Tuesday 22nd of October 2024

of a peaceful nation.................

US presidential candidate vows to dismantle ‘military empire’
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has marked the anniversary of his uncle’s assassination by pledging to pursue his goal of a peaceful nation

US presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has observed the anniversary of President John F. Kennedy’s assassination by vowing to pick up where his uncle left off in trying to make America a peaceful nation.

“If the American people choose me as their president, I will resume the process that my uncle broached 60 years ago of unwinding the American military empire,” Kennedy said in an op-ed published on Wednesday by Fox News. “I will return the military to its proper function of defending the homeland.”

John F. Kennedy was murdered on November 22, 1963, while riding in a presidential motorcade in Dallas. His alleged assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald, was killed two days later at a Dallas police station. Nearly five years after that, Robert F. Kennedy was assassinated at an event in Los Angeles, while campaigning for president.

Like his late uncle and father, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is a lifelong Democrat, but he’s running as an independent in the 2024 presidential election. Last month, he dropped his bid to run against incumbent President Joe Biden for the Democratic nomination, saying both of the nation’s major political parties are dominated by “corrupt interests.” He has the highest favorability rating among all 2024 contenders, according to a Harvard CAPS-Harris poll released on Monday, and he’s polling with the strongest support for a US third-party candidate in 40 years.

Kennedy said his uncle’s death created a “national trauma,” and the vision that he prized the most – “America as a peaceful nation” – died with him. The then-president defied pressure from within his administration, including the Pentagon and the CIA, to go to war in Laos in 1961 and Berlin in 1962, Kennedy said. He also faced pressure to invade Cuba and to bomb Russian missile batteries during the Cuban Missile Crisis. “His advisers assured him that the launchpads were not operational,”Kennedy said. “They were wrong, and his defiance quite likely saved the world from nuclear Armageddon.”

In the months leading up to his death in 1963, JFK intensified his push for peace, arguing that war wasn’t inevitable. He signed a nuclear test ban treaty with the Soviet Union in August of that year and issued an order in October mandating the withdrawal of 1,000 US military advisers from Vietnam. As his nephew noted on Wednesday, that order was never implemented, and his successor’s ramping up of the conflict in Southeast Asia “set the template for an endless succession of regime-change wars.”

We lost our identity as a peaceful nation. We began to neglect the real source of our nation’s strength – the vitality of our economy and the health of our people – and drained our finances and our moral authority abroad in a series of wars of questionable justification, none of which have made Americans safer.

Kennedy argued that much of Washington’s $33 trillion debt stems from military spending, including $8 trillion poured into regime-change wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria. He added that 800 foreign military bases add to the financial burden. “Imagine what could have been if we’d devoted those resources toward education, infrastructure, poverty, health or the environment. We would be, paradoxically, a stronger and more secure nation.”


Kennedy also called for ending “reckless, belligerent policies” of provoking Russia and China. He pledged to shut down most overseas military bases and shrink the US armed forces. “It’s not too late to step off the war path and onto the peace path that John F. Kennedy envisioned for our nation,” he said.

Kennedy announced a petition drive earlier this week calling for Biden to release secret government documents regarding JFK’s assassination. Congress passed legislation in 1992 requiring the release of all records related to the murder by 2017, but both Biden and former President Donald Trump held back some documents.

READ MORE: US will be ‘Uncle Sucker’ no more – presidential contender

“What is so embarrassing that they're afraid to show the American public 60 years later?” the petition asked. “Trust in government is at an all-time low. Releasing the full, unredacted historical records will help to restore that trust.”







BY Laura Knight-Jadczyk


Comment: This is the first in a series of 12 articles written in 2006 commemorating (at the time) the 43rd anniversary of the assassination of JFK. This year, 2023, is the 60th anniversary of what can, in hindsight and in Truth, be called the Day America Died.

Anyone who has taken the time to study the facts about that fateful day in Dallas, TX, will already know that JFK was deliberately murdered by a cabal of psychopathic warmongers who were opposed to his plans for a more peaceful world. That same cabal is still in power today, and it has extended its reach across the globe.

