Sunday 12th of January 2025

at least, trump did not write the gastly patriot act nor did he interfere with investigations in ukraine......

If you haven’t heard of the theory of blanket dismissal, that might be because the phrase was first used in 2009. Although I may have been the first person to use those particular words, I cannot claim to have originated the concept. Probably some Greek philosopher or Greek housewife came up with the idea centuries BC.




It is also something most if not all of us use from time to time, and it isn’t always a bad thing. If you finish the late shift at 3am you may not be inclined to listen to the good news brought by the local Jehovah’s Witness cult when they ring your doorbell seven hours later. And we all know people we wouldn’t trust any further than we could throw, but the kind of blanket dismissal used by the Biden Administration, leading Democrats, and the apparatchiks of the American Deep State beggars belief.

Anyone can make allegations which may be totally true, partially true, or totally false. Much of the time an allegation cannot be proven either way. Something as mundane as a casual conversation may be reported or remembered differently by the parties concerned. Allegations that are supported by contemporaneous documentation including text messages, e-mails, audio or video recordings are a different matter though when these proofs can be validated. So what do the Democrats do? They ignore them, downplay them, hide them, or simply lie. The quantity of lies peddled by the Democrats since the commencement of the Republican oversight hearings is beyond belief, and it would take hours to document them all, but here are a few of the juicier ones.

One of the biggest scandals not only in the United States but throughout the rest of the English-speaking world today is the trans movement, in particular the mutilation of the young. A full discussion of the trans movement can be found here, but here is one of very many lies. When questioning a witness who had worked for Twitter, the moronic Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez told him it was a lie that a certain children’s hospital had carried out double mastectomies on underage girls. He agreed with her readily. This lie had been invented by Libs Of TikTok, she said, and spread by leading Republicans. Shameful. It remains to be seen if the Congresswoman from New York was lying or simply ill-informed, but although it has now been removed from the website of Boston Children’s Hospital there is an extant video of a modern Doctor Frankenstein describing the procedure and positively salivating over it.

There are now dozens if not hundreds of young people speaking out who have “detransitioned” as far as this is possible; the sexually confused Chloe Cole underwent a double mastectomy at the age of just fifteen. Incredibly, people who oppose this butchery are treated as the villains. When the young woman who runs the Libs Of TikTok account button-holed Cortez, the Congresswoman treated her like a leper instead of like the heroine she is.

During another hearing, one senior Democrat claimed this was yet another Republican wild goose chase, just like the Benghazi hearings. What he appears to have forgotten is that one of the things the Benghazi hearings unearthed was Hillary Clinton’s private server. The lobby group Judicial Watch wondered where all her e-mails were, and put in a freedom of information request. Mrs Clinton wasn’t using her official account. She would then delete over thirty thousand of these e-mails in defiance of a subpoena and all traces of them using a program called BleachBit, which as Trey Gowdy said, deleted them so thoroughly that even God couldn’t recover them.

Democrat media poodles then tried a classic whataboutism by pointing out that Donald Trump’s daughter Ivanka had used her personal e-mail address while her father was in the White House. The big difference though is that Ivanka wasn’t Secretary of State and was not sending highly confidential information that could jeopardise national security or even people’s lives if it fell into the wrong hands. Ivanka’s use of her e-mail account was comparable with her father’s infamous 3am rants on Twitter, not transmitting information that should have been transmitted only over secure US Government intranets.

When Matt Taibbi and another journalist testified about the extent of the Deep State and Democrats’ censoring of Twitter and other social media, another Congresswoman alluded to them as “so-called journalists” and asked if they were making money out of these revelations. This is a valid question, but it is likewise valid to ask if police officers, criminal lawyers and indeed pathologists are paid; are they not making money out of crime? And who pays Debbie Wasserman Schultz?

The rhetoric used in this connection was as eclectic as it was dishonest. 

There was no censorship – these are private companies.

No pressure was put on them.

Republicans did it too.

We did it, so what?

It should be pointed out that everyone including government agencies can request material be removed from social media, indeed this is done all the time for all manner of valid reasons. Material that is highly defamatory, personal information, information that is sub judice, and so on, but there is a big difference between Donald Trump requesting the removal of an insulting Twitter message and the FBI suppressing the Hunter Biden laptop story, or 51 Deep State agents claiming it had all the hallmarks of Russian disinformation when they knew full well this was not the case. Nothing to see here, folks, move along.

The breadth and depth of the blanket dismissal of allegations of dishonesty and malfeasance are currently on full display as the extent of the Biden family finances are laid bare, but this pretense cannot continue for much longer. There are two big questions that need to be answered. The first is how much of America’s currently disastrous domestic and foreign policies is the result of bribes from other countries? Is the southern border open because America’s foreign enemies are seeking to  destroy the country? We know its domestic enemies are. The other question is, how many others in high places are on the take, taking bribes or kickbacks to facilitate America’s decline and eventual destruction?

