Saturday 11th of January 2025

rattus shit .....

rattus shit .....

Mohamed Haneef was arrested & held in detention, without charge & without the right to seek bail, for almost 2 weeks.

After 300 highly trained police trampled through his life, the only "charge" levelled at Dr Haneef was that he "recklessly" gave his SIM card to his cousin - despite this information being given to the police from day one.

Hours after getting bail on this farcical "charge", the Australian Government cancelled Dr Haneef's visa, condemning him to stay in detention - currently 23 hours a day solitary confinement.

In spite of the fact that claims made by the feral police about Dr Haneef have since been shown to be completely without foundation, government “sources” now claim that the feral police investigating whether Mohamed Haneef was part of a conspiracy to launch a terror attack in Australia.

Keelty’s brains trust are allegedly examining photographs of a Gold Coast building seized in a raid on Dr Haneef's Southport unit three weeks ago. It is understood that in his second interview with the ferals last Saturday, Dr Haneef was questioned about photographs found in the raid.

The photos were of him & his family taken at the base of the prominent Gold Coast building. Dr Haneef has told the plod that the photographs were tourist shots, but that’s not good enough for the alice in wonderland dopes who’ve already decided that everything innocent must be sinister. Applying the logic of these intellectual giants would have to mean that there are at least 10 million terrorists at large in this country, given that at least that number of people would have snaps taken in front of some building or another.

The government “source” says that the plod are also continuing to trawl through email conversations with Haneef's cousins, who are charged with terror offences in Britain, on two computers seized after his arrest on July 2. A senior government source has breathlessly confirmed that the emails between Dr Haneef & his cousins, brothers Kafeel & Dr Sabeel Ahmed, were being examined as “possible evidence that the Indian doctor was involved in a terror plot”.

Pushing the sinister overtones, the anonymous source said that: "The laptops have heaps & heaps of conversations; emailed conversations between Haneef & his cousins, as well as some from chat rooms. It's all in Urdu," the source said. "They're not easily readable" he added meaningfully.

Of course, having had 3 weeks to examine the 31,000 pages of documents found on two hard drives from Dr Haneef’s computers, the best of the best are still struggling to read them. But that doesn’t matter. When you’ve already decided that the accused is guilty & you have a government that is willing to ignore the courts & the rights of any accused person, evidence isn’t important.

Moving from the sublime to the ridulous & using every opportunity to smear Dr Haneef through innuendo, our anonymous government “source” claims that Dr Haneef was allegedly one of a group of doctors who had been learning to fly in Queensland. No doubt the 35,000 or so licensed pilots living in Australia will all be rounded-up tonight, caught red-handed planning some evil plot to destroy the very fabric of our way of life!!!

Our “source” claimed that the the feral probe was also examining information seized in the raid that indicated the Gold Coast doctor planned to leave Australia the day before or after September 11 - the anniversary of the terrorist attacks on New York. Mein Gott - proof!!! Obviously the other 100,000 people who will fly out of Awstralya the same day must also be engaged in some great criminal enterprise.

One can only wonder at the quality of the “secret” evidence that the tricky rattus government claims to have on Haneef, that hasn’t found its way to court.

But if the latest leaks from the rattus government are any guide, it can’t be that good.

Word is that the government is planning to deport detained terror suspect Mohamed Haneef, so it can contain the political fallout from a case that has become farcical. Several senior rattus sources have confirmed that the government is furious with Keelty’s boys & their ineptitude & want to shut the issue down before it does even more damage to the government's free-falling credibility.

"Our best option is to cancel the Criminal Justice Certificate, which was issued to keep Haneef here in Australia after we cancelled his visa, & that is my understanding of what our intentions are," one Government source allegedly said.

"Cancel the certificate & get this guy out of Australia. The story ends there & he can become someone else's problem."

You’ve just gotta luuv that rattus justice.

"Evidence" frabrication?

Today's The Australian newspaper says police wrote the names of overseas terrorism suspects in Haneef's diary and then later questioned him about whether he had made the entries.

The paper says the police later admitted their mistake.

Mr Downer says the judicial process should be allowed to run its course.


Gus: Sure, Mr Clowner... Your government is stuffing things up nicely... and the more you blame the Labor party for the police bumblings, leaks and "fabrications", the more you look the pathetic clown — the one that does not make people laugh anymore... Just sad.

and this is how to make a bomb...

Defence Force Academy drops WMD class amid security concerns

Security concerns have resulted in the University of New South Wales at the Australian Defence Force Academy (ADFA) in Canberra dropping a course in weapons of mass destruction (WMD).

The university had been offering the course in chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosive weapons as part of a master's degree or as an independent unit.

It's believed the Department of Defence raised concerns about national security, forcing lecturers to postpone tomorrow's class until legal issues can be addressed.

Those issues centre on whether lecturers would be breaking anti-terrorism laws by teaching the subject matter, and on whether students in the class had been appropriately vetted.

The class is designed for practicing personnel in the fields of national security, emergency health and emergency response.

Students can study at the university's ADFA campus or by correspondence.

It is understood there is nothing confidential in the coursework, but concerns have been raised that students are enrolled appropriately.

The university has told students why their class has been cancelled, but hopes it will be reintroduced next semester once the legal issues have been addressed.

some security .....

Developments have been slow coming in the latter stages of the Haneef case.

The initial tumult of detention, arrest, court, bail & character assassination has subsided, leaving Dr Haneef cooling his famously barefoot heels, while the Awstralyan Feral Police go about the comparatively dour task of assembling their case, strand by strand.

The government has thrown $3billion at our security infrastructure & the feral police can’t even conduct an interview without bungling it. Keelty has hopelessly compromised the independence & integrity of the national force, as he danced with Canberra’s political devils to further his own ambitions.

Rattus, darth ruddock, fishnets downer, kelpie keelty & a host of others have all had a field day maligning & defaming Haneef, whilst preventing him from defending himself. The moment the incompetence of the feral plod is exposed, rattus pleads that they should be spared scrutiny or criticism because of their role in the war on terror.

What a joke. If the feral effort in the Haneef matter is all we have to show for the $3billion thrown at our security, what’s the point?