Thursday 16th of January 2025

war or global warming. which will destroy us first?….

In his message launching the most recent report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change on April 4, U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres offered the following chilling observation:


“Climate scientists warn that we are already perilously close to tipping points that could lead to cascading and irreversible climate impacts.

But high emitting governments and corporations are not just turning a blind eye; they are adding fuel to the flames.

They are choking our planet, based on their vested interests and historic investments in fossil fuels, when cheaper, renewable solutions provide green jobs, energy security, and greater price stability.”



By David Korten
Yes! Magazine


The institutions he cited are also blocking efforts to protect Earth’s natural environment, end poverty and extreme and growing inequality, and prevent further deaths from weapons of war.

There are many good and committed people working within these institutions, but their structures are relics of an era of imperial rule in which their function was to secure the absolute rule of kings and queens on the pretext that they ruled by the will of God.

Much has since changed. We are no longer ruled by kings and queens, but we are not free of the top-down structures designed to enable their rule. Power now rests in the hands of global financiers who rule by their control of our access to money. They enjoy the support of economists who assure us that the lust for power through wealth is inherent to human nature, and that maximizing our individual financial return ultimately maximizes the well-being of everyone.


Perverse Premise 

We have tested this perverse premise on a global scale and are now bearing its devastating consequences: The destruction of Earth’s capacity to sustain life, an unprecedented concentration of wealth and power, and billions of people leading lives of daily desperation.

The deeply flawed economic theory that drives this disaster ignores or denies three foundational truths:

  1. Money has no intrinsic value. It will buy only that which is for sale. It will be useless on a dead Earth.
  2. Science now confirms what thoughtful humans have long recognized: Life exists only in communities of living beings that self-organize to create and maintain the conditions on which life depends. The Indigenous peoples of South Africa call it ubuntu: “I am because you are.”
  3. While we know from daily experience that there are demented souls among us who gain pleasure from harming other people, most people derive their greatest pleasure from caring for and sharing with others.

Over the span of my 85 years, I have had the joy and privilege of working with and celebrating people of widely varied cultures, genders, religions and races. This includes living for 21 years in Africa, Latin America, and Asia working initially for the foreign aid establishment and later for civil society organizations on a mission to end global poverty. It also included periods of residence in Washington state, California, Florida, Virginia, New York and Massachusetts. Of all the many people I have encountered, most, by far, were kind, caring, and ready — even eager — to help others, including strangers, in need.

But we are being failed by the society we built. We cannot expect our dominant institutions to lead us to the transformation on which a viable human future depends.

Change will come, and can only come from committed people mobilizing in common cause as a powerful social movement. Together, we can transform the institutions of global society to distribute power and organize from the bottom up. Critical elements are in place, but we have yet to acknowledge our common purpose.

Fifteen years ago, Paul Hawken, environmentalist, entrepreneur, author and activist, wrote Blessed Unrest: How the Largest Movement in the World Came into Being and Why No One Saw It Coming. He set out to collect the names of all the organizations around the world working to achieve ecological sustainability and social justice. He first estimated that the number of such organizations exceeded 100,000. As his research progressed, he found that there were actually at least 1 million, and possibly 2 million.

Blessed Unrest devotes more than 100 pages to listing and defining the categories of organizations engaged with issues of peace, justice, equality, governance, environment, Indigenous rights, and related issues foundational to the well-being of people and Earth. Together, they constitute all the varied elements of what we can call an ecological civilization.

In his book — and countless presentations, interviews, and articles that followed — Hawken suggested that, together, these organizations potentially constitute the largest social movement in human history. But it was not evident that these various organizations saw themselves as part of a larger movement, nor recognized the interdependent nature of the causes they sought to advance.

Since the publication of Blessed Unrest in 2007, the continued deepening of humanity’s environmental, social and political crises has drawn ever more people to active engagement in one or more of the many elements of the essential human transformation. These forces are most visible in local communities that are committed to reducing dependence on fossil fuels; supporting local organic farms; forming unions and cooperatives; working for racial, gender, and religious justice; supporting local businesses; providing housing for the homeless; aiding refugees; assuring clean water and sanitation for everyone; and much more.

Many of these key players now recognize the inherent interdependence of their initiatives. It is that recognition that holds the potential for millions to see themselves a part of a transformational social movement that can bring about the change we so desperately need.

The current failed system dehumanizes us all — including the rich — and threatens the future of all our children. Our viability as a species depends on reshaping our relationships with one another and Earth. This requires new ethically grounded choices relating to culture, institutions, technology and infrastructure consistent with the well-being of all people and the living Earth.

