Saturday 11th of January 2025

the smell from the outhouse .....


the smell from the outhouse .....

As astronauts fly drunk, as the case against Dr Haneef falls down, as the stock market feels the jitters of a 3 per cent wipe off, as some people have sabotaged computers for the international space station, as a private space port explodes in the Mojave desert, as more bombs explodes in wherever, the US president is steadfast.

He wants more bullets to shoot willy-nilly at sumpthin' but congress is not forthcoming with the dough & has cut his budget for European fancy footwork.

This TV soap plot was brought to you by the cat that smells death in a US nursing home.

Bush needs more bombs like we need holes in the head

From the Wahington Post

President Criticizes Congressional Democrats

By Michael A. Fletcher
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, July 27, 2007; Page A04

PHILADELPHIA, July 26 -- President Bush stepped up his criticism of the Democratic-controlled Congress on Thursday, accusing members of being fiscally irresponsible and "dragging their feet" on spending bills needed to keep the government running beyond Sept. 30.

Speaking before conservative state legislators meeting at a convention here, Bush called on Congress to approve a Pentagon spending bill before its August recess and to pass the 11 other appropriations bills in short order.
"They need to exercise their responsibility and get this defense bill passed," Bush said, adding that having troops in Iraq and Afghanistan adds urgency to the matter. "There's time to do it. I'll hang around if they want me to get the bill passed."

Making you nervous?

From the New York Times

U.S. Set to Offer Huge Arms Deal to Saudi Arabia

Published: July 28, 2007

WASHINGTON, July 27 — The Bush administration is preparing to ask Congress to approve an arms sale package for Saudi Arabia and its neighbors that is expected to total $20 billion over the next decade at a time when some United States officials contend that the Saudis are playing a counterproductive role in Iraq.

The proposed package of advanced weaponry for Saudi Arabia, which includes advanced satellite-guided bombs, upgrades to its fighters and new naval vessels, has made Israel and some of its supporters in Congress nervous. Senior officials who described the package on Friday said they believed that the administration had resolved those concerns, in part by promising Israel $30.4 billion in military aid over the next decade, a significant increase over what Israel has received in the past 10 years.


Gus: where's common sense? Where's my gun? 

Apathetic sympathy

Iraq: One in seven joins human tide spilling into neighbouring countries Patrick Cockburn in Sulaymaniyah Published: 30 July 2007

Two thousand Iraqis are fleeing their homes every day. It is the greatest mass exodus of people ever in the Middle East and dwarfs anything seen in Europe since the Second World War. Four million people, one in seven Iraqis, have run away, because if they do not they will be killed. Two million have left Iraq, mainly for Syria and Jordan, and the same number have fled within the country.

Yet, while the US and Britain express sympathy for the plight of refugees in Africa, they are ignoring - or playing down- a far greater tragedy which is largely of their own making.

The US and Britain may not want to dwell on the disasters that have befallen Iraq during their occupation but the shanty towns crammed with refugees springing up in Iraq and neighbouring countries are becoming impossible to ignore.


Gus: "the universe is neither hostile nor friendly; it is simply indifferent" In the case of the Bushit, Rattuses and Bleasels of this universe, they try hard to make sure they hide their mistake behind ignorance, bullshit, spreading fear and giving lip service, while holding a big stick... They are more interested in their own grandiose lies and petty power than the results of those lies and the tragedies resulting from their actions. Bushit and Rattus — the two bandits still left in the "Trio Fascisto" should have resigned long ago and called for proper elections. This Iraqi human tide has been created by their obvious disdain for common sense and also created by their ugly desire to "conquer" at all cost while lying about it.