Monday 10th of March 2025

a dangerous crooked cop.....

You may know by now, Gus Leonisky has the strong feeling that the USA has been trying to destroy Russia and China, FOR MORE THAN A HUNDRED YEARS. It’s a feeling based on historical facts and documents.


The behaviour of all US presidents and all the US actions, even during the “Opium War” and the “Cold War” — or even the strong US elite support of Hitler against the soviets — point to this crazy but firm idea. 


By 1904, the Anglo-Saxon doctrine formulated in England by McKinder set the ground work for this ultimate wish: THE CONQUEST OF THE HEARTLAND (Russia and China). But it was not until 1919, when the “second British Empire” failed, due to being “bankrupt”, that the alliance of the US, Europe (mostly already “conquered” by the USA), Israel and the Catholic Church with its Christian derivatives took the dream over, “to conquer all nations”. The US Anglo-Saxons and the Jews within the hegemonic deep-state are the leaders of the pack… In all this, the English queen and her family of rabbits is but a traditional buffoon to distract us away from these nefarious alliances.


I am simplifying a long history of deceit here.


One part of the conquest was to enforce the submission of Germany and Japan to the US Empire. This took two world wars, but eventually, these two countries are playing ball with the Empire. You should be able to see this. The French capitulated under little shit Sarkozy to rejoin NATO.


Countries are not homogenous entities but go with a majority of people who are guided (brainwashed) to go with the Empire. Those who oppose this state of being, are chastised as nutcases, or peaceniks”, because our media are monocultural and with no understanding of the historical dynamics and the ultimate profound intent, started 2000 years ago by deliberately misunderstanding Jesus Christ.


The first thing to realise is that the US HATES any equal social “order” but loves its own corrupt capitalism in which freedom to own a gun becomes a mantra, only second to the concept of printing money and adding to a massive deficit that feeds the US government massive armies. 


I don’t say corrupt lightly… It is not about a few individuals who manage to place moneys in tax havens but about a system that praise enterprises that can only survive with subsidies and grafts, and threats and unfair competition. This not new. The last US balanced budget was in 2001 (until they blew trillions on useless wars), leading to the stock market crash. By the early 1970s, the gold standard was abolished to be replaced by fiat valueless bits of papers. Nowadays, this dollar is in trouble. The US thieves have tried too hard to make the dollar, not only as the dominant, but the exclusive value of exchange… 


The few countries that tried to bypass this, ended up being destroyed by the US military machine. Here we should look at the fake excuses used by the USA to bomb Iraq, Libya and Syria — countries that tried “other” exchange currencies”— while the US enforced other countries to play the dollar monopoly game. Even the Euro is a subsidiary of the Dollar. Russia and China are other kettles of fish… Had Russia not got an equivalent nuclear arsenal, Russia would have been destroyed 25 years ago. In regard to China, this country has become more technologically “intelligent” than the USA. This adds to the “hate” of China by the USA.


The imposition of sanctions on Russia has basically unsettled the Dollar as the Western world had underestimated the importance of Russia on the world Trade. With these trade sanctions which leak like kitchen sieves, the US has created an extra hump on its dollar monster that to survive yet again, the US treasury boffins have to print more fake moneys. This becomes a bomb within the USA that fuels inflation and should destroy the confidence of the other partners in crime….


Today, after hypocritically wishing to supply the little Ukrainian Jewish Nazi with non existent cash and long range rockets, the US is also rallying Europe against China under false pretences of being robbed of “intellectual” properties, used by China to become SELF-SUFFICIENT. China can feed 1.5 billion people and employ a billion workers daily without “help” except that the lazy Western nations, became slavish to Chinese made products and had to buy stuff from China to keep the price of goods as low as possible for their profit makers…


Countries becoming self-sufficient is the bane of US capitalists, because the US can’t own these. This is why the US “froze” the Russian cash in their US banks to force Russia to default on their debt to the rest of the world, while the US pay lip service to their own debt by printing more fake dollars. The Russian treasury saw through the trick and while their “US dollars” are frozen, they pay in their own currency, the Rouble which is gaining value as payment for Russian gas and oil has to be made in Roubles to bypass the sanctions…. Meaning that the exchange value of the Rouble maintains parity. This pisses off the USA. 


The pattern of threats and patronising attitudes — including the confused uttering of a demented US president — are well designed to throw anyone off the scent of the real “final” purpose: the destruction of Russia and China


So far, all the wars waged by America and its allies since WW2 have been designed to conquer or weaken the surrounding areas of the HEARTLAND.


Already the US have a fully-fledged ally in between Russia and China: Mongolia.