The institutions responsible for the current crisis will not transform themselves. A redistribution of wealth and localization of power can only come through bottom-up initiatives in which individual leaders see their work connecting with others as part of a larger transformation.

We are living beings born of and nurtured by a living Earth. There will be no winners on a dead Earth. We will survive and thrive together, or we will perish together.

What we humans have created, we can change. That change must be dramatic, rapid, and grounded in love and ethical sensibility. Can we achieve it within the time available? We will know only if we try.


David Korten is co-founder of YES! Media, president of the Living Economies Forum, a member of the Club of Rome, and the author of influential books, including When Corporations Rule the World and Change the Story, Change the Future: A Living Economy for a Living Earth. His work builds on lessons from the 21 years he and his wife, Fran, lived and worked in Africa, Asia and Latin America on a quest to end global poverty.

This article is from Yes! Magazine






GUS: The USA have just passed a package of cash to save the planet from global warming.... In the package, nearly half of the cash goes to subsidise fossil fuel industries and drilling more holes for oil. Meanwhile the USA are spending about three times the amount of cash to wage wars which are fully global warming activities. The USA are supporting a little shit called Zelensky, who has betrayed "his" people by reversing the promises he made before being elected. Zelensky has also sacked many people in "his" government and imprisoned the "opposition". He has become a DICTATOR under the protection of NATO, a US-led fascist outfit that does not care about having lied to Russia and the world, including its members. 

Meanwhile the US and their "friends" (did I mention Australia) are planning a war with 1.4 billion people on the planet to activate a stupid change of policy that wishes to declare independence for 22 million people, of which half do not want to be independent from mainland China. 

Both of these US warring activities, in Ukraine and in Formosa (Taiwan), are designed to achieve the ultimate goal of the US Empire: rule over the entire planet, on which present WEAK "anti-global warming policies" could be reversed by the next US administration...

The US goal in Ukraine was to make Russia fall into a trap. The goal in Taiwan is to make China fall into a trap. Global warming policies count for zip... even with lip service, solar panels and windmills. They just grumble about the "price of gas"....


"That change must be dramatic, rapid, and grounded in love and ethical sensibility. Can we achieve it within the time available? We will know only if we try."

With the hypocritical morons leading the countries of the world, we have no chance of sensibility..... 2032 is when the shit hits the fan (Gus' s prediction)...



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saving our home with poetry…...

This interview with poet Natalie Diaz is an excerpt from We Are the Middle of Forever: Indigenous Voices from Turtle Island on the Changing Earth, edited by Dahr Jamail and Stan Rushworth. Natalie Diaz (Mojave/Akimel O’odham) believes words have, quite literally, physical energy. This is one reason she continues to work to preserve the Mojave language with its last remaining speakers. To her, this is far more important than the fact she is a MacArthur Genius Award winner, has won a Pulitzer for her poetry, an American Book Award, and was the youngest poet ever elected a chancellor of the Academy of American Poets. For Natalie, language and our relation to Earth are intimately wedded.


Stan and I have both discussed in our own ways the importance of doing what we do for the Earth, regardless of any possible outcome, no matter what. Given how overwhelming the current situation on the planet is, this has felt like the only way to comport oneself properly.

“I was really struck by your phrase, ‘no matter the outcome,’” Natalie responds. “I am struck by the insistence that these things are a part of the state of the climate right now. I don’t believe this is us having control over the land. This is the land telling us it’s tired. It’s tired of sustaining us when we can’t reciprocate the relationship that I believe was set out for us. I don’t have the articulation yet, but I do think there’s something about when we do acknowledge what we’ve done, or even our refusal to acknowledge what we’ve done. It’s still such a dominion, right? Like we are holding dominion over the land and we will direct it. We are definitely a part of the momentum of what’s happening to water, to Earth, to climate. Yet this is also very much the Earth telling us it’s exhausted. It’s ready to start cleaning itself. It’s ready to move on to its next iteration.”

Natalie shared with us that her father is Mexican and Spanish, not Native, yet grew up on the rez alongside her mother’s family. Thus, her family has all had a long-standing deep connection to the desert.

“We have a big volcano cone, Amboy Crater, so at some point everything here has burned up. So fossils are not as abundant. We have the rift zone and the fault line right up the road, and lava fields and huge salt flats. Along with all of this we have the river and we’re in a valley. I’ve always known the Earth is on a track of its own, already set in motion to do what it does. My father always spoke to this, and he is still very interested in earthquakes. My father created in me this way of looking at the Earth, that we are only one movement in its great momentum. But now we have the ‘Anthropocene,’ right? Which is problematic because it re-centers humans, as in it’s still our time, a time that’s just about us.”

Natalie recalled when we were in our writing residency — she, I, and Spanish translator Will Vanderhyden.

