Sunday 12th of January 2025

wormed and rotten “rules-based order” .....

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov chaired Monday’s session of the UN Security Council, dedicated to “effective multilateralism.” In his opening remarks, he outlined the nature of the current conflict, which he said was really between the UN Charter and the “rules-based order” of the collective West.

Lavrov also noted that the US had effectively denied visas to his accredited media pool, a move to which Moscow has vowed to respond in such a way “to make Americans remember that things should not be done in such a fashion.”


Crisis of the world order

The UN-centric system is going through a deep crisis caused by some members’ desire to replace international law with their “rules-based order,” Lavrov said. Such “rules” are invented ad hoc and applied to stop independent development. They are enforced through means ranging from military force to embargoes, financial sanctions, confiscation of property, “destruction of critical infrastructure” – likely a reference to Nord Stream sabotage – and “manipulation of universally agreed norms and procedures.” The WTO has been paralyzed, market mechanisms have collapsed, and the IMF has been turned into “an instrument for achieving the objectives of the US and its allies.”


Globalization and its enemies

“In a desperate attempt to assert its dominance by punishing the disobedient, the US has moved to destroy globalization, which for many years it extolled as the greatest good of all mankind,” said the Russian foreign minister. Now the US and its allies blacklist anyone who dissents from their “golden billion” and tell the rest of the world, “those who are not with us are against us.”

Yet the “Western minority” has no right to speak for the entire world, Lavrov said. Its “rules-based order” amounts to rejection of sovereign equality, the key principle of the UN Charter, as evidenced by EU commissioner Josep Borrell’s infamous statement about the European “garden” and the “jungle” outside it.


Gross violations of the UN Charter

In addition to the string of US military “adventures” from Yugoslavia and Iraq to Libya, the worst violation of the UN Charter was its meddling in the affairs of post-Soviet states, Lavrov said. As examples, he brought up the “color revolutions” in Georgia and Kyrgyzstan and the 2014 coup in Kiev. When the UN sought to stop the ensuing war by endorsing the Minsk Agreements, they were “trampled by Kiev and its Western masters, who recently cynically and even proudly admitted that they never intended to fulfill them, but only wanted to buy time to pump Ukraine with weapons against Russia,” the Russian foreign minister added.


What the Ukraine conflict is about

Today “it is clear to everyone” that the Ukraine conflict isn’t about Ukraine at all, but “about how international relations will be built: through crafting a stable consensus based on a balance of interests, or through aggressive and explosive promotion of hegemony,” Lavrov said. Russia has “honestly said what we are fighting for” in Ukraine, he added. The goals of its military operation are to eliminate the threat to its security posed by NATO, and protect the people whose rights recognized by international conventions have been systematically violated, by a regime that seeks to “expel and exterminate” them.


How to save the UN

The West has made a “brazen attempt to subjugate” the UN by taking over its secretariats and other international institutions, Lavrov told the Security Council. Washington and its allies have abandoned diplomacy and demanded a battlefield showdown within the halls of the UN, created to prevent the horrors of war. Genuine multilateralism “requires the UN to adapt to objective trends” of emerging multipolarity in international relations, the Russian foreign minister argued. The Security Council should be reformed to increase the representation of Africa, Asia and Latin America, as the current “exorbitant overrepresentation” of the West “undermines the principle of multilateralism.” 







war of words....


Russophobia, season 3: The "meaning" against the truth.    Here's how the media manipulated Princess Victoria Alliata's speech in Moscow



by Peter Messina


There are wars that are fought with weapons, there are wars that are fought with weapons and the media. Since February 24, the West has declared an all-out media war against Russia. All free voice is repressed, all dissent is ridiculed. In Europe and (to a much lesser extent) the United States, it is almost forbidden not to be against Putin.


For more than a year now, the global news machine has been building a unified narrative, identifying the conflict between Russia and Ukraine as a war between good and evil. You cannot have doubts, because doubts are not allowed. Russia is evil and must be destroyed. Amen.