You can find the rest of the JFK series on the right hand bar of Sott.net.You can also purchase a Kindle of the whole series on Amazon.

If you do nothing else, just take the time to watch the Sott.net/QFG produced version of 'Evidence of Revision', a three disc set that presents archive footage that will leave you in no doubt who killed JFK, and why.




SEE ALSO: https://yourdemocracy.net/drupal/node/35992






By Ellen Brown / Original to ScheerPost

Three U.S. presidents were instrumental in establishing Thanksgiving as a regular national event. On October 3, 1789, George Washington declared the first federal Thanksgiving holiday. In 1863, Abraham Lincoln made it an annual federal holiday. And in 1941, Franklin Roosevelt signed a bill setting the date at the fourth Thursday of every November. All three presidents were giving thanks for bringing the country through a major financial crisis related to war, and they all achieved this feat through what Sen. Henry Clay called the “American system” of banking and finance – sovereign or government-issued money and credit. 

For Washington, the challenge was freeing the American colonies from the imperial rule of Britain, then the world’s leading military power, when the new government lacked a source of funding. Lincoln faced a similar challenge, leading the Northern states in a civil war while lacking a national bank or national currency to fund it. For Roosevelt, the challenge was bringing the country through the Great Depression and World War II, when 9,000 banks had gone bankrupt at the beginning of his first term and the country was again without a source of credit. 

In 1796, after 20 years of public service, George Washington warned in his farewell address to “cherish public credit” and avoid “accumulation of debt,” and to “avoid foreign entanglements” (“steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world”). He would no doubt be alarmed to see where we are 227 years later. We have a federal debt of $33.7 trillion, bearing an interest tab of nearly $1 trillion annually — over one-third of personal tax receipts. And we have a military budget from “foreign entanglements” that is also approaching one trillion dollars, devouring more than half the annual discretionary budget. Meanwhile, according to the American Society of Civil Engineers, the country is in serious need of infrastructure funding, tallied at $3 trillion or more; but our debt-strapped Congress has no appetite or capacity for further infrastructure outlays. 

However, Washington, Lincoln and Roosevelt faced financial challenges that were equally daunting in their day; and the country came through them and continued to thrive, using a funding device that Benjamin Franklin described as “a mystery even to the politicians.”

Hamilton’s Revolutionary Fix: Debt-for-Equity Swaps 

To fund the Revolutionary War, the Continental Congress resorted to simply issuing the money as paper receipts for goods and services, as the colonial governments had done with their paper scrip. It was this that Franklin wrote was “a mystery even to the politicians, how we could pay with paper that had no previously fixed fund appropriated specifically to redeem it.” He said, “This currency as we manage it is a wonderful machine.” Thomas Paine called it a “cornerstone” of the revolution.


Alexander Hamilton, Washington’s Treasury secretary, solved the problem with debt-for-equity swaps. State debt was accepted in partial payment for stock in the First Bank of the United States (BUS), paying a 6% dividend. The rest was to be paid in gold. The Bank leveraged this capital into credit, issued as the first U.S. currency. 

BUS loans were based on the fractional reserve model. Hamilton wrote, “It is a well established fact, that Banks in good credit can circulate a far greater sum than the actual quantum of their capital in Gold & Silver.” That was the model of the Bank of England (BOE), the financial engine of the oppressors; but there were fundamental differences between the BUS and BOE models. The BOE was privately owned and was operated for private profit. It was chartered to be an instrument of government policy capitalized exclusively by public debt. The government would pay the private lenders, who controlled what policies could be funded. What early American economists called the “British System” was geared to exploiting the colonies through “free trade” and the government through usurious interest payments.

Hamilton’s BUS, by contrast, was to be a commercial bank, funding itself by generating credit for public works. Its primary purpose, following Hamilton’s Report on Public Credit, was to issue credit to the government and private interests for internal improvements and other economic development. Hamilton said a bank’s function was to generate active capital for agriculture and manufactures, increasing the quantity and quality of labor and industry. The BUS was intended to establish a sovereign currency, a banking system, and a source of credit to build the nation, creating productive wealth, not just financial profit. 