“I had the luck of being alongside Dahr and Will,” she said, speaking directly to Stan. “In the evenings we gathered sometimes and had conversations. We called ourselves ‘Team Doom’ because we always arrived at talking about climate disruption or all of these different crises in the world. One night we were talking about if people should keep having children, or should I be driving a Prius. But one of the things Dahr said to me was this: ‘Can I be honest with you? This has been terrifying to know these facts about the climate.’ But Dahr went on to tell me that he was just trying to reduce his carbon footprint as much as possible because he was thinking of the generations to come after us. That has stuck with me and really changed me. I even remember the next morning waking up and being like, the world is new, and I’m new in it.”

This was the first time I’d come toward an iteration of that “no matter the outcome,” I must find a way to comport myself in the best way possible amidst the catastrophes besetting Earth. Although it wasn’t until I met Stan, years later, that I literally came to terms with this concept.

“But this is something that I’m really grappling with,” Natalie continued. “I feel like we don’t really have a language to talk about how small we are and how we might cause damage that on the human scale is immense and overwhelming. It doesn’t mean we won’t damage other life-forms, yet I think that life is so much larger. It’s hard for me to find the practice of that except in trying to think toward it. We are very much impacting and destroying. We are a destructive species, yet life is also entirely larger than we are. So I feel like the scope actually shifts, so it’s not so much about us. What are we going to save? What are we going to prevent? We’re now dealing with tiny numbers and degrees. Whether it’s talking about temperature or the ocean rising, there will be life after us. So when I originally heard this comment, ‘no matter the outcome,’ to me, that might seem like the most essential comment. ‘No matter the outcome.’ Who do I want to be as a relational being or person, no matter the outcome? I don’t think I even have an answer now, except that that feels like the question I needed.”

Stan talked about carrying this question of what is ours to do, no matter the outcome, against his personal backdrop of the moral wounds he sustained while in the military. He mentioned how the VA has the term “moral wounds” for what happens to soldiers who were sent to war believing in the cause, only to see other soldiers commit atrocities. Further, he added that whether his life is shortened by the chemicals he was exposed to (Agent Orange), in light of such wounds, he believes that the manner in which we live our lives is the most crucial thing. “It’s about the manner in which I engage every living being that I come in contact with; that is the most crucial thing. That’s the relationship.”

Dialoguing directly with Natalie, he pointed out the constant change and motion of relationship, the constant exchange being what life is about. “I think we get hung up on the outcome and then we make tons of mistakes trying to make that perceived outcome happen when it’s only coming from a partial framework, a partial understanding of what’s going on.”

Natalie began to ask questions while thinking aloud.

“How did we get here? How do we move on and respond? What’s getting in the way of that? If there’s a quick answer to these, it’s that humanity is a small part of this much larger thing, and we must get back to being in relationship to the land and water. What might humanity be if it could be back in relationship? It’s the large question of the ways we try to push ourselves through a day. To be who we are. To say because I’m a poet, this can be who I am in a day, or this is how I might treat someone. Or this is what I might always be intentional about or central to in language when I speak to my mother or my lover or my friend or a stranger. So I think those are the small ways. Or how do I visit my water? And then how do I use it in a day? Or how do we work in the garden? Then we have the larger world that is not asking that question, no m atter the outcome.”

Natalie paused, then said this reminded her of abolitionist work, or people who have been traumatized or suffered the moral wounds from war, and how important it is to give these things language.

“That’s why I think it’s so impactful that you are working on this book because sometimes a story, in a Western sense, lets us forget this. Indigenous story works differently, because the intimacy of its language is like touch. So, suddenly, like putting the word ‘moral’ in front of wounds, that’s a whole different way of being held, and it’s a whole different way of learning to love yourself. Sometimes we forget the simplicity and power of a single word, of a way of language.”

Natalie thinks that how we iterate or replicate or commodify things flies in the face of what the land told the human body to become, what that body might offer, that this is what real abundance is.

“It was Creator pulling us up from the land and saying this is who you are in language, but it happened while land was happening. Then to say this is where your water will come from as he moved his lance into the Earth, and the water came out. Then to say, this is how you hunt. Language is one pathway to return us to land the way the Creator gave us language to identify ourselves as both land and water, as being of each. Language has a power of return to its first iterations. The first time Earth was said, it was the Earth itself. Indigenous languages hold these knowledges but even the English language can be made more capacious and open to these relationships. In language, we’ll always return back to the land if you know how to look for it.”

We Are the Middle of Forever can be purchased here.










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solving global warming?….….



Phil Butler


The end of civilization as we know it is at hand. Why more experts have not seized on the reality facing us perplexes me. It came to me like a bolt, the reason the current world order is pushing for nuclear confrontation. The answer is right in front of us. Nuclear Winter.

