Sunday 9th of March 2025

some mothers do have 'em .....

some mothers do have 'em .....

Today is bushit’s birthday

The Houston Chronicle's Julie Mason writes that Bush's 61 years old physique is showing the demands of the office. "For Bush, his cumulative burden, with perhaps the Iraq war being most prominent - takes a heavy toll that is showing on his face & also in his demeanour, which is less jokey and more testy than previously.

Some days, Bush looks exhausted."

The little liar

Mr. Bush told the Cleveland audience that he appreciates “how tough it is on our psyche” to be fighting a war, and that he never wanted to be “a war president.”

Gus: not long ago Bushit tooted himself as "a war president..." (I made a cartoon about it in 2003) but... I could accept that he did not want to be despite claiming that he was... SO WHY DID HE LIE SO FURIOUSLY ABOUT SADDAM WMDs, TO GO TO WAR?

The timeline is totally against Bushit's claim that he never wanted to be “a war president.” Bushit is a pathological liar. More lying to cover lies going pear shape surely is exhausting...