Sadly, those are two questions that cannot be summarily dismissed at this late hour.





SEE ALSO: biden's son.....






fucking europe....


Force-marching the Europeans     by Patrick Lawrence*


Zurich – Am I the only American to travel overseas and feel embarrassed by the conduct of the diplomats Washington sends abroad to speak for our republic? It is pretty strange to find yourself, an ordinary citizen, apologizing for the intrusive, cajoling, bullying, badgering and otherwise crude utterances of this or that ambassador in this or that nation. But such is the state of things as the late-phase imperium fields its elbows-out undiplomats – a term I borrow from the Swiss, who suffer one as we speak.

Scott Miller, the Biden regime’s ambassador to Bern for a little more than a year, is indeed a doozy in this line. In his often-demonstrated view, he is in Switzerland to tell the Swiss what to do. At the moment, Miller is all over this nation for not signing on as a participant in Washington’s proxy war against Russia in Ukraine – pressuring ministers, denigrating those who question the wisdom of the war, offending the Swiss in speeches and newspaper interviews. It is a one-man assault on Switzerland’s long, long tradition of neutrality, waged in the manner of an imperial proconsul disciplining an errant province. Swiss commentators question why the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, the FDFA, has not expelled this tone-deaf ignoramus.
  We should pay attention to people such as Miller and what they get up to, even if they rarely make headlines in our corporate media. It is now nearly lost to history, but Europeans were effectively force-marched – and occasionally bribed at leadership level – into following the Americans as they instigated and waged Cold War I. This is exactly what the State Department is doing once again. It behooves us to watch this process in real time so the realities of Cold War II are not so easily obscured.

Illegal diplomatic interventions

According to the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, in effect since 1961, diplomats are barred from intervening in the internal affairs of host countries. The State Department lately displays as much concern for this UN-sponsored accord as it does for international law altogether: Little to none, you find when you watch these men and women at close range.
  I do not know when these breaches of etiquette and indeed law started, but at this point illegal diplomatic interventions into the politics and policies of others are the US Foreign Service’s anti–Convention convention. These coercions are key, let us not miss, to the Biden regime’s concerted campaign to divide the world once again into confrontational blocs and erase all traces of principled neutrality. The Finns have succumbed and just joined NATO. We can put the Swedes in the same file. Now it is the Swiss and their neutrality in international affairs who take the heat. This is the thing about the liberal imperialists: They cannot tolerate deviation from their illiberal orthodoxies. It was George W. Bushwho famously told the world “You’re either with us or with the terrorists.” American liberals deployed as diplomats cannot get enough of the thought.

Decline of diplomacy: Andriy Melnyk

If you want to talk about the decline of diplomacy into crudely asserted demands that host countries conform to the wishes of other powers, you have to start with Andriy Melnyk, the blunt instrument representing Ukraine in Berlin until mid-2022, when even the Zelensky regime, never short of adolescently offensive behaviour, found him too much to take.1 Melnyk thought nothing of calling German ministers “fucking assholes” if they questioned the wisdom of arming Ukraine, and openly celebrating Stepan Bandera, the Russophobic murderer of Jews, who allied with the Third Reich before and during World War II.
  For sheer vulgarity Melnyk is nonpareil. I miss the guy, honestly. American diplomats effect a more polished veneer, but they are every bit Melnyk’s match if the metric is self-righteous presumption that what Washington wants others to do is what others should do.

Richard Grenell

You saw what was coming when Mike PompeoTrump’s secretary of state, named Richard Grenell ambassador to Berlin in 2018. Among Grenell’s choicer acts was to threaten German companies with sanctions – publicly, we’re talking about – if they participated in the Nord Stream 2 pipeline project, which, as Seymour Hersh has thoroughly and persuasively reported, and whose reporting has not been substantively contradicted, the Biden regime destroyed in a covert operation last year. By then he had dressed down Angela Merkel for opening the Federal Republic’s door to Syrian refugees in 2015. His broader mission, Grenell declared, was to encourage rightist European leaders: Sebastian Kurz, the right-wing populist serving as Austria’s chancellor during Grenell’s time, was “a rock star” in the American ambassador’s book.

“Diplomacy of no diplomacy”

You can call this many things, but diplomacy is not among them. I call it a measure of Washington’s loss of interest in dialogue, negotiation, compromise – altogether an understanding of other countries and their interests. It is the diplomacy of no diplomacy, as I have remarked elsewhere. Diplomats are effectively the guardians of trust among nations: Proper statecraft requires they should be competent to talk even to, or most of all, adversaries. But the policy cliques in Washington now prove indifferent to trust, even among allies, in favour of supine obeisance.
  The world darkens in many ways. This collapse of traditional statecraft is a certain marker of our not-so-gradual descent into a barbarism that ought to worry all of us.

