Tuesday 22nd of October 2024

no evidence shall suffice.....

The head of Australia’s national intelligence agency has said that the Canadian government’s claims of possessing evidence of India’s involvement in the killing of a Sikh separatist leader near Vancouver this past June are credible – even without Ottawa providing any evidence to back up its accusations, which are denied by New Delhi.  

The director of the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO), Mike Burgess, told ABC News that he had “no reason to dispute what the Canadian government has said in this matter.”  

There’s no doubt any allegation of any country being accused of carrying out an execution of a citizen in that country, it’s a serious allegation, and something that we don’t do and something that nations should not do,” he said. 

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau claimed while speaking in parliament in September that his government had “credible intelligence” linking the death of Hardeep Singh Nijjar, an outspoken leader advocating for the creation of a separate Sikh homeland to be carved out of India, to “agents of the Indian government.” Nijjar was designated as a terrorist by India, which had offered a reward for information leading to his arrest. 

While New Delhi has dismissed the allegations as “absurd,” Trudeau’s statements sparked a diplomatic crisis between the two countries, with senior diplomats expelled and India having stopped issuing visas to Canadians. 

Burgess was speaking on the sidelines of a meeting of the Five Eyes intelligence grouping, which comprises the US, UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.  

Trudeau made his allegation against India based on intelligence shared by Canada’s partners in the Five Eyes, public broadcaster Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) reported in September, adding that the Canadian government had amassed “both human and signals intelligence which includes communications involving Indian officials themselves, including Indian diplomats present in Canada.” The New York Times has reported that US agencies provided their Canadian counterparts with certain context that helped the latter draw their conclusion of Indian involvement.   

US Ambassador to Canada David Cohen said it was the “shared intelligence among Five Eye partners” that prompted Trudeau to go public with his allegations. 

Ottawa, however, hasn't shared any evidence supporting its claims, despite New Delhi repeatedly asking it to do so and stating that it would be willing to look into the matter. “We are willing to look at any specific information that is provided to us, but so far we have received no specific information from Canada,” India’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson said days after the allegations were made.

According to an ABC report, Burgess was briefed on the matter before last month’s G20 summit in New Delhi, where Trudeau first raised his concerns with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Upon being asked whether a similar incident could happen in Australia, which is home to nearly 210,000 Sikhs, Burgess said, “I can assure you that when we find governments interfering in our country, or planning to interfere in our country, we will deal with them effectively.”  

In June, tensions flared in Australia among the Sikh and Hindu communities over an unofficial referendum designed to build political support for an independent Sikh state in India, to be named Khalistan. Although there can be “communal violence” or “spontaneous violence” in a country, Burgess said, that is not the same as a nation-state seeking to “interfere and covertly or deceptively harm and intimidate people.”




terrorism vs war crimes.....


BY Frédéric LORDON


There is a general economy of violence. Ex nihilo nihil: nothing comes out of nothing. There are always precedents. This economy, unfortunately, only knows one principle: reciprocity – negative. When injustice has reached its height, when the group has experienced mass murder and, perhaps worse, the invisibility of mass murder, how could a vengeful hatred not emerge? Strategic rationalities – derailing Israeli-Arab normalisation, reestablishing the Israeli-Palestinian conflict on the international scene –, if they are real, have nonetheless found among their resources the fuel for murderous revenge.


“Terrorism”, a dead end word

The FI did not make the errors of which it is accused. But she committed some. One – and size. In an event of this kind, one does not go directly to the analysis without first having expressed the fear, the stupor and the abomination. The bare minimum of compassion doesn't do the trick, and we can't get away with a few verbal oblates thrown in for form's sake. Even though what is given to the Palestinian people ignores even the bare minimum, it was necessary, in this case, to stick to this duty – and shame the prescribers of asymmetrical compassion.


Read also “The new Gaza war”, Le Monde Diplomatique, October 2023.