In this asymmetrical warfare, among the weapons available to the West, the mainstream media is the most deadly apparatus: because it is a tool that manipulates consciences, changes the narrative, erases history and rewrites it. Ten years of repression of the pro-Russian population of Donbass by the kyiv government has literally been eroded. You don't have to talk about it. These events never happened and the nearly forty thousand victims of this civil war no longer belong to history.

In mid-March, the first meeting of the Russophile movement was held in Moscow. Delegates came to the Russian capital from 40 countries, including the United States. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova also took part in the debate.


What did the Western media say about this appointment, which was intended to be a debate in the name of dialogue and political reflection?

Western media demolished the thoughts provided by Western speakers. Their speeches have been manipulated, twisted and re-edited to make them appear out of context and meaningless. The rule is simple: anyone who doesn't challenge Russia and Putin is crazy and should be marginalized.

Among the "victims" of this forgetting of the truth, there is also Vittoria Alliata di Villafranca. Writer, journalist, Arabist, Vittoria Alliata took part in the meeting in Moscow by speaking her truth.

Media around the world stripped down his speech, manipulating it and suppressing important pieces of contemporary history. From The Guardian, British to major Italian newspapers, the race began to upend the thinking of the refined Italian intellectual.


Here's what the Sicilian-born princess really said.

"A year ago, when Dostoyevsky's teaching became a problem in Italian universities and the greatest living sopranos and conductors were forced to denounce their Russian homeland or lose their jobs, I thought "Welcome aboard !". Russophobia is just the latest of many purposely constructed phobias for modern formulas of colonization. This manifesto can be seen as the will by which Cecil Rhodes, the founder of Rhodesia, established Anglo-Saxon supremacy and their right to rule the world and exploit its resources.".


Vittoria Alliata is also critcised for a passage of her speech relating to the role of intelligence and the American army in having favored the Sicilian mafia at the end of the Second World War.

Alliata said these words: "I come from Sicily, a multicultural island in the Mediterranean which has been — for thousands of years — the crossroads of refined civilizations that have built a glorious and still very much alive heritage. However, for 70 years, Sicily has been best known for the misdeeds of a criminal group, the Mafia, brought back by the American army when it landed on the island to liberate Europe from Nazism. It was the first ISIS, a terrorist organization freely committing all kinds of abuses and massacres and simulating a strong religious affiliation. Although heroic Sicilians from all walks of life fought it, the big film industry [Hollywood] built a tarnished image of my country, meant to legitimize its occupation with a huge military base operating in the front line against Russia and the Arab world".


But for the Western mainstream, that's not true. 

Yet historical documents and in-depth analyzes also corroborated by judicial investigations have established the existence of a definite link between the mafia criminal systems in Sicily and the American military and intelligence. A link that has continued over the years, culminating even in that historical period— the 60s/70s of the last century — which in Italy is called “the strategy of tension”. To blame those who, like Vittoria Alliata, want to promote dialogue between the West and Russia, the story, the real one, must be canceled [by the West].

In her speech at the Moscow Forum, Vittoria Alliata also underscored the true nature of Russophobia, comparing this political sentiment to the campaign to demonize the Arab world.

"Russophobia is nothing more than the post-production of a long-term project: that of destroying Russia for exactly the same reasons for which so many Arab countries were destroyed or are currently under attack, such as Lebanon. And these reasons are not only oil, wealth and geostrategic issues, but also the ability to stick to the different models of traditional multicultural societies.".

Vittoria Alliata concluded her speech by recalling Daria Dugina, the journalist killed in a terrorist attack last year: "While the West has built an icon of Lady Diana for her elegance and style, we must make Daria Dugina the symbol of all those women who constantly fight for respect in a traditional multipolar world. We must give them the strength to defend their position. Not all women can be tragic heroines like Daria Dugina. But every woman can give a little of her love to build a better world."

"No European newspaper has devoted a note or a column to Daria Dugina. On the contrary, there was hatred against this woman torn apart by a crime bomb. The most important Italian newspaper told the story of this attack in an article whose incipit reads as follows: Like father like daughter", with an obvious reference to Professor Alexksandr Dugin.

No mercy even in front of the mutilated body of a young woman.


This is how the "free" world goes.

source: Tropics bookstore