Friday 25th of October 2024

it's old plan A before the defeat and surrender of kiev....

A leak of apparently classified Pentagon documents concerning US military plans in Ukraine, as well as sensitive information linked to China and the Middle East, has prompted a heated debate about the origins and value of the trove. Who is behind the dump, and is it genuine?




"There could be two reasons behind the leak of these documents," Yuri Knutov, military historian, publicist, and director of the Air Defense Forces Museum, told Sputnik. "The first reason is the internal political struggle within the United States of America (…) If they have people sympathetic to [GOP] views in the intelligence services, in the special services, in the Pentagon, they could leak such documents in order to accuse the Democrats, President [Joe] Biden and his administration of not being able to keep secrets and playing into the hands of the US' adversaries (…) I think that the second version is the most probable. The crux of the matter is that the leak could be deliberately organized. That is, as a rule, among this type of documents, approximately 60-70% are genuine documents and around 30-40% are falsifications."

Referring to the documents concerning a Ukrainian counter-offensive, Knutov suggested that the purpose of the leak is to sow confusion within the Russian General Staff and ensure that the Kiev regime's advance catches the Russians off guard. "Approximately the same scheme was used by Nazi Germany before June 22, 1941, when the Nazi troops attacked the Soviet Union," the military historian remarked.

One still cannot rule out that the apparent leak was organized by some Pentagon dissenter, akin to Edward Snowden, according to Dmitry Kornev, military expert and founder of the Military Russia portal. He draws attention to the fact that the allegedly classified documents started seeping out on computer gaming forums and other non-specialized platforms where they were later found. In any event, the trove deserves to be examined, the expert underscored.

"Any information on the subject of the special military operation, no matter by whom and how it was initiated and launched into the public field, is of interest to all parties," Kornev told Sputnik. "Of course, we must study all this data. We must treat it as a source of dubious reliability. But this data still needs to be included in the general array of information that is available.”


No Ukraine Offensive Without More Weapons?

The trove describes certain problems with Ukraine's military stockpiles. It particularly claims that the Kiev regime is running out of anti-aircraft missiles, which could leave Ukraine’s critical national infrastructure vulnerable to Russian strikes and complicate the spring counter-offensive. Judging from the purported Pentagon files, the Kiev regime urgently needs ammo deliveries from NATO, which are long overdue. 

"I am convinced that the media story claiming that the Ukrainian Army does not have enough ammo actually means that it really does not use them much, because they are hoarded," suggested Knutov. "They are accumulated so that later they can be used in huge quantities during the counteroffensive, which Zelensky spoke about on multiple occasions. There is no doubt that the counteroffensive will take place: NATO and the West have invested too much money in preparing and training the Ukrainian Army, its equipment, provision of shells, missiles, and other means of destruction, including long-range Ground Launched Small Diameter Bomb (GLSDB) missiles." 

According to Knutov, NATO's latest packages of military aid indicate that the Kiev regime has most likely amassed considerable quantities of ammo and missiles.

"In addition, the [West] helped Ukraine create Grom-2 tactical missiles with a range of at least 300 kilometers, which we have begun to shoot down," the military historian continued. "These missiles are more modern than the Tochka-U, although they are not as sophisticated as the Iskander-M missile."

Similarly, NATO has stepped up the provision of tanks to the Kiev regime, Knutov continued. Some of those tanks could currently be stationed in Poland and then quickly transferred to Ukraine within two-three days, according to him.

Even though the gloomy situation depicted by the alleged Pentagon trove could be partially true, in general the potential of Western countries and those cooperating with the NATO bloc is still considerable, Knutov notes, suggesting that the files reek of disinformation.


Ukraine's Offensive: There Should be Plethora of Plans

"The [Ukrainian] counteroffensive cannot begin earlier than the end of April or the beginning of May, due to weather reasons," suggested Kornev. "The logic of the counteroffensive must be quite unusual for us. They will attack simultaneously in five-six-seven areas, inflicting defeat with the means that they have. That is, artillery, HIMARS and GLSDB will be used, that is, up to 150 kilometers in a narrow strip, everything related to headquarters, warehouses, concentrations of troops, dugouts and so on and so forth will be destroyed. Their task is to sow chaos at five or six points at once, but then they will actually conduct an offensive, probably, at two points."

The apparent goal of the Ukrainian Army and their NATO allies is to break through Russia's defenses, sow panic, and then, if everything goes according to their plans, try to encircle the Russian military forces and interrupt communications, the military expert hypothesized.

