Saturday 11th of January 2025

another rattus swindle .....

another rattus swindle .....

Abuse Of Public Service Sinks Government Advertising To New Low

Julia Gillard - Deputy Leader, Employment & Industrial Relations, Social Inclusion
Penny Wong - Shadow Minister for Public Administration & Accountability, Corporate Governance & Responsibility, Workforce Participation

Media Statement - 16th July 2007

New television ads that went to air last night are not just an appalling waste of taxpayers' money, they are also an arrogant abuse of the public service for political campaigning.

The ads feature Barbara Bennett, a senior public servant and the new head of the Workplace Authority, spruiking the Howard Government's workplace laws.

The Howard Government has given Ms Bennett a highly political 'myth busting' script that appears to have been written at Liberal Party headquarters:

"The biggest myth is that employees are alone and unprotected and that's just not true."

This is yet another sign that the Howard Government believes taxpayers' money is its own. They even think that public servants are the political foot soldiers of the Government.

The Minister has clearly failed to be the salesman the Prime Minister wanted for Work Choices and a public servant has been sent to do the job in the lead up to the election. Minister Hockey must explain how making Ms Bennett appear in this ad, and writing such a partisan script for her, does not breach the Australian Public Service Values. The Australian Public Service's first Value is:

"The APS is apolitical, performing its functions in an impartial and professional manner."

Abuse Of Public Service Sinks Government Advertising To New Low

a few rats squeal on IR "choices"...

PM knew workers would be worse off: book
Saturday Jul 21 06:11 AEST

The federal government knew some workers would be worse off when it introduced the Work Choices legislation, a new biography of John Howard reveals.

Mr Howard wanted the laws bedded down politically well before this year's election and he dismissed making further changes because he was keen to have the legislation introduced and passed.

Two cabinet ministers who witnessed deliberations on Work Choices were present and the recent revelations are based on interviews with those ministers.


Gus: we knew that... Now everyone knows that. Thus Howard should go forthwith for having deceived Australians all the way all the time. This Rattus has the moral fiber of a well-known snake in the Garden of Eden...

Quartered half truths?

The ads featuring Barbara Bennett, a senior public servant and the new head of the Workplace Authority, spruiking the Howard Government's workplace laws is starting to annoy me. She seems to tell the truth, cut in half...

She spruiks as if one would have a choice in the matter of choosing to sign an AWA or not and if your boss puts your butt on a barbecue hot plate to sign one, allegorically speaking of course... you should report it to her or the Ombudsman...

Fantastic... But who in this day and age can believe that being a whistle-blower is a good thing, or that you won't be ostracized? Or shamed? Or banned? A rock and a hard place, aren't we?

And why is she being so forcefully precious about AWAs that do remove your rights at work for a few lousy cents — AWAs that do not compensate for loss of penalty rates and such? AWAs that make your work worth less to you than ever before?