This real breach, however, was seized and moved to transform itself in the public debate into a point of summons, of abjuration even, on which the FI, this time, is entirely right not to give in: “terrorism”. Should “Terrorism” be, as Vincent Lemire asserts, “the starting point of public debate”? No. It's not even the point of arrival: just the cul-de-sac. “Terrorism” is a dead end word. This is what Danièle Obono points out, and she is right. Made to only establish the perspective of eradication and bar any political analysis, “terrorism” is a non-political category, a category that takes people outside of politics. The proof by Macron: “unity of the nation” and derivatives, 8 occurrences in 10 minutes of broth. Suspension of conflicts, neutralisation of disputes, unanimity decree. Logically: demonstrations in support of the Palestinian people are demonstrations of support for terrorism, and even terrorist demonstrations, as a result of which they are prohibited.

To accept “terrorism” is to cancel that what is happening in Israel-Palestine as political. At the highest point. Even if this policy takes the form of war, thus continuing by other means in the words of Clausewitz. The Palestinian people are at war – they were not given much choice. An entity formed within it to drive it – where could it have come from? “We made Gaza monstrous,” says Nadav Lapid. Who is “we”?


Without the need for “terrorism”, “war” and “war crimes” are unfortunately very sufficient to express the heights of horror. Very sufficient also to say the abominable massacres of civilians. If in war, which is in principle killing, the category of “war crimes” has been coined without pleonasm, it is indeed to designate acts which elevate other levels of atrocity to something atrocious in itself. This is the moment in any case when we must bring back the general economy of violence: crimes which lead to crimes – crimes which preceded crimes. The insistence on saying “terrorism” only satisfies passionate needs – and no intellectual demands.

In reality, “terrorism” and “war crimes” are two categories that constantly pass into each other, and do not draw any stable antinomy. Hiroshima is, literally, consistent with the UN definition of terrorism: killing civilians who are not directly parties to hostilities to intimidate a population or coerce a government to perform a certain act. Did we hear about terrorism for the Hiroshima bomb? What about Dresden? – like Hiroshima: terrorising a population in order to obtain the capitulation of its government.

But for those who, in the present situation, have made it a point of abjuration, “terrorism” has an irreplaceable virtue: making violence seem meaningless. And causes. Pure violence, coming from nowhere, which strictly calls for no action other than extirpation, possibly in the heightened form of the crusade: the clash of civilisations, the axis of Good, to which there is no question to put. It is true that here we are navigating in Vallesian waters where understanding is contradictory with being moved, and necessarily comes as a reduction in the feeling of horror, therefore as an addition to complacency. The empire of stupidity, like an oil spill, continues to expand.


The passionate desire to not understand

Above all therefore: not to understand. Which requires an effort, because the evidence is massive and having your eyes open is enough – to understand. An entire people has been martyred by an occupation, it has been going on for almost 80 years. We lock them up, we park them until they go crazy, we starve them, we kill them, and there is no longer an official voice to say a word about it. 200 dead in ten months: not a word – hear: which would compare, even remotely, to the words given to the Israelis. Video testimonies galore of Israeli crimes still fresh: not a word. Peaceful Palestinian marches on the border, 2018, 200 dead: not a word. Snipers hit the kneecaps, 42 in one afternoon, not bad: but not a word – yes: “the most moral army in the world”. Former soldiers of the most moral army in the world express the disgust, the inhumanity of what they were made to do to the Palestinians: not a word. To each of the abominations of Hamas this weekend, we would oppose many more committed by the military or the settlers – barely a few ripples on the surface of the water. Israeli tragedies are embodied in poignant testimonies, Palestinian tragedies are grouped into statistics. Speaking of statistics: we would like to know the proportion of Hamas men who attacked this weekend who held in their hands the corpses of their loved ones, the bodies of disarticulated babies, for whom life no longer has any meaning. meaning – if not revenge. Not “terrorism”: the molten metal of vengeance poured into armed struggle. The eternal engine of war. And his atrocities.

In any case, this is the feeling of injustice that unites the group. A life that is not worth another life: there is no greater injustice. You have to be thick not to be able to imagine that – at the limit, not even through human understanding: through simple strategic foresight. That a collective martyrdom was thus dismissed as non-existent, that Arab lives were denied any value, and that this could remain indefinitely without action, was an illusion of the coloniser.


Bourgeois bloc and “import”

Read also Bruno Amable, “Social majority, political minority”, Le Monde Diplomatique, March 2017.