"I just proceed from the fact that one cannot underestimate the enemy," Kornev continued. "Underestimating the enemy is the worst thing that can happen. They are very well-educated, they have prepared for this [offensive] (…) There should be many plans, and which one will go into work will be decided in the eleventh hour. The only way to protect oneself from modern intelligence, which has infiltrated even the top brass, is to work out several plans at once simultaneously, in parallel, saying that we do not yet know which plan will work. Most likely, that's exactly what they do."

Now everything depends on the ability of Russian defense experts to gather and analyze data concerning Ukraine's forthcoming attacks. To illustrate his point, Kornev referred to the Battle of Kursk in 1943. At the time, Soviet generals knew in advance exactly where the Nazi German forces would strike and carried out a preventive artillery attack, thus sowing discord among the frontal units of the Nazis.

"Now, if we find out the place of concentration of [the Kiev regime's] equipment and attack them by aircraft, cruise missiles, or some other long-range means, we will get 50% of the success of the defensive operation," the military expert concluded.









The Grayzone's Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate discuss the recent trip to Saudi Arabia by CIA director William Burns amid Chinese-brokered peace talks between the Saudis and Iran, and the waning influence of the US over the global economy.




stay ignorant....


'Do Not Report On the Leaked Pentagon Documents’ Says US Govt Official John Kirby


Kim discusses the Pentagon leaked documents with journalist, Wyatt Reed and all the spilled tea about military security operations including US spying on allies. you can find Wyatts’ work on Twitter Thank you for watching the fully independent Kim Iversen Show. Get the FULL SHOW without ever missing a segment here:





documented spoof.....




The leaked intel might be advantageous to Russia were this not to be misdirection: and the possibility is quite real, Pepe Escobar writes.

The script reads like a spoof straight out of legendary Mad magazine 1960’s cartoon “Spy vs. Spy”: Secret Pentagon Documents Fall in the Hands of Malign Russia. Well, actually in the hands of millions accessing Twitter and Telegram.

So here, at face value, we have a major leak essentially detailing Pentagon planning for the next stage of the NATO vs. Russia proxy war in Ukraine: the interminably debated Spring “counter-offensive” that may, or may not, start in mid-April, as well as war plans shared with FVEY – the Five Eyes.

The leaked intel might – and the operative word is “might” – be advantageous to Russia were this not to be misdirection: and the possibility is quite real.

The inestimable Ray McGovern, who knows one or two things about the CIA, noted whether the Pentagon is “falsifying kill-ratio to gild Easter lilies in Kyiv? Recent leak of an apparently official NATO document shows 71,500 Ukrainians KIA and only 16,000 to 17,500 Russians, a far cry from earlier Pentagon ‘estimates’. All sounds so Vietnam-déjà vu!”

So this may be Vietnam all over again – never count on the Pentagon learning from their mistakes – but could be something way more alarming, according to a top Beltway intel source, retired: “Our interpretation of this breach is that intel sources in the United States have released critical intel data in order to avoid a nuclear war with Russia.”

As it stands, the only certainty is that the spin war has gone berserk. So the leaker may have been a – disgruntled – U.S. insider. No, wait: the whole thing may be fake, as the Pentagon insists. In spin speak, that would be an attempt to “spread false information that could harm the U.S.”.

Tweaked or not, the “secret” Pentagon comparative war dead ratio between Russians and Ukrainians still does not make sense. The numbers appear to reflect Bakhmut/Artemovsk casualties, where Russian casualty ratios were highest. Yet reliable on the ground Russian military correspondents assure the ratio is really 10 to 1, with the Russians employing the snail technique combined with a formidable artillery mincing machine.

“Stupefying” incompetence

The undisputable conclusion out of the – real or fake – Pentagon leaks is that the U.S. is in a state of war against Russia. And that is serious enough.

Washington has been feeding information non-stop on command posts, ammunition depots and key nodes in the Russian military lines. It’s such real-time intel that has allowed Kiev to target Russian forces, kill senior generals and force ammunition depots to be moved farther from the Russian front lines.

Anything Pentagon/NATO stenographers say about Kiev playing the proverbial “decisive role” in planning and executing these strikes is a lie. The U.S. exercizes total, absolute control of the Ukraine war on a central command basis. Including from that “secret” underground bunker near Lviv which recently received a business card from Mr. Khinzal and has gone to meet its maker – along with over 200 NATO high-level operatives.

