Tuesday 14th of January 2025

de-electrification of ukraine.......

There isn’t a Russian over the age of forty-five – 40 million people — who doesn’t know by heart Vladimir Lenin’s report on the work of the Council of People’s Commissars of December 22, 1920. 

“Communism is Soviet power plus the electrification of the whole country”, Lenin said. “Our best men,” he went on, “have accomplished the task we set them of drawing up a plan for the electrification of Russia and the restoration of her economy… We must see to it that every factory and every electric power station becomes a centre of enlightenment; if Russia is covered with a dense network of electric power stations and powerful technical installations, our communist economic development will become a model for a future socialist Europe and Asia. (Stormy and prolonged applause.)”

With money and media from London to Washington and Wall Street, the regime of Boris Yeltsin generated its alternative to Lenin’s electrification. This privatised Russia’s generating plants and distribution grid; subsidised electricity supplies to London Stock Exchange-listed mines and smelters; stole retail consumer payments; and converted collateralised bank loans into London and New York mansions and bank accounts. The prolonged and stormy applause for all of that was in the Financial Times and Wall Street Journal.

The Russians profiting included Anatoly Chubais,  Mikhail Prokhorov,  Leonid Lebedev,  Valentin Zavadnikov,   Vadim Belyaev,  and  Mikhail Abyzov. None of them is sanctioned;  most are offshore – except for Abyzov who’s the only one of the electrification gang who is in a Russian prison for his crimes.   

But there’s another electrification weapon Russia is using to wage its defence against the US and NATO war.  It was first anticipated and reported by the little known Moscow writer, Sigizmund Khrzhizhanovsky (1887-1950). In 1939 he called the weapon “yellow coal” and “kinetic spite”.

The weaponising would start at Harvard University, Khrzhizhanovsky said. First the Americans, then the Germans would convert human hatred into a new source of energy powering everything which had been dependent until then on coal, gas, and oil. / 

The Stavka has just reversed the direction of the weapon. Not only are the lights out in Lvov,  Kiev, Dniepropetrovsk, and Odessa,  but there’s no electricity to pump water for them to flush Russia hatred down their toilets.


This is how the kinetic weapon operated in 1939, according to Khrzhizhanovsky (right): “During the first months of industry’s gradual changeover to yellow-coal energy,” he wrote, “it was feared that the reservoirs of spite deep inside humanity might soon be exhausted. Various projects, ancillary to [Harvard professor] Leker’s own, proposed methods of stimulating spite artificially — in case natural supplies should fall off. Thus the famous ethnographer Krantz published his Classification of Interethnic Hatreds, a two-volume work asserting that humanity should be split into the smallest possible ethnicities so as to produce the maximum ‘kinetic spite’ (Krantz’s term). But the anonymous author of a pamphlet entitled ‘Once One Is One’ went further: he advocated reviving the ancient adage bellum omnium contra omnes, the war of all against all. The war contra omnes of post-history would, he reasoned, differ radically from that of pre-history. If the ‘pre’ set all men against each other because of their lack of an ‘I’, of humanity, the ‘post’ would create a conflict between excesses of ‘I’: once put into practice, every ‘I’ would lay claim to the whole earth and all its riches. This eminently logical philosophical system would saddle the earth with some three billion absolute monarchs and, therefore, countless wars of aggression and spite, the approximate number of which could be determined by calculating all possible combinations of one individual against three billion other individuals and multiplying that number again by three billion.”   

In our time, this is how the Stavka’s  electric war is being waged, according to electrical engineering experts. Firstly, the GRU and other Russian military intelligence sources gather Ukrainian energy data on every emission source, including electromagnetic pulse, heat, sound waves, carbon dioxide and other gas releases, and diesel particulate matter from the substitute, emergency and private generators which have been activated as the national grid has been disrupted or destroyed. This is how some of these detection systems work when they are engaged in non-military applications.  In commercial industry, the technology to perform detection, measurement, and target discrimination has been evolving for decades, so it can be backward or forward-engineered as the Russians see fit now.  

“You can be sure,” advises a NATO veteran of infrastructure warfare operations, “that as the main grid goes down, and the Ukrainian government offices, military commands, and business elites switch to private generators and diesel-fuel sources, Russian engineers are working on warheads which will home in on their heat and emission signatures.”

“They will be roaming over the cities and command bunkers with instruments calibrated to detect n of x. They will then convert the emission data into locational coordinates, programme the drones and missiles, home in and destroy.”

