Wednesday 19th of March 2025

the French (and everyone else) should not trust the americans……..

“I tried to talk to Emmanuel Macron last night,” Biden told reporters on Monday. “I spoke to his staff, and he was at the Eiffel Tower having a good time. And I’m going to be talking to him today.”

Other well-wishers had better luck, as Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky was reportedly among the European leaders who got through to Macron on Sunday. Biden and other NATO heads of state were quick to congratulate the French leader on Twitter, as many feared the implications of nationalist candidate Marine Le Pen defeating Macron. As it turned out, the incumbent beat his Eurosceptic rival handily, by a margin of 58.5% to 41.5%.

“Congratulations to Emmanuel Macron on his re-election,” Biden tweeted on Sunday. France is our oldest ally and a key partner in addressing global challenges. I look forward to our continued close cooperation – including on supporting Ukraine, defending democracy and countering climate change.”


Here the Old demented brain-dead Biden is pushing a barrow of American margarine ersatz for the French to butter their elegant bread with... The  "Oldest Ally" soon became a foe with the set up of the XYZ affair... "The Americans did not want to pay a bribe to Talleyrand" was the excuse used by the US diplomats.... Fuck! The Americans — the most corrupt nation on the planet — wanted to CREATE A SITUATION in which they would not pay their debt to the French and rob them blind with the help of the British. A little corporal in the French army, with the name of Bonaparte, would have been aware of the duplicity of the Anglo-Saxon hegemony in Europe and in the Caribbean... 


The Quasi-War (French: Quasi-guerre) was an undeclared naval war fought from 1798 to 1800 between the United States and the French First Republic, primarily in the Caribbean and off the East Coast of the United States. The ability of Congress to authorize military action without a formal declaration of war was later confirmed by the Supreme Court and formed the basis of many similar actions since, including American participation in the Vietnam War and the 1990 Gulf War.[2][a]

In 1793, Congress suspended repayments of French loans incurred during the American Revolutionary War. The dispute escalated further due to different interpretations of the 1778 treaties of Alliance and Commerce between the two countries. France, then engaged in the 1792–1797 War of the First Coalition, which included Great Britain, viewed the 1794 Jay Treaty between the United States and Britain as incompatible with those treaties, and retaliated by seizing American ships trading with Britain.

Diplomatic negotiations failed to resolve these differences, and in October 1796 French privateers began attacking all merchant ships in American waters. The dissolution of Federal military forces following independence left the US unable to mount an effective response and by October 1797, over 316 American ships had been captured. In March 1798, Congress reassembled the United States Navy and in July authorized the use of military force against France.

In addition to a number of individual ship actions, by 1799 American losses had been significantly reduced through informal cooperation with the Royal Navy, whereby merchant ships from both nations were allowed to join each other's convoys. Diplomatic negotiations between the US and France continued; the establishment of the French Consulate in November 1799 led to the Convention of 1800, which ended the war.


Read more:


The distrust of the US by France continued well into the 21st century, until Sarkozy came along as a brown-noser...


The United States identified French President Nicolas Sarkozy as one of France's most pro-American politicians as early as 2006 and noted that his nickname was "Sarkozy the American", according to US embassy cables released by WikiLeaks this week.


Sarkozy brought back France into NATO, a move that should have been rejected by the French people and the subsequent French Presidents who to say the least have been lazy on understanding history — swallowing the US bullshit like cola.


Is Macron a crook working for the USA or the US dollar? It's a fair question asked by serious journalists... And when the UK, Australia and America did the dirty on Macron's Submarines, he should revisit the history of the XYZ affair and that of the Quasi-guerre to know that France cannot trust the Anglo-Saxons ANY TIME.


Presently, the US empire is after the Heartland. I know I am repeating myself on this IMPORTANT subject, but this has been going on (OFFICIALLY RECORDED) since 1905 for the English and since 1919 for the Americans. THEY WANT TO DESTROY RUSSIA AND CHINA, under various pretences. 

Russia is fighting for its life in Ukraine. It has to win and will win. Meanwhile many lives will be lost. All the idiot puppet Zelenskyyyyy-y has to do to stop the "military incursion" is to agree to three conditions:




— CRIMEA TO BE RUSSIAN AS PER BEFORE 1954 — honouring the vote of the Crimean people in 2014 (?). 


SIMPLE. EASY. Ukraine can join the EU if it wants. No problemo. BUT THE US does not want any of this. It wants to weaken Russia, then destroy it to take over the "HEARTLAND" of which China is the other part of. The aggressive stance of the Australian government towards China is part of this US theatre using NASTY proxies to bark like DEMENTED mongrels (Dutton and Morrison)...


IT'S TIME TO HAVE A MULTIPOLAR WORLD. Next we will explore how the US managed to destroy its monopoly on the world economy by trying too hard on the conquest of the "HEARTLAND"...


HOPEFULLY, MACRON'S MINIONS WILL MAKE HIM READ THIS ARTICLE (or his wife might make him to. Va-z-y Brigitte). 




the US plan….


