Saturday 11th of January 2025

jibbering jabba .....

mister credibility .....


‘Although Saddam Hussein was hanged months ago, Vice President Cheney insisted today that the ex-Iraqi dictator was still actively plotting with Al Qaeda - more specifically, with the “equally dead” Mohammed Atta and Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.

This follows on the heels of Demented Dick’s denial of a definitive Pentagon report that debunks any link between Saddam Hussein and Al Qaeda before the 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq.

Cheney, addressing the conservative Heritage Foundation, claimed that: “it’s been pretty well confirmed that Saddam is currently consorting with the renowned terrorists in hell.”

While Cheney refused to reveal his sources, there’s widespread speculation that his special envoy to hell is Ahmad Chalabi, who many believe is trying to “burn” the United States yet again.’

Cheney: 'Saddam Is Still Plotting With Al Qaeda'

Mission desperation...

From The Independent


The system has been used - and has spectacularly failed - in the past, and its inauguration in Iraq is as much a sign of American desperation at the country's continued descent into civil conflict as it is of US determination to "win" the war against an Iraqi insurgency that has cost the lives of more than 3,200 American troops. The system of "gating" areas under foreign occupation failed during the French war against FLN insurgents in Algeria and again during the American war in Vietnam. Israel has employed similar practices during its occupation of Palestinian territory - again, with little success.


jokes from the front ....

The indefatigable spy, fraudster & bottom-crawling low-life Ahmad Chalabi, the disgraced Iraqi politician who embellished reports of Iraq's WMDs to encourage an American attack, has re-emerged as a central figure in the latest US strategy for Iraq. 

As the new head of the services committee, charged with bringing electricity, health, and other services to Baghdad, Chalabi serves at the heart of the surge plan.  

Colonel Steven Boylan, spokesman for Geneneral David Betrayus, heralded Chalabi as "an important part of the process."  

Chalabi became the darling of the Bush administration after providing White House & Pentagon officials & journalists with a stream of bogus or exaggerated intelligence about Iraq's weapons programs & ties to terrorists.  

Since then, he has revealed U.S. intelligence secrets to Iran, sabotaged US-backed de-Baathification reforms, allegedly engaged in a counterfeiting operation in Iraq & was convicted of embezzlement.

A fitting member of the bushit crime family.