It was thus a national development bank, and so was the Second BUS chartered after the First BUS charter expired. Infrastructure and productivity flourished during that period, including completion of the Erie Canal. But Pres. Andrew Jackson thought only silver or gold coins qualified as an acceptable medium of exchange. He declared war on the bank and shut it down, leaving the country without a national currency or source of national credit for nearly three decades. 

Lincoln’s Greenbacks and the National Bank Act

When President Lincoln came into office, he was faced with the prospect of a crippling war debt to British-backed banks at 24% to 36% interest. To avoid that “re-conquest by debt,” his government returned to the practice of the American colonists: it issued U.S. Notes or “Greenbacks,” actually doubling the money supply. The National Bank Act was also passed, allowing banks in the national banking system to issue National Bank Notes backed by the U.S. Treasury. To join the system, banks had to capitalize their banknotes in part with government debt. 

These new monies funded not only the war effort but rapid economic development. Most famous was completion of the Transcontinental Railroad, linking both sides of the nation by 1869 and returning a profit to the government. The telegraph system developed beside the railroad; railroad track expanded; and freight tonnage between New York and Chicago grew 75%. By the end of the war, 90 trains entered Chicago every day (vs. none in 1850). Factory output boomed, and mechanization allowed agriculture to flourish, despite one million men being under arms. The money supply was doubled but did not trigger price inflation after the war, because supply and demand rose together, keeping prices in balance. 

The Federal Reserve and “Checkbook Money”

But Lincoln was assassinated, the Greenbacks were discontinued, silver was demonetized and a deep depression followed. A major banking crisis in 1906 led to passage in 1913 of the Federal Reserve Act, modeled on the Bank of England. The twelve Federal Reserve Banks are all 100% owned by the private banks in their districts. The national currency is issued as “Federal Reserve Notes,” which are lent or sold to private banks and bond dealers. Rather than issuing dollars, the U.S. government issues debt (bonds, bills and notes), which it sells on the open market to the bond dealers at interest. 


Today, private banks rather than the government issue most of the money supply by creating dollars on their books as loans. That practice dates back to the post-civil-war era. Before the 1860s, banks printed paper promissory notes called “banknotes” that were redeemable in gold or “real bills” (promises to deliver goods in the future). These notes were then lent to borrowers. Real bills could not be leveraged, since they were specific to particular goods; but gold could be and was, leading to bank runs when customers doubted their bank’s ability to repay all the claims against its gold. The National Bank Act stabilized that system by maintaining the value of National Bank Notes from state to state. 

In an effort to get state-chartered banks to join the national banking system, the National Bank Act imposed a heavy tax on their banknotes. But many banks avoided the tax by replacing banknotes with checkbooks: the loan amount was just written into the borrower’s account as a “deposit,” and the borrower wrote his own promissory note in the form of “checkbook money.” These deposits are counted in the money supply, and that is how banks now create nearly all of the circulating money supply.

FDR and the Reconstruction Finance Corporation

The Federal Reserve was supposed to prevent bank runs by providing reserves, but it obviously failed in that endeavor. The early 1930s saw the worst contagion of bank runs in history. Loose credit in the 1920s triggered speculative bubbles on leveraged borrowing; and when the bubble inevitably burst in the Crash of 1929, liquidation of assets was forced on the borrowers. Depositors rushed to withdraw funds, triggering runs; 9,000 banks failed; and $7 billion in deposits were frozen. The money supply shrank, and the Fed did not take effective action to repair the damage. 

To stimulate the economy and restore jobs, FDR’s government therefore reverted to Hamilton’s “American System.” The Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC), set up by President Hoover to save the banks, was repurposed and greatly expanded to leverage credit for manufacturing and development. Beginning with a modest $500 million in capitalization, the RFC lent or invested over $40 billion from 1932 to 1957. It funded the New Deal and World War II and returned a net profit to the government of $690 million. 