Now the most striking fact: the entire official West communes in this illusion. In France, to an astonishing degree. There is great concern about the risks of “importing the conflict”. Without seeing that the conflict is already massively imported. Of course, “conflict importation” is a barely coded word to mean “Arabs,” “immigrants,” “suburbs” indifferently. But the real import channel is not that at all, it is nevertheless before our eyes, as wide as Panama, bubbling like a penstock: the import-of-conflict channel is the bourgeois bloc (Amable and Palombarini ©). His entire apparatus, political staff, tightly formed editocracy, “special edition” media, was instantly triggered to import. Why the fixation on terrorism? For the FI of course – here we go again. This time however with a new point of view: the point of view of the interested import. The bourgeois bloc, when it unites behind Israel outside, above all seizes the opportunity to unite against its enemies inside.

Here we need an analysis of the reflex solidarity of the bourgeois bloc with “Israel” (undifferentiated entity: population, State, government) and the affinities through which it passes. Bourgeois affinities: the same taste for adulterated (bourgeois) democracy, the same dominant structural position (national dominant, regional dominant), the same advantageous media representations, here those of Israel as a bourgeois society (start-ups and fun in Tel Aviv). Everything leads the bourgeois bloc to spontaneously recognise itself in the entity “Israel”, starting to embrace its cause.

And the French bourgeois bloc is more Israeli than the Israelis: it refuses to be called "apartheid" when Israeli officials say so, it refuses to say "racist state" when part of the Israeli left says so, and that it sometimes even says much more, he refuses to say the overwhelming responsibility of the Israeli government while Haaretz says it, he refuses to say the continually deadly policy of the Israeli governments while a string of senior Israeli officers say it, he refuses to say “war crimes” for Hamas when the UN and international law say so. Gideon Levy: “Israel cannot imprison two million Palestinians without paying a cruel price.” Daniel Levy, a former Israeli diplomat to a BBC reporter who tells him that the Israelis on the verge of annihilating Gaza are “defending themselves”: “Can you really say such a thing without blinking? These kinds of lies? » The bourgeois bloc: “Israel is only defending itself.” He says “Terror” when the Russians cut off all resources to Ukraine, he says nothing when Israel cuts off all resources to Gaza. The bourgeois bloc is experiencing a flash of identification that nothing can disarm.

He experiences it all the more intensely as the struggle against the enemies of the bourgeois brother outside and the struggle against the adversaries of the bourgeois bloc within potentiate each other. It is like a gigantic unconscious resonance, which takes on its full extent in a situation of organic crisis where the contested bourgeois bloc has become ready to do anything to maintain itself.

The bloc looks around, it sees only one significant enemy left: FI, PS, EELV, PC, it has neutralised everything, no more worries on that side, these people represent no danger - when they are not valuable aids. The FI, no. An opportunity presents itself to destroy it: don't hesitate for a single second. As with Corbyn, as with Sanders, the fabrications of anti-Semitism already knew their cruising speed, but such an opportunity is unexpected. Providential missed inaugural of the FI: everything will be able to rush into this breach: the open lie, the shameless disfigurement of the remarks, the bogus polls on fabricated declarations or absences of declarations, the delusional accusations. The BBC refrains from saying “terrorist” but the IF must say it. Unquestionable academics produce analysis on set, but the same analysis provided by the IF is a scandal. The FI has a position that is very close to the UN, but it is anti-Semitic. “What is Jean-Luc Mélenchon looking for? To condone Islamist terrorism? » asks La Nuance with nuance.



The violence of the spasm that French political life is experiencing has no other cause. The event acted as a powerful reagent, revealing all the current tendencies of the regime, and bringing them to a point that even the riots of July had not brought them to. The catalysis effect is overpowering. Crisis after crisis, the pre-fascist dynamic continues to take shape and deepen. The term was given by Meyer Habib, a French MP from the Israeli far-right: “The RN has entered the Republican camp.”

Moments of truth always hold some advantage: we now know what the Republican camp is all about. It is the camp which prohibits dissensus, which prohibits public expression, which prohibits demonstrations, which imposes unanimity or silence, and which has its police thugs threaten all those who would be tempted to continue to play politics around the Israeli-Palestinian question. This is the camp which causes university institutions to make reports against student union press releases, which quietly plans to pursue organisations like the NPA or Permanent Revolution, which must undoubtedly already be secretly thinking about dissolutions.

