinavian origin from "fake" Ukrainians of Slavic origin.

The International Red Cross has disclaimed any involvement in “the forced evacuation of the Ukrainian population to Russia”.


Read more:



Geneva (ICRC) – The president of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), Peter Maurer, arrived in Moscow on Wednesday to continue the ICRC’s ongoing humanitarian discussions with the Russian authorities.


Mr Maurer plans to speak about the pressing humanitarian issues to be addressed to alleviate suffering of people affected by the conflict in Ukraine.

"The devastation caused by the conflict in recent weeks, as well as eight years of conflict in Donbas, has been vast. There are practical steps guided by international humanitarian law that the parties must take to limit the suffering. I was in Kyiv last week and I'm in Moscow this week to continue the discussion with the authorities on these steps," said Mr Maurer.

Humanitarian issues in places such as Syria or in relation with the consequences of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict are also on the agenda, a continuation of a long-running dialogue.

Mr Maurer plans to meet with representatives of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Defense. He will also meet with the chairman of the Russian Red Cross, which is doing significant work providing assistance to those who arrived in Russia after fleeing from their homes in Donbas.

The ICRC is seeking to increase the respect of international humanitarian law and work within its mandate as neutral and impartial intermediary to address humanitarian issues and facilitate dialogue between all sides.

To meet the growing humanitarian needs, the ICRC is massively scaling up its work, including moving in additional assistance and specialists. For the humanitarian response to be more effective, neutral and impartial humanitarian space must be agreed upon and respected so this much-needed assistance reaches those in need.










blind as a bat without glasses….

Here’s a wild idea for mainstream economists to smile at condescendingly: How about the Reserve Bank stands back and lets this inflation episode run its course.

There’s a wise old saying that the best cure for high prices is high prices, since they naturally reduce demand on their own, but central bankers are trained to scoff at that idea.

Unlike previous episodes, this inflation is NOT caused by galloping consumer demand or runaway wages, which is what higher interest rates are designed to suppress, but by two colossal stupidities that are entirely impervious to the Reserve Bank.

The first, of course, is Vladimir Putin’s idiotic invasion of Ukraine, about which enough is said already.

As discussed here last week, that mistake has resulted in an energy shock like that of 1973, which caused an immediate recession in 1974. Note that then Federal Reserve chairman Paul Volcker’s subsequent inflation-fighting recession didn’t happen until eight years later.




ALAN KOHLER IS BLIND AS A BAT WITHOUT GLASSES.... READ FROM TOP AGAIN... Putin foray into Ukraine HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE PRICE OF FISH, but protecting the HEARTLAND. The price of fish has to do with the stupid sanctions and the enormous amount of cash printed by the USA to finance their own weapon manufacturers in one would say corrupt intentions to protect the secrecy of the corruption involving Obama, the Bidens, John Kerry, the Clintons, Speaker Pelosi, Mitt Romney and George Soros?