The RFC was not a depository bank and did not take deposits. For liquidity it issued bonds, most of which were bought by the federal government. The RFC then made loans to local governments and productive small businesses at below-market rates. To repay the loans, cities that were over their general obligation bond limits issued “revenue bonds,” repaid with the revenues generated by the works funded by the loans. 

The RFC provided off-budget funding. According to James Butkiewicz, professor of economics at the University of Delaware: 

The RFC was an executive agency with the ability to obtain funding through the Treasury outside of the normal legislative process. Thus, the RFC could be used to finance a variety of favored projects and programs without obtaining legislative approval. RFC lending did not count toward budgetary expenditures, so the expansion of the role and influence of the government through the RFC was not reflected in the federal budget.

The Chinese Economic Miracle

Today the stellar model for infrastructure development is China, which went from one of the poorest countries in the world to global economic powerhouse in four decades. Among other achievements, between 2008 and 2019 China built 18,000 miles of high-speed rail, along with the world’s largest dam and power station. How was all that funded?  The government owns 80% of Chinese banking assets, including three massive “policy banks” designed to carry out the policies of the government. Government-owned banks fund the projects with credit, and fees generated by the projects repay the loans.


Predominant among the policy banks is China Development Bank (CDB), the largest development bank in the world. It has a national network of local branches to coordinate policies and projects; but like the RFC, it does not take private savings. Rather, it issues bonds. CDB bonds make up 25% of the national bond market, second only to those of the Ministry of Finance (the Chinese Treasury). CDB bonds have a credit rating as high as the government’s and are in high demand.  

China’s publicly-owned banks issued so much credit for infrastructure and development that its money supply (M2) actually grew 2900% in the last 27 years, yet hyperinflation did not result. Why? China’s GDP shot up in tandem, keeping supply and demand in balance.            

Development Banks to the Rescue

China’s massive infrastructure development has been credited with pulling the world out of the Great Recession, and its current track is to repeat that effort. In 2022, the Chinese government pledged the yuan equivalent of $120 billion to the policy banks for infrastructure funding to revive the economy. 

We could do that too — revive the U.S. economy with a self-funding National Infrastructure Bank. H.R.4052, The National Infrastructure Bank Act of 2023, follows the Hamiltonian model. For capital, it proposes debt-for-equity swaps with federal bondholders, adding a 2% dividend on top of the bond payouts for enticement. The swap would be bonds for non-voting bank shares, which could be swapped back for the bonds after twenty years. Unlike the RFC, the National Infrastructure Bank is proposed to be a depository bank, able to leverage its capital to create deposits as loans on its books. Cities could repay these low-interest loans with revenue bonds funded by the infrastructure they create, as was done in the 1930s. 

Abundance is the hallmark of Thanksgiving, and affordable credit is the key to abundance. If we can duplicate the feats of Washington, Lincoln and FDR, we can turn debt into equity for an infrastructure bank that generates low-cost credit for development, and create an abundant economy we can be thankful for!  






the grift.....


WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - The "grift" of the Ukraine conflict is made obvious by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s meeting with defense contractors in the United States, 2024 US independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said on Tuesday.

"Zelensky is literally meeting with defense contractors. The grift is right in our faces," Kennedy said in a statement via social media platform X. "No one bothers to conceal who the real stakeholders are in the Ukraine war."

Zelensky met with defense contractors on Monday as part of a trip to the US to bolster support for Ukraine. He also met with the US Congress as lawmakers consider whether to provide further aid to Ukraine.

If the Ukraine conflict were a real "humanitarian defense war," then former UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson would not have been sent to Ukraine to derail a tentative peace deal between Russia and Ukraine in April 2022, Kennedy said.

US officials should commit to addressing domestic issues as strongly as they commit to supporting Ukraine, Kennedy underscored.