Open Ukrainian sources are reporting not only that the destruction of the main grids of most of the targeted cities is approaching non-repairable, but also that the majority of the Ukrainian population can see with their own eyes that the elite neighbourhoods have light, heat and water while they do not. “As to heat and light in the elite homes”, says a source from Kiev and Odessa, “the dachas have generators. In Kiev 20% of the buildings in the city have lights and water; 80% do not. This 20% could have light because they are connected to separate substations or are in emergency supply systems. Some buildings might have them too. Those are private arrangements. In Odessa nearly all buildings are seeing cuts.” 

Another source says: “I heard this evening from some more friends in Dniepropetrovsk and Odessa that the blackouts are now absolute and across the board. In Kiev many dachas and apartments have their own generators. Electricity is being rationed for the water stations.”


Alexander Kharchenko, Director at the Energy Industry Research Center, Kiev: “The condition is extremely difficult. After Monday’s strike [November 14], the system is really badly damaged and we have not yet had time to restore it to the level when we will be able to survive the next attack. I mean the situation where an uncontrolled exclusion of at least certain regions from grids may begin, the so-called blackout, after which it will take quite a long time to restore power and electricity supply’…The Director at the Center noted that despite the fact that the attack was very powerful, the power engineers were working tirelessly — restoration work continues.”  

“The question is, who is getting the lion’s share of what’s certainly a short supply of diesel fuel for those gensets [private generators]?” the NATO veteran comments. “I wonder also how many linemen are being injured or killed by those generators backfeeding on to utility lines due to improper connections.” 

This open post from an Odessa city resident is explicit. “For the last 24 hours no light, no water, no electricity… where there are little children you can’t go to cook, you can’t go to the toilet to flush… This is the city of Odessa. There are elite houses in zones where there hasn’t been the tiniest bit of switching-off of lights. Not at all. But for us it’s not fair. Why is it like that?… Please deal with this… I can see that Trukhanov does nothing for the city.”


Gennady Trukhanov is the mayor of Odessa. Until the latest round of Russian raids, he had convinced most Odessans the city would not be affected as severely as Kiev or Lvov, and the fate of the city statue of Catherine II was more pressing. Read that story from November 9 here.   

A source in Kiev claims that from the ground in Maidan Square the lights appear to be burning in the elite apartments, including the one listed on Sofiivska Street owned by Canada’s deputy prime minister Chrystia Freeland.  This cannot be corroborated. 

A British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) broadcast from the centre of Kiev on Friday night, November 18, failed to detect or comment on the lights visibly burning in elite apartments in the background. The BBC headlined its report: “Leave if you can to save energy – Ukraine power boss….The head of Ukraine’s biggest private energy firm says people should consider leaving the country to reduce demand on the country’s power network. ‘If they can find an alternative place to stay for another three or four months, it will be very helpful to the system,’ DTEK chief executive Maxim Timchenko told the BBC.” 


According to the latest data release by the Polish Border Guard for Ukrainian movements into and out of Poland on November 18   and 19, there is no evidence of a refugee surge yet. 

Moscow sources believe this stage of the electric war will reach its tactical culmination in the Russian terms of armistice. These do not mark the end of the war; the Russian terms to end that were tabled for the US and the NATO command in the two non-aggression treaties of December 17.  They were summarily dismissed by US Secretary of State Antony Blinken on January 21.  


Short of an agreement on those terms, Moscow sources believe the Stavka objective remains the de-militarization and de-Nazification of the regime in Kiev and Lvov. De-electrification is working to achieve these objectives east of the Dnieper River and along the coastline to Odessa. But the sources believe there must also be an electric war barrier along the west bank of the Dnieper – this must be deep enough to protect the east from the long-range artillery, missile, and ground unit attacks which continue across the line of contact with the four new Russian regions.
Military and political discussions in Moscow of how deep this barrier must be are far from decided. In one scenario there would be a West Bank strip to a depth of 100 kilometres fully electrified and monitored to detect and prevent Ukrainian and NATO military movements of any kind. There are many US precedents for this; they began with the Pentagon’s Operation IGLOO WHITE in 1966, early in the Vietnam War. The border barrier and interdiction technologies of the US, NATO, and Israel have advanced far beyond that early start. The Stavka’s electric war technologies can therefore be applied next to enforcing a de-militarized zone in the Ukraine in which there will be no movement at all. No movement means no habitation of the area.
Because the Ukrainians have been requesting 300-km range artillery and missile weapons supplied by the US and the NATO allies, an even deeper zone of de-militarization with habitation may be an additional condition in the Russian armistice proposal.
“Now the geography is different,” Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said in July. “Take the HIMARS. [Ukrainian] Defence Minister Alexei Reznikov boasts that they have already received 300-kilometre ammunition. This means our geographic objectives will move even further from the current line. We cannot allow the part of Ukraine that Vladimir Zelensky, or whoever replaces him, will control to have weapons that pose a direct threat to our territory or to the republics that have declared their independence and want to determine their own future.”
“Question: How can this be arranged, technically? This is our territory. Then there are the republics that will accede to us. In fact they already have – the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions. … Further west, there is the territory controlled by Vladimir Zelensky. They have a common border. So either there should be a 300 kilometre buffer zone or something between them, or we need to march all the way to Lvov inclusive.”
“Sergei Lavrov: There is a solution to this problem. The military know this.”

