Monday 10th of March 2025

Putin is not mad…….

In another era, Vladimir Fedorovsky was among those who whispered advice into Mikhail Gorbachev's ear as the latter tried to reform the Soviet Union's communist regime from within.

He was with the Secretary General when he let the countries behind the Iron Curtain – Poland, East Germany and the others – distance themselves from Moscow. He was there also during the negotiations which made it possible to put an end to the cold war.

On the phone, the former diplomat says he was also there when James Baker, Secretary of State to George Bush Sr., promised Eduard Shevardnadze, then Foreign Minister of the Soviet Union, that NATO would not was not going to expand an inch eastward after the frosty relationship ended. A promise denied since.




"At the time, we dreamed of a Europe from the Atlantic to the Urals", says today Mr. Fedorovski, who, after being at the head of an opposition party in post-communist Russia , has rebuilt a life as a writer in France.

It was the publication of his 50th essay, Putin, the Ukraine, the hidden faces, which was the pretext for our discussion. A hastily published book by the man with a Ukrainian father and a Russian mother.

Today, Vladimir Fedorovski is unable to sleep soundly. He has the feeling that the apocalypse is on the horizon and that he contributed to it, 30 years ago, by taking part in the dismantling of the communist bloc.

It was, he said, an important cog in the historical-political process that led to the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the threat of World War III.

This moment of all dangers, he says, is not the work of a single isolated man who imposes a war on his neighbor and his people.

Last year's COVID-19 specialists suddenly became experts on Russia and Ukraine. They say Putin is a dingo, but in fact Putin is simply a product of history.


Vladimir Fedorovsky

The writer is careful to add that he was never a fan of the Russian president. And this, since their very first meeting in Saint Petersburg, when Vladimir Putin was the right arm of the mayor of the second city of Russia.

It is quite human to want to believe that a single individual at the top of the pyramid – a tyrant, a paranoid dictator – can be solely responsible for the worst atrocities on the planet, for a fratricidal war. Who would do that being sane, being well surrounded? we wonder.

The problem is that this analysis of the situation centered on the “crazy leader” has done us a disservice more than once. Think of Saddam Hussein in Iraq or Muammar Gaddafi in Libya. They were said to be all-powerful. Only captains of boats propelled by fear. Their disappearance, however, did not have the effect of a magic wand. In both Iraq and Libya, chaos has taken over.

By looking too much at the snow-capped summit of a regime, we too often forget that a whole mountain supports it. A mountain of sympathizers and individuals who benefit from it.

In Russia, Putin has built himself a sprawling base thanks to the Communist old guard, Orthodox believers, intelligence services and the circle of oligarchs who remain loyal to him. Not to mention the millions of Russians lifted out of poverty after he came to power.

According to Vladimir Fedorovski, if Putin disappeared overnight, we would not witness the emergence of a pro-Western democratic movement in Russia, but rather the strengthening of neo-Stalinist tendencies already at work.


“Russia is a civilization with a great culture, but the Russians feel that they have been looked down upon. Putin is just a phenomenon spawned by this perception,” he warns. A perception that Putin has certainly fed with propaganda, but of which he is not the creator. And who will not slip away with him.

To avoid a complete rupture between Russia and the West, an agreement must be negotiated as quickly as possible with the Kremlin, believes the former adviser to Gorbachev. An agreement that could include a neutral status for Ukraine, as well as the independence of Crimea and Donbass. An agreement that would also provide for a Western Marshall Plan to rebuild the country destroyed by the Russian invasion.

Vladimir Fedorovski agrees that the remedy he prescribes is not digestible, but he believes that it is less destructive than all the other options: a Russian victory in Ukraine, an endless war or the use of a nuclear weapon. Russian tactics in the event of a Ukrainian military victory. The dreaded apocalypse.

"I'm not the only one to think so. There are also former Russian secret service officers [including Sergei Jirnov, a refugee in France] who say the same thing, says the former diplomat. Maybe we should listen a little. »









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they should laud the lord putin is still alive…...

(London) British Army Chief of Staff Admiral Tony Radakin has taken issue with rumors about the health of Russian President Vladimir Putin or the possibility that he could be assassinated.


"I think some of the comments about him [Putin] not being in good health or that he ends up getting murdered, well I think that's wishful thinking," BBC M said on Friday. Radakin in an interview that aired on Sunday.

Rumors about the health of Vladimir Putin, 70 years old in October, are unverifiable.


“As military professionals, we see a relatively stable regime in Russia, President Putin has been able to stifle all opposition […] and no one at the top has the motivation to challenge him,” he said. supported.


According to him, "the challenge posed by Russia will last" potentially for "decades in terms of threat" and the prime minister who succeeds Boris Johnson, who has resigned, will have to be aware that Russia is "the greatest threat" to the world. UK.


Mr Radakin told the BBC that the Ukrainian army was "absolutely" confident that it would win the war sparked by Russia's invasion of the country in February.

According to British Army estimates, Russia “has lost more than 30% of its ground combat effectiveness.”

"This means that 50,000 Russian soldiers died or were injured in this conflict, nearly 1,700 Russian tanks were destroyed, nearly 4,000 Russian-owned armored vehicles were destroyed," Radakin said.

The situation in Ukraine will dominate the military accounts of the future prime minister, who will replace Boris Johnson in September. “And then we will have to remind the Prime Minister of the extraordinary responsibility he has with the UK as a nuclear power. »

Mr Radakin was also asked about a BBC investigation which revealed this week that a commando from the Special Air Service (SAS), the British special forces, had killed at least 54 people in suspicious circumstances in Afghanistan, facts concealed by their superiors.

The military police have already established that "it did not happen", but they will re-examine the matter if new concrete evidence emerges, Mr Radakin swept aside.







"According to Vladimir Fedorovski, if Putin disappeared overnight, we would not witness the emergence of a pro-Western democratic movement in Russia, but rather the strengthening of neo-Stalinist tendencies already at work."


Meanwhile, in regard to "Russian losses", the British Army Chief of Staff Admiral Tony Radakin is wanking with Zelenskyyyy-yyyyyyyyyyy for deceptive pleasure.... Very unbecoming for a what-should-be-a knowledgeable man. The Russians are still advancing in easter Ukraine, taking one step at a time on a front that is more than 1000 miles (1600 kilometres) and are winning.......


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