Saturday 11th of January 2025

rattus surging .....

rattus paternalism .....

‘The Minister for Health, Tony Abbott, is not able to say whether general health checks of indigenous children will be compulsory as part of the Federal Government's plan to clean up remote communities.

In an interview on the Nine Network this morning Mr Abbott said the Government wanted all 22,000 indigenous children in the Northern Territory checked and that he hoped their "good parents" would ask for the health assessments.

"We want everyone to have these checks. We will do our best to make sure everyone does have these checks. We will stamp out child abuse as far as is humanly possible in the Territory, but these checks will not be forensic examinations. They will be standard health checks, under standard health check conditions," Mr Abbott said.’

NT Health Checks Not Forensic Examinations

winston wabbit .....

from Crikey …..

Be very qwiet, he’s hunting wabbits

Christian Kerr writes:

Plan C, anybody?

It appears that the Prime Minister wasn’t exaggerating when he told the government party room he didn’t have any rabbits to pull out of a hat.

Indeed, today’s Galaxy polling published in the News Limited tabloids leaves the PM looking like a bunny.

The Government’s primary vote is down one point from the beginning of June to 37% while Labor’s is up two to 46%. The two-party preferred splits Labor’s way 55% to 45%, a two percent move in Labor’s favour. And Galaxy’s other findings seem to have really caught the PM on the hop.

Galaxy have learned their lesson after the controversy surrounding their questions last month. Their latest efforts are absolutely plain vanilla.

"Do you think Prime Minister John Howard is addressing problems in Aboriginal communities because of the upcoming federal election or because he really cares about the problem?" Galaxy have asked.

We appear to be a cynical bunch. 58% of respondents said it was because of the federal election. The PM might have regained control of the agenda, but Galaxy suggests that we’re unimpressed.

The government’s fallback doesn’t seem to have made that much impact on voters either. Galaxy asks "Have the recent actions of some trade union officials made you more inclined to vote for the ALP at the next federal election, less inclined to vote for the ALP, or will these actions not influence your vote?"

Union bosses using naughty words hasn’t given the nation a collective conniption. Indeed, it hasn’t changed the voting intention of 67% of the electorate.

Roll on the Newspoll - but it looks as if a 4 August election is off the agenda and the PM will continue hunting rabbits.

meanwhile ……

Alex Mitchell: Howard's NT rescue plan is in serious trouble

Alex Mitchell writes:

When John Howard announced his Northern Territory Aboriginal rescue plan less than two weeks ago he believed he was on an election winner. But already this misconceived, ill-advised, policy-on-the-run project is in serious trouble.

Any military and police-led operation in war or peacetime must meet four criteria: what are the mission’s objectives, how long will it take, what is the exit strategy and how much will it cost? In Howard’s plan, no answers are available to any of these questions.

Just like the $10 billion Murray River rescue plan announced earlier this year, the Aboriginal initiative was dreamt up in Howard’s own office while Treasury was kept in the dark. Treasury boss Ken Henry is watching this open-ended funding fiasco unfold with mounting alarm.

The central issue remains Howard’s land grab on behalf of the mining companies. Not one member of his conga-line of apologists has been able to explain why it is necessary to confiscate Aboriginal land to rescue children from sexual abuse. Why can’t families and communities be saved on their own land without taking its ownership away?

Among experts in the field of dealing with sexual abuse, the concept of removing the ownership of the offenders/victims’ property is novel. Next time we learn that priests at some Catholic, Anglican or Protestant college are sexually abusing their pupils will the school and grounds be appropriated by the federal government? Of course, the church owners would be offered a “fair price” as compensation, according to the Howard humanitarian doctrine.

Kevin Rudd, who is belatedly asking questions about the Howard plan after initially signing up as a member of the coalition of the over-willing, has a clear duty to announce that if he becomes PM the land removed during this operation will be returned to the tribal owners immediately.