Saturday 11th of January 2025

the bleedin' obvious .....


amerikan nightmare .....

America is ruled by a president who absolutely refuses to bend to the will of the people & a congress that unashamedly ignores the citizenry's demands.

In the instances of Executive & Congressional &, too, as it relates to both parties; all discard the needs & wishes of the people in order to serve only corporate interests.

It is fair & true to say then, that in the case of the former, the American people are being subjected to tyranny. And, as it pertains to the latter, the United States has become an oligarchy - a government of, for, & by the corporations.

America then, you see, is no longer a democracy. America now, is neither the land of the free nor the home of the brave. Liberty, real liberty, has been made unwelcome in this America. Yes, sadly, this America is led by mealy-mouthed sell-outs & inhabited by subjugated cowards.

And that, Dear Friend, is an ugly & brutally honest account of the contemporary American truth.