NOTE: The lead image is a Russian poster of 1921, “Electrification and Counterrevolution”, illustrating what Lenin’s proposed electrification programme for the country would expose of the machinations of the tsarist army command, the Church, and the wealthy.





FREE JULIAN ASSANGE NOW......................

versus US superman.....

He’s faster than a speeding bullet -- more powerful than a locomotive -- able to leap tall lies at a single bound. He’s more farsighted than Clark Kent (alias Superman), greener than Hal Jordan (Green Lantern), more tenacious than Peter Parker (Spiderman), as sworn to vengeance against lawlessness as Bruce Wayne (Batman).

That’s John Helmer who has created the first true to life comic book coated in LAUGHTER, the only antidote that’s certain to neutralize Novichok if it gets into your underpants or a BUK rocket if it’s fired at your airplane. 

Laughing at villainy nearly got Helmer killed when a Russian oligarch sent a 3-man assassination team to his Moscow door. The oligarch was angry at being cartooned in Dances with Bears, the best known website on Russian business for the past thirty years.

Now for the first time the best and most hilarious cartoons and plots have been assembled in a single comic book, starting with the superhero’s death-defying childhood and ending with his banishment to the end of the earth. These are the pictures which have infuriated in equal measure oligarchs, MI6 agents, the current CIA director, Alexei Navalny’s gang, the Galicians who run Canada, the Dutchmen putting on the MH17 show trial, and the pack of state-bribed journalists in London, New York, and Washington. 

Medical warning: if you have an allergy to the truth, the joke being played in this comic book could cause shortness of breath, choking, brain bleeding, paralysis. That’s because this book is the truth.

“I actually liked John quite a lot,” said Matt Taibbi in Rolling Stone. “but — and I mean this in the most complimentary possible way, if he happens to be reading this — I can certainly see wanting to kill him.”











FREE JULIAN ASSANGE NOW....................

let's hope thierry is right.....

Zelensky trapped by Moscow and Washington


by Thierry Meyssan


The evolution of the balance of power on the Ukrainian battlefield and the tragic episode of the G20 in Bali mark a reversal of the situation. If the West still believes that it will soon defeat Moscow, the United States has already begun secret negotiations with Russia. They are preparing to let go of Ukraine and to put the blame solely on Volodymyr Zelensky. As in Afghanistan, the awakening will be brutal.

I was talking to an open-minded leader of the European Parliament in Brussels ten days ago, and I listened to him tell me that the Ukrainian conflict was certainly complex, but that the most obvious thing was that Russia had invaded that country. I replied by observing that international law obliged Germany, France and Russia to implement resolution 2202, which Moscow alone had done. I continued by reminding him of the responsibility to protect the populations in case of failure of their own government. He cut me off and asked me: "If my government complains about the fate of its citizens in Russia and attacks that country, will you find that normal? Yes," I said, "if you have a Security Council resolution. Do you have one? » Disconcerted, he changed the subject. Three times I asked him if we could talk about the Ukrainian "integral nationalists". Three times he refused. We parted courteously.

The question of the responsibility to protect should have been nuanced. This principle does not allow for a war, but for a police operation, conducted with military means. That is why the Kremlin is careful not to refer to this conflict as a "war", but as a "special military operation". Both terms refer to the same facts, but "special military operation" limits the conflict. As soon as his troops entered Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin made it clear that he did not intend to annex this territory, but only to liberate the people persecuted by the Ukrainian "Nazis". In a previous long article, I pointed out that, if the expression "Nazis" is correct in the historical sense, it does not correspond to the way these people call themselves. They use the expression: "integral nationalists". Let’s remember that Ukraine is the only state in the world with an explicitly racist constitution.

The fact that international law gives Russia the upper hand does not mean that it has a blank check. Everyone must criticize the way it applies the law. Westerners still find Russia "Asian", "savage" and "brutal", even though they themselves have been far more destructive on many occasions.



Now that the Russian and Western points of view have been clarified, it is clear that several events have prompted a Western shift.