Scott Miller’s misconception about Switzerland …

We come to the case of Ambassador Miller, who arrived in Bern as the Biden regime’s appointee in January 2022.
  With increasing alacrity in recent months, he has taken it upon himself to cajole Switzerland to drop its policy of neutrality and begin sending Swiss-made arms to Ukraine while lifting a ban on other nations’ re-export of Swiss materiel to the Kyiv regime.

Give up historically grown neutrality?

It is a fool’s errand on the very face of it. I would say trying to persuade the Swiss to abandon their neutrality is the equivalent of telling Americans to put aside the Declaration of Independence, except that the neutrality principle goes much further back in Swiss history. The Congress of Vienna formally guaranteed neutral status for the Confoederatio Helvetica, the nation’s official name, when it fashioned a new European order in 1815. By then the Swiss had considered themselves neutral in international affairs since sometime in the late Middle Ages.
  But who cares about all that? Who cares that the Swiss pride themselves on what they have accomplished by way of their neutral role in world affairs – not least but not only during and after World War II? Who cares that Switzerland, because it is formally neutral, has represented American interests in Cuba since 1961 and in Iran since the 1979 revolution? Who cares that Geneva is a city that survives, apart from the watches, on its dedication to mediation, the site of too many negotiations to count?
  Not Ambassador Miller.

Arms exports?

Surely under orders from the Blinken State Department, Miller has been boisterously hammering the Swiss in speeches and public forums to lift their longstanding stipulation that countries purchasing Swiss-made arms cannot re-export them, along with its determination that it will not sell weaponry to countries at war. It is in part a measure of the Biden regime’s desperation that the Swiss, whose armaments industry’s exports come to all of 900 million USD yearly, is suddenly essential to saving Ukraine from defeat.
  The Swiss are nothing like essential. The thought is ridiculous. The larger point, in my view, is far more insidious. It is to eliminate all thought of neutrality among nations in the (undeclared but obvious) name of the Biden regime’s intent to get everyone on side for a nice, long, profitable new Cold War.

Confiscation of Russian assets?

On his arrival, Miller was quick to berate Swiss officials who questioned the sense of the sanctions regime the U.S. and the European Union have imposed on Russia. The Swiss government, reluctantly and controversially, went along with the sanctions that followed the outbreak of hostilities last year, but Miller has been pressing Bern not merely to sequester more funds deposited by Russian oligarchs, but to confiscate them so that they can be sent to Kyiv to finance the eventual reconstruction of Ukraine.
  Confiscation of this kind is straight-out illegal – something that matters not at all to the U.S. but matters greatly to Switzerland. When two journalists from “Neue Zürcher Zeitung”, the big Zurich daily, asked him about this in an interview a few weeks ago, Miller retreated into the cotton-wool language Americans routinely get from public figures. “This requires international dialogue,” Miller replied. “We assume we will find a way.”
  In other words: We insist you breach international law, and worry not. We do it all the time.
  When the “Neue Zürcher Zeitung” correspondents pointed out that Swiss President Alain Berset had recently defended Swiss neutrality and called for early negotiations to end the war, Miller replied, “Anyone can call for negotiations.”
  Nice. American diplomacy at its best. Or at its typical worst these days.

Hole in the donut?

It is a matter of record that Miller has imposed himself into ministerial deliberations on the sanctions and arms-sales questions, boasting at one point that senior FDFA officials “know what we expect.”  But it was a remark Miller made during the “Neue Zürcher Zeitung” interview that has landed Miller in seriously bad odour among the Swiss. “In a way, NATO is a donut,” he said with exquisite insensitivity, “and Switzerland is the hole in the middle.”
  I loved the outrage that followed. He has called Switzerland “a nothing in the middle of a greasy American confection,” Roger Köppel, a populist member of the National Council, the lower house of the legislature, exclaimed. “Bern should have reprimanded him immediately.”

Unacceptable for the majority of the Swiss

It should have but it didn’t. The only constituencies sympathetic to Miller’s obnoxious importunings are sectors of the business community who stand to profit were Switzerland to abandon its neutrality to please the Americans and the political factions allied with them. Miller will stay, but there is no way under the sun that the vast majority of Switzerland’s nine million people would accept so fundamental a change in policy – and, indeed, in national identity.
  This leads me to a larger point. Miller can bang on all he likes about his commitment to democracy, but his conduct since arriving in Bern is measure enough that he doesn’t give a tinker’s damn about Swiss democracy–an impressive direct democracy–when it impedes Washington’s imperial pursuits. Do not tell me you are shocked, please: American diplomats no longer represent Americans abroad. They represent American elites to other nations’ elites.