For the Empire, to take all of Russia and China in one gulp would be suicidal. Thus the US have been using its main propaganda tools to “conquer” the mindset of population within other countries to create so-called “colour revolutions” (by CIA and USAID) or “Arab springs” (MI6) — and waging little proxy wars around the HEARTLAND. Already, in Russia, the youth have been Americanised to some extend by the tricks of Hollywood. These young people only see the glitter, and do not understand that American “FREEDOM” COMES WITH A HIGH PRICE that includes the destruction of their own heritage, language depreciation and the ugly behaviour of American Fascist culture… as well as an unquestioned submission to the Empire.


At the core of this ugly culture lies the cult of the American Hero — a psychological device that is designed to influence young kids and young adults of little intellect, that they are “superior” to any other culture.


These other cultures are defined as enemies. Nothing subtle about this. It is the “you’re with us or against us” syndrome. It’s simplistically Fascist.


The Oscars this year failed to bring the spirit of the American Hero to the fore and the only thing we remember is not even the probably recycled frocks (to show the new greenie spirit), but the biffo between Will Smith and another black dude. The movies nominated may have been great, but most likely they would have been rehash, sequels, re-scripted versions of former heroics heroes and their antics, going back to Batman and Superman, Die Hard and Rambo. In the middle of the Oscar-winning computerised technocolowizzbangery the hero, shown with his “human foibles” and “freedom” (such as not playing ball with the strict authorities — a somewhat fascist army discipline order) wins the day by being super courageous and able to dodge a million bullets per second — to be lauded by the said fascist authorities that could not have done the job without the heroics.…


Because these portrayals have unreal limits, like being cartoonish and they could become boringly repetitive — and one needs to go to movie theatres to see the annoying fine pixilated explosive damage — for quite a few years now, the computerised technocolowizzbangery has been used in video games, in which every player (starting from the age of nappies) can BE THE HERO. These games provide the same sort of movies imagery with guns and other weapons blaring amidst buildings collapsing which make the images from Mariupol look like a Sunday picnic…. 


Here, in the games, like in the “heroic” Hollywood movies, there is a specialised low class infantile electronic or “orchestrated” music used in the background designed to make the virtual blood and guts acceptable. Composers of such bland noises could be dreaming of being the next composer for Star Wars XXVII — with a deliberately spineless music way below-par a Wagnerian Ring festival which any musicologist that respects his/her profession hate like a Hitlerian dead cat.


Hence the importance of this smooth fascist music for these heroic fascist loony games.



The tone of the Voice of America abroad is that any one who does not subscribe to the US exceptional (fascist in freedom)  Empire is a loser. 


The influence of this complex low value American kultur is perverse. It is as if all its elements are always in permanent conflict between high fat/sugary fattening food versus dieting, including exercises. And everyone follow stupid dangerous dreams or is happy with the spiritual blubber…


This is why, the media distractions such as our semi-naked in butt strings heroines loosing 15 kilos in a week become paramount in the Games of Wars…. If she can do it, you can become super-fat and lose a ton without a worry. It’s all about “freedom” to be what you want to be when you want to be, feed your fat-rolls to your appetite content, even if you have no idea about the way YOU, you have been propagandised to accept your ugly self.


Amongst all this, comes the freedom to advertise fast food and fizzy drinks that will help fill the hospitals with diabetic cases, or heart attack or early death. But who cares, the freedom to be free is part of the health system that fills privateers’ pocket as it is more important to-be-me than understand any social or self-inflicted damages, impossible to see in a mirror. 


Meanwhile after having watched Top Gun, some kids may want to join the army, the navy and the airforce, thinking that they will fight the enemies in one of these flying machines, while they most likely will end up as fodder for the Fascist Empire. Top Gun is made by Hollywood in conjunction with the Pentagon — which is the head of Fascism in the USA. 


So back to the “Russians invading Ukraine”… Naughty naughty… Through its NATO branch, the US Empire had set a trap: Zelenskyyy-y who was elected with 72 percent of the population, on a platform of respecting the Minsk Agreements and a rapprochement towards Russia, soon reneged on this and went full sails with the US Empire that did not want Zelenskyyy-y to adhere to the Minks Agreements which guaranteed Autonomy for the Donbass… And possibly under orders from Washington, Zelenzskyyy-y prepared with a 60,000 soldiers force, an invasion of the Donbass region by early March 2022 (according to documents, whether real or fake, to fool the Russians). By then Zelenskyyy-y popularity had dived below 20 per cent… He had to play the Napoleonic game on the world stage in order to look like Churchill and ended up being a little Hitler. But the Western media still promote this puppet as a saint, despite his wish to start WW3.


Now, one could be confused about the Zelenskyyy-y driven invasion of the Donbass region. This is where AND HOW the game is played: had Russia waited for Ukraine to “invade” the Donbass, it would have led to more than 100,000 casualties that the West would dismiss, because the Donbass people are mostly RUSSIANS. If the 60,000 soldiers did not attack the Donbass, Putin defending the Donbass first would make him look like a fool. 