I don’t need to rehash the craziness and diabolical machinations that have gone on over the past few years. The pandemic, the societal brain blistering that has caused, the lead-up proxy wars, ISIS, crazy presidents, pedophilia, and child sex charges, the Lolita Express, Hunter Biden, Ukraine. And the real problem of climate change, put into the brainwash blender so average Joe or Judy won’t know up from down. This paragraph must end with Bill Gates, population control, and one of Epstein’s chums owning most of America’s farmland.

Yeah. We are pretty much screwed. They just raided former President Trump’s home, Tulsi Gabbard, Tucker Carlson, and other prominent conservatives are being labeled “traitors” in America. It looks like the rest of us are next if you deal at all with social media. And, judging from the level of ignorance about the realities of a US/Russia nuclear confrontation, society is just dumb enough for a dystopian reset. A series of recent articles illustrate.

A USA Today story, and many others recently, have clued me to the two issues I just pointed out. First, it seems feasible that the screwed-up liberal order that got us in this global warming seems determined to fix it with a perpetual cold front. Second, we’ve been brain battered, propagandized, and dumbed down so far we’re irredeemable. Let me show you why.

A “new” study referenced in the USA Today story says Nuclear war between the US and Russia would leave 5 billion dead from hunger. The author of the study, a Rutgers University climate scientist named Lili Xia, tells us (again) how thousands of nuclear weapons being detonated will send megatons of ash into the stratosphere, blocking out the sun. This is not new science, and the language the scientist uses is for 8-year-olds or nincompoops. Here’s a snippet.

“A large percent of the people will be starving… It’s really bad…. The reduced light, global cooling, and likely trade restrictions after nuclear wars would be a global catastrophe for food security.”

Yes, 12,000 modern nuclear weapons detonating would certainly block out the sun and cause famine, then disease, and maybe even a new Ice Age. The Rutgers charts in the study point to sea and soil temperatures dropping substantially. This would fix global warming but good. But “likely” trade restrictions after global thermonuclear war? This is 21st-century science, the big concern? What are these people smoking? I’ll get to Armageddon in a minute, but first, let me introduce the architects of this climate fix.

And while Bill Gates did not say the population should be controlled through vaccines, he is taking huge steps to prepare for the inevitable. This World Economic Forum story articulates his “warning,” and the Microsoft billionaire is America’s largest private landowner with almost 250,000 acres of farmland.

Now, let’s address what the real Armageddon will look like. I won’t take up your time here. This in-depth report from the height of the Cold War Era through 2003 tells us all we need to know. And if the Rutgers geniuses think their research paints a sad picture, by the time you get to the deep references Dr. Wm. Robert Johnston provides, you’ll realize how few people and animals on this Earth would survive.

These new researchers have made a horrible miscalculation. You see, by the end of the initial nuclear exchange, half the population of the world will be incinerated or blown to bits, and another ¼ will die from radiation and other injuries within weeks. Nothing will work, satellites won’t operate, there won’t be any economy, and the United Nations and most of our institutions will be gone. In the US 5,800 warheads will have detonated, totaling 3,900 megatons. In Russia, nothing within 200 miles of Moscow will be left alive, not even bugs.

According to Dr. Johnston’s research/scenario, more than 200 nuclear warheads would render hundreds of thousands of kilometers lifeless, ruined, and utterly destroyed. Europe will be a mass open grave. Carnage will stretch from the currently undamaged Kyiv to the Pyrenees. Spain and Portugal may be the last strongholds of living souls. This MIT excerpt from the 2021 book “Nuclear Choices for the Twenty-First Century: A Citizen’s Guide” by Richard Wolfson and Ferenc Dalnoki-Veress, substantiates Johnson’s previous research.

In 60 years, there will still be vast reaches of land that are unusable. Genetic defects will have shown up in a big percentage of the few hundred million who survived. New Zealand and Argentina will be world powers in this new dystopia. We’ll have the brave new world, that marvelous reset Schwab and the globalists have been stirring. Greta Thunberg and the climate alarmists will finally fall silent (one way or another).

And now, I leave you with the final words from our Rutgers genius, Professor Alan Robock, who co-authored the study with Lili Xia, which was aimed at the world’s zombified population. It’s a groundbreaking revelation:

“The data tells us one thing: We must prevent a nuclear war from ever happening.”

It’s happening. It’s the only strategy of the elites that makes any sense.



Phil Butler, is a policy investigator and analyst, a political scientist and expert on Eastern Europe, he’s an author of the recent bestseller “Putin’s Praetorians” and other books. He writes exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.







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