Bern appointment bought?

Miller is 43 and arrived with his partner without one day’s experience in statecraft. Together they were and may remain major donors to the Democratic Party, giving the appearance that they bought the Bern appointment – a common practice since at least the Reagan years. Scott Miller is an example of the cost of such practices to our institutions in terms of competence.

War against neutrality – from Germany too

The war against neutrality – and effectively sovereignty and self-determination – goes on. Last week “Le Temps”, the leading Geneva daily, reported that German Chancellor Olaf Scholz accosted Berset during the latter’s visit to Berlin with the demand that the Swiss “take uncomfortable but correct decisions” on neutrality, arms sales, and the Ukraine question. “We hope certain things will get done,” Scholz added with all the subtlety of… Scott Miller.
  Certain things will not get done. The Americans are not going to win this one, no matter how many obsequious Olaf Scholzs prevail on the Swiss in their behalf. Berset wasted no time making this clear in Berlin.
  I loved the response of Benedict Neff, a commentator at “Neue Zürcher Zeitung”, after Miller’s hole-in-the-donut remark. Diplomats such as Miller “take a considerable risk,” he wrote. “When their public rebukes are too high-handed, they trigger irritated reactions. The undiplomats are therefore useful in prompting critical reflections on one’s policies and giving them a clearer direction.”
​​​​​​​  This is not as it always turns out with the Europeans – Scholz being proof enough of the point – but it is as it should be, and as one hopes it will come to be.  •

1  see: “The unquiet Ukrainian.”, Patrick Lawrence in The Scrum of 13 July 2022

Source: Original to ScheerPost of 25 April 2023

Patrick Lawrence is a writer, commentator, a longtime newspaper and magazine correspondent abroad for many years, chiefly for the “International Herald Tribune”. He is a columnist, essayist, author and lecturer and writes often on Europe and Asia. Patrick Lawrence has published five books; his most recent book is Time No Longer: Americans After the American Century. His new book The Journalists and Their Shadows will be published shortly by Clarity Press. His Twitter account @thefloutist has been permanently censored without explanation. His web site is Support his work via his Patreon site.









organised biden BS.......

Senior Biden campaign officials colluded with the CIA to falsely discredit Hunter Biden's "laptop from hell" ahead of the 2020 presidential election as "Russian disinformation", according to the House Judiciary and Intelligence Committees. Former CIA station chief Philip Giraldi shared his opinion with Sputnik on the congressional report.

"It was not the CIA that fabricated the story, it was a former acting CIA Director Michael Morell who drafted the letter and got 50 former intelligence community colleagues, all retired, to sign it," highlighted Giraldi, a CIA veteran who now serves as an executive director of the Council for the National Interest.



"The request to do the letter to make the Hunter Biden story go away and blame it on Russia came from Antony Blinken who is now secretary of state and was, at the time, one of Biden's campaign managers. The US media immediately suppressed the story about Hunter and picked up on the story by Blinken and Morell which protected the Bidens," the former CIA station chief continued.


According to Giraldi, Blinken de facto followed in the footsteps of the Hillary Clinton 2016 campaign, which sought to use fabricated information from the Steele dossier to smear Donald Trump and some of his advisors. Blinken suggested that Morrell promote the argument that the infamous laptop, unearthed by the New York Post in October 2020, should be dismissed as a "Russian disinformation operation." The CIA veteran stressed that at the time there was zero evidence to suggest that Russia had had anything to do with spreading fabricated information about the younger Biden.






FREE JULIAN ASSANGE NOW ..........................

he loves legs....


Tara Reade, the former Senate staffer who alleges Joe Biden sexually assaulted her 27 years ago, says she filed a limited report with a congressional personnel office that did not explicitly accuse him of sexual assault or harassment. 

“I remember talking about him wanting me to serve drinks because he liked my legs and thought I was pretty and it made me uncomfortable,” Reade said in an interview Friday with the Associated Press. “I know that I was too scared to write about the sexual assault.”

Reade said she described her issues with Biden but “the main word I used — and I know I didn’t use ‘sexual harassment’ — I used ‘uncomfortable.’ And I remember ‘retaliation.’”







FREE JULIAN ASSANGE NOW ..........................


biden's things.....


Joe Biden Is Afraid Because I Know Things - Seymour Hersh



CNN on fire......

Gutfeld: This made what's left of the CNN audience explode


'Gutfeld!' co-hosts react to former President Donald Trump's town hall on CNN and weigh in on the reaction by Democrats and the liberal media.





good George......