Fake or not fake, we also have confirmation that the Pentagon has direct access to communications of the Russian Ministry of Defense. And that the Americans listen to everyone and his neighbor: the sweaty T-shirt actor in Kiev, all the Five Eyes allies, and the Mossad.

As for the notion that Kiev has changed its counter-offensive “military plans” because of the Pentagon leaks, everyone should feel free to control the pitch of their roaring laughter.

The Russian non-response response to all this hoopla could be seen as a classic of misdirection. Responding to the U.S. de facto engaged in an undeclared war against Russia, much hotter than Hybrid, President Putin said that Russia is interested in “peaceful coexistence with the U.S. and establishing a balance of interests” given their status as the world’s two biggest nuclear powers.

Well, no one can possibly imagine Stalin saying that Russia was interested in peaceful coexistence with Nazi Germany in July, 1941 as the Wehrmacht was rushing towards Moscow, Leningrad and the Caucusus oil.

From the point of view of valuable military information, the indispensable Andrei Martyanov summed it all up: these “documents” contain none, apart from confirming that the Pentagon is absolutely clueless on the SMO: why is it happening, what is the modus operandi and what it plans to achieve.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitri Peskov did cut to the chase“We don’t have the slightest doubt about direct or indirect involvement of the U.S. and NATO (…) it cannot influence the final outcome of the special operation.”

As Martyanov stresses, Russia maneuvers an extremely advanced ISR (Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance) complex, including human intel on the ground, electronic warfare and satellite constellations: “In terms of war correlates and combat statistics – I wouldn’t touch anything coming from Pentagon with a long stick.”

There are indeed several serious issues with the Pentagon “top secret” intel. It oozes the impression it was redacted based on open data, and not actual intel. And all that packaged by some quite shoddy work.

For instance, the insistence to “re-equip” Ukrainian air defense with missiles is not supported by data on where such missiles will be coming from. The name of the NASAMS – the middle range, ground based air defense system co-developed by Raytheon – is misspelled.

In official NATO documents, weapons from the USSR and from Russia are indicated in NATO codification. There is no style uniformity: it’s a messy mix of official code designations and transliterations from Russian into English.

So no wonder the impression is solidified that the U.S. Army Command in Europe (EUCOM) got their “intel” from open sources, and is absolutely clueless on how many weapons, how much equipment and how many people the Ukrainians actually have.

And that explains what’s going on in Artemovsk – with the Russians taking all the time in the world to calibrate their strategic defense, and after the orderly abandon of Kherson, lure the Ukrainians into a non-stop slaughterhouse. Martyanov qualifies U.S./NATO incompetence to see it coming as “stupefying.”

A do-or-die war to control Eurasia

Once again: the most important consequence of the Pentagon leaks is to establish that the U.S., de facto and de jure, is at war against Russia – whatever may be the spin by that Norwegian piece of dead wood in Brussels. Russia will establish a war crimes tribunal for Ukraine, so sooner rather than later, selected collective West luminaries better take refuge in their New Zealand bunkers.

It’s also crucial to always keep in mind Ukraine is a mere pawn in their game for not losing world power, against China, Russia and potentially Germany.

The initial psycho Straussian neocon goal was to cut off Germany from Russia using “Liver Sausage” Chancellor Scholz, who was briefed in advance on the terror attack on the Nord Streams.

Scholz was also involved in the CIA misdirection scam, channeling the blame for the terror attack on some obscure Ukrainian “dissident” and a bumbling yacht – as brilliantly covered by Seymour Hersh.

The next step is to cut off Ukraine from Russia – “reconquering” Crimea, the focus of the current P.R. blitzkrieg, and Donbass, thus originating a cataclysmic psychological upheaval in Russia leading to a Putin regime change.

Then the Straussians would finally command Russia’s massive natural resources – and block them from China by land and by sea via the U.S. Fleet.

That’s not exactly clever – but Straussian neocons do revel in their own intellectually shallow pond. Cue to that insufferable idiot Admiral John Kirby saying there can be no negotiations with Russia until they leave Ukraine, abandoning Donbass and Crimea.

So the (show) war in Ukraine must go on, to the last Ukrainian, or all these elaborate plans will irretrievably bite the dust. This is a do-or-die war against Russia-China for the control of Eurasia. Will that imply more Pentagon leaks? Bring them on.

























panic at the pentagon.....


Ukraine Firepower v Russian Firepower w/Scott Ritter