 We are entering winter, a harsh season in Central Europe. The Russian population is aware, since the Napoleonic invasion, that it cannot defend such a large country. Therefore, they learned to use the vastness of their territory and the seasons to defeat their attackers. With winter, the front is frozen for several months. Everyone can see that, contrary to the discourse that the Russians are defeated, the Russian army has liberated the Donbass and part of Novorussia.

 Before winter fell, the Kremlin withdrew the liberated population living north of the Dnieper, and then withdrew its army, abandoning the part of Kershon located on the north bank of the Dnieper. For the first time, a natural border, the Dnieper River, marks a border between the territories controlled by Kiev and those controlled by Moscow. However, during the interwar period, it was the absence of natural borders that brought down all successive powers in Ukraine. Now Russia is in a position to hold on.

 Since the beginning of the conflict, Ukraine has been able to count on unlimited aid from the United States and its allies. However, the mid-term elections in the USA have removed the majority of the Biden administration in the House of Representatives. From now on, Washington’s support will be limited. Similarly, the European Union is also finding its limits. Its populations do not understand the rising cost of energy, the closure of certain factories and the impossibility of heating normally.

 Finally, in some circles of power, after admiring the talents of the actor Volodymyr Zelensky as a communicator, they begin to wonder about the rumors about his sudden fortune. In eight months of war, he became a billionaire. The imputation is unverifiable, but the scandal of the Pandora Papers (2021), makes it credible. Is it necessary to bleed to the four veins not to see the donations arrive in Ukraine, but disappear in offshore companies?

The Anglo-Saxons (i.e. London and Washington) wanted to turn the G20 in Bali into an anti-Russian summit. They had first lobbied for Moscow to be excluded from the Group, as they had succeeded in doing at the G8. But if Russia had been absent, China, by far the world’s largest exporter, would not have come. So it was Frenchman Emmanuel Macron who was responsible for convincing the other guests to sign a bloody declaration against Russia. For two days, Western news agencies assured that the matter was in the bag. But in the end, the final statement, while summarizing the Western point of view, closed the debate with these words: "There were other points of view and different assessments of the situation and the sanctions. Recognizing that the G20 is not the forum to resolve security issues, we know that security issues can have significant consequences for the global economy. » In other words, for the first time, the West has failed to impose its worldview on the rest of the planet.



Worse: the West imposed a video intervention by Volodymyr Zelensky as they had done on August 24 and September 27 at the United Nations Security Council. However, while Russia had tried in vain to oppose it in September in New York, it accepted it in November in Bali. At the Security Council, France, which held the presidency, violated the rules of procedure to give the floor to a head of state by video. On the contrary, at the G20, Indonesia held an absolutely neutral position and was not likely to accept giving him the floor without Russian authorization. This was obviously a trap. President Zelensky, who does not know how these bodies work, fell into it.

After having caricatured Moscow’s action, he called for its exclusion from the... "G19". G19 ". In other words, the little Ukrainian gave an order on behalf of the Anglo-Saxons to the heads of state, prime ministers and foreign ministers of the 20 largest world powers and was not heard. In reality, the dispute between these leaders was not about Ukraine, but about whether or not to submit to the American world order. All the Latin American, African and four Asian participants said that this domination was over; that the world is now multipolar.

The Westerners must have felt the ground shake under their feet. They were not the only ones. Volodymyr Zelensky saw, for the first time, that his sponsors, until now absolute masters of the world, were letting him down without hesitation in order to maintain their position for a while longer.
It is likely that Washington was in league with Moscow. The United States realizes that things are turning against it on a global scale. It will have no hesitation in blaming the Ukrainian regime. William Burns, director of the CIA, has already met Sergei Narychkin, the director of the SVR, in Turkey. These meetings follow those of Jake Sullivan, the US National Security Advisor, with several Russian officials. However, Washington has nothing to negotiate in Ukraine. Two months before the conflict in Ukraine, I explained that the core of the problem had nothing to do with this country, nor with NATO. It is essentially about the end of the unipolar world.

So it is not surprising that a few days after the G20 slap in the face, Volodymyr Zelensky contradicted his American sponsors for the first time in public. He accused Russia of having launched a missile at Poland and maintained his words when the Pentagon indicated that he was wrong, it was a Ukrainian counter-missile. The idea, for him. was to continue to act in line with the Treaty of Warsaw, concluded on April 22, 1920, by Symon Petlioura’s integral nationalists with the regime of Piłsudski; to push Poland to go to war against Russia. This was the second time Washington rang a bell in his ears. He did not hear it.

Probably, these contradictions will no longer manifest themselves in public. Western positions will soften. Ukraine has been warned: in the coming months it will have to negotiate with Russia. President Zelensky can plan his escape now, because his bruised compatriots will not forgive him for deceiving them.


Thierry Meyssan




Roger Lagassé