Due to NATO’s behaviour AND LIES, Putin did not have much choice. He could not trust Zelenzkyyyy-y who had made promises he never kept…. Putin preferred to be a winning fool… while ultimately defending HIS SIDE OF THE HEARTLAND in Ukraine…. even if his troops lost a bit in their battle for Kiev…



The US Empire has now been delayed in its ultimate HEARTLAND quest, but the deceptive magic of the Western propaganda is a hard thing to kill… MEANWHILE MORE UKRAINIANS WILL DIE. The US don’t care as long as Putin looks bad in the Western media… The US Empire is perverse and will supply weapons to the last Ukrainian standing…


Propaganda has often described the USA as the “WORLD COP”. It’s not. It’s not benevolent. It’s an aggressive concoction designed for INVASIONS. Imagine cops intervening in a shoot out: LET’S GIVE LETHAL WEAPONS TO THE LOSING SIDE….


It ain’t a good look.


In Aussieland, other problems are “organised” gambling… and war memorials…

of gambling.....

In Australia, the two major casino licence holders, Crown and Star, have been found to be “not worthy” of holding such licences. Gambling in Australia is a plague that goes beyond borders as international gambling houses control many betting online channels.


Some regulations were brought in to prevent kids being exposed to gambling — such as preventing advertising of betting before 8:30 PM on TV… 


Of course this does not work at all. There are many ways that kids can be exposed to gambling. For example the hoarding of sports grounds are often those of betting houses that sponsor the sport you’re watching. Thus, a game of Aussie Rules football that starts at 6:30 PM will exposed all viewers to Sportbutt or Spurtbet et al. But this is not all…. Before the game, the odds on players scoring a goal are announced as NEWS… without mentioning the words bet and gambling… And so far regulations have done nothing about this.


So kids are indoctrinated in gaming, even online from an early age, because online has become the main source of knowledge, especially since lockdowns due to Covid… Is this a bad thing?


Indoctrination and addiction are part of education… Even the local grocery store has its Lotto stand where one could win zillions with a couple of dollars. Governments take their cut. Even the local church has a “we’re all winners when we die” mantra, if we “believe”…  This has been the ultimate gamble that makes religious institutions, unlike insurance companies, rich for offering the ultimate delusion. Insurance companies have to pay up from time to time and the premiums are based on gambling mathematical equations.


So when is a lie, a lie? Or do we only see what we want to see? Can we escape indoctrination? Is knowledge a form of indoctrination that prevents us from “knowing something else”? What is our best knowingness? Cultural and scientific knowledge?


Global warming (aka climate change) could appear to be one such knowledge gamble, for which we bet the future could be such and such, should we carry on burning fossil fuels. The uncertainty does not lie in the trends which we can estimate reasonably well, but in the effect of these trends. Which next catastrophe are we going to face? Tornadoes, hurricanes, droughts, fires, floods? Bets anyone?


Insurance companies have had to include the global warming factor in their policies. It would be irresponsible for them not to do so.


If we base our global warming policies on the present weather in Sydney, we would not worry about the caper. But so far, in the real world, rainfall in Sydney has broken many records… The country charts also show unusual areas of RECORD rain and of RECORD drought in other places, on observations started more than 150 years ago. should we gamble that this is not going to get worse? More often worse?


Are the kids aware of these climatic trends to the fullness of comprehension?… Sorry kids, we, the previous generations of humans have cooked your future in an unmeasured gamble for comfort.


And nature can only be seen in zoos… We have been at war against nature… Maybe we should erect monuments to this war, about the fallen species, now extinct.


Australian CONservative governments have invested heavily in war memorials… These war memorials are about wars that were not our own but someone else’s: mostly the US’ and the Poms’…


We have ignored our own wars, because they were shameful: the “frontier wars” against the locals who owned the place: the Aborigines. The US had their own wars against the “savages” — the local Indians. Hollywood made glorious movies that whitewashed this infamous history in the name of progress.


Progress is like a war against nature, whether we see this or not. It’s the human species lot to work as hard as possible to become unnatural. We gamble that we’re better than nature, yet nature is going to burn our arse. We have misunderstood the gambling intricacies of nature in which many complex chemical processes work together or against one another in the battles for evolution and devolution. Nature on planet earth is an unknowing set of gambles that balance out in a very slow degradation of universal entropy. 


Many studies or predictions of future civilisations take these changes seriously, though we won’t see such for say another 10 million years. Civilisation mark III will be different, should we survive our own gambling stupidity with nuclear annihilation.


Our climate change is a more immediate problem that has only another 250 years to fully play out to our detriment. Do we take the gamble and do nothing? Is whatever we’re planning and doing such as solar panels and “windmills” and electricity storage being enough? Are these “green enough solutions” as much of the technologies rely on dirty processes of extraction? What about the cruise ships which are frivolous at best?


Are we destroying nature beyond repair?


In the early days of horse racing in Australia, there was foul play. This was the subject of many cartoons… People cheat. And our most cheating activities are with gambling, religions and wars…