It's much more than a spasm actually. By definition, a spasm eventually relaxes. Here, it crystallises: a phase precipitates. And not just any: totalitarian catalysis. “Totalitarian” is the category that is required for any political enterprise of producing unanimity under constraint. Intimidation, forcing alignment, designation for vindictiveness, systematic distortion, reduction to the monstrous of any divergent opinion are the first-rate operations. Then come the ban and the penalisation. Showing support for the Palestinian people has become a crime. Flying a Palestinian flag is punishable by a €135 fine – we are looking in vain for a presentable legal basis. “Free Palestine” is anti-Semitic graffiti – says CNews, which has become the arbiter of elegance in this matter, signs of reversed times where current collusions with anti-Semites distribute accusations of anti-Semitism, and former collusions with Nazism those of Nazism . Under the silent approval of the rest of the political and media field. In the corridors of the entire Bolloré galaxy, we must no longer stop laughing, while at LREM, at France Inter and on all the C Trucmuche of France 5, we take the thing at face value. The Republican camp is the camp that suspends politics, freedoms and fundamental rights, the camp united in anti-Arab racism and contempt for non-white lives.


The Arab world, and not only it, observes all this, and all this is engraved in the memory of its peoples. When the nemesis returns, because it will return, Western leaders, taken aback and with their arms hanging, will once again understand nothing. “Stupid white men.”


Frédéric LORDON

October 15, 2023.









india-canada row....


Trudeau made sure relations with India ‘spiraling down’ – former envoy     The Indian high commissioner withdrawn from Ottawa amid a diplomatic rift has accused Canada’s PM of “destroying” ties



Sanjay Kumar Verma, the former Indian High Commissioner to Canada, has slammed Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for “destroying” their bilateral relationship for “political”reasons. He has been recalled by New Delhi amid a spiraling diplomatic row between the two nations.

In an interview with Canadian channel CTV News aired on Sunday, Verma denied Ottawa’s allegations against him and the Indian government regarding their alleged involvement in the murder of Sikh separatist Hardeep Singh Nijjar on Canadian soil.

Verma, who was recalled after Canada alleged that he and other senior diplomats were “persons of interest” in the Nijjar murder probe, claimed that members of the extremist Khalistan movement, which seeks the creation of a separate nation state for the Sikh community, “are being encouraged all the time”in Canada.

“This is my allegation; I’m not providing any evidence for it, but I also know that some of these Khalistani extremists and terrorists are deep assets of CSIS,” he said in a conversation with the broadcaster.

While condemning Nijjar’s killing, saying “any murder is wrong and bad,” Verma also suggested that there are countries engaged in extrajudicial killings. “I know the countries that have done it, and some of them are G7 countries, by the way. So let’s not talk about it. There should not be double standards. As far as we are concerned, as the largest democracy in the world, we are committed not to conducting extrajudicial killings on any territory,” the diplomat asserted.

Reiterating New Delhi’s stance on the diplomatic row, which culminated last week with both countries expelling each other’s diplomats, including high commissioners and their deputies, Verma stated that Ottawa had not shared evidence with India. He also compared the situation to a similar one in the US, where Indian agents were linked to an attempted assassination of another prominent Sikh separatist leader, Gurpatwant Singh Pannun.

According to Verma, New Delhi formed a high-level panel after US prosecutors, in an indictment last year, pointed to a link between Indian government agents and the foiled murder plot against Pannun. Last week, an unsealed US indictment named Vikash Yadav in connection with the foiled plot. New Delhi identified Yadav as a former Indian official who is no longer associated with the government.

READ MORE: Canada reveals source for India allegations

“As far as the process is concerned, when we were informed, we formed a high-level committee that is working in tandem with US law enforcement agencies,” Verma said, commenting on the American case. He noted that the situation with Canada was different, pointing out that when Trudeau made public accusations against India in September 2023, he had no “hard evidence.” Last week, the Canadian PM admitted his allegations were based on “primarily intelligence, not hard evidentiary proof.”

“No evidence was presented by Canada,” Verma told the Canadian broadcaster. “This is politically motivated.” He stated that Trudeau had ensured that the bilateral relationship with India “only goes downward, spiraling down.” New Delhi has also claimed that Trudeau made his allegations for political gain. Sikhs number around 700,000 according to the 2021 Canadian census, making up a significant voting bloc.