Kennedy's remarks came as US President Joe Biden announced during a joint meeting with Zelensky that he had signed a $200 million "drawdown" from the US Department of Defense for the Kiev regime as Republicans continue to impose a blockade against the next iteration of US aid. Biden later stated his administration would support Ukraine so long as it's possible.







RFK jr. sinks himself....

Eric Zuesse (blogs at https://theduran.com/author/eric-zuesse/)

To the question, asked of him on 27 June 2024, “Do you support the creation of an independent Palestinian state?” he replied:

1:04:40“I think that that has to be decided between Israel and Palestine.”

“Palestine” isn’t yet an independent nation; so, how can it negotiate on equal terms with Israel — which Israel is an independent nation? It can’t. He’s intelligent enough to know this, but he lied about it, and expected to be able to fool enough voters with this verbal trick.

His answer was duplicitous. At 1:03:52 he had condemned “the neocon ideology, which is bankrupting our country” (which is true), then said, “That money is not being used for self-defense. That money is used for world domination and to make America the policeman of the world. NATO is the instrument of that. I am not going to abolish NATO.” So: he won’t abolish the instrument of America’s being the policeman of the world. Clearly, then, he’s not really against neoconservatism. But he continued there as-if it’s not so: “I’m going to change the function of NATO so that it becomes an instrument of peace.” In other words, the NATO military alliance against Russia, which was set up as such (a U.S. instrument of the Cold War) by the NATO Treaty of 1949, is going to “become an instrument of peace” — which NATO has always pretended to be, even after the Soviet Union ended in 1991. That’s just as duplicitous as his saying, “I think that that has to be decided between Israel and Palestine.” RFK Jr. is utterly ignoring the Nakba, which was the founding of Israel by massive ethnic cleansing to relocate and get rid of the non-Jewish native population (who constituted the vast majority of the residents, and had for thousands of years). Israel was an imperialistic operation supported by the Christian-majority nations after they had slaughtered millions of Jews and wouldn’t allow more than a token amount of the survivors into their own country as immigrants, and so helped to set up Palestine to dump them into as a ‘return home’ to a tribe that hadn’t ruled anywhere there for thousands of years — and who were now ethnically-cleansing out the people who were there for thousands of years. Israel was actually created by Truman (who believed the Bible) despite what had been the intentions of FDR (who did not, and who was very opposed to Zionism as being an imperialist operation in Palestine). RFK Jr. said nothing about Israel’s current ethnic cleansing or genocide against all of the 2.3 million residents in Gaza, which is being carried out now by Israeli troops armed by the United States. Instead, (at 59:57) he called Hamas “a genocidal organization” — though it carries out no genocide though Israel since 1948 has been carrying out ethnic cleansing against Palestinians and now aims to eliminate (by ethnic cleansing if not outright genocide) all Gazans.

How can one interpret RFK Jr.?

On 17 November 2023, I had headlined “RFK Jr. Is a Neocon, After All. (How he justifies Biden’s Israel-policy:)”, and reported:





[VIDEO without any title]

10 November 2023 [not only poorly publicized by RT, but kept secret by the U.S. regime, and even blocked from any Web-finds, and even rejected — not copyable — at web.archive.org and archive.is and ghostarchive.org— and thus almost totally secret: even to historians who have to rely heavily upon the web-archives: it’s gone down the memory-hole:]

RFK JR. (in this undated clip, says): “Israel is critical, and the reason it’s critical is that it’s the bulwark for us in the mid-east; it’s almost like an aircraft carrier in the mid-east, Israel is our ambassador, it’s our presence, it’s our beachhead in the mid-east; it gives us ears, eyes in the mid-east, it gives us intelligence; it gives us the capacity to take influence in affairs in the mid-east. If Israel disappeared, Russia and China would be controlling and they’d control 90% of the world’s oil supply, and that would be cataclysmic to national security.”

He said — if he DID say it — that under his Presidency, the U.S. Government WILL continue trying to be the world’s ‘policeman’, the lone imperial nation, ruling over the entirety of all other 200 nations; and he portrayed Israel as being an important part of that U.S. all-encompassing global empire.


