Sunday 12th of January 2025

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govt's IR ad blitz backfiring …..

‘The Howard government's latest advertising blitz is reportedly reinforcing fears surrounding its Work Choices reforms rather than dispelling them.

A research firm has surveyed worker reactions to the series of ads that feature Workplace Authority director Barbara Bennett.

It found the images of workers talking about losing holiday entitlements and penalty rates, and fears surrounding job security and conditions for young workers, was having an unintended effect.

"(It is) educating the public as to the negative realities of the new IR laws rather than myth-busting," Essential Research has told The Weekend Australian newspaper.

Govt's IR Ad Blitz Backfiring

You're standing in it...

From the SMH

Ad axed as actor branded a rip-off boss
Michael Bachelard
August 7, 2007

THE Federal Government's $37 million campaign to sell its Work Choices legislation was in tatters last night after allegations that an actor in a Workplace Authority ad was a bad employer who ripped off junior staff to the tune of thousands of dollars.

Last night the Minister for Workplace Relations, Joe Hockey, pulled the ad "Protection for under 18s" off the air after he was alerted to the history of one of the actors, Damien Richardson, who until recently had a painting business that employed young people. Mr Hockey also announced an urgent review of the background of all actors appearing in any Workplace Authority ad. A spokeswoman said the review would be carried out by the Workplace Ombudsman, Nicholas Wilson.

Mr Wilson will also be ordered to start his investigation this morning into the allegations against Mr Richardson made by his former worker Erin Gebert.


Gus: see cartoon at head of this short line of blogs

the certainty of uncertainty

WorkChoices hitting women hardest: study
WorkChoices: Minister Joe Hockey has dismissed the latest survey on the impact of the laws

A new study has found that women in low-paid jobs are being hit particularly hard by the Federal Government's WorkChoices legislation.

The 'Women and WorkChoices' report has found that some women in lower paid industries are losing $100 a week because of the legislative changes and that there is an increased fear of being summarily dismissed.

But its findings have been dismissed by Workplace Relations Minister Joe Hockey, who says most of the complaints raised by respondents relate to offences which are illegal under the WorkChoices laws.

Gus: If the WorkChoices laws were so in favour of employees, why would employers be so forceful about their implementations? Just because it gives them leeway to pay workers less and to give workers the boot at leisure... It's called flexibility — a euphemism to describe employees' uncertainty and less pay for more work...