Monday 13th of January 2025

FREE JULIAN ASSANGE NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I visited Julian the other day at Belmarsh Prison for the second time. Britain’s Guantanamo. He spends 23 hours every day, for 3½ years in solitary confinement. This is an attempt not to break him but to kill him.


Julian Assange could be dying: Yanis Varoufakis     By Double Down News


It’s slow murder.

Of a man who’s not been convicted.

Has not been charged of anything except journalism.

I find it astonishing that there were people on the left who turned against Julian.

Newspapers like The Guardian who played a role in his incarceration and vilification.

Julian is holding on. Julian is not well.

Julian’s soul has been diminished by solitary confinement.

It feels, he told me, as if his personhood has been shrunk down to a tiny kernel.

And his hope is that if our campaign for him to become free again succeeds.

That he can grow his personality again from that kernel.

This is our duty.

If you care for your right to know what your governments do behind your back,

In your name all those crimes against humanity being perpetrated.

Not only in battlefields and invasions of foreign lands.

But also against our environment the secret deals with fossil fuel companies.

Then you must support Julian Assange.

Because Julian Assange is dying for your right to know what your government is doing on your behalf behind your back.

The mainstream media are part of the cloud capital that is usurping your mind, my mind, our mind.

In this struggle for humanity’s future the Independent Media are an essential Ally.

For the future of Journalism for the future of the news,

For the future of information and opinion,



erasing victims...


JOHN KIRIAKOU: A Victimizers’ Memorial


Washington, D.C., will soon welcome another major memorial on the National Mall.  This one will be adjacent to the Lincoln Memorial and the Vietnam War Memorial.  What is it?  It’s the Global War on Terror Memorial (GWOT.)  

This is despite a moratorium on new memorials on the National Mall.  It’s despite the fact that the so-called Global War on Terror is still ongoing.  And it’s despite a federal law saying that 10 years must pass from the end of a conflict until the beginning of construction of a monument to it.  

Perhaps most importantly, this new memorial will offer literally nothing in memory of the hundreds of thousands — perhaps millions — of innocent people in Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Libya, Pakistan, Syria, the Sahel and elsewhere who were killed by U.S. forces, bombs and drones in that “war on terror.”

The Global War on Terror Memorial has not yet been designed.  A “Help Design History” survey on its website invites members of the public to provide input through multiple-choice questions. 

Question No. 7: “When someone stands before the GWOT Memorial, what do you hope they feel?” The only possible responses are “honor,” “ healing,” “empowerment,” “unity,” “understanding,” “patriotism” and “peace.”  

There’s no option for anger over the deaths of innocent people.  There’s no option for fury over the creation of multiple torture programs.  There’s no opportunity to question the $6 trillion that the government spent on this “war” or the estimated $2 trillion in estimated future expenses related to veteran health care.  The website does say, however, that it hopes the memorial will convey a “debt of gratitude for the sacrifice that GWOT service members made.”


The memorial’s leadership also is important in understanding the direction that it’s taking in ignoring the victims of the war on terror and in honoring the victimizers.  The organization’s chairman is none other than President George W. Bush.  The “executive team” and board of advisers includes an array of retired generals and colonels, hedge fund managers, oil executives and two conflict widows.  

It promotes partnerships with a wide variety of veterans’ organizations, but there’s no indication of its funding sources, other than some seed money that the Trump administration enacted into law, and a page on the website asking for $20, $50 or $100.  

There’s no doubt, of course, that by the end of the process, it will be fully funded.  And I wouldn’t be surprised to see discrete “thanks” to the likes of Northrop Grumman, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, General Dynamics and other weapons makers. 

I’m not surprised that a war memorial is planned for the 9/11 era.  It was inevitable.  There are monuments and memorials all over the National Mall, some of which are for conflicts that nobody even knows about anymore.  I get it.  And I get that each generation wants to commemorate a sugary sweet version of its military service.  But why not be realistic here?  Why not be honest about the war on terror.  In many cases it was a war OF terror.  Why not use the opportunity to educate the public and perhaps to work so that history doesn’t repeat itself?

If I thought there was any remote chance that somebody at the Global War on Terror Memorial Foundation might listen to me, I would ask that the memorial commemorate the victims of the C.I.A. and Pentagon torture programs, at secret prisons around the world, at Guantanamo, and at Abu Graib.  

I would ask that they commemorate the innocent victims of the C.I.A. rendition program, where people were kidnapped, snatched off the street or from their homes, and rendered to other countries to face torture.  

Many of those people were utterly innocent. Just ask Maher Arar or Khaled al-Masri. Just ask the dozens — perhaps hundreds — of people who were taken to secret C.I.A. prisons around the world.  They were simply “disappeared” in the name of fighting terrorism.  Some were never seen again.  Just ask the families of Afghan or Iraqi victims of the U.S. invasions of their countries or the victims of U.S. drone attacks.  Entire families were wiped out without so much as an apology.  Where is their memorial?

As I said earlier, I’m a realist.  There’s going to be a memorial on the National Mall.  I just hope it’s not too late to ensure that the truth is told about the war on terror.  Future generations have a right to know.

John Kiriakou is a former C.I.A. counterterrorism officer and a former senior investigator with the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. John became the sixth whistleblower indicted by the Obama administration under the Espionage Act — a law designed to punish spies. He served 23 months in prison as a result of his attempts to oppose the Bush administration’s torture program.