And he did actually say it. Further researching the present article, I found this, which includes that, and also much more, aligning the U.S. Government entirely with Israel against the Palestinians:


dated 5 November 2023, which includes at 42:25-44:17 the rabidly imperialistic excerpts that are shown in this very good 5-minute Russian video clip

“Israel is critical, and the reason it’s critical is that it’s the bulwark for us in the mid-east; it’s almost like an aircraft carrier in the mid-east, Israel is our ambassador, it’s our presence, it’s our beachhead in the mid-east; it gives us ears, eyes in the mid-east, it gives us intelligence; it gives us the capacity to take influence in affairs in the mid-east. If Israel disappeared, Russia and China would be controlling and they’d control 90% of the world’s oil supply, and that would be cataclysmic to national security.”

and it also includes at 36:47-38:24 Kennedy’s rabidly anti-Muslim statements to the effect that the U.S. Government has a right to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries — countries with values and internal priorities that are supposedly less democratic than in America (which is, in fact, a scientifically proven dictatorship by-and-for our billionaires) — so that he is (though he doesn’t view himself as being) an American international supremacist — a neocon, a U.S. imperialist — in his thinking. He might be a brilliant, phenomenally gifted, and even well-intentioned person, who isn’t really aware of his own prejudices (in this case pro-Christian, pro-Jew, anti-Muslim — especially anti-Shiite), and this prejudice, which he accepts unquestioningly, causes him to favor Israel against Iran and against the Gazans. It doesn’t bode well for what type of U.S. President he’d make.

He constantly refers to that apartheid nation (which he denies it is) as being “the only democracy in the Middle East” — as-if international relations ought not to be based on ONLY international and neverintranational matters (such as whether a given foreign Government is or isn’t ‘democratic’ — however one defines that). He says he’s against Hamas because it’s a dictatorship. Maybe he doesn’t know that, even in the West Bank, Hamas after the October 7th attack is vastly preferred to the U.S.-backed so-called Palestinian Authority:

57% of respondents in Gaza and 82% in the West Bank believe Hamas was correct in launching the October attack, the poll indicated. A large majority believed Hamas’ claims that it acted to defend a major Islamic shrine in Jerusalem against Jewish extremists and win the release of Palestinian prisoners. Only 10% said they believed Hamas has committed war crimes. …

88% want Abbas to resign, up by 10 percentage points from three months ago. In the West Bank, 92% called for the resignation of the octogenarian. … nearly 60% now saying it [the Palestinian Authority] should be dissolved. In the West Bank, [the U.S.-Government-backed] Abbas’ continued security coordination with Israel’s military against Hamas, his bitter political rival, is widely unpopular [amongst Palestinians even in the West Bank]. …

So, Hamas now does truly represent the vast majority of Palestinians, not merely in Gaza, but in the West Bank.

Similarly, the organizers of the 19 April 1943 to 16 May 1943 (29 days long) Warsaw Ghetto uprising had massive public support among the Jews there who righteously wanted as many Nazis (Germany’s type of nazis, not Israel’s, which are instead Zionists) killed as possible. Is RFK Jr. against the organizers of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising? Why not — if he supports Israel against Palestinians?

Kennedy is ignoring the historical reality, which is that the October 7th attack (the 7 October 2023 attack against Israelis, by Gazans) was a desperate last act on behalf of Gazans to halt Trump’s Abraham Accords from becoming signed by the Sauds — it wasn’t the start of this war (such as the Zionists claim); it was instead the only way that Palestinians could prevent the war since 1948 from becoming culminated soon in an overt one-state final solution of the Palestinian problem (which had been arranged by Trump in his Abraham Accords and then supported by Biden) with a victory not of “the Jews,” but actually only of the Zionist Jews, the nazi Jews. That’s what Zionists are — and what Trump, Biden, and RFK Jr., all support.

