Sunday 9th of March 2025

sacrifice .....

sacrifice .....

‘The Bushies, it seems, like starting fights, but they don’t believe in paying any of the cost of those fights or bearing any of the risks. Above all, they don’t believe that they or their friends should face any personal or professional penalties for trivial sins like distorting intelligence to get America into an unnecessary war, or totally botching that war’s execution.

The Web site Think Progress has a summary of what happened to the men behind the war after we didn’t find W.M.D., and weren’t welcomed as liberators: “The architects of war: Where are they now?” To read that summary is to be awed by the comprehensiveness and generosity of the neo-con welfare system. Even Paul Wolfowitz, who managed the rare feat of messing up not one but two high-level jobs, has found refuge at the American Enterprise Institute.’

Sacrifice Is For Suckers

And if we really want to get into sacrifice, try looking at the latest estimated death toll inflicted on the people of Iraq by the sweet jesus neo-con bushit brigade.

Last year Johns Hopkins researchers produced a study estimating that 650,000 Iraqis had died as of July, 2006 as a result of the bushit invasion.

The organization Just Foreign Policy has now created a new estimate, based on the original study, of deaths to the present day. The number they came up with is just under one million.

See more information on the new Iraqi Death Estimate

at any cost

Iraqi forces may not be ready for planned handover: US

The White House has warned that Iraqi forces may not be able to take over their country's security by November as planned, days before US law-makers were to get a progress report on the war.

And while the Pentagon worked to lower expectations for that assessment, President George W Bush battled mounting calls for US troop withdrawals amid a new Democratic assault on the war and an accelerating Republican rebellion.

The White House denied there was any new discussion of bringing US troops home and acknowledged that Iraq's often-criticised security forces may be unable to assume control of their war-torn country's security by November.

Asked whether that timeframe still held, Mr Bush's spokesman Tony Snow told reporters: "You mean on all the provinces? ... I don't think we're probably going to get there, but I'm not sure."

Mr Snow pleaded for patience, pointing to progress reports expected this week and in September and saying: "If you're going to look for a November guess, I'd probably wait for the September report."

Mr Bush had set the time frame in a January 10, 2007 speech unveiling his plans to send tens of thousands more US forces to Iraq in a bid to quell violence and improve the chances for political reconciliation.

"To establish its authority, the Iraqi government plans to take responsibility for security in all of Iraq's provinces by November," the President had said in an address to the nation.


Gus: All this of course is baloney... The grand prize for this war is OIL, whether the Iraqi government is ready or not, whether the Iraqi troops are ready or not... The US troops will stay there as long as possible, then "retreat" to protect the oil fields.

Realise that the mighty US army is presently unable to contain a multi-factions insurgency, what hope can one have of the makeshift Iraqi army, already infiltrated by various insurgent factions, in this "war"...? So far this month of July (only 9 days old), 28 US troops have died and about 140 have been injured by "insurgency" action. These US troops are protected by the most modern armours available, armour unavailable to the Iraqi soldiers. So far this month (9 days old), 82 Iraqi forces have been killed and nearly 500 have been injured. Nearly 450 Iraqi civilians have been reported killed by insurgency, around 1800 have been badly injured. Most likely to be twice as much since the figures of civilians killed and injured are always under-reported by the Iraqi government. 

To say the Iraqi troops may "not-being-ready-for-the-handover" is a way to place a bet each way for the Bush administration without knowing what they're going to do, and not giving two hoot about it apart from US pride being hurt, as long as the oil is protected...

We know the Iraqi troops will never be ready. The US administration knows they wont be ready by 2010... That's why General Petraeus is thinking in terms of "decades" to defeat the insurgency... The quagmire is only getting deeper and will go deeper after the US troops are completely out of the equation. The Iraqi may have a nasty short and deadly civil war, until they come to term, living with themselves, away from US manipulations. The US Civil War is a testimony to this ugly process... The Vietnam War is a testimony to this process. The third party (the US, the UK, Australia and the other countries involved) should depart...  The tooted "morality" — of trying to fix by bringing democracy to what we demolished by invasion under the pretext of gigantic lies — is ugly as it is underpinned by the grabbing of OIL at any cost... The damage done by this little Bushit to the world's humanity will have repercussion for a century, unfortunately. We knew that when he decided to go to war and when we tried to stop him and his co-conspirators — our UnAustralian Johnnee and "Aussie Tony" Blair. All three should be tried for war crimes... May the blood of all the dead taint their un-washable hands forever...