Monday 20th of January 2025

bringing Richard to the front page….

(unaccompanied, shanty-style)

I stood upon the foredeck

and hoisted up me sails

with anchor weighed we sail away

from the coast of New South Wales

to leave the Hill Song far behind

Their Siren sings to me

So from ScoMo's land I'm bound

to search for Albanese


(CH) Do you hear the Song of the Hills

singing to you and me

Let's none of us be April Fools

Let's vote for Albanese!


ScoMo has a fluffy cat

also a fluffy wife

He can't play ukulele

to save his fluffy life

He's a decent family man

Dinkum and True Blue

I've seen him on the telly

so I reckon that it's true




Haul on the wanker

follow the brightest star

or Captain ScoMo and his gang

will steer our ships to war

Many years they've held the helm,

with minds a little strange

Albo for the Skipper

Time For A Change!


(CH) Do you hear the Song of the Hills

singing to you and me

Let's none of us be April Fools

Let's vote for Albanese!

Updated chorus


(CH) Do you hear the Song of the Hills

Life was meant to be easy

Heave away you Hillsong Kings

Let's vote for Albanese!

Scott Morrison distances himself from Scott Morrison…..

If you want to know how much Scott Morrison wants to win this election campaign, I recommend you watch the footage from Friday’s press conference. Morrison wants to win enough to execute a humility flip.

The Liberal campaign has been struggling with its Morrison problem right from the get go. The prime minister is largely a positive for the Coalition in the regions and outer suburbs, but in the Liberal party’s disillusioned progressive heartland, Morrison is seen as irredeemably toxic.


The campaign’s first response to this problem has been Operation Permission To Distance. Liberals in marginal seats have been actively differentiating themselves from Morrison for weeks; even the treasurer, Josh Frydenberg, close enough to the prime minister to bunk in with him at the Lodge, now puts his differences with Morrison on high rotation.


Morrison now has to distance from Morrison. He’s created Morrison 2.0.

The prime minister’s messaging on Friday tells us he understands he’s a barrier to entry for many voters, including people who have voted Liberal all their lives.

So Morrison 2.0 – birthed at a press conference – gets things wrong, but he also learns from his mistakes and strives to do better.

Morrison 2.0 has a positive agenda for the country and a belief that things will be better now we are out of the pandemic that we aren’t actually out of.

Morrison 2.0 has happy, productive thoughts, ideas and plans as well as an insatiable hunger to list Anthony “loose unit” Albanese’s character deficiencies several times a day down to the footnotes, in an effort to spare Australians from the miserable fate that apparently awaits them under Labor.

Morrison 2.0 even revealed that the beta version – that would be the prime minister we’ve all seen in a variety of contexts over the last four and a bit years, the person with very clear and seemingly fixed character traits – was “a bit of a bulldozer”. (Guys. Can you believe it? Who knew?)

Most tellingly of all, Morrison 2.0 acknowledged that beta Morrison had to change. “As we go into this next period on the other side of this election, I know there are things that are going to have to change with the way I do things,” he said.






IS MORRISON THE AWFUL GEEZER WHO TOLD US THAT LEOPARD DON'T CHANGE THEIR SPOTS?!!!!!! "Humility" from ScoMo? Desperation salted with porkies!!!!!



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