By this time, Biden’s, and anyone else’s, claimed support for “the two-state solution” is and can only be, pure propaganda, a lie, because now it’s strongly opposed by BOTH sides to the conflict. For example, see the very latest poll of Palestinians about this, “Public Opinion Poll No (92)”, which was published on July 10th, which had sampled 750 West-Bankers and 750 Gazans, both groups of Palestinians strongly support Hamas and oppose Fateh (the U.S.-and-U.N.-supported faction) and both support the October 7th attack by Hamas. How can this be understood? Only by the history of how this war started:

On 4 December 1948, a letter to the New York Times by Albert Einstein and other anti-Zionist Jews, was published calling Menachem Begin — Netanyahu’s hero — calling him the leader of a “Nazi and Fascist” Party, and warned that “Before irreparable damage is done by way of financial contributions, public manifestations in Begin’s behalf, and the creation in Palestine of the impression that a large segment of America supports Fascist elements in Israel, the American public must be informed as to the record and objectives of Mr. Begin and his movement.” They wrote that “A shocking example was their behavior in the Arab village of Deir Yassin. This village, off the main roads and surrounded by Jewish lands, had taken no part in the war, and had even fought off Arab bands who wanted to use the village as their base.” The massacre of all residents was described. The letter then continued: “The discrepancies between the bold claims now being made by Begin and his party, and their record of past performance in Palestine bear the imprint of no ordinary political party. This is the unmistakable stamp of a Fascist party for whom terrorism (against Jews, Arabs, and British alike), and misrepresentation are means, and a ‘Leader State’ is the goal.” It didn’t mention Yitzak Shamir, the founder of Netanyahu’s Likud Party, who had joined Begin’s Freedom Party in August 1948, and who, like Begin, led massacres and then became elected as Israel’s Prime Minister. This is the nation to which Harry Truman gave birth.

Let’s remember that — at the end — in the Warsaw Ghetto, Jews, knowing that the Nazis were going to kill all of them, decided to kill all of the Nazis they could, rather than to capitulate peacefully. RFK Jr.’s statements disallow the Gazans to do the same thing that those desperate Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto did against their rabid, racist, oppressors.

But, regardless, the Zionist (Jewish-nazi) trick of equating the Gazans’ October 7th attack, which killed 1,200 Israelis, as being comparable to the ongoing ethnic cleansing if not ultimately extermination now of all 2.3 million Gazans, by Israeli troops and U.S. donated ammunition, tanks, planes, and bombs, plus Israel’s now strangulating blockade of Gaza in order also to starve all Gazans to death, is being accepted by RFK Jr. as-if it weren’t obviously like comparing a mere bullet with an atomic bomb.

What started the war in Gaza isn’t the October 7th attack in 2023, but the Nakba in 1948. That’s just a historical fact. Israel’s Government, America’s Government, and RFK Jr., can’t accept this reality — so, they simply deny it.

The only way that RFK Jr. can support Israel in this war is the neoconservative way — saying that Israel is ‘the only democracy in the Middle East’, etc, and not an apartheid racist dictatorship, and that “it’s our beachhead in the mid-east; it gives us ears, eyes in the mid-east, it gives us intelligence; it gives us the capacity to take influence in affairs in the mid-east. If Israel disappeared, Russia and China would be controlling.” In other words: he is just as much of a neocon as each of America’s Presidents ever since FDR’s death (except for JFK near his end) have been, and as both of the major Parties are putting up this year are. What it ultimately comes down to, for him, is that the U.S. empire must defeat both Russia and China. He thinks that they are America’s enemies — NOT that America and its colonies are THEIR enemies. Global conquest by the U.S. Government is his goal. That is what defines neoconservatism.

For anyone who might possibly be interested in how I personally resolve this conundrum, just click here, and get to know something about my choice for U.S. President: Col. Douglas Macgregor. In a situation like this, I believe that voters should forget about electability, and vote only their conscience, so as not to share in the guilt of other people’s bad choices, which will result solely from a spending contest between contending teams of billionaires, and from the hired lies by their hired liars.


Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s latest book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.