The U.S. makes plain its plan is not just to win its poxy war in Ukraine, but to continue flooding the country with weapons systems and ammunition, long enough to “weaken” Russia, reports Joe Lauria. 


The United States on Monday gave away a bit more of its ultimate goals in Ukraine by saying for the first time that it aims to “weaken” Russia’s military capabilities as a result of the war. 

“We want to see Russia weakened to the degree it cannot do the kind things that it has done in invading Ukraine,” U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin told a press conference in Poland after returning from an unannounced visit to Ukraine. “It has already lost a lot of military capability and a lot of its troops, quite frankly, and we want to see them not have the capability to very quickly reproduce that capability.” 

Austin was accompanied on the trip to Ukraine by U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken.  “When it comes to Russia’s war aims, Russia is failing. Ukraine is succeeding,” Blinken told the press conference. “Russia has sought as its principal aim to totally subjugate Ukraine, to take away its sovereignty, to take away its independence. That has failed.” 

Blinken then hinted that the U.S. goal is to remove Russian President Vladimir Putin from power. He said: 

“The strategy that we’ve put in place — massive support for Ukraine, massive pressure against Russia, solidarity with more than 30 countries engaged in these efforts — is having real results. The bottom line is this: We don’t know how the rest of this war will unfold, but we do know that a sovereign independent Ukraine will be around a lot longer than Vladimir Putin is on the scene.” 


What Russia Says

Russia says its aim was never to take control of Ukraine but to defend Russian-speakers in the eastern Donbass region who have fought an 8-year civil war of independence against Ukraine after it resisted the U.S.-backed unconstitutional change of government in 2014. 

Moscow says it “demilitarizing” Ukraine and “de-nazifying” it of neo-fascist groups that took part in the overthrow of the elected government in 2014, and in the Donbass war. The West has been saying that Ukraine is winning the war since it began at the end of February. It claims that the Ukrainian forces defeated a Russian attempt to takeover Kiev. 

But Russia says it never had any intention of taking the capital and had only parked its forces outside the city as a diversion to pin down Ukrainian forces while Russia fought to gain control of Mariopuol in the south.  Russia says it withdraw its troops from near Kiev to join the battle for Donbass. 


Bogging Down Russia

Austin did not spell out how the U.S. would achieve the goal of “weakening” Russia’s “capability to very quickly reproduce that [military] capability” without a direct military confrontation with Russia.  The Pentagon has been putting the brakes on rhetoric in the U.S. media and among some lawmakers about NATO directly intervening in the war, which could lead to a U.S.-Russia conflict that could escalate to the use of nuclear weapons.  

The U.S. plan would appear to be to continue flooding Ukraine with weapons systems and ammunition, as well as foreign fighters, to prolong the war long enough to bleed Russia, giving it its “Vietnam” to bring down Putin.  

Austin’s remarks are the clearest indication of U.S. goals for Russia via a proxy war in Ukraine since President Joe Biden said in Poland on March 26, “For God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power,” referring to Putin. Biden also said on two occasions that the reason for the economic sanctions on Russia was never to prevent an invasion but to get the Russian people to rise up against its government.  

In fact the U.S. needed the invasion to launch its economic and information warfare against Russia. It got the invasion by dismissing Russia’s treaty proposals to remove NATO troops and missiles from Eastern Europe, even though Russia threatened war.  The U.S. did not stop Ukraine from beginning an offensive on Donbass, luring Russia to invade.

Prolonging the war as long as possible — Blinken said ten days ago it would last at least until the end of this year — is part of the trap the U.S. has set for Russia, similar to the one that former Carter national security adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski admitted he set for Moscow in Afghanistan to bring down the Soviet Union by giving it its “Vietnam,” much as the U.S. is aiming to topple Putin.


Joe Lauria is editor-in-chief of Consortium News and a former U.N. correspondent for The Wall Street Journal, Boston Globe, and numerous other newspapers. He was an investigative reporter for the Sunday Times of London and began his professional work as a 19-year old stringer for The New York Times.  He can be reached at [email protected] and followed on Twitter @unjoe





The US empire is after the Heartland. I know I am repeating myself on this IMPORTANT subject, but this has been going on (OFFICIALLY RECORDED) since 1905 for the English and since 1919 for the Americans. THEY WANT TO DESTROY RUSSIA AND CHINA, under various pretences. 

Russia is fighting for its life in Ukraine. It has to win and will win. Meanwhile many lives will be lost. All the idiot puppet Zelenskyyyyy-y has to do to stop the "military incursion" is to agree to three conditions:




— CRIMEA TO BE RUSSIAN AS PER BEFORE 1954 — honouring the vote of the Crimean people in 2014 (?). 


SIMPLE. EASY. Ukraine can join the EU if it wants. No problemo. BUT THE US does not want any of this. It wants to weaken Russia, then destroy it to take over the "HEARTLAND" of which China is the other part of. The aggressive stance of the Australian government towards China is part of this US theatre using NASTY proxies to bark like DEMENTED mongrels (Dutton and Morrison).


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